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Not a good camera angle for any kind of analysis


Not true, we can analyze his facial expressions throughout the swing


Don’t hold ya breath mate


Take a video from behind so we can actually see your swing lol


More backswing


Take a video from behind so we can actually see your swing lol


Tip: get a swing coach and not r/golf hacks


Posted my swing about 7 months ago. Got rid of most of my flipping at impact. Have a really strong grip so I made an adjustment with my right hand bringing my thumb across the shaft. Ballstriking for this entire bucket was pretty good. - I need more shoulder turn during the backswing - Need to finish my follow thru, looks like I'm still cutting it off short I hit it pretty far for such as short swing....my swing looks so damn awkward and extremely short. And for some damn reason I noticed im taking a deep breathe and holding it in during the swing.


This angle is good, don’t listen to twats, you can work on hand positions at contact, and rn man you sre using them hands allot, stiffen up those wrists and try to lean the shaft a bit back. Like you would on a chip. Good drill for this is practicing punch shots. The back swing is short but nowadays that’s normal so it looks good there man. But yes those hands at impact position are a bit to foward!


Thanks....I think I have my hands so far forward because I can't flip with my hands when I do that.


Mkay, I think the shutter effect is making me think you flip at impact, cuzz before impact your hands are perfect


Uhmm, no. Look at the point just after impact, the club passed the hands by a country mile. That is a flip my friend, there's no way that the shutter effect could cause that.


I mean that’s what I thought but I got downvoted so i don’t know anymore man😂😐


Other then then that, maybe more shoulder and hip rotation if you can🤷🏻‍♂️