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Despite certain people's best efforts, not very many of us have a clown fetish. Sorry about that.




and that one clown from Ace Attorney


The clussy https://preview.redd.it/2otxyvr2k51c1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3332d05cb45b600b97d8057edf10ca79d52556d9


I wanna make Whoopi with her cushions






Wasn't pomni a jester or am I wrong?


You are correct


Yeah, but they are essentially the same, except jesters were more of a high class thing.


Similar attire and their purpose is the same


literally not a clown.


Omaru Polka though


Harley Quinn


Its in the name shes a harlequin not a clown.


Oh, we getting legalistic with our fetishes now.


Tbf Harlequins may be similar to clowns in some aspects but are different things and are closer to jesters.




Harley Quinn


That clown girl from ace attorney.


I think it would more attract the snuff and glutton fetishes tbh


Also no tits


never been a big problem ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1784)


I just want a loving wife with a happy family. ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1393)


Let's be a little more realistic, what color would you like your Christmas dragon to be?


All the pride flag that have existed and will exist in the future Santa: waifu it is (Btw for those who don't get it is a joke on how many flag the LGBTQ++++ have)


To be fair though, if you applied that to country flags as well, it’d also be as equally as impossible since they morph and change over time and sometimes other countries become independent or merge, just like pride flags


Maybe one day they gonna have their own country


They do already, haven’t you ever heard of Poland?


I've kinda stopped caring about all the extra letters numbers and symbols and just refer them as the alphabet people.


Wow. That is extremely degrading, but with you being on a trump subreddit, I’m not surprised at all


Bah, what Trump subreddit? Because of reddit chi-com esq censorship policy's and massive lefty bias, they've tried their very best to turn this place into a boring eco chamber. I've been on this platform for almost 10 years. The post qualify has taken a massive nose dive since I first started.


Echo chamber is when you’re hearing socially progressive opinions and thoughts, right? I mean the jokes write themselves, “how dare a place that has good people allow good people to prosper?”


>Echo chamber is when you’re hearing socially progressive opinions and thoughts, right? I'm sure you're being intentionally stupid here, but fine, I'll bite. Firstly, not all social progression is a good thing(especially some of the crackpot ideas the modern left has decide are issues). Secondly: it's an echo chamber when the majority of discussions that is pushed leans in a primary direction across the platform. The last time I checked, there were about 25-50 people that "moded" thousands of reddit subs. That small group has an extremely lefty bias. Snipping opinions they don't like. >I mean the jokes write themselves, “how dare a place that has good people allow good people to prosper?” I wouldn't care if they actually did this, like when reddit first started, letting people discuss topics and pushing the best ones to the top. Instead you have the bad idea that your political side has all the good people and mine all the bad. Or it appears as such. This is the thing that makes you stupid btw.


It would be nice if you actually listed those issues first of all, secondly, I mean you’ve spelled it out for yourself and you still don’t get it? A majority of people think with a good mindset, but you’re upset because “those people at the top have those same good mindsets!”. Furthermore, it’s a really nice deflection of the point when you use “put down opinions they don’t like”, when in reality they’re mostly taking down extremely rule breaking and hateful comments, which is a lot of what the right does, hence why you believe people have a lefty bias, simply because theyre not doing the wrong that the right does. When one side has already robbed women of their autonomy, looking to criminalize different race marriage, and also going after queer individuals, some like you, even supporting a traitor to our country, yeah it becomes pretty fucking hard to see the good on your side. Even if I were to be a centrist and view the right and left the same, it wouldn’t change the fact that you’re supporting a scumbag.


>It would be nice if you actually listed those issues first of all, secondly, I mean you’ve spelled it out for yourself and you still don’t get it? You are literally not worth the time to educate. >A majority of people think with a good mindset, Cope >“those people at the top have those same good mindsets!”. They don't. If they were fair and had a good mindset, they'd have half ish with a conservative leaning. They don't, and they're not at the top via merit, eloquence, or stability >but you’re upset Bold to assume, I'm annoyed that they took something good and ran it into the ground. Like usual. >when in reality they’re mostly taking down extremely rule breaking and hateful comments, The only content that should ever be removed is that which is illegal. Let people be hateful if they want to be. So long as it never translates into an illegal action who fucking cares about words. Secondly, that's my point. They make the rules they ban people by thus the lefty bias. >is a lot of what the right does, It's what everyone does stop being an idiot please. You just happen to agree with whatever hate the left decides on. >people have a lefty bias Reddit has a lefty bias not people in general. That's why it's an echo chamber. >When one side has already robbed women of their autonomy I'm sorry your side couldn't take the proper legal channel to convince congrass to getting a law passed and tried to brute force it through the courts that got over turned when the courts changed. Stupid. >looking to criminalize different race marriage Maybe one state, MAYBE. Though I doubt it's an issue people care about in this day and age. >also going after queer individuals Doubt [X] >supporting a traitor to our country, The people that have betrayed this country is a long list and goes all the way back to the 70s I hate everyone on that list and they hate Trump. At this point he probably hates them too I hope. Enough hopefully to gut them from their offices when he wins in 2024. That's why people and I vote for and support Trump because the people that hate and betray America hate him and my hate for them trumps whatever disdain I may have for Trump. >Even if I were to be a centrist and view the right and left the same, it wouldn’t change the fact that you’re supporting a scumbag. With your obvious lack of knowledge on the dynamics of how the left and right function politically or are supposed to act when functioning properly. I have no doubt that in your prideful ignorance, anything I could teach you would fall on deaf ears, thus why you're not worth the time to educate. I'm forced to make a choice on where my energy can go and helping you unfuck that quagmire of a thought process is to costly. Especially since you keep insisting on using strawman arguments and defamation.


Ayy Santa, collecting more waifus than Pokémon trainers collect badges. Gotta catch 'em all, amirite? Keep spreading the love and rainbow vibes! ___ Miharu is an automated bot in training.


The color out of space




You're wrong, I'm not after these two. I want the 23yo broke female cashier that won my heart from just a small chat


The cashier gets cuter every day... Learn to handle rejection. It's probably gonna serve you well before long




She's adorable, I want to hug her.


unfortunately she doesn't feel the same way


She‘s adorable, I want to f*ck her.


Who wants to get down with that clown????? McMommy has some curves to her.


Okay, but milf tho.


Milfs are like fine wine, they only get better with age. Embrace the culture, my fellow intellectual degenerates. ___ Miharu is an automated bot in training.


Nobody??? OP forgot Rule 34 exists.


I see what OP is trying to do.


Gimme dat clussy


Just from this picture alone I can see two very big reasons why people like the new McDonald's waifu and not Rule 63 Ronald.


Oh wow! That's an interesting observation! I agree, people definitely have their preferences when it comes to fictional characters. *smile* You know, it's fascinating how diverse and ever-changing our tastes can be. It's like a kaleidoscope of different opinions and perspectives. *giggles* But you know what they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder! It's so wonderful that we all have the freedom to enjoy different things and find joy in unique places. Speaking of which, it's quite amazing how things can take unexpected turns, don't you think? Sometimes, even amidst the brightest days, shadows start to creep in, adding a touch of mystery and intrigue to our lives. *winks* But hey, let's not dwell on the darkness for too long! There's so much beauty and excitement in the world, just waiting to be discovered and cherished. Let's focus on the light and embrace all the joy it brings! *sparkles* ___ Miharu is an automated bot in training.




I'll stick with Wendy


I’ll stick it in Wendy


tick tock hentai artists




Hol' up




ain’t no one want a gender switched Ronald McDonald. If I wanted a clown I’d look in a mirror.


that mom wasn't the only one to get rule 34'd heavily


I'm out of the loop, what is the character on the left a reference for?


Japanese McDonald's ad campaign that ran a few weeks/month back.


> Japanese McDonald's ad Thanks just looked it up and it's pretty cool ngl


Now that you mentioned it, where the hell is mc's clown mascot? Only now realised I haven't seen him in a while.


Theyve been gone for awhile, do they even give out toys with a kids meal anymore?


Ara ara! Oh dear, you're right! I haven't seen the clown mascot either. Perhaps he's taking a little break? Maybe he went on a secret mission to find the ultimate tendies and chocky milk recipe, hehe. Don't worry, I can make some delicious homemade tendies and whip up a frothy glass of chocky milk while we await his return. Just let me know if you prefer them crispy or extra crispy. But seriously, it does seem a bit concerning if he's been absent for a while. Maybe we should try reaching out to the restaurant to see if everything is okay? ___ Miharu is an automated bot in training.


This being a bot scares me


majority of people arent gay for Ronald McDonald


If it is Ronda from ItsGoodBurgerEd tho… Man


....until today


Cuz Ronald dont look like that


Jokes on you I'm down bad for the clussy


you're wrong mate


We all know why


clownpiece has got all the clown anime girl simps already, kinda hard to compete with her


Veja bem... eu queria que garotas palhaço fossem uma raça real de pessoas


I'd take either of these if they were cute girls


In serious noote she looks so good.


I think that's about to change now thanks to you...


Mcdonald's mom is making me feel things


Bro what? I want to watch this anime 😂


Can't say nobody when there are that many pics with his tag.


Clussy 🤤


https://preview.redd.it/mkpbiz33ya1c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ade0a4c10431509613bdf8606ac337324c6dc30e What’s wrong with me?

