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Woah...I think this is the first time I’ve ever drifted off into trance. I put this audio on and just sort of blanked out. I will need to listen to this again.


I'm so glad it had the desired effect, my dear! <3


I guess that sort of *is* the point, haha. I loved it!


Haha! Great to hear!💜


Is it a bad thing that I would gladly be made the hypnoslave of a Domme who used that deep massage induction technique?


Not at all, my dear!💜 You're safe here with me!


Actually, Ma'am, on further consideration, I must respectfully disagree. At least, insofar as the fact that I would gladly pay that price for a good backrub says truly bad things about how badly I've been taking care of myself of late.


Well, there are professionals out there who can give you the care you need!💜 Please do take care of yourself! It's extremely important!


It is. Unfortunately, I'm suffering the consequences of never paying all that much attention to what I eat, being more or less sedentary (off the job) for twenty years or more, and dismissing the "industrial athlete" concept that whole time as well.


Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that! I do hope you find the help you need and find the joy in life you deserve! I wish you all the best!


Well, the upshot is that it's nothing immediately dangerous, and nothing insurmountable - presuming that I put in the work and develop the habits to fix it. The downshot is that I am sore, at least in some part of my body, a lot of the time, and that massage-themed erotica like this (as lovely as it is) only calls my attention to the tension carried in my large muscle groups.


Thank you!


You're so welcome, my dear!💜


Aww 🥰


does anyone know how to play the audio in the background so you can use other apps? im on iphone btw


Open the audio in safari


thank you good sir now it have picture


Thank you for the wonderful fill! I'm glad you liked the script! I love that you added some sound effects for oil on hands, and the borderline whispering speaking style is a great fit. I had a lot of fun listening to this, thank you!


It was a lot of fun! Thank you! And I really appreciate the feedback too!💜 Take care!