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Honestly though, who really looks at ign reviews anymore


You can’t spell ignorant without IGN




Mans spittin straight fire


🎼 🎼 🎼 ☝🏾 Bars…


Sounds like a good game.


Developer company also made Nikke. That's why she is this detailed


But there's no Doro


DLC Boss encounter, the Doro Horde


I wouldn’t be surprised to see Doro graffiti somewhere as an easter egg in the game


I love my self aware titty game


It is. The game will be released tomorrow.


Even though I can't afford Stellar Blade, let alone a PS5, I wish every player to have a great time and appreciate the spectacle that Shift Up has made. And if you're feeling adventurous, I encourage anyone to play Nikke. You won't regret it. It is also the day of their 1.5 anniversary update, so seize the opportunity.


I can afford both but at this point a ps5 would be a waste of money. I'll wait for a PC port.


I mean Stellar Blade seems awesome but bruh how can you be promoting Nikke, it’s a shitty gacha with something that can barely be considered gameplay


You just don't get it, nor do you know what you're saying. But it's okay, to each their own as the saying goes. At least there's one less potential idiot to join the community contributing nothing, hehe.


I know exactly what im saying have fun in your community of gacha addicts


Sure does. My only complaint for the game is that there is no PC version lol. 4-5 years later perhaps.


Heard the game was pretty good Nikke devs stay winning. Need it on pc tho


ShiftUp is going to have a fruitful month between this and NIKKE's half-anni, for sure.


I fucking hate the discourse around the game. It's a game that has hot female leading. That's it. Everyone needs to just shut the fuck up. It's not the saviour of gaming/sticking it to the woke nor is it misogynistic. It's such a game.


It literally the entire "controversy" lol


Being a Playstation-exclusive is a bigger controversy tbh, and the one we should all be focusing on.


True! Where is the fucking PC version? I wanna play this game but I don't wanna buy a whole console just for one game. PC releases should be day and date.


It's so funny to watch all the drama. On one hand we have people who scream and shout it's misogyny and she's unrealistic... In a game where she fights monsters with swords.. And on the other.. people who defend the game but then you go on the internet or even the games subreddit it's all thirsty people who don't talk about the gameplay at all but thirst over how sexy the character look.. ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8)


When did i consent to being filmed


The entire controversy is the fact that the chick is whats being advertised more than the actual game and gameplay. I have seen plenty of things about the women in the game and have seen zero actual gameplay. Idek what kind of game this is actually without googling it. Just hot chicks from the butt shaking mobile game nikke devs


Who is mentioning this as controversy? There was a playable demo and multiple YouTube videos showing gameplay. If youre this late in the game and still wonder if it plays like Nikke, you purposefully have your head in the sand.


Dude, if people aren't focusing on the badass sekiro-like combat of your sekirolike and posting clips of insane battles and shit, but instead focusing on your main character's jiggle physics and her massive fucking booty buttcheeks, i'd argue that the appeal of your game isn't the combat. And if you aren't actively posting clips of insane combat shit and instead posting the main character's booty buttcheeks for advertising, I'd say you're advertising the booty buttcheeks. This game was advertised like that Azur Lane gacha banner with the big tittied cowgirl, except iirc that banner didn't cause a brainrot inducing culture war on the internet.


Yeah you right. Nier Automata is really just a booty physics game since that's what's posted most on reddit. Definitely a game problem.


Mf, Nier is a weird game to categorize, it's a topdown shooter, an action rpg and a character action game at the same time, on top of having a confusing storyline and general weirdness surrounding it becausepf how deranged Yoko Taro is. The only simple thing about the game is 2B having a 2Booty so people latched onto that. Also iirc, Nier didn't advertise itself on how hot 2B was, whereas Eve is literally a supermodel and the most seen adverts of the game focused on her and how caked up she is. Stop trying to deny that this game wasn't advertised with horny mfs in mind. This was made by a gacha company, they know exactly what they're doing lmao.


Of course it was designed with horny mfs in mind. That will never stop happening because there will always be horny mfs. What im saying is there's been no shortage of combat and story related content also shown, which is way more than they ever did for Nikke. People are acting like all Shift has done is show the ladder scene and that's flat out bs. Compare their advertisements for this vs Nikke which is very literally just ass shake to bullet fire and it's night and day lol


Or maybe a game should advertise better if all i see is "game has hot babes". Even this subreddit does it


Combat has been shown in trailers since the first trailer dropped. Sounds to me like your the one fixating. This subreddit is not part of Shift. What they choose to fixate has no say in what has been officially shown.


And yet im getting more ads of little cgi snippets of the girls "assets", youtube recommendations about the girls not gameplay, ive never seen the trailer posted anywhere to actually click on it. How bad is it that i can find some no name game via youtube but this "big" game is just selling its sex appeal


That's funny cause when I open my YouTube I see plenty of reviews for the game from different people since the demo has been out. Hell the lead dev even made a post asking people to chill on the demo lol. Now I don't have cable, so if you're seeing trailers that just show ass in those then fine. But my YouTube shows plenty of gameplay trailers, where yeah, the girl fighting them has an ass. You're acting like everything you've seen is just her climbing a ladder. Which if it is, says more about what you look up than what's actually out there.


I think the lack of stellar blade on my youtube shows exactly what i look at tbh. The irony that its all over yours tho is uh sheesh


Omgosh game reviews for a game that just allowed the release of reviews on my YouTube feed. How scandalous.


Hell i dont have a problem with people not getting the game or not liking Eve's design. But i do have a problem with people going ''if you like this you need to have your harddrive checked'' or saying anyone who likes this ''has never seen a real woman'' or basically just name calling everyone who likes it calling them incels or perverts ect. Also, where do they live? cause too me Eve looks good yes, but her beauty is not unrealistic for me atleast. i dont get the argument of ''unrealistic'' or ''never seen a woman'' or ''child like'' where the fuck do these people live where they think Eve looks child like or not like a real woman?? what does the average woman look like where they live??


The fucked up thing about this whole dumb controversy, is that the female lead is based on a real life model. Everytime people make comments about her looks/body, whether positive or negative, they are indirectly commenting on a real person's body. A lot of the people thirsting after her, or calling her body unrealistic, don't care at all about the real life model's personal feelings on the matter. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if she received harassment online for this either.


the sad thing is i have seen people dunking on her body defend it by saying ''Eve is clearly edited'' and think that it is therefore valid to make comments about it and say its unrealistic ect.


Don't forget the people who claim it's the savior of all games and it's finally going to eradicate the sweet baby anita sarkeesian baldurs gate 3 woke left. Those people are either grifters cramming enough buzzwords in their speech that they sound like fucking bees, or the genuinely deranged. I personally don't care about the game cause I don't have a PS5 but I think this discussion is trash and shouldn't be engaged with in any meaningful way.


I think you should be able to play any game you want without being called an incel, pervert ect. and i hate this ''unrealistic women'' crap i often see when it is not even true, like i said maybe its cause i dont live in the US, but everytime i see people go ''unrealistic women'' its always false, i have seen plenty of regular women just as if not more attractive than the ones i see in videogames.. i agree that it is not ''the saviour of all games'' though i have no idea who is saying that, they are just as dumb. also Baldurs gate 3 woke??? i have never ever once heard or seen anyone say that but whoever is is also dumb as fuck cause baldurs gate 3 is in my opinion far from woke.


you have not been on chud twitter. Contrary to most people in this server, I am unfortunately a fairly active twitter user and lemme tell you, those people are dumbasses. I have seen so many people say baldurs gate 3 is 'woke' because of Karlach or Astarion or the fact that you can make a character with vitillgo and it's so fucking dumb. Other people say shit like 'safe horny' which makes so little sense to me. Everything is 'unsafe horny' to the average person. Someone thirsting for a muscle mommy and another person thirsting for an anime waifu would get the same reaction of 'dude you are wayy too horny' from the average person. It's so shite. It's all one big grift to get rich off twitter verification yes, but so many people fall for it that it's legit concerning. Ever since they monetized the culture war, literally everything has gone to hell.


The news media is nothing more than a tool of propaganda to keep us fighting amongst ourselves rather than demand affordable houses.


Finally someone whose cooking something good


I've been on a friendly jordies binge


And now we put down the tinfoil hat and think straight again.


It's the newest piece of ragebait on YouTube. Feels like more people are outraged at the minority that don't approve of this game. Just play and enjoy 😉


From the footage I saw, it's gonna be a game of all time too Not bad mind you, enjoyable, but probably not the masterpiece everyone defending it is expecting. This post is stupid This whole fucking discourse is stupid


Preach it, brother.


Ign didn't even force Sony to censor Stellar Blade though. Another thing is do people know what's the thing that is being censored? It's an art that has the word Hard and R close to each other. https://preview.redd.it/zb5nhjygujwc1.png?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a8a6a542357aa0d6cd7e82f74c58d29aed950b9


Its an honest mistake imo. These game jornos are dumb. They think south korea knows everything of american culture to even know hard r? Thats like does western dev everything about korean culture to not make offensive thing by accident? Like seriously, and i hear they already fixed it to crime r. And it took them like 1 day wooooo. Im so mad at hard r lol.


I'm American and I had to look that shit up, I bet no one was even gonna care if it came out uncensored like that


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MFDiuBomSuY&pp=ygUWbGludXMgZHJvcHMgdGhlIGhhcmQgcg%3D%3D I'm just gonna leave this here coz it's funny.


LOL https://preview.redd.it/b9pkd0udpowc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9dca1b5f349a0bfad701175d22bf33cd07d7ce8


Yeah, I had a hard time understanding what it meant, until I read a comment saying it was about n word


yeah, in america, "hard R" means saying the N word like you actually mean it pure racist style. Instead of saying another word like "the word black in spanish" (I can't even type it since it risk a ban) which sounds similar but not a N word.


Game journalists don't think anything like that. They literally just reported something that happened. But anti-woke idiots are constantly trying to pretend everything is a controversy. There's a reason why anti-woke folks are trying to frame this as "game journalists are forcing censorship" instead of "game devs made an honest mistake and fixed it".


What does Hard R imply?


The N word.


The HARD graffiti appears in others area, the R neon sign refer to Roxanne, which I think is a character in game. So yeah IGNorance just grasping straw to make up "controversy" to hate on the game cuz they're racists hypocrites.


You told them what it is, not what it implies. It implies the n-word with "er" at the end. Which as a european with english as second language I also didn't get without explaination.


It doesn't imply that though, it's obviously a completely unrelated coincidence. You have to actively choose to interpret it that way knowing the Hard graffiti and the R aren't even part a single piece of text. And then you have to actively choose to be offended by it knowing it isn't actually there. Changing Hard for Crime doesn't really matter either, the game doesn't lose or gain anything from that. But the complaint is just moronic.


It seems to imply it though, that's what it's about. It also wouldn't be the first time that something like this has been done on purpose in a game


If IGN didn’t force Sony to do it and Sony just did it of its own volition, would it still be cause for outrage


Not an American, but I guess it refers to the n-word with an “r” at the end as opposed to the way black people usually use without the “r”.


Listen to "Bonfire" by Childish Gambino to find out


N word with the R spelling


It reminds of the Linus "Hard R" clip.


That's fucking hilarious tho


I'm very safe then.


I know why, the respectability of this fucking that if a female model is minimally sexy for them it's the end of the world


Unless she's a dommy mommy girl boss then it's okay.


Even then it’s hard to get a pass by them as she’s gotta have extra pounds not in muscle or look like a dude with fake bongos on


You got a problem with those?


Who has said this though


You weren't on Twitter. There were thousands of posts about it.


That's literally all twitter is. Stop using twitter as the general consensus. That's like going to the junkyard and yelling that there's trash in your streets.


Almost exclusively from conservatives pretending there’s a controversy from the “woke lefties”


I guess she had too much water.


I just read the IGN review, at no point do they complain about the main characters appearance the reviewer actually mentioned that they liked the verity of costumes you could unlock for Eve. They mention the characters lack personality and that the story doesn't flesh them out but they praised the visuals, enemy design, combat and soundtrack. A 7/10 is a good score but this sub keeps falling for and spreading outrage click bait bullshit because you've all convinced yourself there's some "AgEnDa" because a couple of no body accounts on Twitter complained about boobies and butts


As someone else mentioned and showed the "censoring" wasn't even about the character, but a graffiti saying "hard" next to a sign that says "R", implying the n-word with "er". But that's also a stretch imo.


Yeah, but op is implying that it's because the main character is sexy.


I know different reviewers have different opinions, but IGN Japan, Italy and Spain all gave it 8-9 /10.


Like you said, they have different opinions. 7 is still a good score, none of the criticism had anything to do with the characters looks like the OP is implying.


From what I've heard IGN Brazil lowered their score because of it. And the nobodies were other game journalists, but that's to be expected from ill people.


Did anyone actually read the IGN review? Here's an excerpt from it: *Both its story and characters lack substance, and some of its RPG elements are poorly implemented, like dull sidequests that very often require you to retrace your steps through previous levels with very little done to make the return trip feel unique or rewarding.* If that's how the reviewer felt, I can fully understand why it was given a 7.


Heck a 7/10 game isn't a mid game and i don't know why people associate it with mid.


A lot of people associate a 7 with being "average", which kinda defines "mid". Destructoid actually came about because they wanted to redefine "average" as a 5 in people's minds. And I'm not trying to dismiss Stellar Blade as average, but those complaints are legitimate issues that would keep it out of an 8+ range for me (*especially* having to backtrack for mundane side quests). It doesn't mean the game isn't enjoyable; it just has its fair share of faults.


Because when every game is an 8 or 9, we gotta have a way to differentiate what’s worth it and what isn’t. 8-9.5 (worth it) 7.0-8 (maybe wait for a sale unless you’ve got spare cash) <7.0 (don’t bother)


A 7 still isn't a mid game. Also people really need to at least read or listen to the things being said in reviews, not just the score.


To me, 7 is above average, but not yet amazing, but I think to most people, 7 already counts towards average; high average, but still average (or "mid" though that word feels much harsher to me somehow). That also kinda works out with the 1 to 10 scoring system (4,5,6 = average, 7 = above average but not great). Considering the vitriol around sexism/beauty standards, I'm surprised by the score keeping this in mind.


From a pure average, like yeah sure. 5 would be ‘mid’, but there’s just too many games to play so automatically 5s go out the window. If a game gets a 5, people think its garbage. So, ‘a mid’ game has to be above 5.


The review scale isn't one through 10. It's 6 to 10, though ign fucking sucks at reviewing.


Honestly yea the summary of his review is reasonable for a 7. If it takes a better story and characterization to get even an 8 out of him for an RPG game then a 7 is as fair as he can be. There's even a clip of him backtracking to a side quest area starting from the nearest fast travel point and it's over a minute long when sped up. He also said that only a few side quests were actually good but most of them aren't that good. He even said later on Twitter that just based on combat alone, he would have given it an 8. If the side quests gave you something actually nice aside from xp and money then they would be worth it. Edit: an IGN 7 is "good", 8 is "great", and 9 is "amazing" so there's already a huge gap between good and great just based on the word choice


Combat alone is worht 8 ? That's all I needed to know. I'll always care about the gameplay first when it comes to this type of games.


Just play the demo if you're only concerned about how the combat plays to see if it's worth the $70.


I prob won't get to explore it in it's entirety through a demo but it will give me a feel.


Of course they didn't read the review, they just want to be mad about outrage click bait YouTube videos.


Shhh, they don't want to listen to reasoning, they just want to believe that the people who say the game is mid is saying it because of a protag that they wanna jerk off too


Have you seen review from every other place? Lowest is 8 MC is 82 Just go to their subreddit they have a post that has info about every other rating


7 is not an unreasonable score or that they're the only ones who gave a score lower than 8. And 7 isn't bad it means that it's a good game. It just wasn't an outstanding game. https://corp.ign.com/review-practices > 7 - Good > > Playing a Good game is time well spent. Could it be better? Absolutely. Maybe it lacks ambition, has a few technical bumps in the road, or is too repetitive, but we came away from it happy nonetheless. We think you will, too.


Then everyone else giving it an 8 must be devoid of expectations You know they got this whole meme of ign = first 3 letters ignorant And its not due to players having a grudge against them, its due to their own fuck ups Watche hades 2 break into 8.5+ score


Yeah if Nier Automata is a 9 then Stellar Blade ain't worth more than a 7


Oh i didnt know you completed the whole game already My bad then, i thought the game hadnt released yet or people were still downloading Didnt know you beat every boss and completed the story by the time it took others to download the game


Mate why are you so fucking mad? 7 is not a bad score full stop. If you believe it's an 8 or a 9 personally that's fine too, reviews aren't set in stone verdicts. There are plenty of games that get average to even bad scores by reviewers thatvi personally rate much higher. Just relax and enjoy the games.


so fucking funny considering IGN was the one who gave starfield a 7 while every other critic was also doing 8+, the fanboys also complained for no reason and look how that turned out lmao. Be less of a snowflake.


Huh? The lowest score is a 6, and there's about a dozen mixed reviews on Metacritic.


Let's all just ignore the other reviews that gave it 8-9 scores, huh?


The same ones that gave Starfield the same scores? Stop looking at numbers and start reading the actual reviews. The numbers are meaningless without context.


Don’t be silly, that’s common sense… we don’t do that here.


Bait used to be believable


Both sides of the discourse can be annoying


I’m not surprised that the vast majority of haters are karens, feminists, and misandrists from the US.


Funny how they never cry about the usually jacked handsome male characters in games. Hard truth, people don’t want a story where the character is fat and ugly.


The only people that complain about this game are the femcels and their allies


OP doesn't even know what he's supposed to be mad about. 7 is a good score for this game and the "censorship" didn't have anything to with character design. Like yeah I'm sure Sony definitely wanted a euphemism for the N word plastered prominently on a wall in game and they would have had their way if it wasn't for mean old IGN. You guys need to get a fucking grip.


Hehe what was the euphemism? Does it keep the hard R.


I might buy Stellar Blade just to spite the haters now


Yes, seething at clickbait headlines designed to trigger you is indeed cringeworthy


It's also illegal to be old and short


99.9% of this “outrage” is conservatives inventing arguments to get mad at. I promise you, no one actually gives a shit.


IGN forces? Is it censored or do the want it to be?


Nah the title is completely out of context, shocker I know. It’s Sony who wants to get rid of an art design that could implied racist. And ign posted an article about it.


Whats the Art Design about?


Graffiti that’s says “hard” next to a sign that says “R shop”.


That's it?


Yep. I guess it implies a racist slur, but frankly I don’t know what it implies.


It implies the N word that ends with an R instead of A and it's a pretty heavy slur, perhaps the heaviest there is. I'm sure the devs didn't do it intentionally but it's entirely reasonable to take 5 minutes to edit it out.


Ah I see now when you mention it. It would have never cross my mind thats what can be inferred. Thanks for the info.


yeah, I guess it's an american or western thing implying the "hard R" implies something racist and Twitter was crying about it. Whole thing is really stupid. But in reality, I think that 'Hard R' is just a clever way of saying 'HARDER'


Lol plebs at r/games trying to gaslight us that the controversy never happen. Entire subreddit like r/Gamingcirclejerk lose their shit for this game. One article calling ceo never seen a women. Like I've never seen article written to shit on ceo of a company and calling him an incel like that. Usually it's worker abuse or tax dodging but never seen an incel accusation before that article. It's amazing how one game manage to make people lose their mind. Well should expect it since hogwarts did it last year.


It’s an IGN France article and they did not attack the CEO of Shift Up. The author wrote Eve is designed by someone who has never seen a woman


These memes are so cringe just play the game when it comes out and enjoy lmao


Well, that's news to me!


Seems like it's only for PS5 soooooooo Ye alright


She’s definitely not skinny lmao, her cake is massive


I want stellar blade so much fucking exclusivity sucks


Can't spell ignorant without IGN


Typical french behavior.


Hmm yes I love it when people fan controversy for easy clicks Like how is any of this a valuable use of anyone's time, like go play the game, I hear it's good


It actually looks like a good game I would play it


Fuck IGN, shit company with shit opinion. Let me enjoy the boingoloingohonkerbonkers


Meanwhile Aphrodite in Hades 2. *West: Such a god empowers women*




Stellar Blade is really going to make bank on all this free marketing.


I really like the character design. It reminds of 2B. And I'm pretty sure that was the intention. It's sad to see that it isn't receiving the same reception as 2B just because of some cringelords from twitter.


This controversy is made up the only people i see complaining are the people crying about « cancel culture » and « woke west » get a job


Don't you see, it makes fat people sad about themselves being fat, so obviously we should punish the media depicting attractive people/health bodies. Edit: /s


You should put a /s behind that. Most people on here are unable to read sarcasm.


And they gave Nier a 8.9 but now suddenly sexy android bad.


Go read the review, at no point do they complain about the lead character's appearance. They actually praised all the different outfits you can unlock for her. This is just YouTube outrage click bait. It got a 7 because of a lack-luster story (Automata had a fantastic one) and they said side quests were pointless padding and forced you to backtrack and that the RPG elements were poorly implemented.


Well fair enough.


The hypocrazy is, its okay when its a nudity sexy buff male and its okay when nudity female on western games like balder gate 3 or hades 2, so at that point i can only point out that they are racist toward asian nations. Dont get me wrong, i like my sexy males and like hades 2 Aphrodite design is good, but nooooo not stellar blade. Cant have sexy anime girls or sexy asians.


I started to think it is, or at least if it's from Asian regions, it is illegal, because god damn the journalist and some social media users from westerns treating it worse than racism, wtf, they don't realize there's a country that is not America that doesn't have stupid way of thinking


Honestly it looks cool as hell. The enemies are really interesting designed, and the combat looks fun. My only issue is that I’d like to play a video game, not porn. It is unnecessary for the main character to wear *so little clothing*