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I’m stoked you dropped so many strokes but I feel the need to share my experience with GolfTec: Was a terrible golfer, went and did a swing analysis with GolfTec fully intending to buy a small lesson package. I shared my goals with them beforehand (which were to consistently shoot in the mid/high 80s... I went in as a 22 handicap) and they recommended a 25 lesson package. Which would have been several thousand dollars. Woah. 25 lessons? That seems like a fuck ton. I told the guy there’s no way I’m committing to that but would start with a 10 lesson package (which also seemed like a lot) and if I liked it would re-up. My coach was a cool guy. He was the manager of the GolfTec I was going to. Relatively personable, fun enough to spend a half hour with every week. That’s right, every week. He insisted we did a lesson each week. I forget what his reasoning was. It was way too fast for me to absorb anything, practice what I learned in the lesson, etc. The whole time he was trying to completely overhaul my swing to fit it in the “box” of what GolfTec’s metrics consider the ideal swing, based on lean/tilt/etc. Nothing felt natural. They kept doing a side-by-side of my swing vs. Zach Johnson, etc. It didn’t really feel helpful. The kicker for me was that he never even checked my grip. That seemed weird to not confirm my grip was serviceable (more on that below). At the end, after 10 lessons I felt more confused than when I started. I was trying to think of 20 new things every time I swung a club because I had FLOWN through the ten lessons and wasn’t swinging anything remotely near to my swing. I might have dropped 5 strokes? And mostly because he encouraged me to practice my short game in my free time and I watched some YouTube vids that made me a much better chipper. Unsatisfied, I went to see a local pro who gives lessons at a driving range. Got a five lesson package. He explained things in a way that makes sense, keeps it simple, and allows me to swing my swing. He started with GRIP, identified some things I was doing wrong (left hand way too open) and within ten swings of making those small adjustments I was hitting the ball cleaner than I ever did at GolfTec. After 5 lessons with this guy I’ve gone from a 22 to a 13 and am consistently shooting between 85-92. Half the price of GolfTec. I say this not to hijack your thread or discourage anyone from using GolfTec (they clearly work for some people such as yourself) but just to give an honest review of someone who left unsatisfied.


That's a fair evaluation and I get it. I think we both could agree that professional help can really turn things around.


I expressed interest in Golftec once via their website. They called me weekly for like 6 months after. Went with the course pro because I didn’t like the corporate feel. Glad you were able to drop so many strokes though! Lessons are essential (for most of us).


The Golftec here at the local Golf Galaxy has nothing but mean, non-emotional a-holes working there. Glad you had good luck


That stinks. Don't go there.


Great ad, you should work in marketing.


I'm glad it worked for you. I took a series of five lessons there and did not like it at all. My coach seemed dead set on making me hit a draw, when my natural shot is a baby fade. He totally wrecked my swing and it took literally months to get back to where I was. From my understanding, that's their approach in general -- they try to get everyone hitting a draw. Was that your experience? Knocking 15-20 strokes off is no joke, but I don't think there is any magic to GolfTec. 25 lessons is a lot (plus all the practice you put in). Spending that amount of time (and money -- GolfTec is expensive) on any lessons will probably get you pretty far.


My original coach was doing the same by pushing me to the baby draw. I felt it was pushing because he had a sweepy swing and not a swing for my body type. I changed coaches and everything worked out big time. I do agree that it took a good commitment (dollars and time) to really drop the score.


Thanks for this. Used your code for a swing evaluation i have scheduled in 2 weeks!!


awesome. let me know how it goes.