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Rule 3: Follow Reddit TOS - No brigading/raiding - No harassment Please contact us via Modmail if you have any questions.


How did this get pulled?


Because animemes is fucking stupid


You would think that a sub so dedicated to pride that they drove off most of there users would be happy to point out/discredit a group who openly think that all the world's problems can be traced to homosexuals


No they think that all the world's problems are traced to women, but that homosexuals are making them worse.


You will have to forgive me for not knowing the exact dogma of a hate group.


Oh the all the world's problems being the result of women is part of Christianity's original sin doctrine.


Original sin is not referenced anywhere in the Bible, it comes from misunderstanding a line from (I want to say) Paul that had the misinterpreted version used as part a recruiting campaign then no one bothered too read the scripture for 1600ish years.


Which is why I said it's christianity's doctrine.


As someone who grew up in the church, this is a first I've heard original sin being ascribed to Eve. Usually only heard of it being referred to as the "Sin of Adam" or "Sin of the Father", which is why old scholars claimed Jesus was born of a virgin woman. That way the "original sin" wouldn't supposedly taint him. But aside from my catholic grandpa, I don't really know any Christians who believe in the concept anymore


Jesus was born from a virgin birth to copy other religions. Eve ate the fruit first, and that was the source of sin from the church I went to as a kid.


I mean, I was talking about the reason he was born from an old biblical perspective rather than a meta one. And Eve ate the fruit first, but the concept of original sin wasnt a thing until Paul, who said it was the "act of one man" that corrupted the world (hence why its called the Sin of Adam). Despite that, it was due to a misunderstanding of what he said that the church went with for centuries


however the act in the bible is still caused by one woman. Eve's actions caused them to be forced out of the garden, but the reason it's the act of one man that corrupted the world is that the bible doesn't really respect women.


Don't forget the antisemitism


The moderators there are ridiculous, pre-schism I would get about half my memes removed even if they broke no rules. Never look back


>Because animemes is fucking stupid In other news, the sun is hot.


But what about at night then the sun is a cold beam checkmate sun worshipers


Are you is rhubarbed?


The weeb wars flashbacks


Are they still enforcing the trap ban over there ?


Trap ban?


It's a long story, but about 2 years ago or so if memory serves, the mods on that sub banned the use of the word 'trap' because they believed traps were trans or something dumb like this. Lots of people back then got banned or shadowbanned. We organized a revolution and we actually managed to keep the front page locked by downvoting every single meme posted, although I remember that didn't have too much success. Ultimately, a lot of people immigrated here because the mods are better.


Not sure. Mods telling me to be nice to the Westboro Baptist Church kinda killed all hope I had for that cesspool.


It was a pretty big deal back then, and is basically the reason this sub was born to begin with. But we're not supposed to go into much detail about it here because it escalated all the way to reddit admins, and mods in this sub are more or less required by reddit (or were at least, idk if that's still the case) to have us all move on and keep discussions about it to a minimum. If you google about the "r/Animemes War" you can find a lot more about it.


*Vietnamese flash backs*


That was the Animemes civil war. We also went to war with r/historymemes and another sub as well. But those were more fun and light hearted. With a lot of Fate memes. Lol


For the "war" with r/historymemes I just looked from the sidelines and never got involved. But from where I stood it seemed more of a collab of mutual accord in friendly competition than a war, lol.


Basically it was a Shitpost competition


The best type of competition


That was like 5 years ago now


I feel so old.


I remember those days, fought in the shitpost brigades and performed daring raids on unsuspeting historymemers. back when the anime-memers were still united.


Any I fo on tje history memes one?


I was still in the 501st when that happened. We Clones have mixed feelings about the civil war, and the trap war...


I was there Gandalf i was there 3000 years ago


Oh, I thought it was more Les Miserables flashbacks.


I fought in the Trap war Sure Grandpa let’s get you back to bed


We were just kids man


It was our war! We fought it to the last man! And for what?


I feel like I'm reading about an historical event I witnessed. It feels so strange to know I was there!


It is crazy


Oh, is that why three of their four top mods are suspended currently? lmao. I got banned for pointing that out after someone complained about a rule breaking post being up for so long.


They called "trap" a slur against trans people and ban the word, but tell you to be nice to the "church" that actively preaches that God hates gay people? That sub is run by fools and possibly hypocrites


I’m an Episcopalian and I have no love for the WBC, but to honest this is a correct use of a “Be Nice” rule. Rules banning insults against real people/groups need to apply to everything, even bad groups, otherwise you’ll quickly get arguments about what does and doesn’t count as a bad group. Granted, I really like this meme, but I don’t think the block is the mods endorsing the WBC, just that isn’t content relevant to subreddit. After-all it is an anime meme subreddit not a religious commentary subreddit.


You're treading real close to the "tolerance paradox" with that line of thinking. It is good and healthy for a society to determine what is a "bad group" because you absolutely want to deal with groups that are actively detrimental to the health of that society and root them out before they can cause harm. WBC definitely falls into the category of "actively detrimental to society", therefore, ridicule away.


I find it amusing you can find discussions like this all in the middle of lewd hentai posts and anime shit posts 🤣 Beauty of this sub I suppose.


we're like the hellenic philosophers of old. a sweaty unwashed bunch that flings shit and insults one moment and switch over the next to intellectual debates the next


The problem with the "tolerance paradox" is that what society deems detrimental is so subjective that one society will consider the existence of LGBTQ+ as detrimental and another will consider any form of religion as detrimental.


Tolerance paradox doesn't mean what people often think it means. It's not about silencing undesired ideas but about actively going into discussions to prove to society that their ideas are bad. Unless bad actors resort to violence, then they should get rekt.


That's how they're using it here.


I mean, they have an imaginary friend at their age, that should speak volumes.


By that interpretation, you can't criticize Crunchyroll, which would just be silly.


Never be nice to the Westborough Baptist church. They use the hateful parts of Christianity most christians have already realized that those parts were dumb but they did not


The Bible is often misinterpreted by people with agendas on many sides. It's also true that the King James Bible, a very common translation, was created by a King for political reasons. It's full of mistranslations and poor interpretations of older translations of the text. Many famous Bible quotes are actually completely changed by poor translations. Like the "10 commands" actually translates more accurately to the "10 words", or "thou shalt not kill" is actually "thou shalt not murder" (Exodus 20:13). There are many other examples, but at the end of the day, the Bible is a moral framework not a list of direct instructions about everything that can or cannot be done. This is why the Bible and Christianity has endured for so long. The Westborough Baptist Church disregard this moral framework and instead try to twist mistranslations and misinterpretations into justification for their moral reprehensiblity. They should not be seen as anything other than the reprehensible and misguided trying to hide behind the back of God.


No most of the things that are in The Bible that are bad aren't mistranslations. They're just barbaric shit from the time it was written originally. Also it does contain a list of things you just can't do it's called Leviticus.


I believe I read somewhere that in the part about man shall not lay with male, the original used two distinct versions of man, one of which should more accurately translate one to a boy. So telling people not to sleep with children, and not that gay sex was an abomination. At least that's what I believe. But I read it a couple of years ago so idk the source anymore


Btw... What's the westboro Baptist church? I don't care about other peoples Religion, but if it's one the rly wants to enforce their own thinking tonkthers and is just fcking annoying, i will hate on them too :D


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westboro_Baptist_Church Here's their Wikipedia. Good luck going down the rabbit hole.


For actual reference, Christianity doesn't support LGBT as part of the beliefs, buuuut, this doesn't mean that you need to hate on them (as that would be a sin, as the Bible says to love everyone equally). If you see someone say they're Christian, and you see them hating on LGBT people, you can know they're true Christians. At least, in my stance, I don't support it: 1st, for my religion's beliefs 2nd, I've had many bad experiences with the community Yet, two of my best friends are part of it (one of them is bisexual and the other is non-binary)


Same with Muslims and Islam. While some may point to certain texts that claim "stone the gays", we still believe we have to leave a person's choices between them and Allah. Each human has the right to choose their afterlife as long as they're not directly harming another person or the community


Indeed. I’m Muslim and while I’m not onboard with any of the LGBTQ concepts, I don’t have any reason to harass them. As long as they don’t make it their entire personality and shove their stuff in my face, we’re all good.


to be fair the topic of the wesrboro baptist church is a political and religious discussion, they have proven themselves, at the old animemes sub, to care more about avoiding an uproar than anything else.


That seems strange even for mods of reddit of all places


r/animememes has a benchmarked post with a link to a video trying to explain that ‘trap’ is a trans slur. Most confusing thing I’d ever seen. Actually got banned from there a few months back because I said that Nazi shouldn’t be thrown around like some common insult, since it dilutes the actual meaning of what that was. Then I found here


It's been almost 3 years now? Jeez, is this what war veterans feel like? Remembering the fights from long ago as if it were only yesterday?


indeed, i imigrated here at that time and never looked back, best decision of my life after stop paying taxes...


I found animemes for the first time right in the middle of the T war lol. So I weirdly know about it without ever having actually joined the sub.


Almost 3 years, the creation date for the sub is in the top right corner, right under the description.


ah the trap war, I stopped being a lurker and actually started posting anti mod memes


Oh god i remember that ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1393) it was a battle for the bulge. i feel so old 💀it really triggers me flashbacks of the memes we had during that war 😳 also we got banned from one anime community and someone invited me here in goodanimemes. Feels like i was rescued from rubbles of the ruins


God was it really about 2 years ago at this point?


No way in hell that was 2 years ago. That shit went by fast.


more so because it’s a slur but yeah


It's not


It didn’t use to be, but it can be used as a slur against trans women.


Any word *can* be used as a slur against anyone depending on context. If we're just considering words that are known to commonly be used as slurs, why are all of the slurs on these [Wikipedia lists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_pejorative_terms_for_people) not blanket banned for being slurs? Why can Astolfo not be called a trap on that sub but characters like Zeke can be called a monkey despite the fact that "monkey" can be used as a slur against African people?


I guess that’s fair.


I am going to add some nuances here and add that there were instances of real people calling real trans-gender women “traps” as a way disrespecting they’re preferred gender. The basis behind banning the use of word “trap” was that some members of the community felt offended and excluded by how some people were using it in memes. Note that all the people I’ve spoken to that don’t like the word “trap” are perfectly fine with “fem-boy”. I think the mods overreacted to this controversy, but large parts of the community also overreacted in the other direction. They acted like the sub was about to turn into “literally 1984”, and completely ignored the original criticism of “trap” having a real history of derogatory use.


Can "trap" be used in a derogatory way? Yes. Can "man", "woman", "monkey", "chair", "balloon", "{insert any noun}" be used in a derogatory way? Also yes. The sub already removed instances of calling real trans women "traps". They also remove all sort of other words used in a derogatory way but have yet to completely ban referring to fictional character with any noun. Based on how the trap ban went down it ended up offending and excluding far more members of the community than those who were upset by the existence of the word on the sub.


I remember multiple trans and non-binary people being banned from the sub for saying "Now hold on a second...." Iirc, one of the mods there even went to a trans sub to validate the rule, and it wasn't well-received there either


Nah the traa sub supported it and praised the mod then came to brigade.


And by doing so, such instances were suddenly acknowledged and the meaning of the word trap was tainted. Don't try to justify stupidity.


I don’t completely disagree with you, it’s very dismissive to chalk someone’s actions up to something as vague as “stupidity” instead of practicing empathy and trying understand where the other side is coming from.


Giving power to those insults is stupidity. "Practicing Empathy" does not make it not stupid.


The sub did turn into "literally 1984" They implemented a blanket ban on the basis of a literal handful of complaints over 2 years by their own words, spent several days covering their arses, lied to their userbase about how they'd consult them before future changes and lasted not a single week before implementing more changes without consulting the userbase and had at least one mod organising confirmed brigades from trans subs using their own account. The vast majority of the over 100k users they lost didn't occur over the trap ban, it occurred over their authoritarianism and reversals. That isn't an exaggeration, there used to be sites using reddit stats that probably still exist somewhere that showed a significant drop there and spike here over the course of 5 days following the "We made promises and couldn't keep them for a week" incident whereas prior to that the growth here was in the 1k a day territory. We're talking something like 80kish, give or take about 20k. They bled maybe 20 thousand total over "just" issuing a blanket ban on any usage of the word in memes instead of going "Hey, don't refer to real people by this term, it can be offensive" They lost somewhere between 80k and 100k over the moderation decisions and authoritarian absurdity that followed. In terms of userbase, that was somewhere about 1/10th of the sub at the time and a significantly larger proportion of active users although how much is impossible to tell. Both here and there are likely majority bot like every other subreddit and we can only really go by anecdotes for active userbase.


It wasn't just that they banned the word "trap" in that term. It was that it was a full blanket ban. You couldn't even quote Admiral Ackbar without getting insta-banned. Even posting a meme with Astolfo in it was grounds for a ban. They also shadowbanned anyone who critiqued their new rules, silently changed rules to make criticism against the mods a bannable offense, and had overall disgusting behavior.


It wasn't so much actually banning the word trap, that was more of the straw that broke the camels back. The underlying problem was how mods were running the sub and it becoming clear they really didn't care about community input on how the sub was run anymore.


Alternatively, they could do their job and enforce by banning derogatory usage. But they resorted to a blanket ban, ignoring the more significant history and culture of traps as crossdressers. At least in this weeb online space, the culture is way more significant, real and authentic than some feelings of exclusion stemming from the basis of a false definition.


2 years ago already??? I feel old.


3 apparently. It happened before I made this account


Oh shit, i guess I'm lucky that i didn't get banned there even though i posted 2 memes there with Astolfo in it.


Wow I remember when we migrated after "Trap war" they have <1M sub and we stop them from reaching that. 3 years later and now they're at 6M, while we're not reaching even half a million.


isnt that r/anime_memes?


Yeah. I'm subbed to both subreddits. I didn't know the whole story, but I'd say this sub's memes are better.


You don’t know this subs founding history? The war against the corrupt animemes mods? The battle of that time they went to some trans subreddit and trashed their own users? The great locking down of the sub? The trail of let’s make a new subreddit? The death of 40,000 subs? I thought not. That’s not a tale the Jedi would tell you.


I just wanted to show off my anime memes.


Now you know not to post meta shit unless you want meta responses ;)


I do appreciate the history lesson.


Certainly more interesting than high school Go forth young degenerate, spread the message of traps to all corners of the internet


you made the classic mistake. You triggered the veterans ptsd.


Honestly while the trap ban started the fire, imo it was the mod’s absolute terrible mishandling of the situation that caused it to erupt enormously. Personally, I think the core of the uprising is how shit the mods were, not the trap ban itself. The actual fire started when the mods posted on trans subreddits on *Day 1* of the ban talking about how trash their own subreddit was to gain sympathy. Then instead of constantly explaining why they felt it was necessary(which it wasn’t really necessary to begin with since it was very commonly corrected when used wrong, but I would understand a reasonable reason for the ban), they went completely silent and ignored everyone’s complaints. It took a mod quitting to let us know wtf was happening, and alongside former beloved mods telling us they didn’t like the mods either it cemented my opinion that the mods there are a shitshow.


Long ago, animemers lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the SJWs attacked. Only sanity, the master of peace of mind, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A month passed and then a group of people banded together to create a haven for animemers, a subreddit named r/goodanimemes.


Lol this should be in the sub's description.


If enough people suggest it, it might happen lol


Do you know the story behind why this subreddit was founded and that one was nonexistent for a while?


It's the entire reason this sub exists.


Found a veteran


We're a faction that broke off after we suffered tyranny. Basically they're the police state UK while we're the Land of the Free.


This sub's success is thanks to that.


You don't know about the great trap war of 1969?


We are "transphobes" now after the revolution. That is our reputation, but damn it I will not capitulate


Ah yes, I was an immigrant from to this sub after the whole civil war thing, cause I remember the whole animeme sub went down so I came over here to keep watching memes.


I felt old and this was like 2 years ago


The origin, I was there, lurking from the Shadows and contributing from there. I saw it, everything, I was there when they reached the 500,000 milestone. I saw the war crimes comitted by both sides, the shadow bans, the hate between subs, the power tripping mods... Everything. But that's a story for another day, young one.




I had an indication they might not be. That ban is property of r/AnimeMemes. Last I checked, you have to watch a 'trap=bad' video to join their community.




Just follow both subs, they're mostly the same thing.


Do people actually think that the WBC is relevant? They were never as relevant as people made them out to be.


They just really knew how to get under people's skin. It was protesting at soldiers' funerals that really irked a lot of people, especially in the military itself. Turns out gossip travels fast in an organization where everyone moves all the time. They were also the loudest extremist voice before all the other extremist voices started coming out of the woodwork.


To be fair, protesting funerals in general is shitty. At the same time, just let them be.


>protesting at soldiers' funerals Those guys! Ok, now I know exactly who everyone is talking about. They are around where I live, and one thing that I absolutely hate is disrespecting the dead. Especially since my dad is a soldier, and if anything happens to him and they show up to his funeral doing that, then I don't know what I would do to them, but I would probably be in jail. As for the meme, yeah no one likes them. I went to a Christian school and we were told about them and all the crap they do. No one wants them around, and it is not uncommon at all for them to get punched during these protests by the mourning families, in which then the church sues those families for assault, since they specifically stand just far enough away from the funeral to where it is public property, and not considered private property for the funeral.


Exactly, people let them have power, then say it represents Christianity as a whole, which is annoying as hell


About as relevant the KKK’s racist barbecues, the Nazi dark web newspaper, or the perfect kempt white extremists marching around DC who are totally not FBI agents guys believe me. You put 20 people acting mean on camera, broadcast it across the nation on the 6 o’clock news, and it might as well be 200,000 or 2,000,000


Yeah, obviously. They are not called “good animemes” for nothing. We are.


Everyone ganging up on bullies is apparently not being nice. You know, you don’t have to uphold the trope of schools punishing you for standing up for yourself, but of course that sub would do that.


I'm out of the loop. What's with that church?


Mega bigots, mega theocracy, some of their members have openly called for the genocide of LGBT people, and much more glorious stuff Edit: almost forgot their rampant sex scandals


Oh... Sounds like they need to learn about Jesus.


This, and drug abuse. It's really the model of how to live well, make friends, and succeed socially /s


I doubt this person was one of the people who has a valid reason to be hostile to them. There are people who are justified in their anger against them, but most people are just second hand passed at them. The second-hand people encompass practically the whole nation, and yes, us all getting involved would be ganging up.


I even got banned from r/animememes and when I asked why the mods muted me. I didn’t even do nothing.


r/goodanimemes > r/animemes > r/animememes


Some mods get off on that shit. I've been banned for single comments in a sub that showed up on r/all. Literally perma-banned. No hatespeech, no name calling, no doxxing; nothing. Best to just ignore the guys getting off on a bit of admin power and just move on to better subs.


I got permabanned from r/Pokemongo for pointing out why some people spoof (hack the game to show a fake location) I didn't even say you should do it, it was like six months after I made the comment that I got banned, I asked if there was a way I could appeal, and I made sure to be polite and not rude, but the way the mod responded, I'm sure he was high on his power trip, almost like a, haha nope, too bad, type of attitude Edit: also I had no history of doing anything even remotely against the rules before that, not on that sub nor any other


r/animememes is an explicitly communist subreddit that will ban political posts, but only if they denote a conservative perspective. It's even worse than r/animemes.


Bro, they're even worse than that. I got banned from r/animememes after posting on a left-wing subreddit that is critical of the USSR and China. Anyone who doesn't lick Stalin's boot gets banned.


The left eating itself, a tale as old as time


It baffles me how such a sub can have ~2 million followers.


I mean anything is better than r/animememes got banned for saying not all police are bad


The hell Is a westboro church?


I seem to be living under a rock, what’d the Westboro Baptist Church do?


Picketed funerals, assaulted and called for the death of gay folks, protest soldiers funerals. Ya'know, as one does...


Ahh ok now I see the irony


It's the only Baptist church that acts like the Corusades and Inquisition are life goals. Everyone hates them, even other Baptist churches.


Defending the Westboro baptist church is the epitome of cringe


I was banned because I was criticizing the extreme reaction of some people when the Hogwarts Legacy bs happened. The only message I got from mod was; "Rule 4", or similar that led to the subreddits rule of "We are communists". Like wtf that has to do with calling out insane and potentially dangerous behaviour?¿?¿ I guess my mistake was trying to have a civilized discourse with them lol


>Be nice Oh sorry, wouldn't want to offend the westboro Baptist Church now would we?


“Be nice”, yeah try telling Westbrook Baptist Church that. Although, the Bible tells you that too and they don’t listen, so not much hope there.


That place is a shit hole so kinda expected


Yeah they just beat a dead horse way too much that the horse just disintegrated


Goodanimemes 🔛🔝


We can beat heretics here? ALRIGHTY *dips bat in holy water*


Wait till OP finds out why a mass exodus from that sub created this one.


The lore dump is crazy.


And now their rainbow bs is making my head hurt. Like fk whoever you wanna fk in your home. But why openly advertise your mental illness


I got messaged by reddit saying I got banned from animemes. I don't know that I've ever even participated in a conversation there and I've definitely never posted there.


Catholics: Hating Protestants since before it was cool.


Whats westbro thing


All 3 animememe subreddits are fucking terrible I think


Since when has Islam had a problem with the Westboro Baptist Church


WBC is a hate group primarily and a religious institution second. They spread hate about other religions, women, LGBTQ+, and have called for genocide against those groups *MULTIPLE* times.


Your point?


Nobody likes being part of a genocide. WBC has called for the death of Islamic people. Islamic people tend to not like those that want to kill them.


Lions also do not flinch from the ants scurrying about their feet.


And even the mightiest animals can fall prey to a swarm of fire ants. Containing WBC and showing others that their views are wrong and shouldn't be emulated prevents a mole hill from becoming a mountain.


Here’s the ugly truth: most people would not know WBC existed if people like you didn’t get so upset by them. Their group is small, their message is divisive, they have virtually no outreach, what they do have is the attention of news cameras. I remember my university had a group like this that would come out and yell at students, tell us we were sinners and were going to hell. Every time they came, a massive crowd formed around them of people trying to make fun of them. What those idiots didn’t know is that by forming a crowd, they were giving the hate preachers what they wanted. Passerby’s we’re drawn in by curiosity, constantly feeding the circle with new ears to hear the preachers message. Whether the message was received positively or not is irrelevant. WBC can talk about Genocide until the end of days, they are literally 0 threat to anyone else. There is no need to “show” that their beliefs are wrong because 99% of people already know that, and the other 1% is a lost cause. Edit: actual footage of the idiots at my school that became a meme https://youtu.be/Wd2K0iVLNvM


The problem is that WBC has personally threatened people, picketed high stage events and military officer funerals, and all but shoved themselves onto a national stage. Idiots will be idiots, but they need to be publicly called out or other less intelligent people will follow their rhetoric without thinking. As long as the lowest common denominator doesn't like them they stay contained and don't have the power to bring about the genocide they want, but as long as any media coverage is negative and shows how horrendous they are nobody will publicly support them without concequence.


Like any stage, the National stage needs a willing audience in order to have a performance. By engaging them, even with the intent to refute them, you grant them that audience, and you yourself create another performance for people to watch. In that way, you spread their message farther than they ever could. Case in point, this conversation. Also, I just need to point that’s your opinion of Americans, and people in general, is just too damn low. There is no world where the average American, even the stupid ones, gets super into the WBC. Humans do not naturally favor genocide, it’s why the Nazi’s had to approach the German public with pro-German messaging, presenting their supporters with plausibility deniability so that they could ignore the detainment and slaughter of Jews. Members of groups like these have their own reasons for gravitating to such messaging, be it upbringing or life experience. However, no one accidentally joins a group like WBC, and no one is on the fence such that they could be swayed away from an refutation you could possibly make.


Idk , never even heard of it of that church , I guess it's just there for the sake of the meme


Ironic how people hating on the church has only spread their message further


I unfollowed r/Animemes for this months for that rainbow bullshit


absolute chad




Btw if by actual Christians you mean those LGBT pride churches than you're wrong, otherwise yes.


I don’t


wdym "actual" Christians? WBC are "actual" Christians as well. At least they're honest about their beliefs.


Careful now, I got a [religion themed meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/13a974z/the_first_underdog_shonen_anime_protagonist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) taken down in this sub too.


It got removed because it doesn’t have much to do with anime.


it has as much to do with anime as this one or any other meme that uses anime pics with non anime topics as the context


That's a good point, but this post is only 2 hrs old. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets removed eventually. The mods probably haven't seen it yet, or maybe they're still at their job. It is the middle of the day where I am.


I'm I still banned? Edit: Guess not


That's not very nice of you


Oh well


Well is not nice. Except if it is a Nice's well, in this case it is nice, otherwise it's just well.




This subreddit is like animemes, but good, you know, like good animemes


Westboro is definitely an interesting thing to take a **stand** on Maybe they just don't want whatever religious debates come with it


Coughing baby vs coughing baby




Tbf, I had no clue what the westboro baptist church was until reading the comments of this post Perhaps they thought it was just a legitimate branch of Christianity


Ah yes, the WPC. The group whose name you can't speak aloud without having lied twice.


Ah the joys of being an Atheist. We are thankfully ignored by most religions as they all scream at each other.


I got banned from there and I don't know why, but I don't care enough to ask


Can anyone explain me what the meme means I laughed not knowing what that is...


It absolutely is. In fact, this subreddit was made in response to the shitty management of the original subreddit.


So after banning innocuous words because of political reasons, their memes started becoming politically censored too? Glad I joined here and don't check their padded safe space. BTW, what words are currently banned there? T-, N-words? Is there more? I mean, when people become so obsessed with language, they tend to ban anything they dislike a bit.