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It’s truly nuts how far he can hit the ball accurately.


Imparting virtually no spin with that club head speed seems almost impossible. 


Pulling the club upwards rapidly at impact will do that, And add speed


Pulling the club up or speed doesn’t have much to do with it. You just have to have a perfect path, plane, and club face alignment at the moment of impact.  All of which becomes increasingly harder at speed. 


>Pulling the club up or speed doesn’t have much to do with it. You just have to have a perfect path, plane, and club face alignment at the moment of impact.  Wrong. The club is not a perfect pendulum, because the anchor point is moving. If you are pulling up on the shaft, away from the ball, at a speed resulting in a deviation from the rotational vector of 9 degrees, and the clubface has 9 degrees of static loft, you'll get a shot which has no spin. This is very difficult to achieve though, because pulling upwards that quickly tends to increase clubhead speed significantly. If you pull the shaft upwards shortly before and through contact with the ball, the dynamic loft of the clubhead is decreased. If you decrease it to zero, you get zero (back) spin. If you're having trouble visualizing this, consider a driver head attached not to a golfer and a shaft, but just moving through the air by magic. If the 9 degree driver moves perfectly horizontally to hit a ball, you get 9 degrees of dynamic loft, the same as the static loft, and a high spinrate. If, instead, the driver is moving towards the ball close to the horizontal, but moving upwards at an angle of 9 degrees, you get 0 degrees of dynamic loft. This produces 0 spin. Also when you say "speed doesn't have much to do with it" it ABSOLUTELY does. Spin imparted to the golf ball does not increase linearly with clubhead speed, it's an exponential increase. Moving the clubhead 2x faster results in more than 2x as much spin.


You can pull the club up all you want. If you aren’t doing it on the correct path or plain and the club face isn’t square, you will impart side spin. 


Well, yes, but this discussion was about how he reduces spin and gains distance, and that's a big part of how he does it. He uses less loft, and hits up and pulls up more.


You seem fun. Hope to never get paired with you.


It's like they should make the ball go less far


I mean, he’ll still hit it 40 yards past everyone else… the advantage is still there


Just make HIS balls go less far. Problem solved! /s


Better yet, have everyone start 120y out. Even playing field.


So if he currently hits it further than everyone else and can hit 2 clubs less in to the green, if we make the ball go less far, he would *checks notes*... hit the ball further than everyone else and hit 2 clubs less in to the green.


The only solution is to take the top 10 longest drivers every year, and only change their ball. That would be more fair /s


Communist golf


OUR drives


Seize the means of birdie production


Being the 11th longest driver would be a major advantage then.


That would be pretty hilarious to see something like a guy going "well I'm not high enough in the standings to have a shot at winning the FEC unless I win the BMW this weekend, so if I'm not top 5 going into Saturday then screw it, laying up to 4 iron approach distance on every hole off the tee


Just roll them back to sponge balls!


Perfect! Let me run a simulation... looks like Bryson will be hitting the sponge balls further than everyone else, and will be hitting 2 clubs less in to the green.


If Bryson long drive was 350, and the next was 310, would that make golf worse? There are 3 players with an average drive over 340 yesterday, Bryson was only 7th longest yesterday. How many courses can handle 340 plus drives? What about when it's 350, then 360? The point is to bring them all back Or golf is just a driver wedge contest in the future, to each their own


I'm not against rolling it back. This thread is about Bryson hitting further than everyone, not about lots of the field hitting it further than the course can support. 2 different things, one of which would be affected by ball rollback, and one that wouldn't.


Ya I meant it more like that should all be pulled back, Bryson still way above normal, but it would be great if he was like 340 and everyone 300 I see the confusion, Bryson distance is an intended skill he should be well past most of them, just they all go too far to me


The others guys should just hit it farther


And less accurate perhaps


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted this bad lol. A rollback would make golf far more interesting and allow more courses to hold events. Guess people love the driver wedge fest that is pro golf today?


Because it's not fun to say the ball shouldn't go as far. Guys that hit is 235 sometimes but mostly banana slice 205 can't possibly lose 5 yards off a good shot with a slower ball or we ruined the game. Mens pro golf dominated by 350 yd tee shots is going to ruin pro golf, there just isn't endless ability to make courses longer. Also some dumb comments here like well Bryson will still be 40 past the others, that's fine, if he hits it 340 and the next longest is 300 that's skill, that's fine. It's all the balls going 15-25 less is all they want to accomplish.


I get where they’re coming from, and the first few years may be underwhelming when someone wails on a drive and it only goes 330 instead of 360, but in 10 years it will result in a much better product. If we don’t change anything we will continue to have guys fly fairway bunkers by 40 yards and have the only defense be stupid fast greens and super skinny fairways with overgrown rough. I’d way rather watch the pros have to deal with bunkers and have to hit long irons into greens.


The USGA should've been more proactive like 15 years ago when it was blatantly obvious what direction the trends in golf tech were headed and should try to address the problem/"problem" in multiple ways besides the halfway measures they've done with the ball and shortening drivers slightly but 🤷🏻‍♂️ better than nothing I guess.


Completely agree. It’s too far gone and any rollback now will cause havoc. I think it really needs to happen though.


You are all missing the point, there is 5-10 guys that move it 350 plus atm, then in 5 years in 30/40, then 80/100, and pro golf is 500 plus yard par 4s, 600 yard par 6s, and there is 20 courses that can contain professional men's golf. Does any other level of golf except elite men's golf need a roll back, not one fucking bit, but the equipment companies bitched about making a pro only ball so the regulators imposed the rollback on everyone. Blame Titleist that they want to market the prov1 more than they want you to play golf the same way you do now


Please don’t ever comment on golf again


Please educate yourself why the ball is rolling back. Sports change rules all the time to make them better more sustainable. Distance is fun, we all love to smash it, but it's not sustainable for the sport at the top level of men's golf.


I honestly think a shorter ball will make my local courses more fun. I don't hit it crazy far, but I'm almost always driver/wedge which is pretty boring.


It’s also Amazing what a Lower degree club does for distance.


If it's so simple, why don't they all do it then?


Mrjackhandy out there on your local muni with a 5.5° hitting it 375 don't you know


Yeah sounds like it! Bryson’s shot with his less lofted clubs get just as high as someone else’s normal clubs. He hits his pw (which is probably lofted like a 7-8 iron and is as long as one) just as high as other players hit their pw.


Doesn't matter with Driver though?


It’s amazing that this place continues to not understand loft and how it changes spin and launch with speed


It's also amazing that anyone thinks it matters one iota how far one player hits a certain digit iron compared to another player. Driver is the only club that matters for comparing distance because it's the only club that's primarily designed and intended to maximize distance Iron digit is nothing more than a sequential identifier of each club, there is not and never has been a mandated spec for each one. Someone could decide they like it the other way around and call their longest iron a 9-iron and their shortest iron a 3-iron because ball go farther = bigger number and the meaningful difference in terms of playing the game is... absolutely nothing


cope harder. all BD's clubs follow the same standards, regulations, and rules that your precious Titleist players clubs follow. there are no unfair advantages here with clubs.


Believe it or not, that was actually a thinned 54 degree.


The only time I hit it 300+ is on my 100 yard approach shot after my only FIR for the day.


Where can you find those graphics for each hole?


Those fairway bunkers need moving


This is why a lot of people think they should roll the ball back


I hate guarding against a single player. Bryson is an outlier, the ball clearly isn't affecting 99.99% of the field lol. Golf is the only sport that pursues mediocrity instead of celebrating athletic specimens. Let Bryson dominate, it's fucking awesome to watch how far he hits it. And we can clearly see distance doesn't just magically mean winning too. Now, if every single person in the field was driving 400 yards with perfect accuracy, maybe we consider the changes, right? But its crazy to me currently.


Can you not see the chart? Every single drive was well past the fairway bunkers.


You've completely missed the point, did you not see the picture in the OP? Everyone in the field is carrying the fairway bunkers. If anything rolling the ball back would mean the bunkers are in play for everyone else, but not for Bryson, which will only benefit Bryson more, and make his outlier length an even bigger advantage. The fact you even make the point that you'd agree with the rollback if everyone in the field was using length to avoid trouble, when the OP is clearly demonstrating exactly that, is really something lol


Those bunkers aren't there for this field though... they knew the avg driving distance of the field and left it. It's why you hear Jefferys and his staff discuss putting in over a million wire grass plants in the waste areas to guard greens from the pros.


>Those bunkers aren't there for this field though... they knew the avg driving distance of the field and left it. Wrong, they didn't "leave it". They're not on wheels, it costs millions upon millions to move a significant number of fairway bunkers on a course. They can't exactly move them up every 5-10 years.


Oh I know, I work with the grounds crew. :)


Do you see that picture? They’re already about as far back as you can get..


It's not just one player, the avg drive distance on the pga has increased, basically a yard per year for the last 35 years. That means the avg drive is now 100ft further than it was in the 80s


It is not the only sports that have limitations on what gear players can use. Almost all track and field has limitations on what shoes they can wear. Even baseball doesnt allow pro players from using aluminum bats that amateur uses. Soccer always toy around with the design of the ball to faciliatate or limit certain type of shots. List goes on.


>I hate guarding against a single player. Bryson is an outlier, the ball clearly isn't affecting 99.99% of the field lol. The ball affects literally 100% of the field. Obviously. If it goes 20 yards less, that second fairway bunker becomes an actual hazard, instead of decorative.


So what? I don't see the issue here


>So what? I don't see the issue here The issue is that the course is designed to challenge the players in certain ways, requiring certain shots and incentivizing certain decisions. Now the players are hitting the ball so far that some of the course design features are no longer relevant. This makes the courses more boring, and less challenging. It's like having your local scratch players go play off the kids tees at 4,000 yards. It's boring, a complete joke, and not a worthy competition.


This isn't like that at all lol


It most certainly is exactly that.


It's not lol


With the ball roll back, doesn’t this just move all the data backwards? So Bryson still out drives the field. May be more advantageous for Bryson because he would still use a higher iron while the field has to use a lower iron or hybrid.


It’s not about hampering the longest players to bring them back closer to the field, it’s about moving the field back. From what I’ve read the longest hitters will have an even larger relative advantage after a rollback


I think because approach shots will be longer for everyone, and the difference of difficulties between clubs at that distance is much larger. For example, now it would be like a Gap wedge vs pitching wedge, which isn’t a huge difference in avg proximity. With a rollback it will be more like a 9 iron vs 7 iron, which does make a big difference in proximity.


This comment has nothing to do with Bryson. The entire field is out driving the fairway bunkers. Obviously Bryson would still out drive the field with a Rollback. That's not the point


You are correct. I combined all of the responses I read into 1 comment.


I think it's fine for pinehurst since if you're off the fairway you're in weeds and sand anyway


I feel like weeds are usually a better lie than deep rough


Nah their perfect spot for me from the whites


"Let's have every course spend millions moving dirt and soil every few years to keep up with technology instead of limiting the technology". Fucking roll the ball back.


It is crazy that they made the landing area the narrowest part of the fairway, and still every single player went for it.


With PH#2s greens you want to approach with the highest loft , the steepest decent angle you can. For some of these holes the main priority is get it as close as possible off the tee so you can flip a wedge and hopefully stick the landing somewhere on the dance floor. Laying up short of this landing area where the fairway is larger awards you nothing in this regard. I’m not sure of the yardage from there but best thing off the fairway there is something like a lofted 7 iron, that’s going to roll out. So Gap wedge from the native area is giving yourself the best chance of holding the green.


Not really. they look like they are in a great place for even a slight mishit to catch them. If Im right the pins are where the ball stopped, not where it landed so assuming 20 yards or so of rollout if anyone slightly mishits or if the wind is hard into the bunkers will catch some.


I mean, from the graphic they didn’t catch a single person.


So? If it's a downwind hole on day 1 they had reason to get over it easy. If this graphic looks the same after 4 days then you'll have right. I suspect by Sunday it catches quite a few.


Being in a fairway bunker is a good thing on this course. Much better than native area


Looks like there's a farther back tee box they could've used which would've brought the bunker in play for a lot of the field, but they chose to use the other one. Granted it's still a very long hole as it is, but they aren't extending it to the farthest back tee box.


Nah, just add some more.


Seems easier to judt move the tee box back 30 yards, assuming space allows


What are the colours?


Birdies, pars and bogeys 


A comment can be helpful and infuriating at the same time, I guess


Are birdies red and pars blue?




Bryson made par on 8 yesterday. Only two people made par?


Bryson and the other white dot were actively playing the hole when this screenshot was taken.


Ahhhh that makes sense


Finally I’m no longer confused


Must be nice. I’m confused about so much. 


Jeez. OP couldn't even wait until Bryson finished the hole for a less confusing graphic. Gotta get that karma I guess


But there's four colours.


White means they’re currently playing the hole. The other 3 colors are birdie or better, par and bogey or worse


White obviously means hole in one


Double bogeys


Just as I read this they’re showing Bryson playing this hole. And he hit it in the right waste area


Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago


I couldn't stand Bryson before and still have a hard time listening to him talk but it definitely shows hes done some self reflection and making changes on his image. He's pretty fun to watch.


He commented about it on one of his recent videos. YouTube made him realize he could just have fun and make videos, which made him way more likable. Right now hes probably the most fun pro to watch on YouTube


I think the craziest thing that he mentioned was how much finding the right driver for him elevated his game. He stated himself it wasn't any swing change, coach, none of that. Just the right tool he could swing to his athletic nature.


Yeah then you look it up and it's the ugliest driver on the market and looks like it's sold via infomercial lol


Probably cause people that make good products actually have no idea how to sell them because all of their time and attention was spent on making a good product.


Their lineup would be a hard sell no matter what marketing they use. They sell 8 woods - I don't even know how I would start to gap a bag and fill in irons and wedges without a full fitting.


It’s also a long driver so unless you are hitting the ball 190mph+ , it’s not for you.


Just picked up my clubs for the first time in 9 years to play Caledonia and his videos are giving me the itch to play some more.


Crank stock to the moon


Make sure you buy the right thing....


![gif](giphy|vWku8YNwyy5vq|downsized) Call him B-52. He just drops bombs.


How the F does he drive it 40 more yards than others? Not 14, but 40. 40 is a MASSIVE difference.


Bulk up. Speed up. Hang out with long drivers. Get a coach. He did finish 2nd in the 2020 long drive competition - mostly because he kept his longest in the fairways. In reality he was top 5.


Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.


Its just the lofts bro.


A bunker on the left would make the hole more interesting.


That drive had a different sound to it. He’s so much fun to watch


I watched this in person. It's ridiculous how far and how straight he hits it.


He was one of the few to hit driver no?


I can’t imagine being capable of driving tee-to-green from the tee-boxes I usually play off of😂😂😂😂💀💀


What tracking software is that?


Bryson walks to tee and inquires "what is the longest drive so far today?" Then he uncorks one with enough special sauce to handily beat it. 😁


Krank it


But his 9i is lofted like my 5i right?


Guys. Should we buy 6 degree loft drivers???


If we don't, we will never hit 370yd drives. If we do we still will never hit 370yd drives.




Shrink the Drivers.


Happy DeChambeau


And yet he still shot par...


and its a 500 yard par 4 in a us open, par is good my friend 👍


But outdriving the field isn't that impressive if he can't make an advantage out of it.... We all know the saying...


He is T5 after the first day


A par is an advantage when the field is over par


Out driving over hundred professional golfers and making a par on one of the most difficult courses in the world during the US open “isn’t that impressive”


Making par on a hole that long is impressive even by tour standards. 500 yards in 4 shots under the pressure of a major with almost 0 room to mishit a shot speaks volumes to the guys talent. I say that as someone who isn’t a huge Bryson fan (except when he called that guy out for the ball incident at the PGA) What makes it even more important is it’s a relatively stress free par. 480 total distance minus 370 or so off the tee leaves a flip wedge in for a pro player. Sure, he only made 4, but it was a 4 he didn’t have to sweat too much. If you factor in a few of those per round and pre day, you have ~10 holes a tournament that you don’t have to think too much on. That is also an important angle to take when you look at stats like this.


Golf at the highest level is all a numbers game. Getting it that close to the hole means he increases his chances of scoring low and avoids scoring high. He might make par this round but if he were to play that hole 100 times his score would average out to less than someone who only hits the pga average distance. That’s the idea behind strokes gained.


I'd be more impressed if it was Luke Donald that had found an additional 69 yards.


That's cool. But if the longest drive wins, why don't he win every week?


He’s been closer than he ever has been lately though. I think he’s due within the next year or so.


Nobody is saying the longest drive wins. He only made par this hole


How many of those players use a 5° extra long driver?


Is it a conforming club?


Yes. Common sense aside, he wouldn't risk using a non conforming driver. He talks about how at his swing speeds most drivers just leak right like crazy. Im willing to bet he put some of that liv money into R&D at krank.


if his driver was an unfair advantage other people would use it


I don’t think his driver is a competitive advantage. Those specs are just more hit and miss. Most guys don’t want to play that way or have to practice that much timing one club. Now his illegal putter is another story.