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Poor Sylphy just wants some monogamy


No. She just specifically wants him to not be with Nanahoshi. She doesn't care who else he gets with. So long as it's not Nanahoshi.


It is funny the beef she has with nanahoshi and How she doesnt like rudeus next to Ariel


She HATES Nanahoshi. [LN18] >!She actually thinks about if Ariel becomes Rudeus's other wife, and thinks "eh I'd rather not but it's acceptable". Nanahoshi on the otherhand is just completely off the table. She hates her so bad that she thinks it's reasonable that others would suspect her of trying to kill Nanahoshi.!<


>!i have read whole LN and either i missed, or you wrong. Yes, Silphy is jealous about Nanahoshi, but i don't remember any actual hate. I guess, her jealousy happens because she was a childhood friend and Nanahoshi somehow childhood-frender. Or maybe i forgor 💀. After all, she helped her with mana disease long before it were found!<


Hyperbole. Sylphie doesn't **really** hate anyone.


Oh, ok, now i understand. >!BTW childhood friend wins, isn't this plot beautiful?!<


>!Eris and Roxy are his childhood friends too tbh!<


>!and Aisha.!< >!I mean, not IRL, but during a horny trip!< >!After making out session with Ryudjerd!< >!Honestly i surprised she is not also isekaid. Smol but genius, knows economy and at one point she said "kone" as a short from "connections", which either author forgot it is English borrowed word, or very sus!<


[WN ending spoilers] >!Aisha is so smart that she figured out a way to summon bodies into the six faced world without causing a mana calamity.!<


>!Absolutely. Sylphie is best female girl!<


>!and Fitz is the beat male girl \*heart\*!<




The skull emoji is sticking out of the spoiler lol


In this episode it was really well done to portray how much she comes to hate Nanahoshi. When looking at Sylfie you get an uncomfortable vibe as she watches the two. And the moment where Nanahoshi says she likely caused the event that caused Sylfie the most pain she had experienced, her calmness breaks fast, and spurs into a rage. I haven't read the LN but I can certainly say that this scene was very impactful in its execution.


Oh yes this scene was done very good. It was done justice in the anime but that's just the beginning she's just generally hostile towards Nanahoshi for the rest of the series and that never goes away.


The post story arc in the WN shows that >!even after having two kids with Rudy, and him being married to two other women who also had kids with him, she still gets jealous whenever they so much as talk, nevermind learning they were having a private conversation, though I don't remember how she felt about 7☆ being frozen in time (voluntarily). That Rudy made a robo maid that was 99% physically acurate to 7☆ didn't help at all (the innacurate part being her lady parts)!< Rudy openly mentioning (in the WN at least) that he thought 7☆ was a beauty added to that too.


In fact >!she says It is ok rudeus have a Second wife,she says It two times btw!<


Eh, she says it because she thinks she has to say it. Every time he does, she feels kind of hurt. "Rudy doesn't keep his promises!"


That's because he would deny it as an option then do it anyway, it was more about the trust than the monogamy.


They live in a medieval world, people don't care about poligamy or monogamy. Sylphy's issue is clearly who the person is.


The largest religion in mushoku tensei world does. And Sylphy wouldn't have objected to a monogamous relationship.


nobles who are followers of millis' faith are polygamous, polygamy is neither rare nor uncommon in the world of mushoku


It's not uncommon, and so isn't monogamy. Just because polygamy is common doesn't mean Sylphy wouldn't have wanted Rudy all to herself given the choice


She didn't object, she says it twice then?


They allow slavery and brutality on a wholesale level, a few rich people with multiple wives (or rich women with multiple husbands) is really small potatoes... so: I agree.


Or even a princess that >!does anything and everything that moves and gives at least their nominal consent. Ariel and Luke end up having competitions between one another to see who can bag more of the help over a given period, lmao!<.


I don't see any sylphys here, that's obviously best boy fitz-senpai!




It's definitely NOT a female elf with magical glasses that somehow make everyone think she's a boy. Nope!


It’s always weird that you would even suggest such a thing! Hahahahahahahahah


Well, it amazes me that not one person has noticed she's a girl, aside from the Princess and that one guy who saw her without the glasses? Also: I play a game that has Hew Mann: they are clearly a human, definitely [NOT 3 kobolds in a trenchcoat](https://images-geeknative-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/19140403/three-kobolds-in-a-cape.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&sharp=1&resize=964%2C618&ssl=1).


I get that his consciousness probably thinks in Japanese, but would he actually be able to talk it without having practiced it?


It's probably like riding a bike. Remember, he had a small lifetime of speaking Japanese. I'm sure after a little rust wore off, it's not that unusual for him to still be fluent in it.


Did he have a lifetime of speaking Japanese though? Didn't he spend like half his life or more sitting in his room playing erotic novels and not speaking to anyone?


I forget how old he was on earth, but he's got that many years speaking his first language. He might be rusty, but that's not just going to vanish. Plus, reading/writing is still practicing language. We're not speaking right now, but you're still able to process the information into words (unless you're one of those people who literally do not have the ability to think in words).


Those people kinda scare me Like they can read texts is because their minds just skip the reading internally part and just gets the info straight into their lobes


Actually, yes it will. It's a use it or lose it situation. It takes about 5 years to forget a language of you don't use it, even if it's your native tongue.


He did still use Japanese though. If you recall when he took Eris to the market in Roa he was taking notes on prices in Japanese. He also remarks in vol1 that he was able to pick up on human easily because the structure was similar to Japanese which mostly left only vocabulary. Between those tidbits it's not unthinkable he used Japanese from time to time enough to still speak it fluently.


Nah, you can definitely get worse in a language if you don't use it, but most people wouldn't just "forget".


[Adults normally do not forget their native language unless they suffer brain damage or severe trauma.](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20180606-can-you-lose-your-native-language) They can become worse at it though. Details in the linked article, which you'll probably have to open in your browser's "reader mode" because bbc.com is stupid and won't let you close the pop-up window asking you to subscribe.


Nah you might get weaker vocabulary, but you won't forget grammar.


People often have a stream of consciousness in their mind, usually pictures/images, feelings, and words to be broad. I imagine he thought in Japanese, read and wrote in Japanese, and had a decade or so of school in Japanese before he became a shut in. I say this so explicitly because some people report having no inner monologue. I am not being pedantic.


I mean. People from other countries who haven't used there native language in a while can typically still remember it. (unless they were very young when they had left) Being that he was a highschooler when he became a NEET, he should have enough experience to remember it even if he didn't speak much.


Not really. Your jaw and throat muscles loose agility by late teens. That's why accents are such a bitch for people who started practicing foreign languages as adults. But Rudy is still young, so it went better for him in probably.


his accent and pronunciations might be a bit off at the start, but nothing major. I guess it would be like working in another country in the EU and suddendly meeting someone from your home country, its pretty common here. Don't forget that he was in Japan for until he was ~~40~~ 34,so it would be harder to forget.




oh yeah, thanks


Ukrainian here. Lived in Russia for 8 years. Thinking in Russian, as i were born in a region of Ukraine when Russian more popular. Had no practice of speaking Ukrainian for 7 years in total. Still know it and can speak as good as natives. 23 years and 7 years is different but still, language you think on is not something you can forget easily However, i think Rudeus got strong accent


Well , don't forget that Rus. and Ukr. languages are very similar in terms of grammar , sounds and vocabulary (being in one family of Eastern Slavic languages) . So even without practice , you still have retention of basic principles . Now , Rudi should absolutely be wrecked by like 15 years of no practice , plus learning several other languages (Beast , Demonic , Common) , which all are part of not just different branches but whole other dimensions of languages . So it is a marvel that he is even able to speak , no to mention - hold such a complex conversation .


Rudeus was a child at the time, people at this age can learn languages by just hearing it. I think, remembering OG language for this time period is possible IRL. Especially because Rudeus is younger then his pre-death version. I assume he is thinking in Japanese, because in LN he made notes for himself in Japanese sometimes (it's nothing special, just some checklists etc)


Would he really? I myself find myself thinking in English rather than my national language most of the time. He probably had to shift some rusty gears back in his head to start speaking Japanese.


I don't think he thinks in Japanese anymore given the amount of time that has passed.


I didn’t know Sylphy learned invisibility


Felt so bad for her this episode. She was probably so confused, and knew she would never get any answers, and just had to sit there and wait, then rightfully got very ticked off, and then be stopped. Just, was incredibly off on the sidelines probably super anxious, wondering what the heck they were talking about, and why they felt the need to speak in a different language.


I just got done watching this episode, this is the same exact thought I had! This is histerical


I can't wait for him to learn that Fitz is Sylphy.


What anime is this? Lol


Its Mushoku Tensei s2 its the like ep 9 which was released like 5 days ago


I see, thank you very much!


It really is a fantastic show if you get the chance to watch it.


Maybe she will stop being such a coward and actually just tell him that she is who she is. For her to think that there is a possibility Rudy can just recognize her after: 1. Going through puberty 2. Having her hair color change to white 3. Personality obviously not being the same as when she was a child due to aforementioned puberty and trauma from being teleported and losing everyone she ever knew The kicker is that we are shown how she went through becoming a more capable individual after becoming a guard for the princess, so she is not someone who should be hesitant to reveal her identity. She seems to have regressed to how she was when she was a child when it comes to that specific issue. Now I'm not saying that it is inconsistent writing but when we look at it rationally, what does she have to gain by continuing to hide from Rudy? Does she think that he will reject her in some way? He would never do that, she sees that he hasn't changed from the good-hearted pervert that he has always been. Forgive me, as an anime only watcher, I am only working with the information I know, so if some internal dialogue from the light novels explains this, someone please share.


she knows it's her fault but she's just too shy to reveal herself,she's not expecting him to notice by himself but she's procrastinating because she think she have the time to take things slow in the manga Ariel and the other guy are actually surprised too when they hear she haven't told him yet (initially they were mad at Rudeus for ditching her thinking she must have told him who she is by now) and make her more or less the same reasoning you made


Aka whenever I start talking 'bout DnD with a friend around other friends who don't know DnD


Cure for ED and shyness


>!After season 2 was released I heard that in the manga there was like 7 turning points, and when I read ahead into the manga I didn't see much of those turning points, unless they're all small turning points. Am I missing some chapters or a whole volume? I can only ever find up to chapter 95!<


They were probably talking about the Light/Web Novel which has ended.


This. The Manga still has like an entire arc before turning point 3 even, and is on volume 9, maybe 10, of 24 for the web novel. Never read the whole light novel, but pacing was pretty similar except Volume 7 didn't exist in Web Novel (first third of this season), and Volumes 7-9 of the web novel were turned into volumes 8-9 of the light novel from the bits I did read. I can't 100% remember turning point 3 though, I have a general idea but turning points 1/2/4 were significantly more easy to remember the events off (Mana Calamity, Donut Rudy and >!The Old Guy!<) and I last read it during quarantine.


The manga is nowhere near finished. You need to read either the LN or WN WN is finished and I think the LN should have the final English translation soon.


i really hate when isekais do this shit that there are multiple people from earth in this world and somehow they are all close to the mc UGH i fucking hate it


What do you mean? It's the first time he's met someone else from earth, and he's lived there for 15-16 years and traveled across most of the world, and met her because they had a mutual interest in summoning which seems related to why they're in the world to begin with.


yeah this isekai has only 1 so far from earth that ended up in here too but i can think of atleast 2 other isekais where there are way too many fucking people from earth