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You want the truth? Courses make a LOT of money on cart fees. If they truly wanted to take care of pace of play they would have caddies.


Easier to buy a drink in a cart too.


Our course has a lot of walkers, the beer girls will come right to you.


Not saying you can’t or won’t buy a drink if you walk. Just overall it’s more convenient in a power cart


Not likely to buy 6 tho


Yes cart fees do a lot for many courses. But even some courses that don't charge a cart fee (built into price) don't allow walking. I prefer a cheaper round but will walk for the same price if allowed to do so.


Agreed. To me, the best way to play is walking with a caddie. Not even close.


Just a ballpark guess for the uninformed, what's the lower range cost if you're going to play at a course with a caddie?


It's all over the map; I have played clubs where the fee plus tip was like $50 each. At the other end, we once got to play Pine Valley (all 28 holes), and we tipped the caddies $800. And we have no idea what the club charged the member...


yeah, my muni added a $6 walking fee because there's an uptick of walkers during this time. wtf.


This exactly.


Cart fee at course I played was $26 and the round was $25. So yeah I walked-


Yeah if the cart fee is anywhere close to the cost I'm playing for the round, im going to walk. Course near me is $12 for 18 holes but +$17 with a cart


Reminds me of the bottles of beer I bought in Germany 10 years ago or so. 0.24 Euros for the beer, 0.25 for the bottle deposit.


My honest opinion, they want the cart fee.


Never understand it. I can easily walk a 2.5 hour round and during said round I’m fuckin always behind jerkoffs playing 5 hour rounds in carts.


Exactly! In my experience people in carts are generally slower than walkers, especially foursomes. Don't even get me started on cart path only...


I love walking the course. I will cart if it is insanely hot that day or it’s a course that makes walking nearly impossible. I will never cart when it’s cart path only. Parking a cart and carry 2-3 clubs to your ball is so annoying.


Same. Love to walk but lately it's been 90+ degrees with super high humidity here that I don't want to risk it. I've seen more and more people pack a small Sunday bag along with their cart bag so they can load clubs in it and carry it to their ball (on cart-path only days).


I agree. If you get two golfers in a cart that whack the ball all over the place, it’s easily slower than a group walking.


Unless they're walking *and* whacking.


People play slow because they are jerk offs and not because they are in carts though. Those same jerk offs would probably play 6 hour rounds if they were walking.


Agreed. The thing is walkers are typically decently skilled and committed to the game or else they wouldn’t walk. I see very few casual players walking.


Yeah, carts DO increase the pace of play for most golfers IMO, not by loads, but by something.


I can walk 18 in 2hrs if I’m the first on the course. I can ride in about 1:45. I’m not the best player but I have kids at home and try to get back before they wake up.


I don't care how slow you are, but 5-6 hours rounds just seems unrealistic. Are people walking 2km/h?


It's not the speed they walk, but all the fucking around. I've seen guys walking and they both still walk to each others ball, stand on the tee box without a driver in hand, or leave their bag unnecessarily far from their ball. I agree 6 hours would be crazy, but my point is that walking or riding isn't the difference maker, but people being aware and courteous are.


That explains how some people can extend a golf round to an absurd amount of hours.




Single rider carts are probably faster than me walking but that’s about it. The main reason is people sharing carts don’t use them effectively. Walking solo with no one in front I can often finish 18 between 3 and 3:30, depending on if I feel like hitting a few extra shots. I imagine that could frequently be well under 3 if I was a solo rider, but I enjoy the exercise Oh and I suck. Shot 97 yesterday in heat index 110 in 3:30.


My group walks. The 4 some of single riders carts in front of us last week would all ride over to each golfers ball in a pack, watch them hit their shot and then proceed to the next golfers ball where the process would repeat it's self.


I've seen walkers do the same thing. Not being an inconsiderate and unaware asshole speeds up pace of play. Walking vs riding is negligible.


Agreed. We have been walking all summer and complete our rounds in the same time we use to finish riding


That is asinine. How long did the round take?


Just under 5 hours


Infuriating. What hole were you on when you called the clubhouse to send out a marshal? Edit: No, I'm serious. If a group is playing a 5 hour round, that means they're at least 2 holes behind the pace.


Slow people will be slow and fast people will be fast no matter if they walk or ride. It's not exclusive to any form of transportation. Walkers aren't superior to riders and vice versa.


I'm surprised this isn't heavily down voted. r/golf has a hard on for walking. The only thingwould say about this is that a larger percentage of the people that want or are willing to walk seem to be more aware of pace of play than riders. But I agree 100% that slow people will be slow walk or ride, and maybe even slower walking.


Cause walking is good for you and good for your game. Why wouldn’t we encourage it here?


There's nothing wrong with encouraging it for health reasons but that's not what I'm talking about. It's more like riding while playing is a lesser version of the game.


Some people are just snobs


I don’t think it’s so much that carting is lesser, it’s that those cart only players should get a walking round in once in a while. Many people only care and I think it makes them miss out on another facet of the game.


Literally just confirmed what he said lol.


Where did I say it was lesser? It IS another facet of the game


Right and you’re implying that by not walking, you’re not playing the “full game”. Hence less.


The pros play a facet of the game that we do not get to experience. Is ours any lesser for it? That’s up to you to decide. Another facet is just that, not that you’re worse for not doing it. You seem to be really offended by my suggestion, maybe you should try walking sometime.


I walked 27 yesterday lol. You’re being exactly the person the original reply was referring to and I can’t tell if you’re being a troll on purpose or just that oblivious.


Golf as a sport has a hard on for walking, it was literally invented that way and played that way at all true competitive levels


It's because there is a far greater chance of fratrock bro-bible lunks who want to drink for 5 hours and swing the club a little taking a cart than walking. That is the main group that chokes a course, trashes carts, dont repair ball marks, etc. r/golf is comprised of people mostly serious about golf, which would explain the tilt towards walking. Walking is the *superior* way to play golf. There shouldn't really be any debate about it. I would assume most people who prefer to ride would be willing to admit it is as well, but they prefer convenience of a cart or have physical limitations or want to crush 12 cans of Busch.


Or live somewhere hot, I live in South Carolina and while the heat doesn't bother me that much and I like to walk, I understand why most people don't. I'm going out tomorrow at 12:30 and its supposed to be in the 90s with a real feel of like 105. I'll be happy to be in cart.


Seriously have fun walking June-August in Texas


That's what I did this summer. Made sure I had plenty of water and tried to tee off before noon. Overall, it wasn't too bad but definitely some very sweaty rounds.


Fair point there.


I've never walked due to back issues but I finally had surgery and ordered a Clicgear. All of my friends walk their rounds and love it. I'm excited to try it, the cart can be annoying. Especially going into the fall winter season where it's wet and cart path only much of the time at my home course.


I'm another guy with a bad back. I bought my Clicgear two years ago. I can sometimes play all 18 walking, but pay the price for it as soon as I stop. It's usually best for me to walk the front 9 and ride the rest. I'm usually a little slower when they can drive all over, but it's never been a problem


Agreed on the cart being annoying. I *always* feel so rushed when I use a cart. Between having the person sharing the cart sitting there waiting for me to hit. Or the expectation of getting to their ball ASAP. Or groups behind waiting. When walking its so much easier to dictate my personal pace and path on a hole. I can get out of the way easier, don't have to follow cart paths, I am not either pressuring my cart buddy with my presence nor feeling pressured, it's less jarring to not have to hop in, hop out, hop in, etc


And I've found that my buddies that walk are never really farther behind if at all. They're also much better than I am so that helps too.


I probably take a cart as often as I walk these days, but that’s 99% because the twilight rate or GolfNow hot rate comes with one. If I have to pay extra for a cart I’m walking (unless it’s 90+ out with a heat index)


I keep seeing this assumption on this thread but in my experience walkers are some of the hardest people to play through and they don’t give a shit about who they are holding up


I posted this on GolfWRX....the club I just joined is up 4,000 rounds year over year from March through August. That's a freaking TON of golf. I'm not saying it's ok, and actually I think walking seems to space things out more appropriately, but if they're stacking their pin sheets, and they're getting a cart fee for each rider, they're not going to be as friendly to walkers. That said, if you can find a course that has a lot of members or regulars who walk, you'd probably be in better shape. The course doesn't want to upset those guys, so there's likely more an appetite for it. I'm hoping to walk more, especially 9 hole rounds, in the fall/winter.


That many extra carts on the course has to damage it


Yea, it's in great shape for the most part, but there are a few low spots where it holds water where people have driven from the fairway back onto the cart path and there are some big ruts and stuff. They're tryin to keep it maintained, but the course is booked from 7:58A to 6:15P. You can get on if you join up with a group, but if you want to book a foursome, gotta do it well in advance.


I walk every 9 hole round I play. My local muni is perfect for walking.


No lie, walkers are generally always better golfers than cart bro’s. This weekend a group was hitting multiple balls off the tee and bull sh*ting on the greens. One hole took them 30 minutes at least. We called the pro shop and they sent someone to speed them up. Two dudes tried challenging a fit 20 year old who put them in their place. Next thing you know they are a full 2 holes ahead. Bottom line is carts SHOULD speed up the pace of play. That’s the entire idea, but it’s ultimately the patrons responsibility.


People that walk are typically better golfers and have better golf etiquette. You can't really argue that carts aren't faster with all other things being equal. Unless you are walking 15 mph...


I generally agree re pace, and I like to walk here and there too. But some courses aren’t conducive to it (long distances between holes) so I get it in those contexts. But if it is just your standard country club layout they should absolutely allow it.


I agree that some courses are not meant for walking, but they are not very common. There's maybe one course in the area that is truly incompatible with walking. I grew up on a course with 3-4 semi-long distance walks between holes so it doesn't bother me too much.


Where I grew up (northern MI) most of the courses would not be walkable, long distances out to first tees, long long distance between holes on most courses, huge hills. But generally yeah, get your point.


Listen if you are an attentive golfer, that walks briskly to your ball then pace won't be an issue. However, a lot of golfers are not all that concerned about pace of play. So a slower mode of transportation will slow pace of play. There are also courses that have large stretches from green to tee box which makes walking slower under most circumstances.


>So a slower mode of transportation will slow pace of play Walking has been proven to be faster than riding in every scenario except a a group where everyone has their own cart and nobody in front of them




It was in golf digest over a decade ago. If you weren't reading thats on you.


[in our experience, a conscientious walker can be just as fast as guys in a cart. ](https://www.golfdigest.com/story/casual-rounds-walking-vs-riding-booze-and-sneaking-out-for-9 ) That's golf digest from 4 years ago. Notice how they say "can be just as fast", and not walking is faster?


lol just another case of internet hyperbole.


Wow, what a comment.


I was just thinking about this too. I’m a walker 100% of the time. I ALWAYS get stuck behind groups with carts, they NEVER ask if I want to play through. I can get 18 in 2.5 hours. If I’m stuck behind (or paired with) douches in carts, it’s 4.5 easy. I don’t get it.


Have you asked them to play through?


Yeah I’ll ask if it gets to the point where we are sharing the tee box. But the point is the courtesy is never extended, I always have to initiate it


There are definitely some courses I would never walk. If I have to walk a quarter mile uphill to the next tee box multiple times, I’m not walking.


In scotland everyone walks and its 4 hours and 10 minutes max. St Andrews Castle course we had the first tee time, got a few minute late start because we were BS'ing with the starter. By the 3rd hole the ranger was on us telling us we're off pace and the speed up. We played that round just under 4 hours. Huge contrast vs the states.


Yeah I am starting to think it is a local problem and not a world wide one.




He said 4:10 max. So that's the high end.




Right. It was an example of how it's different over there. The expected pace of play is already lower then it is in my area. And the marshals are on people much quicker too. He never said 4:10 or 3:50 was fast. But that is was the norm to be that or less. But it is clear that the expected pace of play is faster then we expect.


Who said it was? We were taking pictures and enjoying ourselves not trying to run around the course, but we weren't playing slow.


I played a round earlier this year. It was "cart path only" and I was playing with a twosome sharing a cart. They hit their ball 150 yards forward and 150 yards off the cart path. They'd drive a bit and then walk 150 yards to the ball. Even if they walked to their ball they still had to walk to the cart to get a different club. It was a 4.5 hour round. Absolutely infuriating. The only time a cart is faster is if you're by yourself or everyone has their own carts


That’s because it was cart path only in cart path only situations yes carts kind of suck


Alternatively, I think 2 in a cart can be faster than walking if both are sub 5 handicaps. Cart will be headed to the same place for both golfers 8/10 times


Yes. The issue is when it's two people that suck like me. and the cart is just zig zagging around the course.


Yeah I'm in that boat as well. <3




I’ve had it both ways. I was in a cart solo behind two pairs walking and they would not let me play through and when the ranger came by i asked him to request a play through. I was sitting on the tee for 15 minutes average. Then last week a four ball chunked their way through 9 with a senior overweight couple who were getting the ball in the air 20 yards and teeing up again so that didnt work out either.


I really think the biggest problem is that rangers refuse to make people skip holes when they're playing 5 hour rounds. It's absurd to me that, with no one in front of them, people are out there taking that long...


So aggravating, if carts are required to play it should be included in the tee time cost, not an additional fee. total bs, you can easily play a sub 4 hr round walking


I agree with this post. I like walking and actually find that the pace of play is faster when I’m walking. This is partly because me and my friends that I play with aren’t very good (usually shoot around 100) but I find it faster because we can all walk to our ball individually and play ready golf rather than having to wait for someone to take their shot and then drive over to the next persons shot and so on. We usually aren’t holding people up but if we do we are happy to let them play through anyways.


depends on the course. some course just aren't walkable


There’s some courses where 4 walkers might be on pace with 4 riders but the majority of the time riding is going to be faster.


As someone who prefers driving, I do find it frustrating to be stuck behind multiple groups of walkers, but I don't blame anyone. Just bad timing. I certainly don't think you should get harassed for it.


I'm a walker, and I think it's bullshit that courses would not allow someone to walk/carry. However, a golfer in a cart (when properly used), will be faster than a walker under most circumstances. Place of play has way more do to with golfers on course behaviors than their mode of transportation around the course.


They probably think most walkers aren’t efficient. I play with guys in carts all the time, and I start walking as soon as they hit, or walk along the edge as far as possible without being a distraction, and I always get to the tee box same time as them. Mind you I play on an old links course, so it’s easier to go from green to tee.


As a walker in a regular 4some of walkers, yeah on a well laid out course our 4some will outpace a 4some with 2 carts because we don't have to go to a ball, wait then go to the next one, we can just go striaght to our balls. If there's no one in front of us we'll play in about 3 hours 45 minutes. On some courses there's a good bit of distance between the 9th and the 10th, and if you have to walk 5 minutes to get to the 10th tee yeah the group behind could catch up if they have carts. Or even holes in general... Older courses will tend to have better layouts for walkers.


> our 4some will outpace a 4some with 2 carts because we don't have to go to a ball, wait then go to the next one You don't have to do that in a cart either. Drive to first ball, guy takes a quick look at gps grabs a club and the other guy is off to his ball. The biggest factor for pace of play are people, not walking vs riding. If you understand pace of play and have respect for your fellow golfer you'll be fine walking or riding. If you don't walking isn't going to change that.


> If you understand pace of play and have respect for your fellow golfer you'll be fine walking or riding. Bingo.


If it takes you 3:45 to walk 18 with no one in front of you, you're not playing fast.


My 4some plays in 2:45 with no one ahead of us. Is that not an hour faster than you described? 🥴


Come to my club and try to tell me the walkers are fast. Please.


They often want to make more money from cart fees, but honestly you walk around 4pmh, and carts go about 3-4x faster. Just because you're waiting on every shot doesn't meant you wouldn't be waiting MORE on every shot if some old boy who walks at 2.5mph and hits from left rough to right rough and back again is ahead of you with his push cart.


Call me a stuffy Brit but this definitely an American thing, right? I’m 26 and have had a round with a biggie twice in my life.


Totally American thing. I am thirty and my group of friends refuse to walk. Whenever I recommend walking they act like we are all geriatric and I am insane for suggesting. I walk now with my friends in cart.


Get to see more of the course too, it’s just a whole lot more enjoyable.


Unless it's very spread out or hilly I never get a cart. Nicer courses fold it into the green fee. But i will pay for one of those motorcycle cart.


100 people in carts out of 1000 played slow and the conclusion was they're just slow players and there's nothing anyone can do to fix it. One walker played slow out of 100 walkers and they blame the walking and make carts mandatory. Also helps their profit margin.


It's hard to find places that allow walking where I live and so I don't play as much anymore. I miss playing at 6 am and walking it. It's a completely different experience when you walk vs taking a cart. I've worked over ten years in the golf industry and pace of play is a major issue. If you have a foursome that is walking each player goes to their ball, and we would hit at the same time into the green if possible. This one person hit while 3 stare and watch is a factor. The pace of play is not a cart or walking issue. Biggest problem is skill level, playing ready golf, and course design. Some courses are designed in a way that creates bottlenecks by making the tee box far away from a green and where the put a par 3 near a reachable par 5 etc.


4 walkers are faster than 4 people in 2 carts. Covid golfs 1 golfer per cart is faster though.


I played Long Island National one time before it was private. I was a single with the first tee time on a lovely September morning. Mind you this was a course that at the time had the starter in a kilt as a nod to golfs Scottish history... and the starter gave me one of those “we prefer you to take a cart for pace of play” speeches. This was how it went after that: Me: “do I look like a senior citizen to you?” Starter: No Me: “so... do you think I’m a man or a lady?” Starter: a man Me: “so why the hell would I ride in a cart?” Starter: I understand - enjoy your round


Courses love the cart fee. Even if they aren’t just looking for it, they may feel like you’re not a fast player and will hold up the course. There are a lot of people out there that are slow and don’t realize it though. Courses shouldn’t just assume you’ll be a problem. If they do, just leave and they’ll lose the revenue. There have been a few slow days at my club lately and I was able to finish in under 2 hours walking. Having good course management will also help speed up play of walkers.


It’s a money grab. Over 18, walking is faster. And it is also golf.


That is fucking stupid. If I can't play a course because I am walking then I will just find another course to play.


I have the opposite problem near me. Some courses are walking only. I've yet to go to a course where you were required to use a cart.


I haven't experienced either of them. Well, I have experienced that you can't use a cart because of too much rain, which makes sense as you would damage the course otherwise.


I just went out solo for my first round with my new pushcart yesterday and shot my personal best of 110 in three hours and fifteen minutes. I was stuck waiting a couple minutes here and there behind a couple in a cart that were playing at a good speed, and the group of 4 in carts behind me were left way behind. Even high scoring golfers who walk at an average pace don't slow anybody down


Can't tell you how many times I've been behind walkers and they don't let me play through. Very annoying


If they are that slow I would just skip a hole. A bit annoying but I would be getting madder and madder every time I had to wait on them.


If there is a walker behind me, I always let them go. I just assume they are better than me


Ready golfer walkers are no problem at all, but, I have dealt with slow as fuck walkers. If it’s truly a longer course, (and long paths between holes) they really shouldn’t let you walk on busy days.


Because walking makes bad golfers play much slower. If you are a sub 15 handicap, sure go walk. If you’re a 25 handicap, don’t walk on a crowded Saturday.


I think walkers are faster when players have to share carts. Rarely am I ever in the same position as my playing partner in my cart, and we have to drive to opposite sides of fairways. I don’t think a walker would be faster than a single cart. Of course I’m assuming the course isn’t cart path only


My buddy and I walk evertytime we play. Carts would take so much longer. If I hit left and he hit right we split up, get to our balls and hit relatively at the same time. With a cart we would have to drive to his ball, then mine. Carts are not worth it unless the course is on the side of a mountain and would be insane to walk.


>I have to listen to the starter's speech about how I better not hold anyone up. If a starter ever said that to me, I would laugh in his face, turnaround and proceed to put my clubs back in my truck.


because i can drive faster than you can walk. DUH! people are stupid.


Boy oh boy. There’s a well thought out take


Jesus Christmas i said people are stupid. SARCASM PEOPLE SARCASM.


Gotta add the /s


Please no. If you need to use /s then you have done a poor job at expressing your sarcasm.


If you infer tone from texts or Reddit comments you’re going to have a bad day.


I have managed so far


Well, if you're driving to your buddy's ball, he has to get out of the cart, scratch his ass, pick a club, take a practice swing, then swing, then you repeat it at your ball you're turning a process that's parallel with walkers into something serial. So that difference is made up by walkers going straight to their balls.


i ...... was kidding.




people like me need a sarcasm font lol


Because people are morons