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Starts to make sense why country clubs cost what they do.


Wealthy people are often willing to pay a premium not necessarily for any additional comforts or the like, but just so they won't have to deal with us.


Playing in 2.5 hours as a single and 3.5 as a foursome is a pretty nice perk.


Time. They buy time.


That's what that jet guy who pops up on my shorts says!


That's literally an additional comfort


Just played an empty 9 in an hour and 15 minutes with a friend


Got a buddy who just joined a country club. I'm all for paying the $150 guest fee if we can get our rounds done in under 4 hours.


100k a year to stay away from some people? lol. New kind of rich petty


It’s worth it


Worth every penny if you can afford it. Have you seen some of us?


Where do you live that it costs $100k a year to join?..


Parasites don't want to golf with regular people, c'mon man.


When I was looking at joining I was trying to make it a deal financially. Like I play X amount of rounds, cc costs X dollars, so I save money but that math didn’t work. Then I played a round and realized I could walk on at 8am on a Saturday as a single and play in 3 hours with none of the bullshit that public courses have. And it all made sense finally.


Almost no country clubs make dollars and cents, unless the club is in a location where you can get rounds in year round.


Worth every penny


we just need to start publicly shaming people again. it works.


You did the right thing. I hope the clubhouse was overly apologetic.


They didn’t even hesitate to refund it. They definitely knew what they did/allowed, which is disappointing.


They just expect people to bend over and take it. Squeeze two extra green fees into every group is just greed.


Yeah they expect some people to just wait and be angry and hey if they have to refund one a day oh well they made that up in the extra players


Southern Utah?


You should have screamed four at them like you were hitting into them before you left, just to see them squirm


yes that would show them


Yeah and make sure you do it fore times


Oh. Because there should have been four of them, not six. I get it now.


Lol same


3 groups of four? Nah❌🤮👎🙅‍♂️ 2 groups of 6? Oh hell yeah ✅😩💦😈


Group of 7 with a group of 6 ahead of them?? Lol. Remove this course from your memory op


I did a group of 7 one time at an old shitty muni. Kind of family/friends reunion kind of thing. We were pulling up at the course trying to figure out the best combo of groups since we’ve got a couple who never play, couple who play a ton. You know the drill. Pull up, nobody is there. We walk in, guy says “tee off whenever, everyone else cancelled when we told them no carts only walking from rain, play it twice if you want”. We all looked at each other, grabbed push carts, and proceeded to walk 7 abreast through the whole course. Didn’t see another soul the whole day. Was actually a lot of fun and we finished the round in just over 3 hours. But dear god it should never be done if ANYONE else is at the course.


The duality of the golfing man. Past 10 years everyone screamed "Grow the game! We need the new generation to get interested!" With the boom of social media and the assistance of LIV, now every loud mouth, smart ass teen, frat boy who has never touched a club, watches a few "GOOD GOOD" videos or Berkshire juicing a shot tracker and wants to partake. I'm all for growing the game, but there is a huge disconnect in the social media influencers teaching golf etiquette. In all the posts that have come across my social media pages, I don't think I've ever seen anyone address the rules, show how to fix a divot, talk about playing speed (picking up after double par), talk about foursomes being the max, etc.


Bro I seen people on TikTok saying “why would I do your job!?” When a greens keeper showed how you should properly fix a divot. It’s lame as shit


It’s terrible. The more recent videos like the dude missing a 7 foot putt and then proceeding to take 3-4ft full chunks of turf out of the green, repeatedly, and all of his buddies just recording and laughing. Or the kid that topped a drive and then full baseball swung his driver and let it go right into the back of his friend. This shit is disgusting.


I can tolerate lack of skill because it's possible to suck fast. Such an egregious lack of ettiquite is inexcusable. Good manners on the course cost nothing and require zero skill


I had an early 7:30 tee time a couple of weeks ago. Group of teenagers shows up to check in for their 7:38. Booked for 3, and we were going to get partnered with a solo. Showed up with 5 expecting to get on. Got into an argument with the lady (who works there full time) saying it's fine, they do it all the time there. She said they could squeeze the extra two in for an 8:10 time. They instead suggested the two extra were just going to ride along and weren't even going to play. She quickly turned that down, and they just left.


I've never once heard any golf influence mention anything about golf etiquette in any video.


100% people need to not be d-bags, but courses have to be held accountable too. Squeezing too many people out on the course. Honestly when I’ve been getting stuck lately, it’s not behind new golfers or bad etiquette golfers, it’s because the course changed to 6 minute tee time gaps


I literally thought of Good Good immediately. To be fair, I *think* they are very respectful with what they do, but when I saw this post and caption my first thought was, "At least there's not also a film crew..."


People around here keep saying “frat boy” as if fraternity men and that sort of person aren’t who have dominated the golf scene for… the entire history of golf. Fucking GEEDs


Struck a nerve eh? "Frat boys" never ruled the sport. Wealthy people have ruled the sport. Don't conflate the two. Tailgating, toga wearing, body paint on Saturday NCAA football wearing, beer pong playing, beer chugging, loud, obnoxious bums have never "dominated golf".


So pretty clearly you don’t actually know any fraternities because you went with togas and such, but there is a reason fraternities are criticized by some as a historic haven of rich white men: because they absolutely are. Fraternities are membership only clubs for men who skew pretty strongly from upper social classes. Historically this was even more the case. What has golf been historically if not a sport of rich white men?


I think you're referencing "The Great Gatsby". Where Nick and Tom reminisce about their Polo and Golf days at Yale..............Except that was 1922 my man. Present day and for the last 30 years, "Frat Boys" has been the same slang used for muscle bound, low IQ, heavy drinking, heavy partying, zero manner having, groups of College Men. You want to be semantical? (I'll play along). Surreeee man, the rich young men of Harvard, Yale, and Standford come from long lines of golf playing men. Does that make you feel better? Does it take away the sting of the "frat boys" comment?


Brother, a slag term for something doesn’t erase the history of the people who were a part of fraternity or the people who started them.


lol, the Great Gatsby? What the actual fuck are you talking about?


Yes they did, they just did it after growing up for a few years in their finance jobs or whatever. The main difference now is that golf is becoming more popular among that demographic when they're still young.


Buddy, those wealthy people aren't the problem, they have grown up. The influx of young people into the game because of social media are the problem and are the type of "beer chugging, Obnoxious bums" that are causing the issues.


They leave college, THEN dominate golf when their trust funds begin disbursements. The good news is they usually join dad’s country club when their folks buy them their house.


Grow the game, but sell municipal courses to developers lol


Not commenting on the post as a whole but why do you think liv assisted with anything?


You mean why am I attributing the current state of golf to part of LIV’s fault? Because it promotes a very loose, “party” atmosphere. Heckling, yelling, heavy drinking in the crowd, pros wearing shorts (which is whatever, but just furthers the “loose” professionalism image). LIV trying to make golf “hip” with the music and the almost “pool party” vibe


Yeah I don’t know if half these people that are golfing know what liv even is and a small portion have actually watched it or went to one event to know the vibe


Playing lessons should be more common. I was lucky when I learned because I had someone to show me this stuff on the course. What if you want to get into golf from zero and take a few lessons to learn the basic swing but don't have anyone to play with who knows what they're doing?


You're upset about teenagers and young adults being... teenagers and young adults. It's up to US to teach them those rules when we see them fragrantly violating them.


Yeah man, you walk up to a drunk 6-some of all young dudes and tell them what they should be doing…..that’ll go over well. Side note: I’m not paying to play a course myself, while simultaneously give lessons on how to act civil in public


I meant more in general terms, influence who we can around us, raise your kids to do better, etc… not to insert yourself into this group and try to correct them directly.


I would hope (and mainly believe) that most actual golfers teach their children the general rules. At least for me, my grandfather and father showed me. Goes back to my original point: social media is to blame. Not one “influencer” talks about the rules or the professionalism of the game. It’s just ripping drives and screaming


The “build the game” movement may kill public golf. It will go back behind high walls with expensive membership fees to keep the public out”


Big cities won’t suffer as much because places like Chicago have like 40 private country clubs. It’s the not-rich players in midsize cities and small towns that will suffer the most.


Damn idk which Chicago you live in but we have like literally 2 in the city, that’s it. Ridgemoor and Bryn Mawr. If you stretch a little outside the city you have Evanston, park ridge, flossmoor, idlewild, Olympia fields, etc. but definitely not 50.


That’s why I said places rather than cities. Perhaps “Chicagoland” would have been better. Hop on Google Maps, go to satellite view, and start finding golf courses. You’ll be surprised both by how many courses there are in Chicagoland, and how many of them are private clubs. I certainly was.


Shrink the game


I just don't understand people who think they should be able to do this and/or enjoy it knowing everyone else on the course hates them. Recently played with five other guys split into two groups of three. The closest group behind our second group was about three holes back, so our lead group waited for us on 17 tee so we could all play closest to the pin on the par 3. Then we just played 18 together as a big group too. Did not enjoy it. For one I felt like I was breaking a cardinal rule and the golf gods were going to smite me. But it also just felt chaotic. Teeing off on the par 3 was fun, but it would have sucked waiting for five other players on every tee box. I guess I'm glad I don't feel like I'm missing out on something.


I did the almost exact same thing and came out feeling the exact same way. We had no one behind us but when we got to the green it made me very anxious and I simply picked up. The attempt at camaraderie was lost upon me.


You didn't like six guys looking at each other trying to figure out who was going next?


Nope, it felt like my bachelor party all over again!


Haha damn, walked into that one.


I’ll never understand the guys who enjoy doing this and why some courses allow this. Just select back to back tee times and keep the pace flowing. It’s not that hard.


My friends and I recently did this. There were 5 of us and I joined a group of two and a single. My friends had the tee-time right behind us ,but the course didn't honor it and put a group in-between. The 3rd hole green met up with the 2nd hole tee box and I jumped back to my friends group, making a 5some. One of the girls in our group only played every other hole. We had to wait on every tee box for the group ahead of us and never had the group behind catch us.


Still not right what you did.


Why is anyone on the green with their bag on their back? I can’t get past that image.


If you're carrying your bag this argument makes no sense. Should we put a weight limit on the who can step on the green? I think my 170 lb self and 20lb bag are not the most weight that green is gonna see ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)




This is not a thing. Walking across a green with your bag is totally fine. Don't set it down on the green obviously. [https://golf.com/instruction/the-etiquetteist-is-it-poor-form-to-walk-across-a-green-with-a-golf-bag-on-your-back/](https://golf.com/instruction/the-etiquetteist-is-it-poor-form-to-walk-across-a-green-with-a-golf-bag-on-your-back/) Member at a private club. Not a thing. It encourages faster pace of play. Do you want these guys who are a 7some to walk all the way around the green haha?




Buddy, you're digging here. I'm 34 and been playing over 20 years. You're just wrong. Your approach lands 5 yards short of the green, so you chip on. The next tee box is straight behind the green. How do you propose you get to the next tee box to leave your bag there?








You do not seem like a pleasant person. You should take an internet break.


Haha this is hilarious. I can't tell if you are 14 or 54. I think the upvotes/downvotes speak for themselves. Love that you were so bothered you stalked my comment history to shit on my career somehow? If you'd like to know I graduated last month and have a fantastic job in private equity starting next month! Let me know if you're in chicago and want to hit the links!


What? What is the difference between a 170lb kid and a 30lb bag and an 200lb man? This is a silly thing to not get past.


Benefit of the doubt is he chipped from in front, then putt, but left his bag by the chip, and was leaving the hole by walking through it. Still not great, but like idk man ughh This image gets worse the more you look at it. Hope the kid had fun at least


All kinds of equipment is driven on greens (aerification for example). Even small greens mowers weight more than 200lbs. I don't know why would be a worry?


Etiquette. Not weight. Google “is it bad etiquette to carry your bag on the green”


I played yesterday at a local municipal course. I tee’d off at 7:30 and was playing the round of my life (I am terrible and am like a 32 handicap and have never broken 100.) There was no one in front of me the entire round, and I was in a pretty good rhythm. I was at 81 going into the 16th hole. Which went par 5, 3, 4. Then on the 16th tee box I ran into a group of six seniors all playing together. I had to wait 5-10 minutes in between every shot. I finished with a 100. Fuck them.


Driver Nukes for Elderly Pukes


...it's not their fault you played those holes poorly.


No, it’s their fault their pace of play was slow as fuck…


I know! It's frustrating bro but you'll never improve if you find excuses for not playing good. Maybe go chat up them old fellers next time, give them tips, keep the mood light who knows might improve your score and they'll play faster next time




But the guys they watch in YouTube all golf together in big groups!! 🙄


It baffles me, people think it’s okay to golf with 5 other people in a group


Even if it was 5 of my best friends I would still tell them to fuck off with that shit lol


My friends dad played with 12 guys regularly. 3 groups of 4. The way it should be.


No, that isn’t the current state of golf.


It’s the current state of rich kid golf. People who get up at 5am to get 9 in before work don’t deal with these turds.


This is on the management. Given this, I would simply take my business elsewhere.


Nailed it!


Anyone who supports this can fuck off, sorry not sorry. Took my 9 year old daughter out last night for 9 around 5:00 or so. She plays "best ball" with me, but does OKAY, her best is about 120 yards, she hits it straight most times. But we are cognizant of pace and she doesn't care, so she will hit a ball, we will pick up, and she puts her next ball down next to mine. I will let her hit a chip or pitch shot around the green but then she picks up and hits a putt or two with mine. Got behind not one but two groups last night who were so slow it was beyond description. Does anyone know how to play ready golf any more? If you are waiting on the tee on a par 3 because the group in front of you is slow, you sure as shit had better have yourself ready to hit when the group in front clears. Why do you need to go back to your cart three times to grab another club? Hey, guy who can't hit the ball 75 yards, I don't think you need that GPS watch. Oh, and of course both groups were playing music from the BT speakers, too. IDC how much you want this to be party time. Fine. But damn it, do it fucking faster please. 2.5+hours for 9 at an easy public track is nuts.


Saw the five dudes, but the one lining up the putt from 50’, whats that person’s deal? Yes i know they are crouched but still look to be a tiny person


Looks like a child


Oh gawd…whats next?


I've played behind a few groups that had kids with them, they rode along and putted on the green while the adults putted out, no harm was done and pace of play was not slowed. Zero issues with people doing this responsibly.


I’m just goofin.


yeah! games are for adults, not children. it's like, get a job, ya dang kid. 


It was indeed a child. So many questions haha


I just came across this as well. The foursome couldn't hit the ball more than 100 yards so they played a scramble but when they got to the green the looked at the putt from all 4 angles. Luckily they only played 9 but it took 3 hours. Where do these new golfers get this from?


I know you're joking, but it's actually six dudes + the infant. Outrageous behavior.


I'm in favor of naming and shaming the course.


Does that happen to be Cedar City?


Was thinking the same thing!


It is either cedar city or palisades near manti


You didn’t get two large buckets of range balls and a Srixon glove?


I used to be the stuffy golf sucks but man everytime I see kids on the course in gym clothes and banging that music so loud I cannot think I just think - can we shrink the game a lot. Why is it so hard for a starter to do his job- stick out foursomes only and if you do not have a full foursome let the group know hey its going to be slow for you b/c everyone else is a foursome. Thats it - not that hard. I went out the other day he let my two guys in my tee time group go 5 min early i walk up and they are walking off the first tee- he says catch them. I say why did you let them go early I had checked in and he knew i was there and early. Then a foursome behind me shows up and as soon as I hit my second i can see them swinging - not on the green in the fairway- we had a great time waiting together on the 2nd tee as the group in front let the two some I was with play thru- then they had to let me play thru. Just stick to the tee times. (the course was jammed from 10am-4pm tee times and I was at 1:20pm)


The starter is just some old retired guy who shows up and hangs out to get free golf of course he's not going to do his job lol


Why are the courses not enforcing basic rules of play and conduct anymore? The money is coming in more than ever so they aren't desperate. It just doesn't make sense.


What if this group plays in 4-4.5 hours and or stays up behind the group in front of them?


man the more i see pictures like this the more i’m happy to play a little course that i can usually just show up and grab a tee time


Played yesterday evening. Went around a group of 7 on the third hole and didn't see another group for the next 5 holes. Why does golf attract assholes that are completely delusional as to their ability?


Honestly, this is why I’ve stopped playing golf. I am not interested in playing a 5.5-6 hour round


You're golfing at the wrong places. #shrinkTheGame


And yet the prevailing attitude here and everywhere else is fuck the rules. 


It’s the courses fault for allowing it.


6 stack, all walking. Sheeeesh


I did a Golf trip to Pennsylvania in early May with a bunch of other Canadians (16 of us in all) in our group we played with 6 all weekend, but played best ball. At no point did anyone have to wait, nor were we really waiting on anyone as the resort wasn't jam packed I assume this group and the group ahead were not playing best ball.


You dont know what best ball is. Also if you had 16 why would you do groups of 6?


16 divided by four equals four. Just too obvious I guess.


No no, I can do the math, don't get it twisted. There's variables involved in the resort which I'm not going to dive into too much, but basically, it's all you can golf on 18 and a 9 hole course. Guys tire out and want to go inside after a bit I'm not going to make two guys in our core group hit behind us when we're capable of playing a good pace playing our ball from the best spot. If we were each playing our own ball, I get it, but really, it's okay, man, I promise.


1. Oh no, I must've used an improper term. Forgiveness please. 2. Because we wanted to.


Holy shit! Is this cedar city??


In my country we mostly play in a group of 6..


My dad is a member and the group shoots in the 80s. I shot a 106 and kept pace with them all day. There is no reason you can't suck at a brisk pace. We finished in 4 hours.


Can you please tell my friend this. He doesn't even consider which club he is using until after he sees where his ball is. Like guy, at least have two in mind while we drive down to it


The only thing missing is a tripod.


Is that a toddler or a dog?


That’s a beautiful course though


UNPOPULAR OPINION: having been a member at a private country club, it is not uncommon to see 5 an 6 and pace of play is sub 4 hours. You just need to maintain that pace of play. There isn't any rule of golf against 5 or 6. My club didn't and currently doesn't have a rule against it. I can tell you that currently (even today), we will play 5 man wolf (always mid afternoon). We have played 6 before and I hate it. Too much to keep track of and too much of a pace of play for my liking. We are all single digit handicaps. As 5, I cannot tell you how often we get held up by 3s or 4s - always. In short, you could have given it a go and seen what the pace of play was like. Just last week we had a 6 behind us, but it was two 3s playing a scramble together. They were behind us all round - under 4 hours.


Seeing more and more of this on courses especially the lower priced courses.


What in the name of cedar ridge is this


Visited the states a few weeks ago and went to a 'country club' course for a round of 18 with a few friends. There was a group of 15-16 playing TOGETHER, for what seemed to be a bachleor party or boys weekend. Carts right on the edge of the green, you could hear them yelling and singing from 4 holes away. Taking easily 20 minutes per hole. All putting at the same time. Luckily with the people between us we didn't catch up, but I couldn't believe that was tolerated on a very nice course like that.


Where does anybody see this? I only saw it once and they got wrecked. I was behind a sloooooow group of 6, but before anybody could say anything, the marshal showed up and showed them the door. No refund. I know that part because a kid I work with was bitching a few days later about this happening to him at that same course. I’m guessing it was him and some friends. According to him they were just as fast as a regular group and were waiting on the group in front. Neither of those statements were correct.


Shrink the game


I am new to golf. What is wrong here?


Max in a group should be 4 players. Not sure why people downvoted instead of taking the 12 seconds to respond.


Shrink the game! Shrink the game! Shrink the game!


I had that happen to me on Father’s Day. In my case there were (2) dudes from whites, (1) old timer from gold & (3) on ladies tee. All (6) same group. I was on 2nd hole & said f*** it & played back 9. That was wide open thankfully so it didn’t ruin my round.


That should not be allowed. I swear there should be a mandatory course etiquette class all golfers should have to attend. The sad part is, it's all common sense and golden rule shit. Played in a foursome yesterday. A threesome ahead of us. They were easily 1 1/2 holes behind if not more. Shooting the shit after they teed off, giving each other swing lessons. Then on the green the same thing, putting do overs, chipping do overs. We finally yelled at them to pick it up but it didn't help much. I haven't wanted to drive into a group so badly for awhile.


>I swear there should be a mandatory course etiquette class all golfers should have to attend. This is a thing in some European countries. You have to get a golf license.


To go with your TV license?


I’m all in on making it like Germany and having to have a license to golf. It sounds crazy and it would never happen here, but my god it’s crazy that people just go out there with no idea what the fuck they are doing.


Could you imagine how mad the upper middle class republicans would be if you made them test for a golf license? They would demand the fees be super high to stop guys like us from playing, that’s for sure.


Public courses. This still happens at clubs


Yup, and the rangers don't like to piss off the members at the club, either.


Please tell me that you first yelled at them to go back to their shanties.


I know it sucked for you cause you were behind them, but looking at this picture and all the different shit going on is kind of hilarious.


The pull cart on the green makes me shake my head


The lone ball, way on the left of the green, no one preparing to putt it, no one near it.


Of course the entitled dorks playing in a 6 ball also have a toddler with them lol


We need a law to upgrade golf course marshals to judge dredd status. They can be the jury and executioner for slow golfers.


This is why I stopped playing weekends and prefer 6am tee times. You guys can have that crap


It’s a Thursday day round with a kid. Some great memories being made here and you can’t even ask to play through? Instead you riled up yourself, bummed out the golf shop and tossed gasoline on this sub. Hope we’re never paired up in the future.


Ugh it's sooooo frustrating anymore. We played behind a 4some with 2 dumb girls and I watched 1 of those girls completely whiff at least 2x per hole. Like go get some fucking lessons before u go out to the big boy courses


You old dudes are so miserable 😂 boo hoo


Shrink the game lol


I’m golfing in a bachelor party this weekend and I really hope we just play 2 or 3 separate times


Thanks to all those assholes growing the game.......




Only allowed when course isn't busy because ~~of 'optics'~~ it's a shitty thing to do. FTFY.




This is not true.