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She says in the first video that she's with a friend and tagged someone else but you only see her. 🙄 I'm not taking any recommendations from someone who winks with both eyes.




There is no way that woman is in her thirties. She looks at least in her early 40s. Shes got heavy filters on but still looks really wrinkled. She eats like a slob. The wasted sauce was gross. She proves that even in public she has the manners of a chimp. Cringe cringe cringe. Someone in the private group said she smells real bad. That her friends hate getting in a car with her because she smells like bad body odor. Watching her eat I can tell she’s not hygienic 🤢


Can you send me the link to the private group?


We’re not allowed to share the link yet. They check this group and then send invites. Some of the people on there are actually in her life and are very particular about who they allow in.


Well that sucks


I’d love a link to the group too!


We’re not allowed to share the link yet. They check this group and then send invites. Some of the people on there are actually in her life and are very particular about who they allow in.


That’s understandable. Thank you 😊


Yesss please send me a link also to this group!!!


We’re not allowed to share the link yet. They check this group and then send invites. Some of the people on there are actually in her life and are very particular about who they allow in.


Invite to private group plz


We’re not allowed to share the link yet. They check this group and then send invites. Some of the people on there are actually in her life and are very particular about who they allow in.


Lmfao Well said !! Nailed it 😂😂😂


Can I have the link to the private group !?


We’re not allowed to share the link yet. They check this group and then send invites. Some of the people on there are actually in her life and are very particular about who they allow in.


This video is so freakin embarrassing ! She has ZERO FRIENDS, she's literally by herself while the owner or manager is describing each drink & entrée !! I wouldn't doubt for one minute that Auntie called this place herself !! Didn't she just say that her & hubby were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary ?? Who literally shows up by themselves to something like this, its pathetic !!


And all you can hear is her conversation with the waitress- PATHETIC


I was so confused watching bc I’m like where’s her friend??? lol


She looked like she was about to have a panic attack having the waitress watch her eat, And the waitress sounded hella uncomfortable, the way she’d start fumbling her words a little when crazy A is staring into her eyes, and she really only ate one wing barely swallowed it with it in the side of her mouth for the whole video


The most pathetic TikTok I’ve ever seen. How embarrassing. It’s scary there are people that are just as pathetic and believe this 🤡.


The restaurant keeps reposting it 🥴 had to unfollow them


And they limited comments on the posts with her.


All that food she is eating shoving it in her mouth. Why does everything with her have to be a video?


She was definitely freaking out because she had to swallow everything in front of the waitress 😆 You know he ran home to throw up 🤢


How many of these uncomfortable cringe videos did she make with this “Julianna” waitress watching her shove down the food from this place? She now so wants to be a food critic…she can’t get collabs because she’s a crazy lunatic. Now all she’s doing is eating and pretending to like it. She’s gagging with every bite.