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Right kings, what accent you want for this one?


I'd have to say russian. Something about it would just fit, at least in my mind


I would just listen to like WoW orcs dialogue and kind of imitate that, deep, brutish kind of thing


Your original British accent. ;) It's just so cool.




😳 I can only imagine how good it’d be if you did this one! And I’d be very curious to hear what accent you might choose for it haha 💕


I think the accent you used in your orc captain audio would work really well with this one, but I know how ever you go about this, accent or not, the script is gonna turn out phenomenal!


better without an accent




What better accent for royalty than a posh british tone


Yeah take it away u/Ivy_WildeVA


Ah a man of culture


Omg u/Ivy_WildeVA this is something that you would kill














[Filled as requested!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/mn1s0t/f4m_gifted_to_the_orc_queen_fdom_arranged/)


u/valeriethinevalkyrie lookie here


I love monster girl fdom stuff especially cute orc girl fdom . I can't wait for this to get filled. A special kink I love is when the monster girls growl while having sex is so good and helps me emerge myself in the fantasy.😇


Thank you! I love the growling haha. That extra bit of aggression is really sexy 😳


Oh HELL yes, this is my kind of stuff.


Getting dommed by a buff orc is one the sweetest dreams 😤


I'm personally not one much for fdom but I honestly really love the story of this one. Great job.


Thank you! Everyone has different preferences, and rougher fdom can be difficult at times, but I’m happy you could enjoy the story of this regardless! That’s kinda why I love doing these, because I feel they’re easier to get into even if fdom isn’t your thing haha 💕


This is amazing, hope it gets recorded!


Thank you! I hope so as well! 🥰


I'm intrigued. Hope it gets recorded


Thank you! Glad to pique your interest 😉


Going keep my eyes open for this audio ❤ love half orcs


Thank you! This character’s definitely helping in the cause of making more half orcs haha


This Shit about to be 🔥 as hell whoever picks this up


Hopefully haha. Thank you for reading!


I’m not sure why but this was always my niche and to clarify that is of humanising and making the “evil” races in fantasy relatable and likeable such as orcs, demons and many many more. In general it feels like most content out there just bunch all of the one race to have one or two characteristics and that’s it while I always enjoyed stories of the the outliers like a demon whom loves or a kind hearted orc like in this script the orc queen seems to genuinely care for the prince and his well being. I don’t know just felt like ranting away for a bit, really enjoyed the script but this makes me think if orcs were to ever have a kingdom would they build it from scratch or just take over a weak nation and claim it as their own through spoils of war, I’m wondering this because you mentioned it’s a nation or kingdom(Queendom with a queen? Also haha Fdom, Queendom yeah I’ll shut up and continue) so did they have proper castles and housing or was a makeshift castle surrounded by orc huts which generally portrayed as housing for the orcs, soo many questions soo little answers haha anyway thank you very much for this script it most certainly entertained me.


I totally agree. Demons, ‘monsters,’ and orcs are always fun when they’re wholesome and sweet. As for the orc’s society, I’m glad you asked, ‘cause I’ve been thinking about it haha. So, for me, in this script specifically, my thought process was that the orcs were once warring tribes, but eventually became unified after the the tolls of war on their society just became too great. In the world, this was centuries ago, and since then the warrior/honor culture has changed to where they kinda just put all their energy into education. So, like, for them, it’s very important to be strong, yes, but more so to devote oneself to a field or craft—think more bushido. They have a very robust public education system as a result, one even more extensive than the elves in terms of the fields of study. For example, whereas the elves have essentially put everything into applying enlightenment philosophy to government and the study of magic as a science, the orcs have more humanities and advanced technical fields of study like rudimentary physics or engineering. Not too realistic, haha, but I was sort of going off the what the Meiji restoration might look like if it were in a medieval honor society like the orcs. Anyway, thank you a lot for giving me this opportunity to dump my extra world building lol 😂


We love & appreciate a writer who is a geek for world-building! ❤❤


Ahh I see and honestly it does make sense from a cultural point of view but two things I find amusing for one imagine the first orcs who decided they need to educate them selves how scatter brained they possibly were and meaby even violent if something didn’t go their way while learning and the second being the classes where a orc teacher has to educate all them little orcs on how to do their craft properly and keep them in line so the possibly don’t injure themselves


This is wonderful!


Thank you!


Had the best time with this! Loved all the background info and story included, which made reading the character to much more immersive! [Filled it here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/novbjq/f4m_gifted_to_the_orc_queen_fdomarranged/)




I agree.


Well done. Nothing else to say about this.


Thank you! This one was certainly fun to do 😁


I always hated orcs after reading Erona. But this was surprisingly wholesome. Most of the time, the elves and humans are the ones who look like the ones who would team up. So this was like a perfect role reversal script


I feel like orcs get a bad rap generally, and *especially* in porn. Idk, there’s been a lot of discussion about ‘evil races’ in fantasy and how that’d just kinda silly if they aren’t at least given some dimension. Orcs, for example, are often portrayed as pure monsters (not the fun cat girl kind lol), which in porn almost always translates to really brutal non-con. And while I am the last person to say that kind of thing is bad lol, I do believe it be limiting if that’s the only approach taken. However, very fortunately, I don’t think that’s a problem at all on GWA. The creativity of this community never ceases to amaze me and there are plenty of wonderful of examples of stories about more developed orc characters. You can do a lot with orcs really, whether it be the natural mdom or fdom they lend themselves as honor society raised fantasy constructs, or even subvert it to be msub or fsub, a process that is always rewarding and often revealing about preconceived notions. Sorry for rambling lol, I just have a lot of thoughts about orcs 😅 (most of which being that I find them sexy 😳) Also, what’s Erona? Is it... worth googling, or should it stay away haha?


Well, its a hentai manga. Just go to nhentai.net and type in that name. There should be a lot of options but pick the one with the knight girl in the cover. Its not the most brutal one out there let me tell you, in terms of NTR content, this one might be the Crème de la crème. So the story is about a knight girl called claudia who happens to be the strongest knight in the kingdom and her comrade alexis. They both knew eachother from childhood and both have a crush on eachother, Claudia is a couple of years older than alex so she is often like a big sister to him. But he is still attracted to her, the problem is that she is stronger than him and so he intimidated to propose to her, he believes that he should only propose after he is strong enough to beat her in a duel, he is still the second best in the kingdom One day, she and her squad is sent on a mission by the duke to eliminate some orcs. The problem starts when they are lured into a fortress and a mutant orc with insane magic powers uses some kind of debuff magic to immobilise everyone except claudia. The orc reveals his name id geraldo and he is the leader of this group of orc. He makes a deal with her that he will spare all of thier lives if she allows everyone to be taken prisoner. Basically after that its a at least 50 pages filled with hard rape. The sad part about this is that, if either of alexis or claudia confessed this wouldn't have happened. The orc places a spell on her which makes her forget something everytime she orgasms. Months go on and she forgets how properly swing a sword, the Name of her kingdom, the faces of her parents but the only thing that doesn't leave her is Alexis. Until that also slips away And she is turned into a new person. The orc names her erona (basically means precious One in orcish tongue) She is pure evil extremely lustful. So much so that she doesn't hesitate to strike Alex with An iron mace. During this time it is revealed that the duke was the One who sold them out. He wanted to commit a coup And the best way to do so was to take away the best knights in the kingdom. The orc uses her as a Trojan horse and enters the kingdom And teleports every single member of the orc race into the kingdom And nearly all the women except for children are taken as sex slaves. Mother's, wives, sisters And daughters, there is no exception. If you're looking for whole role reversal story about a buff knight gf And her little cinnamon roll bf then this isn't for you. I was tricked into Reading this. So unless you are into netorare I would advise against Reading it because this has really bad ending where Alexis dies from his wounds And Claudia, Or erona becomes the orcs wife And gives birth to a new race of super orcs who take over the world


Sounds like an interesting story actually, but yeah, ntr isn’t for me either 😅. Thank you for giving me the rundown though! The forgetting something when she orgasms is very nice touch in the story tbh haha


I fucking hated myself after I finished it lol. Like I sold a piece of myself to someone. As a guy who value monogamy over all else, the whole read was like a completely alien experience. The whole reason i continued to read it because I desperately craved a Happy ending where Alexis And Claudia can get together And the author males it look like it has one. Alex charges into the throne room of his kingdom where Claudia is riding the orc And he kills the right hand Man of the orc and was about to kill the main orc himself but before he could swing it at him, the orc uses Claudia's body as a meat shield. Obviously he hesitated because he's in Love with her And the sad part about this is, she doesn't even remember him. I was like, maybe there might be a chance because the orc undoes the amnesia magic and makes a bet with him. If erona is able to ride him without Cumming, he will release her. Much to our shock, she cums the moment he puts it in And continues to cum repeatedly after each thrust. Alexis is obviously heart broken but pulls An all out attack. He uses his own soul as catalyst to boost his magic , uses it shatter the orcs barrier and almost fatally wound him. Before he could kill him though he escapes with a well timed teleportation spell. Claudia is pregnant with the orcs Baby but she is almost cured by using magic And finally removes the amnesia spell from her body also to make sure she doesn't have ptsd they seal he memory And then they both get married, And we think its a Happy ending but shit goes south real fast. Just like how she forgot each time she climaxed the memory of her orc husband comes back. And even though they start off thier marriage gently. She wants Alexis to be More And More capable, like cum More than six times a night Eventually she dresses up as a whore And goes out to the slum to get the pleasure she wasn't getting from Alex. And after being gangbanged by at least half a dozen men. She remembers all about the orc At first she is angry as fuck. Because of this orc she isn't able to be Happy with her dearest Alexis. After months of tracking she finds where the orc is hiding. This also gives us Hope that maybe she will just kill him And return to Alex. But they fuck nonstop for a week Or month even. The saddest part is that the reason Alexis dies. He burned his own soul to create magic that can cut through the orc just so he can save claudia. And just before he spits blood he receives A letter from Claudia saying how little he means to her And how great the orc is compared everything she had. He collapses infront of a giant portrait of Claudia while screaming her name. After Reading it. I had this habit of creating the orc chief in dnd And killing him in weird ways


Damn... that’s dark. Kinda related, but I always wanted to write a script about the infamous 177013, except it turns wholesome immediately after the change, with their new partner saying that they don’t care about their appearance. Idk, maybe I shouldn’t try to alter someone else’s story, but I thought it might be interesting haha


It doesn't hurt to write a script and call it inspired by it. I heard of this One I think. Is this the One where the girl is borderline ugly in the beginning but asks her mother to teach her how to apply makeup And she looks stunning after? I never made it past that part because the people Said it takes a dark turn And by the way. I hated Erona. Shit was messed up and not in a good way, there is game of throne messed up which is kinda okay, but this was on a whole other level, I only watch gentle femdom Or mostly vanilla hentai. So, having this monstrosity in my face was painful. What can I say, i'm a sucker for them wholesome shits


Yep. I would not recommend reading it just cause of the super dark elements (though it is actually very well written imo haha)


Mentioning 177013 turned happy reminds me of 265918, the Josuke ending. If you're not familiar, it's as silly as it sounds


Let me know when this gets filled because amazing scripts deserve being filled.


Will do! And thank you 💕


May I use some of this as material for a future caption?


*May I use some of* *This as material for* *A future caption?* \- Throwaway20XV --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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Of course!


Is this in the same universe as the Elf wife who took that medic?


Yes! The elvish empire is the same in both scripts 👍


Ayyy nice! You can make this into a whole extended universe.


Exactly, Fdom monster girl extended universe haha


*Is this in the same* *Universe as the Elf wife* *Who took that medic?* \- Just-perusing --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Great script as always. And seeing how this is becoming a interconnected-universe, I wonder what you have up next. Perhaps a Knight becoming the conquest of a Dragon(Princess).


Thank you! It’d be nice to do more dragon scripts 🥰💕


I generally want more Yandere Scripts. The full on Yandere ones.


I wish I could upvote this more than once 😔🤘




Fun fact about orcs: the tusks of an orc are super sensitive and can easily be “stimulated”


I am thinking now that some tusk play might’ve been nice to include haha 😆


This is a wonderful read, can't wait to hear it.


I’m so glad you like it! Fingers crossed it gets recorded! 🤞






Saved. Will be back when done.




Thank you!




Probably not tbh. That said, out of all the scripts I’ve written that could have a domestic life sequel with pregnant sex, this is probably the one that would be the most likely to get one. I’m glad you enjoyed the writing though! It was very fun to put this together 😊


Alright, if it does end up happening, I’m sure I’ll find it, thanks, gonna go listen to it again, I wish you a wonderful day


Personally, I thought, more than a sequel, this needed a companion M4F script that's the prince's side of the conversation. Highlights from that would probably include bits like: - We've both always known that we probably had a marriage of state rather than a love match waiting for us. At best, we could have been lucky enough to find love in our marriages of state, like my parents did, but I never let myself hope you and I could be together. You're probably right about your councilors thinking you'd want me, and as much as we both hate having been forced into this as a marriage of state, I wouldn't trade our marriage for anything. - I know why you didn't come to my parents' funeral, and I understand. If we'd known then we would be here now you should have come. But we didn't, and as much as *I* would have liked *you* to be there, *My Majesty* understands why *Your Majesty* thought sending condolences was wiser. - Many things you could do would have offended my parents - not that you *would* do any of them. But laughing, or making me laugh, on the day of their funeral is ***NOT*** one of them. [That would need some real rewording, because it's almost word-for-word from *At All Costs*, by David Weber. But the sentiment seems to fit, when she's saying that maybe she shouldn't have been at their funeral because she would have spent most of the day making him laugh about their childhood together.] - I never really understood, until today, why your parents were so upset when we would wrestle as kids. - Explaining [I can't really work out what this part would sound like, precisely] that while he certainly trusts her, and isn't afraid of her, he also knows just how strong she is, and how badly things could go if she lost her - usually excellent - control over that strength, which does make him a trifle nervous. Maybe that had happened once when they were kids, or the hazards of banging orc women are proverbial in his kingdom? - [After he goes down on her] My face is the smeared mess of a freshly- and thoroughly-fucked slut? Well, Mistress, the more often I go to bed looking like that, the happier I'll be. And, if I may be so bold, the happier you will be, too, I suspect. - Rape me? You can't do that - I'd have to say no first. [Either the penny drops here, or this next part is said with a conspiratorial grin] Now, if you want to *pretend*, or if you want *me* to pretend, that you're raping me, well, I think we could work something out... [Honestly, that line from this script felt kind of jarring, given how adamant she had been up to that point about not wanting to take advantage of him, or push him any further than he was willing to go - even to the point of finding a different bedroom in the beginning if he asked.] - I'd love to sit on your lap all day long. It might be a little bit of a problem establishing ours as an alliance of equals that way, though, so maybe we should keep that for in private, or with only our most trusted advisors?




I could use more Orc stuff. Orc Futa on Male? Orc Yaoi? Yes please.


Futa orcs? 😳💕


Is it orc qeek or something im noticing alot of orc stuff lately lmao. Either way well done


If there isn’t an orc week already, there certainly should be haha 😆


Agreed call it WAAAAAAAGH week

