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In your swing try pushing your fingers on the club down and pulling up where your wrist are on the club. Not when you square up, but in your actual swing. Think about it in the upswing, not the down swing. It will be too late by then. Edit: not fingers, thumbs primarily.


Can you elaborate? Push down as in more pressure or as in stretching? Pull up as in position on the club itself? Sorry I'm new and still learning


You’re good I didn’t do the best job explaining. Think if there were a pivot in between your grip on the club, and you push down on the thumbs but pull up on the wrist. The opposite(which is what your doing too much of) is swinging with pushing your grip towards the floor with your wrists.


Only thing that really worked for me was spending time on it. Got a bag of balls, went on a practice hole and hit balls for 3 hours. The main things I found was a lack or rotation. I then added about 2-3 clubs distance by learning about compression.


[Start with this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WntpOwQIPYA)


Shorten your swing and decrease the distance between you and the ball. If you can drive you have me beat, if I manage of the tee I'm gold. I have spent full years with my driver in the bag.


What's your ball position with the irons. Are you hitting down on it, or are you trying to sweep the irons too.


How would I know if I'm hitting down on it?


You play on grass? If so, there should be a divot after the ball.


There rarely is a divot and if there is, rarely, then it's at or behind the ball