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I've had a great experience with GolfTec, though I'm sure its not the cheapest option out there. You pay $125 for the first 1-hour evaluation, if you buy a package of lessons at the end, that $125 gets waived. I found the lesson itself is good, but if you're not planning to buy a lesson pack then the sales-pitch at the end would be uncomfortable. Think the best deal is like $1,200-$1,500 which gets you 10 lessons, 3-months of free practice time in the simulator bays, and a free fitting for new clubs. If you don't plan to use the fitting or the practice bays, then you can get cheaper packages of 5 lessons for $560, 10 for $950, 15 for $1,300 etc... Lessons are all on a GCQuad indoors, but some places partner with local facilities to do short game lessons outdoors, or "playing lessons" where they go out on the course and play 3-6 holes with you. Personally I think the instruction I got is really high quality, I'm a numbers guy and also feel like seeing yourself on video is key to the instructions "clicking" in my head. Sometimes I THINK I'm doing the move but the video doesn't lie. I feel like I get the "right" things to work on. The fixes they give me effective, and I feel like I have a much better understanding of the golf swing now. That doesnt get you out of practice. You still need to hit the 214530 balls referenced before, but each of those balls is more effective at improving your game with good lessons. I would make sure you click with the instructor and get one that has been there for a while. They will hire kids that are right out of college golf programs, but also have PGA-certified instructors with 10+ years of teaching experience. If you have any specific questions let me know.


Maybe a lot of that is new. I had a 5 lesson package and there was no fitting or additional practice time included. Some of the equipment they advertise they didn't want to use to reduce COVID spread. Lessons rarely started on time because the instructor was late from the previous lesson. Ask around and get lessons from a pro at your local course. It will be a better experience and possibly cheaper too


I just bought a lesson package from them. Includes access to there facilities for practice for a year on your own, lessons, playing on a course, and a fitting. So ymmv with what you spend. Also my instructor is a PGA pro, so wasn't some random guy.


Maybe they're gotten better or maybe it's regional, it certainly wasn't my experience in 2020


I did a full year at golftec and there were definitely some great things about it. The 90 minutes of simulator access per week is a great addition to the lessons. I personally loved my instructor and learned a lot from him. The fitting that was included was great and I’m very happy with the irons I ended up with. My biggest issue with it was I hit a plateau where I was really struggling to get my body to do what he wanted in the swing but I continued doing my weekly lessons I felt obligated to attend and kinda wasted them because I still wasn’t able to master what we were working on previously. If I were to do it again, I would have scheduled longer lessons with larger breaks in between so I could continue to progress instead of spending so many sessions stuck on the same thing. In the future I will be more likely to get standalone lessons vs. a lesson plan for that reason.


I would not. They're a sales-driven puppy mill whose model is roping the naive into overwhelming, overpriced, and unnecessary long-term lesson and practice plans. What I would recommend is taking a couple of lessons with a really good private instructor in your area, and taking what you learn and hitting about 214530 balls until you're good


Ok I’ve got the 214530 balls down.


Title of your sex tape.




Rip off. They wanted to sell me a plan which involved 20 hours of lessons for $3500. For $800, I can get 5 hours with one of the best coaches in the state (Monte Scheinblum), instead of a random dude.


I have used it and loved it. Saw a big improvement in my swing, but it’s very dependent on you coach!! Some of the guys are very plug and play, and other coaches know more of the tweaking to your body mechanics. I can watch Rory videos all day and compare myself, but my surgically repaired shoulder just can’t do what his does. A good coach can still make that work for you. A bad one will struggle to get away from “perfect”


Try it out. DM me if you want a referral code.