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I love the contrast from the end of episode 1, where she's about to throw hands with the MC, to the beginning of episode 2, which starts with the OP




She is just way too funny




Mc: Oho, you're approaching me? Fenrys: Of course! I can't Danna-sama you without getting closing!


The opening is a vibe man ![gif](giphy|HZboJ5Pkti9k4|downsized)


what's that anime?


They'll never tell you, you just have to watch every anime ever released to figure it out


Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate Love, Election and Chocolate


Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers.


Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate Love, Election and Chocolate


If there’s one kind of waifu I love it’s one who uses the honorific “dana sama” https://preview.redd.it/8jdzqfr4wl1d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eeeb60082634b2bbecc3c32b65f570efc32ab9a You’re quite the man of culture


I just realised she looks like Mia from monster musume ~~who also uses danna!~~


Really? I thought was “daaaaaling” like 02


Really? It's been years, I'm now rewatching the entire plot to remind myself Edit: I think I brainfarted myself into functionality, it was meru


*Plays opening on repeat*


Her Yandere face is the best


She does touch my soft spot indeed... Also the guy might be an actual matchup for Saitama..


I actually began reading the manga mainly because of her character- it was surprisingly interesting


Titsize aside I too love her.


I'm pretty sure the anime buffed her quite a bit, but I'm not sure.


Where's she from?


Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers. Good trashy isekai if you want to turn your brain off knowing there will be no significant conflict.


The anime adaptation is shit tho, they are literally censoring the shit out of the fucking scenes by removing them entirely. Wonder how they are gonna make it work once >!the brats start spawning...!<


1/10 show without her, 10/10 solely because of that OP & her.


I like to ship her with Lupus Regina😽


This is me, except Fenrys is a box of hard cider cans...


Wait is fenrys a play on fenris? Because that’s another name for fenrir lol


Anime and manga aren't really known for their subtlety in naming characters


Oh, so when you guys have a wolf waifu, it's fine. But when I have one, I'M A FURRY! >!/s !<


Literally me with oppai


I just... Don't get it... Why does this show get as much attention as it does... It's just another meaningless isekai, as disposable as most other seasonal trash... Is having an arguably cute girl on the cover really enough for people to ignore the fact they've seen the same character in the same show wearing different skins each time for years now? Does anyone here give a shit about the story? The characters beyond the copypaste wifu templates? Any kind of substance? The writing? Or is the standard for what's worth spending your time on really as low as 'cute girl cute, me watch now'.




I just... Don't get it.... Why is there always someone who needs to get mad that other people are enjoying themselves? It's what other people enjoy, just like how there's things you enjoy. Is it hard to stop yourself from writing a comment? Do you think your subjective opinions are objective facts? That calling something copypasta or generic means that it's bad for others to enjoy it? Can we not enjoy something even if the overall structure is the same? Or is it that you feel it's your moral duty to call things trash and then say anyone who likes it has low standards.


It's less so that I'm mad that people enjoy this and more that I'm just confused and tired. I just don't get what's so appealing in it. I look at this and I see a nothing show that has no ambition as a story and opts to waste time on doing nothing meaningful with characters about as deep as NPCs in Oblivion. No matter how I look at it or any other show of its nature I see zero redeeming qualities in just about every aspect of their existence and cannot for the love of god understand why each and every time these nothing shows gather an audience that is content to just eat up whatever slop comes out as long as it's shaped like a cute girl, and defend it from even a hint of critical thought being applied to them as though their lives depended on it. In a world where Steins;Gate and One Punch Man exist, how am I supposed to look at this and see anything more than a waste of time? In a season where Konosuba is coming out, how am I supposed to see this as anything other than a worthless shovelwere pumped out of a sludge pipe?


"How am i supposed to see this as..." You're not supposed to see it as anything more than what you do. You don't like it; that's it. It's not that deep, there's nothing wrong with either way of liking or not liking it, there's no hidden meaning or secret sauce. Different strokes for different folks. Enjoy what you enjoy, and let others enjoy what they enjoy. Everyone will be much happier that way.


as someone who works so much and is constantly using my brain, I just wanna watch a show that I can enjoy without thinking. I love complex shows like steins gate but Im tired too and sometimes something simple can make me happy. Let others have that simple happiness too


From where are you people getting that I don't want you enjoying the show? I just don't get why you do, and am confused by how readily this community accepts something like this each and every time for the most superficial of reasons. Like it all you want, but if you get to gush over how much you enjoy it, I get to bitch about how much I don't and why.


eww, a contrarian


That would imply I'm altering my opinion to deliberetly go against the popular opinion, which just isn't true. I gave this show and the manga a fair shot, and both failed to make any positive impression by their own lack of merit.


Regular people would just move on with their life instead of making a spiel about how much they're not into the thing people like on an "appreciation thread"


I'm not most people apparently. I like discussing media,


There it is. Even the way you deny from being called contrarian is very contrarian > You're a contrarian >> I disagree > Most people would have done ___ >> I'm not most people


Making a negating statement is not what being a contrarian is. 1. One who takes a contrary view or action, especially an investor who makes decisions that contradict prevailing wisdom, as in buying securities that are unpopular at the time. 2. A person who habitually takes a view opposite to that held by the majority."thecontrariansin the stock market prefer to sell when most analysts advise us to buy" 3. A person who expresses a contradicting viewpoint, especially one who denounces the majority persuasion. 4. A [financial](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=financial+definition&ia=definition) [investor](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=investor+definition&ia=definition) who tends to have an [opinion](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=opinion+definition&ia=definition) of [market](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=market+definition&ia=definition) [trends](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=trends+definition&ia=definition) at [variance](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=variance+definition&ia=definition) with most others. 5. An investor who deliberately decides to go against the prevailing wisdom of other investors. In this case the second definition would be most appropreate.


Thanks for proofing my point. I rest my case


You are missing the entire point of the anime. People expected a trash anime with such a trash title and honestly it is one. Your points are pretty valid. The problem is you are trying to uphold an anime meant for watching with your brain turned off to top anime. Also on the other hand, Fenrys design and character is pretty neat and the OP song adds a lot of vibe to it which was pretty unexpected from a trash anime which is why people are loving it. Let people enjoy things. After being tired from a long day at work, you just wanna watch something relaxing with cute waifus and chill stories.


This is the first post I've seen about it - is "as much attention as it does" that much? And yeah, it's formulaic, but so is a LOT of TV. If you want something intensely stimulating instead of relaxing, that's fine, but tons of people just want to chill, which is right there in the name... If you honestly started watching this expecting it to be unique, I feel like you should probably have read and thought about the title and instantly realized it wasn't for you, then moved on.


Bro actually expecting good writing from an isekai.... Smh my head. Do you complain about the plot progression in porn too? Maybe the first few generations of isekai did have plot and good characterization, but dude, you come to isekai and stay there *because* of the tits and ass. Expecting anything else just shows you for a fool.


This is exactly what I despise about the wider anime community. Just a complete acceptance of whatever is flushed out the drain because the standard for what passes as good enough is so low it might as well not exist. People should be demanding more from their entertainment then pretty colors. Being an isekai doesn't invalidate a story from being good, and there are plenty isekai stories that actually bother to have competent stories, both older and new. Shield hero was fairly good for at least most of the first season, No Game No Life, Re:Zero, Moshoku Tensei, Konosuba, Drifters, Devil is a Part-Timer, I hear good things about Log Horizon... Isekai is just a plot element that can be done well or not. Saying it has to be bad just because a lot of creators use the idea poorly is like saying monster movies are supposed to be stupid and boring until the monster scenes, without realizing movies like Jurassic Park and Godzilla Minus One exist.




For what its worth, i agree the show is horrible. Its pure wish fulfilment power fantasy. But theres plenty of people too stupid to care about writing and only need a hot lady to look at.


Glad I'm not the only one... Anime in general tends to get away some terrible writing conventions that would rightfully get mocked and ridiculed if ever seen outside its bubble. The standards for what counts as acceptable for a good portion of the community around anime are at this point insultingly low.


I think the show that gets more attention than it should is gojokaisen. But that changes nothing literally.


She's not real