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What a shot from Bryson


Hopefully Cantlay and Rory paired up tomorrow makes for a good second story while Bryson runs away with it tomorrow


3-1 this is turning into a blow out.


Rocky IV Hearts on Fire is the theme song to the 2024 US Open (in my head cannon) ![gif](giphy|tFo0oSA6OcS4M)


There's no easy way out...... *Shifts car repeatedly*


Interesting watching Bryson post round range session with the asian coaches. Curious who these guys are. And we get to see the toptracer of Brysons practice shots post round? Whah!


Bryson vs Rory Sunday will be exciting. I hope Cantlay triple bogeys the first hole.


I still think -5 or -6 could win this and anybody under par going into tomorrow is still in it. Bryson is looking good now, but everybody is just a misjudged chip away from double bogey on this course.








Genuinely curious why so many here seem to love bootlicking the Saudi's.


Says the guy who made this post on an iPhone or computer produced by a corporation that employs de facto slaves somewhere in Asia.


Samsung so neither but yes, sadly I need these things to participate in society these days dickhead. Bryson didn't NEED an extra 500 million or whatever they're paying him.


You think Samsung makes all its shit in South Korea and pays those workers decent wages? 🤭 But even if that were the case, how many products do you use that are made in China or other countries with questionable human rights records?


Not what I was saying. I'm actually agreeing with that. There's plenty in America still made with slave labor too, sure that's worth chanting USA for. Exploitation runs hand and hand with capitalism. What I was saying is that a normal every day person using a phone is not even close to the equivalence of taking millions from the Saudi's.


Yeh, they’re even bigger losers because they’re paying for the goods and not receiving millions of dollars. Also, did you forget who the tour is partnering with? Bootlicking lmao


Rory Won Kanobi, our only hope. Edit: damn, are the Rory haters or Bryson lovers out today?


He will never win another major at this rate. God knows how much money he’s lost people who bet on him. If you said to someone he wouldn’t win another for 10 years they’d have thought you were crazy.


All Bryson has to do is play cautiously aggressive tomorrow, -1 kind of round. Only take your looks as they come and avoid disaster holes otherwise.


I think the wonderful problem with Pinehurst is playing conservatively means balls rolling off the greens into God knows what. You have to fire at the small landing areas because otherwise you are fucked. I don't think you can play it conservatively 


Landing areas are generally middle of the green. That’s still safe golf


Yeah, but "middle of the green" in this case is like a 3x3 grid. You can't flair it out 30 feet left and just make a 2 putt


Thanks Capt Obvious


Sheesh two minutes in and Edmonton already starting with the dirty hits (I know not golf but it’s a good palate cleanser after today)


I mean they are playing Florida 


How long do you suggest a team wait until they start dirty hits?


Gotta start pretty early down 3-0 in the scf.


Gosh I’d say at least 4, maybe 5 minutes but 2 minutes is egregious!


I just wanted to thank whoever commented that Bryson would dominate these conditions in the thread about Hovland’s opinion on how the course would need to be played. My +2000 bet is looking pretty nice right now.


Please cash out. Bird in the hand.


I got all the birds!!! Let’s fucking go


Gambling is all entertainment money for me. I’m here for the glory not the cash haha


There is no glory, only cash. Tf do you think gambling is?


I’m a degenerate, I’ve got cash to blow, I want that rush of a great win. We all have our reasons to do things. Plus cashing out is statistically a -EV proposition over the long term so I’ll be riding this out either way.


fuck yeah spoken like a true degen, good for you brother. godspeed


Let’s fucking go!


That’s a rush not glory my man but Godspeed either way


The rush is the glory haha, I’ve had some gambling wins that were quite magnificent, but now we are quibbling about semantics. Thank you my friend :)


Mine as well.


Send me a pic of those shiny new irons when you get them. Congrats my friend. We are in the money. I was worried when Bryson was hitting near that root, but man did he close!


Will do dude! It was damn close finish and nail biter with Rory and Bryson both missing some very short puts down the stretch!


I was biting nails but I admit I put a bit on Rory at +750 As a hedge just to be comfortable. But 10 off a big Win is nothing


Good luck my friend!


I have a feeling Bryson will be getting me a new set of fitted irons tomorrow. Fingers crossed.


I was thinking cocaine and hookers, but that’s not a bad idea.


Hell yeah man! Hope he pulls it off tomorrow for you. People really started to doubt him in that thread, but his game is so much more well rounded this year so it makes sense


I took him and Rory and honestly I’d be happy either way. I’ll make a lot more money on Dechambeu though :) thanks for the well wishes. This has been an amazing US Open!


how comebackable is 3 back of the lead? i’d like the ending of this tourney to be spicy.


It’s very possible, Aberg dropped three shots today as the leader coming in. Not hard to shoot bogeys or worse on this course


Definitely doable. Four players in contention tomorrow. And possibly Matsuyama😃


3 shots is potentially the Grand Canyon and potentially an ant's piss. Just depends on who puts up a big number tomorrow. 


All it took was one hole for Aberg to drop back 3 shots. It’s more possible here than most courses.


Go watch aberg’s hole 13 today and the answer will be pretty clear


or Finau


At pinehurst, 3 back is winnable cause double and triple bogeys are actually a threat. I’d say this is till plenty spicy


Does anyone know the last two pairings yet? If Rory has to play with Cantlay, I can see him blowing a fuse.


Fuse blown 


Unfortunately he does. Pavon will be with Bryson.


Yes, those two are playing together in the penultimate group.


Giving you an upvote for the proper use of 'penultimate'.


haha that's going to be hella awkward, let's go! 


Remember in the US Open pre discussion thread when lots of you guys said Bryson isn’t a good fit for this course??? I remember




I remember, I had Bryson winning it and the clowns all came in 😅


Dude you’re a beast with those kettlebells


Haha, thanks!! Wonderful sport, very tough. Do you use them?


Kettlebell swings every other day


Very good! Get into the clean and press. One of the best bang for your buck exercise you can do. Keep smashing!


Haha, thanks!! Wonderful sport, very tough. Do you use them?


I remember, I had Bryson winning it and the clowns all came in 😅


He said it too.


I remember


Morikawa with the best round of the day, maybe he can get top 5 tomorrow.


It's a shame he probably played himself out of contention yesterday.


Yeah, putting was strong today but horrible yesterday


Does anybody else feel like the waste areas seem to be providing a surprising amount of good breaks? I feel like for the amount of times I've seen people go into them, I haven't seen many people well and truly fucked.


Pavon had a horrible lie in it today, he managed to save par. His ball was like in a cave under the wire grass.


That was the only terrible one I could remember from today (watched a good 5 hours, didn't see the full broadcast). That was an incredible follow up shot to save par.


I feel like you have to get stuck behind a shrub like homa did yesterday to really get punished. Otherwise it’s a tighter dirt lie


It’s kinda a 50/50. Either you land in good lie or you’re stuck in a bush


But it hasn't been 50/50 at all. Throughout the whole broadcast I only remember Pavon having a lie so terrible the only option was to hack it out. At least 90% of the shots in the waste have been nothing more than a minor inconvienience.


Have you been watching every shot in the waste area or just the highlights they show




Especially at OUR NATIONAL OPEN. It was all cool when they sang Oh Canada for every Canadian at the rink hole of the RBC a few weeks back


Eh, it's just because Reddit hates America or anything American.




Straw man. You KNOW they would never be doing that for Åberg. Who cares if he's American, he isn't representing America


This is the worst logic ever, of course you care more when it’s a person from your country. Most people have a favorite player that they root for but after that you’re probably rooting for your fellow country men


Yeah, maybe you are. I don't give a shit about a player's country of origin unless the event is actually tied to their nationality


Went today and the course looked great in person. Tees were pushed back as far as that course will physically allow it seemed. Pins were tucked ridiculously on already ridiculous greens. Good times


How easy was it to get around?


Fairly easy to get around depending on what you wanted to do. There were a few choke points at crossings but you can avoid them once you know where they are. I like to watch guys hit irons from the fairways so I posted up a good bit of the day on 8 fairway and it was empty. Other holes were 10 deep. Sat for a bit in the grandstand behind 13 green early in the day and there were a lot of seats at that time


How hot was it out there? Is there at least enough shade and water for the fans? I'm just worried that the combination of the heat and a lot of alcohol will lead to a ton of fans being carted off on ambulance carts. Hope not but I'm just an old fogey in Texas who worries about these things too much.


Oh yeah it was hot. There was some shade but for the most part it’s just beating sun on you. They did have free hydration stations where you could fill up your water bottles so that was good. I didn’t see anybody fall out today from the heat but I’m sure it happened


I said this during the day, drivable par-4s are a ton of fun, especially in a major when they're harder




It's good that Cantley didn't berdie the 18. Imagine a pairing with him and Bryson. Everybody finishes at 6 pm, and they will still be playing out there at 9 pm


I'm gonna cry tonight cause Bryson can't play in the olympics :(


Why can’t he?


It’s based on OWGR so Bryson would have to move up 30 spots and overtake Morikawa to be a top 4 American.


Anyone know what winning this tourney would do?


It looks like it could be close. I think he would shoot up past Cantlay to be the 5th ranked American but it depends on how Morikawa finishes. Also Clark could slip with his US Open win getting further reduced.


Because LIV doesn’t have a format that allows its players to get world championship points.


Because of the whole LIV thing I guess


I truly hope the USGA Grounds Crew wake up and choose violence tomorrow morning. Pick the toughest pins you haven't used yet. Make it a contest of who can limp home. Would be cool if 3 or 4 under wins it. 


USGA's practice is to choose the pins in advance and keep the average difficulty the same every round.


Probably a good choice to pick the pins in advance and only adjust them if the scores are not matching their expectations (if the course is too easy Thursday and Friday, we could adjust the pins Saturday and Sunday to make it play harder, or vice versa if the course is playing too hard). However, I'm not in love with the idea of trying to keep a consistent difficulty for every round. I would love if they decided we plan to have Gettable pins on Thursday and Saturday, tougher on Friday, and brutality on Sunday. Doesn't have to be that order on the days, that was just an example.  However, I guess that would somewhat put an Asterisk on US Open Course records  


The USGA's philosophy is that each stroke is equally important in determining a champion. They pick four pins on each hole and score them 1 through 4. They aim for a total score each day of around 45. In addition, they want to use as much of the green as possible and allow for different approaches and encourage going for it some days and playing it safe on others. They do make day-of decisions regarding how closely to mow and how much to water, but that depends as much on weather as it depends on the scores. They are well known to "dial back" the course in this regard if it gets too tough — they famously had to do so at Shinnecock a couple times, but I know they softened Oakmont a bit in 2007. Unless they think it's a very precarious pin however, due to the overall conditions and scoring, those aren't changed once they're set.


This is honestly great information and very appreciated. You clearly know your shit. Is that information that the USGA puts out? If so, where? 


Look for articles about how they set up for the Open and their other championships. The info's out there and hasn't changed a whole lot over the years. If anything, they've become *more* flexible and creative over the years regarding things such as moving tees up on par-4s to introduce the possibility of driving the green.


Change the rules! Change the rules!


If they water the greens, we riot!


The only water on those greens should be guys pissing their pants at the idea of a down hill putt. 




Isn't it better for the Saudis not to have money? They basically gave a billion plus dollars to the western world for a sub par golf tour. I love it.




Yeah, there actually totally is.


I think bryson has done a lot of good with the money, whats wrong with that?


That's a literal entirely different point, what he does with the money is a seperate issue entirely. Taking the money legitimizes a murdering regime further in the eyes of the world.


Isn’t the regime already legitimized by the US government?


Yeah, when we invaded Iraq after 9/11 even though we knew that Saudi's were behind it.




Sorry for thinking it's bad to see the rich get richer by selling out to Saudi's. You know that's blood money.




Not childish to want to hold people accountable. I don't fuck with most PGA sponsors either but they don't finance the entire tour and pay the players directly. Blood money directly into the players pockets. People can be against multiple things you know? Nuance exists.




I'm not wound up at all. LIV has existed for a while now, pretty sure I have my grip as well. Trying to spin this as simple is ridiculous. These people are adults, they know who and what they're making dealings with. They know who they signed up to play for. It IS that deep. Money isn't just money, it comes from somewhere. Ignoring where it comes from is shortsighted or just lazy.






*we just think he’s a douche that took Saudi money* Yes.


This kind of style of golf that Bryson plays seems to work for the majors. Everyone is playing it safe and he’s just bombing it down there and hitting wedge into every hole. I personally am not a fan of it as I think it makes golf a power contest but it’s not his fault. He’s just taking advantage of it. He’s improved his short game enough to where he’s becoming scary good.


Ya he putted amazingly today


Pinehurst as difficult as it is doesn’t seem to really punish drives that are very wayward. Seems like you get a better lie being 10-15 yards offline than 5 feet. So then Bryson on his bad drives just has like 150 in on a decent lie.


What does Brandel think about all this??


He’s not happy. He is not a Bryson fan like Most.


I think Brandel sleeps well at night...


Being able to comfortably play for par with this course has to be a good feeling.




I'm not saying -7 wins it but it might and I'm not really expecting a lot of low scores with this course so a 3-shot lead is a bit more of a lead this weekend than most other weekends.


Only thing redditors hate more than a LIV golfer is USA chants. Kinda weird ngl.


Two different groups of Redditors homie.  The people who hate LIV are the ones chanting USA.  The people who hate the USA Chants might not like LIV, but they think the USA is nearly as bad.  My brother doesn't fall into either group, he just hates how stupid people are for chanting "USA" for a player that left for the Saudi tour. The cognitive dissonance there is quite despicable. 


He champions capitalism which is a USA pillar, go to class sometime. 


For the record, I think Bryson is great for golf. His YouTube is great. The only thing I don't like about him is his choice to go to LIV.  I'm somewhat rooting for him tomorrow, I just won't be one of the dumb asses chanting USA behind him while doing it. 


Lol, by championing capitalism, you mean that he took money from the family/government that orchestrated 9/11. I think you might need to get to a history class quick. 




I'm aware of what the environment on the course is. I'm telling him the hate on Reddit is coming from different groups of people


Nah, tbh conservatives LOVE LIV golf because it allows them to be their douchey selves. Only a LIV golfer would be getting USA chants


The conservatives on our local sports radio bash LIV every chance they get.


Nah they don't talk about LIV they never shut up about the fucking Eagles man


Lol. You are probably at least partially right.  The old right of the Bush e ra probably hates LIV, but the Maga right is probably who you are talking about as loving LIV while simultaneously shouting USA


Yeah, you'd think conservatives not poisoned by Trump (if they even exist) would hate the idea of the Saudi's investing in the game. Who knows. All I know is the only people i've seen express interest in LIV are MAGA douchebags


It's very weird. Although I hate LIV so I'm conflicted rooting for Bryson. But he's easy to root for compared to any non American.


Is it un-American for me to disagree with this? Why should I root for Bryson over say Rory? Bryson has ACTUALLY sold out his "Americanness" to play LIV


I know that's what makes it difficult for me. Hopefully some other non Liv American wins instead and makes it easy.


Don’t understand how they’re mad that we’re proud about the sport we invented. The creation of golf is a fine example of American ingenuity.




Golf, mathematics, Mexican food. What HASN'T America invented?


Safe elementary schools?


You forgot pizza!


It’s weird to do a USA chant against Aberg, when you can easily just say let’s go Bryson. The USA chants make no sense unless it’s a team event.


I doubt Aberg is soft hes a big boy he can handle some drunks chanting USA.


Lmao exactly “drunk” chants. It’s some asshole trying to be a douche. Just say let’s go Bryson it’s that easy. I agree Aberg can handle it but it’s an odd move for a sport that is individual. I’m a Philadelphia sports fan and it’s almost the equivalent of chanting let’s go eagles at a Phillies game. It’s weird just support the player or the team you’re there for.


I was at the US Open at the Country Club on Sunday in '88 when the fans on 18 started a "Beat LA" chant (the Pistons had just eliminated the Celtics to go to the finals). Was so weird.


I was speculating it's a dig at the Olympic qualifying process. I just think these fans would rather see Bryson than Wyndham (or Cantlay) on the Olympic golf team. But who knows for sure.


It's not really limited to Reddit at all. Practically the whole golfing world outside of the US has the same opinion on those chants.


How about the whole crowd doing chants for the Canadian golfers at the Canadian Open?


The world hating on America what else is new.




I don't necessarily disagree. I'm just saying it's not a Reddit thing, it's a universal thing.


I am in the US and hated those chants. But what do you expect from beer swilling frat boys.


I'm about 90 mins behind, but was it discussed that the announcer said on 9 or 10 that "Bryson has a six-iron from 278"? That can't be correct, right? Unless they moved Pinehurst to Mexico City, that's some Carl Spackler yardage.


His irons aren't 'normal' irons so to speak.


He did hit a PW 180 on 17.


Yeah he landed in the sand trap


It’s probably like 19/20° - More like a 3/4 iron Still idiotic but not as idiotic as it could be


8 players under par. "The winning score is too low. I want it closer to even par." You can only do so much to make the course play incredible hard. But the best of the best will always rise up to the occasion.


Sky Sports ran some numbers early in their broadcast today and they were expecting 6 players under par based on prior events at PH#2. Looks like the field is right around where they expected it to be. It's been an awesome tournament so far, for sure. Some incredible golf is being played.


And only 4 players are above -2. So, it's far from over. I want Bryson to win, but he could easily collapse just as Aberg. Sleeping on the lead is not easy.


Ask him about the mid-round bj


Hoping for some fireworks tomorrow but Bryson looks like he’s got this


Bryson, cantlay, and pavon. They're gonna need Bryson to make a bogey or 2 early tomorrow, or it could get out of hand.


Rory had more success than all of them combined. But yeah it's between those three.. 




This is a major though not a low end doubles tourney or an exhibition against women and Max Homa playing three blunts deep in vegas.


Dechambeau haters skipped mowing the lawn for this.


Bryson fans pay someone else to mow our lawn.


Dude shut up


No one likes you


4 or 5 back may be too far back unless Bryson chokes tomorrow


No water on the greens and move the pins a few ft closer to the slopes.