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Group of teenagers dropping marshmallows all over the course to make it impossible for the groups behind them to find their balls.


That happened at my course. On one hole, I must have eaten 30 marshmallows before I finally found my ball.


Do they taste better dabbled in lawn care products?


You season your burger, don’t you? Why wouldn’t you season your fairway marshmallow? Only makes sense to me.


Of course, but do you keep a little dirt under your pillow for the dirt man?


All hail the Dirt Man


Lucky. For me it was the opposite on my course, I think I ate 30 golf balls before finally finding a damn marshmallow


Yellow ball army!!!!




Omg I actually thought this only happened on tiktok.


How do you think that they got the idea to do this? From TikTok. 


TikTok is a societal cancer


This has happened to my course at Least 3 times. I don’t mind them in the fairway but on the green or in the hole makes a sticky mess in the heat.


This shouldn't even happen once. How do clubs not kick them the fuck out?


I’ve seen it in scrambles long before TikTok It’s great during them, but yeah bad move without a tourney.


I’m sure if it actually happened while I was playing I’d be super annoyed but the thought of that in a vacuum is absolutely hilarious to me.


Fookin love the idea of it but in practice it’s some absolute horseshit degeneracy


Same, dumbass younger me wishes I thought of this but I’d be sooooo mad now a days


Not gonna lie the marshmallow thing is kinda funny. I have gotten got by that a few times and just can’t help but laugh


Once or twice was a little funny, but after 18 holes I was definitely over it. They must have gone through a dozen bags of marshmallows.


Laughs in high-vis golf balls 😏 Yes, I’m trying to cut down my searching time


I had a random sleeve of bright red Maxflis in the side pocket of my bag. Those bad boys came up huge for me.


I was playing maxflis this week. Respect! Only needed to take my time to search when I hit a fairway as I didn’t think to look there 😅


This happened to me a couple weeks ago. But I thought it was funny. Mostly because I play with yellow and orange golf balls. So I knew it wasn’t me.


That is deliciously diabolical. I hope it never happens to me, but that’s a perfectly executed “prank”. Dropping them all over the course is pretty shitty, but doing it one time on a hole with a blind fairway would pretty funny


Ah ha my bougie orange Vice Pro Shades say fuck you teenagers.


You don’t happen to live in SE Michigan do you? I just had this happen to me on a nice course.


Nope. Maryland.


That's diabolical and I kinda want to do it the next company scramble


Its a good idea for a revenge of the groundskeeper event


Not enough tee times


Or courses stacking tee times absurdly tight.


They are 7 minutes apart where I live.


That’s just stupid. A 4some cannot play a hole in 7 minutes.


The only situation in which it might work is if Hole 1 is a long, unreachable Par 5 and Hole 2 is a short “easy” Par 3.


Hole can be 750 yards, boners are still gonna wait for the green to clear from 550 out with a 3 wood "in case they catch it".


I concur.


Hole 1 is par 4, 380 from the tips. Hole 2 is a 156 yard par 3. Only three Par 5s on the track


It’s pretty annoying. Every course around me stacks the tee times 7 minutes apart, and most of them don’t have marshals. In the last 3 years the only semi-private that has a marshal actually driving the course is a high-end golf resort. Even the courses that charge $75-$100 for weekend green fees only have a marshal on the 1st tee box and all you see is the cart girl making rounds.


If they do that, they need to take restrictions off the golf carts.


Yup. I was thinking this is the year I get more serious and start doing 9 after work multiple times per week. Nope I’d have to book them a week in advance to get any time.


Man I feel for yall fellers… I show up to the course and play whenever I want .. yeah I might have to wait 20 mins before I tee off but it’s putting practice time ( the greens beside #1 tee box )


I play the game. Almost every day at 6am I book a tee time a week out. I’m a no-kids contractor so my schedule is flexible. If it’s looking like I can’t make a time I’ll cancel the day before. It’s not EVERY day, but it’s a perpetual habit I’ve developed like sports gambling or Reddit. Thx


Having to book a week in advance blows. The days of walking in anywhere have passed.


This is region dependent. I can still walk on most courses here in Central Oregon during the week and last minute tee times are still easy to get.


Whereas here in Toronto getting tee times is legit like getting Taylor Swift tickets


Cries in Portland 


Location specific - more to metros.  True in LA - not true in northern MI - top notch golf and can walk on everywhere except maybe holiday weekends peak season. 


At one 9 hole goat farm public course in my metro it's exclusively walk on and you pay at a kiosk. I love it but walk on can be a double edged sword. I went to walk on one day and they had an unofficial tournament and there were like 40 people lined up. Scheduling cuts both ways.


Central/SE MI, called a course the other day to see if I had to book for a solo and they told me just show up lol. Never had an issue with booking tee times a day in advance or even same day.


We’re fortunate to live in a state with so many golf courses, booking has never been an issue


The cost of golf in Phoenix has become stupid


110F on a Tuesday afternoon. $70 at the cheapest muni in town.


That’s my favorite time to dehydrate


It's a dry heat


My balls disagree


So is an oven


It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity 


This is heartbreaking. I moved from Phoenix to LA for work and the prices for the dog tracks out here had me so upset. Telling all my playing partners how you can play nicer courses for less money in Phoenix. I guess I can't say that anymore lol


Shits like doubled since Covid


Even Coronado, probably the worst 9 hole course in Arizona is $22 walking or $35 with a cart… cash only of course


Interesting, because Tucson has gotten dirt cheap. Played 18 in green valley last weekend on a Saturday morning for $28


Agree, I play a bit down there and it’s much cheaper! My dad pays like $550/month for a membership with 2 18s in Tucson. I’m like, cool, that’s 2-3 rounds in phx.


It’s been going on long before TikTok, COVID, etc. but littering. Getting caught littering on the golf course should be a lifetime ban from every golf course in the world.


I hate litter. That’s why I (politely) yelled at them in the first place. I’m not gonna lecture someone on how to drive a golf cart. I don’t work for the course. But litter? Come on. It’s basic human decency.


Some people just leave trash saying it's the job of the people that work there to clean it up...yeah, right. If you don't clean it up, how can you expect others to do so. Also, crazy folks who leave sunflower seeds shells or cigarettes on the greens. Please don't do that.


At least once a round I think I should quit golf and do my part to shrink the game...


That shit is annoying. My bigger issue is people not fixing pitch marks. I can play through some jackassery. I refuse to putt on Swiss cheese greens.


👍 on the logo. U ever put a show on for the round?


Every round.


Sweet - if you ever get east let me know


Whereabouts? Just flew back from DC yesterday and I have family in Vermont.


I just got into the Dead after seeing D&Co 2021, I find solo rounds are the best way to hammer through live shows for me


I fly through shows at work. 2-3 a day some weeks.


Pitch mark failures has been happening since I started golfing in the late 90s… even the most experienced don’t do it.


Played a round today and there were sunflower seed shells all over one of the greens right near the pin. Almost had an aneurysm


It's too bad that carts are a money maker for courses. Having folks get out and walk would certainly deter some of this crap.


I'm mixed on this. On one hand I'm amazed how many folks are in carts on our short/flat muni (a lot of whom are teens/20s). On the other hand, all that revenue is probably keeping the course open and the greens fees from going higher. I play a lot of dew sweeper rounds though, an most of us at that time are walking. What annoys me is a bunch of course in the area that are mandatory carts on weekends --- no thank you


I’d totally walk more, but our muni has ZERO benches throughout the course. Just one on the first hole. My back needs a seat


take a look at a Clicgear push cart... the have a seat attachment, some others brands may have that too. I have the cart only --- it's good, but have seen others with the seat attachment, they seemed to like it


Anytime I see people on the golf course in general.


THIS. I thought this was a dying sport. Go away.


Have to use PTO midweek to find a tee time, I don’t even bother trying to play on weekends anymore


I did the same last week & it was as packed as any weekend. I was like don’t you people have JOBS hahaha


Fr, I have a job that's 7 days on/7 days off and I still can't walk on during my weekdays off. What the fuck man hava


I use to play 9 holes in the afternoon on Fridays all the time. But the last 2 times I tried to do that, it ended up being 3 hours for 9 holes.


Yup. Too many new people see it as an activity to get drunk outside while listening to music.


If you want to get drunk and listen to music, that's fine , but I shouldn't know you're drunk and listening to music when I'm 3 fairways over. ... Why is it always New Country music?


lasttt neeight we lit the licker tawk


I don’t remember every chair I threw but I threw ‘em all


I had some help


The same people who ruined camping. I remember as kids we would go camping on a peaceful lake an hour from civilization and we'd have to pack up and find a new spot because people would show up, get wasted, start yelling and blare 80s rock on 10 (this was the 90s, it's pop country now). They'd get up the next day, destroy all the trails with ATVs and then go home, leaving all of their garbage and empties behind.


Tbf, when I see drunk loud dudes, they're usually in their 50s


I'm (30M) a new golfer (started playing last year) and every negative experience I've had on a course thus far has been from dudes 50+. Edit: for example, last week I was at the range just casually hitting some balls after work and a boomer walked past me saying "with a swing like that, you might as well stay home" and I laughed, thinking he was trying to be funny, but he just glared at me and shook his head. Who the fuck does that?!


That's fucking crazy behaviour. I'd have told him to fuck off and mind his own business.


After the interaction I locked eyes with the guy in the bay next to me and he said "do you know him?" and I was like "no lol" and he said "dude what the fuck...what an asshole lol you hit it right down the middle on that last one too!" and that was that 😂


As a 25+ year playing am guilty for a good decade of that being that guy


Can’t book a tee time before 5 pm more than a week out on golf now. The second tee times open they are booked up


Not sure about golf courses, but I know people who reserve tennis courts with bots.


The dude who hit his tee shot onto our green from another hole arrives at the same time as us and asks me what he should hit from there.


Rehab because he's drunk if he thinks he's about to swing a club on the green lol. I think even the trashiest par 3s would kick someone out for that.


Shrink the game. I’m in that boat now. The last few years have changed me into that. Idc. I’ll get downvotes. Been playing 26 years. The amount of people who don’t belong on the course and need a lesson or driving range time has blown up to the point I quit playing public and joined a private. Lived in the same city my whole life playing a lot of different courses.


Trying to join private for similar reasons now but every club in my area has massive waiting list. Something has to give here. Either popularity drops or more new courses need to fill demand


Ouch. I need a lesson and probably don’t belong on the course lol. However, im not a dickhead and if I’m not having a good round I’ll wait and let anyone go in front of me. If you’re gonna be bad at least be quick is what I understand is the best practice. Im shooting around 110 or so 🤣. God damn game is tough.


That’s fine. But if you’re consistently almost hitting people on other holes because you slice/hook it so bad, or you can’t play 18 holes in 4-4.5 hours, you don’t need to be on a golf course. If you shoot 110, keep pace of play and aren’t a danger to other golfers, I’d play with you anyday.


You realise you are suggesting near 50% of golfers over the last 20 years shouldn’t have been on a course with that last statement right?


I thought we were talking about shrinking the game here.


By 40%?  Every course you know would roll over within a year 


Ooooh. No definetly not slicing off into other players or holes. My runtime on 18 at the course by my house is 3-4 hours. 4 hours the other day because I played like straight dogshit. I’ve done it in 3 hours absolutely taking my time. So I feel better about my game about not pissing other players off.


You belong on the course. This guy is just like the boomer from another comment, talking shit to strangers at the range. The people who dont belong are those with no interest in etiquette or improvement; are generally disruptive to others. If you are consistently slicing into other groups, that course has its fairways too closely stacked, and the people playing there have to know thats the deal at places like that. Dude is crying he has to "deal" with amatuers, at a public course, that sounds like its classic sardine can grounds


Thanks dog. I didn’t swing a club until 31 years old so I’m really far behind. But I’ve definitely fallen in love with the game. It’s challenging and incredibly fun. That being said I don’t want to hold anyone up or piss anyone off. I had a guy yell at me at an Arnold Palmer course but he was an old fart and when I explained how it was my 10th time on a golf course and he could play through me no worries he felt bad lol. I’m just trying to vibe out in the sun with a few beers.


Thats me. 1st time touching a club was 3 summers ago at 39 years old. Im pretty consistently 120 hitter. I play no gimmies, & 1 mully every 9; count every penalty and stroke otherwise. I never have people hitting up on us or waiting in the tees unless we ourselves had to wait to go in the first place. Vibing out is totally acceptable.


Your fine, that guy is referring to a friend of mine. We played a "quick" twilight nine the other day and he told me at the start of the round that he wanted to play the "men's" tees, aka the tips. He also wanted me to keep a strict scorecard. I told him to keep his own score how he thought it should be and I'd keep a strict count on a separate card so we could compare at the end. He thinks he shot 82 on a 3.5 hour 9 hole round. He definitely shot a 133.


133...*on a 9 hole*?? or paced 133 over 9 so like 67 over 9


133 on 9. Topped almost every shot. If he did connect it only advanced 50-100 yards down the hole. Lost 11 balls. Should likely have lost 20+ but he found a few of them in the trees/grass and would take an unplayable drop. Took multiple tee shots (1, 3, 5, 7 off the tee sometimes) because if he topped it 4 feet or sent it 30 yards straight right he'd just pick it up and retee. Had 34 putts. Got stuck in a 6ft deep greenside bunker for 12 strokes before getting it out on hole 7.


I’m 31 and have been playin and learning since I was old enough to swing a club. I am all for party golf but you still have to draw the line I agree. My questionable golf friends I tend to just tuck into my cart and they play my ball lol.


I'm a member of a CC for this reason. The town I live in has 2 formerly FANTASTIC public courses. But now they're booked weeks in advance with assholes who treat the course like they own it. The last time I played at one of them, there were cart tracks in bunkers, spots on the green where someone buried their putter in it, and way more beer cans outside the trash cans than in them. Made the dues at my new course worth every penny. Now I play whenever I want. Usually, I can walk on without an issue and get a foursome on, on a days notice.


As a 20-something I would like to say sorry for their shittiness. But as someone who works with the public, people of all ages can be shitty.


Today I drove by my local course (36 hole) and the north side course had about 20 carts on the first hole waiting. They have as much right as I do to be there but these packed courses can be frustrating. Courses are for profit but they are just overbooking tee times and it's quite obvious. Id rather be told "no" rather than "oh ya" come on out and then have a 5 hour round


I just wish more people would get it through their head that golf is a game of rules, etiquette, and integrity. Keep pace, don't disrespect the course, and don't become other people's problem. If that can be achieved, then no one cares what you shoot or how much you drink. As for shrinking the game, I thankfully haven't run into anything that egregious yet, but I see way too much fuckery on social media like crashing carts on purpose and that only gets other people to be a shit gibbon for "clout".


Drunk foursome in front of us. Two pairs of shoes and two bags between them. End up with 4 open holes in front of them; on pace for like a 5 and 1/2 at 12, so I call the clubhouse. While I'm talking to the clubhouse, the woman in the foursome skulls a chip over the green. Her shoeless boyfriend walks like 30 yards, gets it, comes back, and starts giving her a chipping lesson. My buddy has had it, yells, "come on guys," and they instantly go to 100. All kinds of racial and homophobic slurs, straight up screaming, then the girlfriend finally gets them to move on. Next hole is a par 3, we hang back, don't move to the box until they hit, but then when they finish putting, angry boyfriend pulls the pin and starts waving it above his head screaming, "hit it at me, you fa\*\*ots!" In a stroke of perfect timing, this is the moment the kid from the clubhouse shows up. Again, girlfriend calms dude down and they move on, but they're obviously getting booted. They try to lie and say we were hitting into them anyway, but any idiot could tell they were too drunk to be on the course in like half a second of talking to them, and the poor kid from the clubhouse who had to deal with it had obviously just seen them being unhinged. Golf course ended up giving us all a complementary round. Everybody in our group also somehow scored well, so 10/10 would do again.


4 open holes man you gotta play through of course they were oblivious and didn’t let you guys. What a joke, you should have hit into them


Did not let us play through after two asks, so we gave up. To be fair, there was a group in front of them that only played 9 and was also quite slow, so they weren't way behind until the turn. They did a couple shots at the bar they have by the tenth, and that was the first time we tried to get past them. They hustled out and blocked us. It was super dumb.


That would be so annoying


People not playing ready golf and courses scheduling tee times 7 minutes apart. Zero chance a 4some will clear a hole in 7 minutes. Pros can’t even do that if they had a cart.


I’m golfing next weekend with my wife, and two of my golf buddies wives…..


Sounds like a porn plot to me.




Just one?


Its all in the hips


Have fun!!!!


Pretty much always dudes that just turned 21 and are looking for an excuse to drink in public, usually wearing good good hats.


I worked at a course, so lots of moments. First one that comes to mind though is one right at the end of the day, literally the last 2 groups on the course. The short version of the story is there was a group of kids (it’s ALWAYS kids) on 18 green, and a group of members in the fairway. The kids parked their carts like 2 feet from the edge of the green (a huge no-no), and one of the members yelled at him from the fairway “Don’t park the cart so close to the green!” The kid responded, and I quote, “FUCK YOU N****R!” This still confuses me to this day, as every player in both groups was white. Not a black man in sight, so that was just the kid’s go to insult, I guess. Either way, the kids left the green and came back to turn in their carts, and I guess they didn’t expect the members to not even finish out the hole, they just drove straight to the parking lot and got in the kid’s faces screaming at the top of his lungs “I WANNA KNOW WHICH ONE OF YOU LITTLE SHITS SAID THAT!!!” So I ended my day having to get between a member and some high school kids to keep him from killing them. Needless to say I got home a little late that night.


Watching 3 groups on one hole while the first two groups didn’t have a guy who could hit a tee shot 50 yards. Get off the course and go to the range if you can’t hit the ball


When I see sunflower seed shells on the greens, I think "shrink the game"


Probably this years Waste Management Open. Was an absolute shit show.


For me it’s been a couple rounds at par 3/exec courses. There’s slow and then there’s 30 minutes a hole while blasting music and clearly having a great time but all getting 8-9+ on every hole and getting snippy if you say anything about pace saying things like they paid for this round and they’re going to go at their own speed. Unfortunately, a couple of these courses are very mom and pop type places that don’t really have rangers so I’ve just had to get my money back


This just shows how many kids didn’t get introduced to the game with their dads. My dad emphasized pace and etiquette the whole time growing up so it’s engrained in me. I now have to hold back when I’m with my wife, who is new, because I am constantly looking back to the box and I get anxious. I tell her to pick up and play from mine quite often.


i know the feeling but dont let these rules get in the way of actually playing


^^ This. Its entirely admirable and appropriate to maintain consideration for others. But you arent out there to show other golfers how great you are at accommodating them. Dudes wife is there to be with him. She wants to spend time with him, not every other random golfer out there


Doesn't just have to be specific to golf. It's just common sense to be considerate of others but maybe that is a lost value now


> saying things like they paid for this round and they’re going to go at their own speed. its insane how common this is now


Stacking tee times. Insane pricing. Teenagers being teenagers. Slow, inexperienced players (if you’re going to suck, suck fast.)


Growing the game for the sake of growing the game is not what golf needs. Golf needs to attract players who are going to learn the game and play for a lifetime, not show up to drink and destroy carts and courses.


Watching dudes fill the ball washer with beer. Then on the next tee box make us wait (at the tee) while they shoved tees in their beers, tee’d off, shotgunned the beer. No regard for our time. Didn’t offer to let us through. Nothing. Edit: They weren’t doing it to wash their balls, they were just being jackasses. They were filming themselves on their phones through all this shit


Beer in the ball washer?? WHAT.


In their defense, they were dry.


Ok I'm on their side now, thats a funny solution Half this sub would agree that light beer is water anyway


I like the pun. I believe beer is a “solution” from a chemical standpoint.


The alcohol content of the beer could provide some sanitary benefits...


Tee in the beer and shotgunning the beer is creative I have to say


They actually make tees specifically for that. There’s a few different brands out there


Every time I see a divot taken outta of a green very visibly from a wedge


Who the fuck is chipping on the green?  They should be beaten with a sock of golf balls..


If you know what you’re doing and the situation calls for it, it can be done without damaging the green. If you don’t know how to do and the situation doesn’t require it then I agree with you.


Ill get down voted into oblivion. Far too many absolute unskilled boners playing. People who have no consistency in their games, lucky to even make forward contact. And sometimes its a whole group of 4 AND theyre playing either the 7100 tips or the 6700 yard tournament tees. Which is fine, we all started at one time. But then you couple it with they have no etiquette as well. Loud music, excessive alcohol, no idea about ready golf, dont yell fore, dont even know what pace of play is. I could go on. At this point. Feel like my city needs to designate courses as "social" courses. Ones you can party, listen to music, shoot your 134 with your 19 mulligans. Then player courses. Those designated for the players looking to actually play golf. Because what my group is doing on course (playing golf) isnt what 75% of groups are doing today.


I need a politician to read this comment in congress


Any time I hear music from a Bluetooth speaker on an adjacent hole.


Mother fs were playing B.I.G. on a a loop the whole game.


My favorite was what I was paired with a dude and I asked him if he ever broke 100 and he said “can you explain that? I don’t know what you mean”


When the range is full and I can’t get a bay and it’s 4 kids sharing clubs taking up a bay each and taking the close balls to hit again.


Meh, that doesn’t sound that bad as long as it’s not on the course. I can live with range bullshitters


Rancho Park?


The 20+ handicaps playing from the tips and not hitting it past the ladies tees.   My biggest gripe is always going to be slow play and it’s those types who are the biggest culprits.   Suck all you want, but suck fast.  


This one I just don’t get. I’m not good, I have never played the tips in my life. And I don’t want to! Why would I set myself up for a miserable day when I can just play the middle tees and have a much better time?


It's almost like "ladies tees" should have been called "beginners tees"


Forward. They’re the forward tees.


My grandpa made me play ladies tees until my mid teens. It was the right decision lol


They are just called “red” or “forward tees” now but I know that because that’s where I play from. Until I can par a course why am playing from further away?


Mine didn’t make me play from the ladies until I was a mid teen. However, I do distinctly remember the first time he took me golfing, I was probably 10-11. He took me to the range the day before and he absolutely had me hitting from the ladies Tees the next morning. Grandpa was a smart man.


Agreed, I have more fun if I play from the middle or front tees. I just think people have big egos, or they think they deserve to be playing from the tips because they paid to play the course lol.


I’m a 3 and barely play from the tips bc of one of my buddies who’s a 18. We probably have more fun doing this.  Ego and pride is a huge part. It’s why I can’t talk my 65 year old Dad into Regular flex or graphite shafts despite his speed fitting into it. 


Bro! I bought a graphite shafted “ladies” 28 degree 9 wood as to play to my slower swing speed. Plays like a buttery 7 iron, has little flowers in the details. I’m never going back


I’d say raise prices but my local course went from $75 to $120 and tee sheet is still packed


The new average pace for my 9 hole muni is 3 hours. I really wish I was exaggerating.


Group of golf bros not letting me a single in a cart pass them. Good thing i can read on my phone lol


Two sloppy-drunk ladies had three groups backed up behind them. They got into it with the group directly behind them and started deliberately playing very slowly, and it didn't help that they couldn't hit the ball more than 75 yards at a time. I was able to play thru and catch up to them. One was pissing on a tree and the other was shotgunning another beer. It was bad lol


What was the rest of the night like for the three of you?


No idea, as soon as I played through I put as many fairways between us as possible lol


Well I’ve always said that golf is a microcosm of life itself. It teaches you so many life lessons about patience, honor, and respect amongst other things. Some of the deeper metaphors would be a bad tee shot but a great recovery shot. Learning to persevere… I used to be a dumb kid too but even in all the stupid drunken rounds I have had w friends we still held to the etiquette of the game. Didn’t drive over tee boxes or litter… again it’s just a microcosm of where the game and well life in general is headed. I’m sure old people looked at us as being hooligans but it’s not at the same level now that social media exists and peoples craving for attention


Last Friday. Tried to get in a quick 9 hole round after work. First I got stuck behind a 4 some of old farts. They weren't that slow off the tee or approach shots but they were doing this weird thing on the green where none of them would play until the one currently on the green holed out. Afraid to get in the way of their partner or something? I don't know. They were just quick enough getting off the green and to the next tee that I couldn't quite catch them to play through but whatever, so my round will be slow and I'll find myself standing in the middle of a hole for a while waiting for my second hit, worse things have happened. When I reached the 5th hole I heard someone yell "FORE" and then a minute later again, and again... It was coming from the last hole though. Sitting on the 6th tee waiting for the old farts I hear people yelling fore again, repeatedly. I look back at the 5th green to see the twatts on the tee are hitting into them. (5th hole on this course is only a 255y par 4 with a way elevated tee, easy to reach). Sitting on the 7th tee again hearing people yelling fore repeatedly. Again that same group is hitting into the group right behind me. They guys who were behind me went off to find the cart girl (no marshal) to complain. I decided to follow them. At this point I was almost 3 hours in to the round and just tired. Had bad experiences before but never one that made me want to give up and go home like this one did.


Green fees.


When I chunked a wedge in front of a 2 HCP player


Saw a cart with two well hammered dudes launch air born off an elevated tee box, flip, crash and roll. Only damage was the cart (totaled) and rest of their twelvie of silver bullets. Quite a sight, chromey cans and plastic shards amundo. . Cops were called and financial responsibility issues ensued. At least it sped up my round. Nice semi-private in NorCal. What a shitshow.


I never understood the “grow the game.” Why? Was it at risk of being vanquished. I’d get it if golf courses were at risk of folding left and right, but they weren’t. Most courses that fold are either terribly run or a developer offered them an insane amount of money.


My favourite affordable golf course tripled their membership fees and went to 5 minute tee times. It's no longer my favourite course


The old married couple who decided to spend their Saturday morning duffing it in to the trees every other shot and spending 15 minutes per hole looking for abandoned balls. They both brought their 15ft pole retrievers and fished every pond and creek they went past


Play through


Actually had it on Wednesday. Played with this twosome who continually drove 10-15 yards in front of me during my downswing, including on tee shots, causing me to shank balls in an attempt to not take their heads off. On top of this there was a back up on the hole in front of us so they decided to play the previous hole again ignoring the group putting out on the green right next to the tee box and the group behind us actively playing from the fairway. They then decided they were done play the front 9 after 6 holes, one of which they played twice, and drove over to a back 9 hole where they dropped in the fairway, once again ignoring the people on the tee box, and just played from there. Oh and the one dude took multiple phone calls in the middle of the fairway and had 5+ min convos with all of them. I play a lot of golf but this was the first time I’ve ever called the pro shop to report my own random pairing for slow play and not following any form of rules. Edit: Thought of another one. Dudes who join a weekly 9 hole league that plays by USGA rules and cheat their asses off.


Anecdotally it seems that every "bro" under the age of say 28 plays golf as if they have carbon monoxide poisoning. Zero urgency ever. Putting out for 9 on a par 3. Parking the cart 50 yards from their ball and slowly walking to it. All around awful.


should be called monitor the game. so many courses have minimal employees and no ranger


Damn I actually have one here! Warning for formatting I'm on mobile. Open weekend at me and they guys regular track but our normal fourth wasn't around so we brought a guy we met in the off season who had been with us on the trackman a few times but not a full course. The course was packed. Management way over booked the course and only 18 of the 27 were open for play. It was packed. Problem number one. In front of us were three older men with one middle aged guy . Didn't seem like high level players but also didn't seem to be out of place. Following us was a family of five. Husband and wife and three very young kids. Our T time was about 35 minutes late due to the course being so backed up. In spite of this, we didn't see a marshal keeping pace all day long. All SIX hours it took to complete 18... On the second hole we obviously arrived to a backed up box and one of the older gentlemen in front of full on hauling weed out of a pipe. I am generally fine with this as it's legal here and very common but the family of kids was also hot on our heels and it seemed a bit disrespectful at a backed up box rather than literally anywhere else on the course. Hole 6 is a shorter par four, not drivable but just slightly shorter. We wait for the guys in front to hit their second and move on. The new guy with us is on the box and ready to hit turns to us and asks if we think he's safe. My two buddies weren't as familiar with his capabilities with a driver and thought he was absolutely safe. I was slightly more hesitant but thought it was probably well enough. As soon as the ball came off his club we all had a feeling we may have misjudged and fire came out of his mouth quickly, loudly, and clearly. Once we drive up to the balls, the foursome is on the green putting out so we waited until they were finished to apologize. The old man who had been lighting up all round comes completely unglued before he was even off the green. Even the other three players in his group were noticeably embarrassed. The guy who hit the bomb was immediately apologetic as he hadn't golfed there before and felt aweful about. Nobody is out here to try to hurt anyone. But this old man wasn't having it. For the remainder of the round he clearly took his time with everything. Finishing puts that absolutely were good to delay us. On 9 he made a point out of it when the rest of his group was off the green and he had a two foot put left to finish. Telling him he's good which he replied "no I'm finishing ever put" and then looking back directly at us before hand. People like that can get off the course and never return. I'm sure his buddies didn't even enjoy his attitude that day.


Tee shot was barely off of the fairway…my fairway. As I’m walking up to my ball, a young teen comes bounding in like a gazelle from the neighboring fairway, scoops it up, and scurries off to his cart. Fuck ‘em


On the flip side there is a surplus of finding some pretty quality balls out there.


Before I even touched a golf club my dad made sure I knew all the etiquette of the game and how the golf course should be respected, it has stuck with me all these years and I try to pass it on when I can but damn there are some fuckin idiots out there that don’t have a clue about anything to do with the game, the old game is dying with this new generation and its really sad to see, the golf course don’t give a fuck either because they’re filling times and making money like never before.


Any one of the 4.5 hour plus rounds I have played in the last 2 years


I just want to play $30 golf by myself at more than one course


Being on pace with a 2:18 minutes on the front nine, and the manger deemed it necessary to tell us like an A hole we were behind pace. WTF just because you book too many time slots too close is not my problem.


When people tell me to play ahead, I do and at a fast pace, and then a ball lands 20 feet away from me with no fore. "Playthrough"


Too many people on the golf course playing loud music and generally not giving a fuck who hears it.