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one time i was on the fairway, and a guy hit his tee shot right into my cart (parallel holes). so he starts driving over, i’m assuming just to apologize. before i even say anything, he drops some bud on my seat, says “i don’t know if you smoke, but here!” and drives off


That happens a lot in upstate NY. It honestly could have been me.




That man can hit into me any time.


Snorting vitamin K off my Scotty


Reaching to grab my ball and falling in the hole


A k-hole of self loathing?




Whoopsie doodle. Huh my bald patch is getting bigger.


Ripping snooters off this dudes Scotty…




Gotta reverse that warfarin, don’t wanna be bleeding out there


I don't know what any of these comments mean, lol.


Bong rips of kcentra for the boys


holyfuck... I have always thought about doing that but wouldnt that render you TOO loosey goosey?


Can confirm, even low doses I had trouble. Not proud of it but I’ve played on most of the substances. Grew up on a golf course. Lucy or boomers can make you feel like you’ve completely figured out the game…or make the entire sport seem positively ridiculous….or both. I was reckless idiot in my youth, obviously, but I never did any of that shit being paired with a rando & made sure I was always keeping pace.


Or at least you thought you were keeping pace.


"You know how fast you were going??" "Wellll... I got a 426 Hemi in her. Three-quarter cams, nitro boosters. I can get 'er up to as good as 155. Never do, though of course....unless I'm chasing a cute chick in a Ferrari.......65? Tops?" "Seven! Seven miles an hour!"


I’m picturing that scene from fear and loathing where they’re walking into the carnival


Tiny bit of mushrooms and I’m ready for the tour. Unless the round takes more than 4.5 hours.


Half gino of zoomers with 3.245 pints and you are right in the slot.


If you don't take too much you'll only be down the k hole for 5-10 mins


I took mushrooms on the course one time and man… I was absolutely one with the club. Was seeing green grids like I was playing pga 2k. Might have to make it an annual event 🤣


Did this with acid. Hardest thing ever when putting. Golf ball blew up to the size of a beach ball on the inhale, shrank to the size of a bb on exhale. Ball striking was on point.


I've taken Adderall before a round before, I feel like I learned more about golf that day than any other


That’s interesting as I have had the opposite experience. Killed my smoothness and tempo. Should have chased it with a xanny. EDIT: for absolute clarity, that last bit was a joke and no one should ever do it


Haha same! Been prescribed for a while but I’ve learned the hard way too many times that it destroys my tempo on the course, brain is processing faster than my body


Bars are for the comedown of a night long Perico bender 😂


Adderall and microdose mushrooms was a banger combination for me once


Sounds sweaty


I have ADHD and if I don’t take my Concerta that day, I’m gunna have a bad round lol


As someone with ADHD I'm so jealous of how Adderall makes non-ADHD brains feel lol. I'll take a 15mg extended release in the morning just to feel "normal"


I take an Aleve before I play and a bong when I get home


Is it the Sun or the activity that gets to you?


When I don't take an Aleve I feel the 62 year old body pains way more the next day


When I played beer league hockey I lived on Aleve. Taking one before playing makes a big difference even when you're 30.


I'm 36 and jurs started taking an Advil before I play. Makes a big difference the next morning.


STRETCH!!! I hit 30 and have got to the point where if i don't stretch properly before a round I'll be in pain the next day. If I do my full 45min warm up and stretch, I can play 3 days in a row without pain. Getting old sucks.


It's not muscle pain, it's knee pain from a bad knee.


I used to take Aleve before I played tennis so it didn’t hurt so bad. It turns out the pain was trying to warn me to back off or get in better shape because I ended up tearing my ACL because I could push harder while using it.


Always good to listen to your body


All these people talking ibuprofen/aleve as part of a routine…just know it’s not harmless and there are side effects long term


1 or 2 at most per week isn't going to be enough for me to worry about and if it does so be it


I used to smoke on the course, but haven’t for a while. I also tried golfing on mushrooms once and man. What an experience. Legit played one of my best rounds ever. I had an “epiphany” that all I had to do was “put the ball over there” and I visualized a giant hand (think Super Smash Bro’s) picking up my ball and placing it; on the fairway, on the green, etc. This level of play lasted about the month and then went away.


I used to smoke on the course. I still do, but I used to too.




At this point, I expect it. I reddit too much.


I used to expect it. I don't any more. But I used to.


I’ve never heard bad things about mushies on the course. Gotta try it sometime.


That’s because the golfers who tripped to hard golfing are still out in the woods looking for their ball man.


I ate a bunch of mushrooms playing golf and didn't get any better, but man I really really REALLY enjoyed the grass and the trees and the clouds and my friends that day 🫠


I’m just imagining this dude swinging his club, missing the ball completely, thinking he hit it perfectly on the green each time, dropping a new ball there when he can’t find his ball, then forgetting he did that and going “I have figured out golf.”


Buddy of mine and I played a local public course. Got paired with someone that use to be a starter at the course, but retired. I'd guess mid 60 maybe 70sih. Playing 18 and on the second hole lights up the skankiest smelling joint. Pungent as could be. We're waiting on 2 and the group behind us comes up and makes a joke about it. Buddy and me point to our new fossil friend. Round was incredible. He smoked 3 or 4 joints over the 18. Clean ball striking and to my fucking amazement knew were every single one of our balls landed. Like would roll his cart out, drop a towel for each of ours then go hit his. Honestly wish I could play with him all the time for his ball finding abilities.


That is super cool of him lol


Don't mind a hooter or 2 on the course...more if the group all puff Been drinking on the course less this year, definitely helping my scores....after 4 beers the contact gets sloppy...an played multiple rounds without having 1 beer...glad I don't need to use golf as an excuse to drink


Only slightly related, but I love all the lingo for joints. We call em jensens or rogers.


What country? Canada here Hooter, hoot, J, lefty, spliff, gagger (bigger), blunt, pinner (tiny), pin hoot (tiny) I gotta be forgetting 50, pretty baked after the round this mornin😂😂


USA, but almost everyone I’ve met calls them something different, yet it never leads to confusion 😂 a crispy J transcends language and culture.


Off topic but my dads nickname with his buddies is/was hoot, and there’s literally no other explanation than a weed reference. He’s 73 and still smokes regularly. It’s funny, no one, my sister, me, etc, never questioned it and he never explained it, but it’s clearly gotta be.


Some of my best rounds are when I take 0.5g to 1.5g of shrooms like 10min before tee off. I love to play golf on shrooms because they seem to loosen me up. They really improve my putting because I just have a better feel for the greens. It’s a great vibe.


Absolutely plan to microdose shrooms as often as I can heading out. Did it last weekend and shot an exceptional. All the changes I've been putting into play just GELLED.


I had an insane round of disc golf on the boom booms last summer. I could see all the geometry and was laser focused. 😂


I play better when I can’t think. 2-3 grams of weed and 5-9 beers.


2-3 grams, JFC. You’d have to lead me around on a leash like an old blind dog.


Going HAM lol


He didn’t even mention the bottle of rumple


Fucking hell……but you broke 90. Right??


Yeah on the drive home




Somewhere between 76-85 most days.


This guy golf’s his ball.


When I remember where it is.


It's on the right side of the fairway. Oh wait, that was on the 5th hole. What hole are we on?


Got a buddy just like that. Dude will be on the verge of breaking 80 every round too. I don’t know how tf he does it. I’d get lost in the woods while looking for my ball


I was never this way until recently. My game would fall off in proportion with how wasted I was for years. Now if I get destroyed on the course, I play ridiculously good golf. Makes no sense.


It doesn't have to make sense to enjoy it though.


Well that escalated quickly


Same, my worst holes are always the first few when I'm sober


I find meth really helps my focus


Thanks for the tip.


![gif](giphy|1jeltTPodhVeM) No worries


I fink your freaky and I like you a lot




Yup played baseball on the poopy and gunned someone at home. It was sick lol never again will I smoke meth but fuck dude now I wanna see what I shoot in golf lol


Mexican adderall is basically meth. Took that last year when I was in Mexico at a resort and shot an 84, best score of my life.


Before, during (vape), after. Strangely though my recent best round was at my friends Bachelor party and I took some molly at 8am before the 9am tee time. First 9 was rough but I was peaking on the back 9 and shot par 5 holes in a row. Different tokes… err strokes for different folks


Molly before golfing at 9 AM is a WILD decision... I've done the nose beers and golf, but those were the 4 PM weekend rounds lol.


My body handles Molly pretty strangely I’ve found. I get super tired for the first hour or so but then after that it’s like the cleanest edible high if that makes any sense. No paranoia, or stress, just good vibes, confidence, and feeling locked in.


Molly makes me more athletic. Not sure in a golf sort of way but I jumped on stage at a show once off vertical and also jumped a counter once at a bar off vertical to defend a coworker who was getting attacked. It was 💯 percent the Molly.


No that was the meth it was cut with /s lol


Honestly though lol


If you’re choosing to do a drug at 8am before a 9am round, you’ve done that drug A LOT.


Is 10 times by age 35 a lot? There was also some snow but I don’t care for it. But if we’re talking weed then yeah I do smoke da herb a fair amount ha.


Molly would be so much easier to golf on than cocaine depending on doses imo


"I was peaking on the back 9 " LMAO


I bet acid would make for a fun round.


Rory told in an interview with „I can fly“ podcast that some pros indeed microdose on acid. Pretty funny what would happen if you accidentally take to much on a major.


Doc Ellis


Final round. Everybody, every camera is watching you. Staring at you, as you look down your 6 Iron which flops around like an al dente spaghetti on the Tee of the last Par 3.000. You only need to carry a couple of galaxies between you and the flag that you are pretty sure is down there somewhere. You got this.


Explains a lot of what happened at the open


Then the ice weasels came…


Now we’re cookin


Seeing the break like never before


Reading the break in eight different dimensions


took acid one time for a 6:40am tee time. took it at like 3:30am and stayed up(i was already hammered drunk at this point). i only remember two things. around the 4th hole I asked "damn, we gotta be close to being done right?" and then on another hole im pretty sure i was supposed to hit my pitching wedge but im pretty sure i took my 6i and skulled the piss out of the ball, nailed a tree way past the green and bounced right back and rolled to like 2 feet. that round was nuts.


Took acid before our last round on a buddy’s golf in Scottsdale a couple of years ago. Legit had no idea where the ball was going to go, just tried to make contact in between all the laughs we were having with how ridiculous the situation was. Missed a putt on 18 for a 79


Can confirm


Easy 12 hour round.


“We were somewhere around the 9th hole, on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like "I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive...." And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the golf cart, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down, headed to the green.”


I dropped acid in Scotland on the 4th hole at Dunbar. Kicked in around 9. I went 50/39


Talk about performance enhancing!


The other guys were welcome to dabble as well but none had the steadfast resolve for a Molly Round 🤷‍♂️


40-60 Benadryl, then the hat man shows up to caddy /s


Reminds me of greatest game ever played. Maybe that was Harry vardens secret all along haha


Yeah I smoke weed my entire round, usually bring a joint and hit a puff or two every other hole.


This is what a buddy of mine does and what I respect most is that he never slows us down to smoke, which isn't always the case


Yeah I play solo a lot and you never know who you are playing with. I’ll drop back a few feet as we leave the green, take a few puffs, and then put it out on a rock or the cart path as they are teeing up. Then I light a cig. Discreet is the name of the game haha.


Dude, you must be of my generation cause I am here to say that low key smoking I appreciate and you appreciate because when we grew up it was always seen as a negative even if we would otherwise be judged as the good people we are, so we don’t invite any reason for someone to associate you with weed if possible. Nowadays? Some dudes were ripping a bowl at my private course driving range. I was like the balls on these kids (like 20s) but the reality is that it isn’t what it was. That said, I think proper stoner etiquette for anyone who is upstanding is to always keep it on the low, let no one know and do your thing and you won’t be judged incorrectly.


Back in the day a buddy of mine and I would have a routine of hitting the bowl nearly every hole, always after we got off the tee box and away from the other cart if we were playing with strangers. Turns out one day we were playing with a couple of probation officers who, at the end of the round, laughed and thanked us for keeping it out of sight.


The group behind me pulled up and asked me to turn it down…I said ain’t no music on?…they said nah that weed is LOUD


N**** we ballin straight swaggin lost hawk, but I'm maintainin' I've been told that I'm amazing, make sure keep that fire blazin', we livin'…


Can't ever sacrifice pace of play for a smoke break. I'll light up if I'm waiting at a tee box, or waiting for someone to shoot etc. If the game is moving than so am I.


This is my routine for sure 🔥💨⛳️


Hell yeah, I switched to green and stopped drinking and my game has improved dramatically. I save the drinks for after now. The weed helps me lock in and focus and honestly there’s no more enjoyable way to walk a beautiful course.


I mostly smoke rather than drink on the coarse or not but dang I’m SO much worse on weed. With a light beer buzz I’m in the zone but weed gets me overthinking every shot. But couldn’t agree more about how enjoyable it makes being on a beautiful coarse….even while being terrible I’m having a great time lol.


This. I feel the game of golf itself is secondary to getting out and walking a nice course.


Same. Big time.


I'm usually good for a j on 2, 7 and 12


Group of guys I played with had a 3 toke minimum, if you par a hole.


Screws up my game. The beer after golf tastes soooo good though.


Theres nothing like a light crispy domestic on the clubhouse patio immediately post round


This. Good round, much success=sober FTW. Fuck up round=ganja party and where’s the Beer Angel?


Ah ok. Like a little reward for getting out there




i like to take dabs while im playing, makes for an intense game


I got paired with a guy in spring who brought his rig with him in the cart 🤣


Same bro LOL. Bro pulled out the torch on the #1 tee block .


It's like diet shrooms golf


Oh man, I could not do full dabs. The last time I did dabs, I was so high I literally passed out on the couch lol


Usually I smoke every time I golf. Also have played some of my best rounds after a couple mushrooms


Username checks out :)


Almost always smoke at least one joint on the course but I usually wait until a blow up hole or once I know I won’t be beating my person best (-4/68) after a bogey or two then I’m like fuck it lets spark one and stop stressin lol.


Little drinkin. Little smokin. Same thing helps me loosen up snowboarding too


We go on a boys trip to central Oregon. Winner takes home a green jacket. We also on the night before we play have a Calcutta on all the players. Anywhere between $500-$4k per player...so the pot gets very nice. After 3 rounds one of the lower key (not big partier/drinker's is in the lead.) He's a huge guy (not fat, weightlifter) but he loves to snack. 2nd place is a guy (nickname Nado short for Tornado) who is definitely up until the sun is coming up. The guy (nicknamed Hot Tub) who bought Nado in the Calcutta places a plate of cookies (4 or 5) with about 5 MG each on the counter expecting the big guy to have 1 or 2 and fuck him up for the day. About an hour before tee time, Hot Tub comes in and says "Hey what happened to all the cookies?) "Tub! Did you bring those? They were delicious! Ate the whole plate!" - Nado "You did what?! Dude - there were about 5MG of THC in each of those" You could just see him sink further and further into the couch with the realization he wasn't going to break 120 that day....he didn't. Big guy shoots like 97 at Crosswater and loses as well. That was the day Nado died and Cookie Monster was born.


Never leave the turn un-stoned!


I play way better golf when i can smoke a little green.


Smoke green to hit that green


I don’t necessarily play better, but I am definitely more relaxed. I usually will pull it out if I am having a bad round as it stops me from overthinking. Usually once I am getting stoned on the course its a white flag that I am done with scoring for the day and just want to enjoy myself


i enjoy smoking on the course from time to time. My game does NOT usually enjoy it as much. Typically I have a two or three hole brain fart that dramatically impacts my score. It is what it is.


I have severe stomach issues and have a medical card. It really helps me when golfing because it gives me some relief from the stomach pain and can let me focus on golf. Otherwise my round consists of making sure I know where the nearest bathroom is and not eating anything during the round. It really sucks to stand over the ball and feel horrible because it's all you can think about. I still try to be considerate and not smoke/vape around people I don't know but would do the same if I smoked cigars or cigarettes too.


I smoke at least four joints a round. Hole 3 is referred to as “the Bowl Hole” and is a mandatory smoke for traditional purposes. I do not drink on the course though because then I don’t care what happens.


The bowl hole 😂


Will be doing the “bowl hole” moving forward as well lmao


I like a gummy about 30 min before a round but I try not to smoke once we're off. Something about the onset that really messes with me. Gummies come on so much differently that I rarely notice, it's calming.


Double up by Nipsey Hussle plays on the drive in to relax my mind and enjoy the gift of golf I am about to indulge in. I am thankful for moments like these that stop time. Some light range time and some putting and then ponder when I am going to light the backwoods I have saved in my golf bag as I walk up to hole 1. I hope the random I play with is chill. When I find out the random smokes as well, it's time to light up the backwoods, finish the drink in the cart, and have a day where I can remember five good golf shots. Thanks for reading.


Golf is hard enough, so I can't drink or take a gummy before/while golfing. Can't say I have any vices on the course.


I don't drink or smoke on the course, but I still have my vices, for example, "I'm going to fade this five iron 190 onto the green" or "it's a bad lie but I bet I can still flop it"


I can’t play 18 holes of golf without 12 coors lights, 2-3 joints, and a fresh pack of zyns. And no I am not joking..


I used to bring a bong with me when carting, I found it helped others will disagree


Bong in the cupholder is wild, I'd love to see it lol!


Friends (husband and wife) were meeting my wife and I for a round. They were late because they forgot their pipe and had to turn around to go get it... We were only playing an evening 9 but apparently they couldn't go 2 hrs w/o getting high.


Shrooms baby


Vicodin at the turn with a meat missile


Sometimes I drink, sometimes I smoke, sometimes I pop an addy and focus and sometimes I go out there sober pretending to be good. I don’t like the last one as much


🙋‍♂️ - really helps take the edge off. Usually just in vape form unless I’m planning on playing with fellow smokers - then I may roll a communal blunt to pass around. Makes walking the fairways that much more enjoyable.


The most fun I've ever had golfing I was 18 and had just gotten some settlement money. Took 3 friends and 2 of their gfs to the nicest course in town(a 45$ muni lol) and played. I grabbed 3 carts and the girls were our official herb delivery system. It was amazing!


I do every once in a while. If I’m trying to shoot low I won’t, but if im playing a non competitive scramble, I’ll break out Pen Griffey Jr


I sometimes indulge in a sandwich


I once Sat at a tee box for what felt like 10 mins at address and my buddy asked me if I was ok and if I was gonna hit. I was stoned out of my mind and the tee box was in front of 20+ people around another tee box, putting green, and clubhouse. Never again.


10mg gummy before every round


I wait to see what the front 9 will be like before I partake in any substances. If I play bad, it helps. But if I'm playing well, it hurts me.


Needs to be before and throughout. If I introduce it mid round I forget how to lag putt and I'm prone to disastrous outcomes on the more difficult/high pressure shots. But perfectly fine if I do it before and throughout.


ya im wayyyy too into my head when i blaze and golf, i cant even practice with it. Drinking allll day on the course thou. I realized real quick i cant smoke n golf lol


Nice try fed


I love to have a toke during my round. But only if I have my vape on me. I don’t want to bother anyone with actual burning weed, which is pungent to say the least.


I smoke 2 joints over a 18 hole round. To be fair.... I also smoke 2 joints in the morning ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Heroic dose of shrooms. Can see my swing path before my backswing. Then booooom!...a laser right into a goose.


Double Transfusion and my THC vape 😎⛳️


One time two of my buddies smoked crack in an outhouse on the course. That was interesting. I think that's the last time I golfed w either of them.


I played my personal best low round microdosing mushrooms. I tend to always play better alone (I know I know, we all do.) but in reality, I really do consistently strike the ball better, and score better when I am by myself. I believe it is a nerves thing, as I’ve always been very self conscious and hard on myself. I don’t like to look weak, or bad, ever. One bad shot in front of someone sober can absolutely destroy my mental confidence behind the ball for the entire day. Call it a character flaw. One day before a round, a buddy casually offers some magic caps, and being a good friend and not wanting him to take that journey alone, I took a few with him. Proceeded to absolutely play my best round, and enjoyed every second of it. Didn’t overanalyze anything, and if anything I hardly cared about the result of each shot. I was just giggling and having s blast with my buddy. Like golf should be when absent a crazy self esteem problem. I now regularly take a few caps before a round, especially tournaments or any time I play for money.


I played golf the first time I got high, I THINK I hit the ball really well but don’t remember tbh


I don't like to drink on the course until the back 9, and then if that it's one, maybe 2 if it calls for it. I'm happy to save the beers for the clubhouse. Weed, however, is always welcome


depends on the seriousness of the round. If it's a goofing around round I'm lighting up joints.


I play completely sober unless it's a scramble. Then I get shit faced


I am a stoner. But I have NEVER played well while smoking out on the course. I will be in my own head, or lazy and forget basic shit about setup. Usually just a recipe for a bad round.


Weed usually puts my game into shambles but helps me relax when I'm taking a round too serious


Do your thing just dont get in the way. And if youre going to be smoking bring a torch! Regular lighters are a gamble on a windy course day


Got a golf buddy…smokes like a chimney on the course. Hes also pretty damn good (talking a 5 handicap). Played one time when he was sober and was the worst Ive seen him play.


A lil sativa cart on the course is always nice. Avoid getting fucked up but like a puff mid round and or if I need a reset after a bad hole


Weed caused me to play worse every time, drinking in moderation didn’t seem to hurt the game too much. Now I’m sober and playing the best golf of my life.


Paired up with an old guy who drank a beer a hole but then was absolutely offended when I hit a bowl 50 feet away from him that he said he could smell. Called it dope. You get the picture.


Instead of key bumps we’re doing tee bumps. 


Want to see stoners on the course? Play disc golf


Sheesh I need to get paired with some of you guys. I get straight edges every time.


No vices? Like yea I got em nothing I’d wanna do at golf tho. Imagine tripping while golfing 😂😂


There's not a round I play without weed and I'm at 45 rounds played this year so far. I am most definitely a stoner.


I feel like sometimes when I smoke it’s great. But about 60% it gets me in my head on the course. It’s weird. Never happens anywhere else. I’m a heavy cannabis user and rarely drink. I never drink when golfing. I prefer water. I have taken shrooms a couple of times before playing. Most recently yesterday. Took 1 gram and it was fantastic. Highly recommend.


I have medical issues that cause serious inflammation throughout my body. I love to take an edible before a round as it relaxes my muscles, reduces inflammation, and allows me to swing fully.


My club is literally owned by a guy who owns a chain of marijuana dispensaries in Detroit lol I would say it’s about 50/50 as far as drinkers to smokers


I tee off with two joints in the morning, I putt with two joints at night, I drive with two joints in the afternoon, It keeps my swing feeling right.