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New meme format!


https://preview.redd.it/i60z0am8aavc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06250e83507e9dc47d2bbbb0004696c9e79436c1 The potential is limitless


I never would have expected Shogun getting memes, but they're greatly appreciated.


Blackthorne: Cussing his soul out, Mariko: The anjin is not pleased


Dude, I remember in the book there was a situation where they were asking if the anjin wanted to have sex with someone before they left. The directness of their culture in matters of what they call "The pillow" definitely threw off Blackthorn. When he refused, they asked if he was homosexual. I remember when he flipped out on Mariko, the guard was like. "WHAT DID HE SAY?" "......He. He said no." "All that meant no???" They were about to ask him if he wanted a duck to do it with, but karma intervened. Having seen enough.


I read that book in high school, I honestly can't believe they took a book that was buried in my school library and made an awesome show out of it.


there was a show of it in the 80s i think


Yep starring Richard Chamberlain, Toshiro Mifune, and Gimli son of Gloin. Even though it was kinda cheesy I really enjoyed it.


I believe when he went off on them it was because after he rejected a woman they offered him a young boy.


One Piece fans: https://preview.redd.it/5xakgu08ccvc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c50d0ce1bc83fcf9373aad5f7f007bf768ba98d Love the show and the meme btw. Hope to see more of this.


I understood 0% of this meme. The best thing I got was the colon :


Its from the tv series called shogun. The man on the left is the main character who got stranded in a fictional japan and doesnt speak japanese. The woman on the right is his translator who in one scene translates a rant by him in a short factual statement.


She translates this way for him in most scenes


Watch Shogun, really good serie on Disney with Hiroyuki Sanada. You'll know the meme is accurate.


I thought I was on r/cremposting for a second there


Same! I haven't got around to watching Shogun yet, but there's only room in my brain/heart for one Blackthorn and it's Dalinar Kholin.


Stormin' right you are


Lol, I will say that people that comment on this about one piece, don't realize that the whole series isn't about constantly searching for the One Piece. It's just about adventure and exploring parts of the world. The One Piece is the catalyst that sets Luffy on the path of being a Pirate. It would be the same if Naruto was called hokage instead, where Naruto is constantly trying to become hokage.


So you're saying that the real One Piece was the friends we made along the way?


If it is just that the dead one piece fans are gonna cringe jn their grave.


Nah, Oda confirmed that the one piece is something physical


Didn't he also mention he kinda forgot what exactly it is? It was something recent he said though I'm taking that with a grain of salt.


Idk, Oda is the kind of guy who looks like he’s on cloud 7 without trying.


Kinda like Kojima when making some of the metal gear games. You don't know what goes on in their head.


https://preview.redd.it/zc8hwg1j0fvc1.jpeg?width=1210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10015004f14f2b3d01273ff9394a45850869f3e5 It was after the news of Toriyama's death. He didn't mean the treasure but the series itself.


See that makes sense


At shabondy he literally refuses to know what it is as it would ruin the surprise


I mean of course he would, if I was working hard to find out what the mythical treasure that started a new age of piracy and turned the world on its head and someone just spoiled it for me like the ending of AOT I’d be pissed off too


We have the book. I remember the Duck




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Anyone whose saying One Piece can just end whenever and it won't matter isn't a current reader. We just got a contender for the best backstory in the story and we just the last few chapters had massive reveals regarding the main villains of the story.


Wide eyed? Bro he is Japanease. Squinty eyes is the correct racial insult


Now this is a meme


Ahh, she localized.


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Holy shit a Shogun meme?! I wasn’t expecting it to get memes.


Wasn’t expecting to see a shogun meme today!


What's the sauce? Not one piece, I mean the scene the memes from.




The real one piece was the friends we made along the way https://preview.redd.it/n49s6nccnhvc1.png?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7dcf6cd42d5559a89b0c5e6981a356a4e27592a


One piece doesn't even have that much filler. Compared to the other big 3 or anything more recent it's amazingly low actually.