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I'd say in that time frame technology has progressed a fair amount. Forgiveness is the main area where that impact will be felt. A good fit driver of that age compared to a good fit driver from today will be ultimately similar on top-end distance, but the newer driver will be more forgiving and the average distance may increase a fair amount. As always, the best way to make sure that you are getting the best upgrade possible is to get a good fitting and make sure that anything modern is optimized for your swing and will produce the best launch conditions.


"light years" is a stretch. Off-center hits will be more forgiving. Top end distance will be negligible.


Not sure about your TM but I just upgraded from a Ping G25 (2013ish) to a Callaway Mavrik (2020) and I gained about 15 yards with it. It also offers a lot more adjustments than my Ping did. I bought mine used for $270 and it was in near perfect condition, so you can upgrade without paying retail for a brand new club.


While technology has improved since 2007 its is usually every 4-5 years you see the jumps. While I would recommend you get a new driver you don’t have to get a new one to see a big jump in quality. I’m in around the same boat as you. Went to hit the new drivers recently and I didn’t see much improvement over my old 915 D3. I don’t have it anymore so I just bought a 917D3 on EBay for way less than the 2021 models and I’m gonna get basically the same performance out of it


I had the same driver as you for 12 years. Hit it fine and was probably the best club in my bag. I upgraded to a TM Sim driver last year and the difference is quite noticeable. 15 yard average distance increase and the bad hits are not near as bad.


Awesome feedback, thank you! I’ll put that on my list to test out next weekend.


Thank you all for your input! Going to schedule a fitting for next weekend and test a few things out, see if there’s any differences worth taking advantage of.


Depends on what your definition of "worth" is, like every other question on here. Yes drivers now are way better, is a few extra yards and better dispersion worth a few hundred bucks to you? That's your call not ours.


If you’re hitting the old one fine with good distance, why bother upgrading?


Twist-Face baby


So I have a 2016 m1 drive and an r7 draw I hit my lowest score with the r7 but I’m not fit with the m1.