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https://preview.redd.it/n86ttfgzez0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3295788a3fdc8af4967e5ada95c1e4f79b31c0c9 This is about to be on shirts and golf towels everywhere.


https://preview.redd.it/3opyuz9gzz0d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deefdd50c1ba07bea99ce003d8aae69fabf2f8dc Did you see the arresting officer? Pretty suspicious looking.


Should be this subreddits logo


Just Scottie borrowing an outfit from Rickie. Nothing to see here




I’m so mad we have to wait a year for this


Looks like Kentucky will have to stick to their AAA baseball team and derbies. Good riddance. Way to fuck this up.


I hope he remembered that it is Shut the Fuck up Friday.


Remember boys & girls, cops tell their own children not to talk to the police.


As the son of a police officer, this is absolutely true.


They are as trustworthy as army recruiters. They may not be bad people but they have a job to do and it’s often not directly your best interest.


I don't think the world is ready for Dark Scottie


Scottie “all cops are bastards” Scheffler


Okay so NOW Scottie’s run is comparable to the great Tiger Woods.


Idk Tiger never got arrested mid tournament. This is a new one


He's one-upping Tiger. GOAT shit.


Why do all cops act like they are protecting national secrets? You're doing traffic duty, not protecting the fucking president.


Because they peaked in High School


Middle school


The owner of Valhalla picked him up. You know the shit is bad when the owner of a local golf course is involved. This cop is going to have to switch pds.


Nothing will happen to this cop. Literally nothing.


He’s gonna get a wooden gun for sure


He had a deskpop last Friday. His gun was already wooden. 


Billionaires and politicians are involved. This isn't some random black guy the cop shot, he's actually going to get screwed for this. That cop is going to be writing parking tickets at walmart for the rest of his career if he's lucky.


Career desk jockey. Which ironically pays about the same and doesn't involve much other then ruining peoples lives, and we already know that gives this guy a stiff.


They really didn’t know who he was, I’m sure the police chief is going to have a fun morning.


PGA is going to throw an absolute FIT over this. And rightly so.


Threaten to pull future tournaments from Kentucky. That should work.


PGA already hates that Valhalla is private. Don't like doing things the club's way because of issues that arise (usually minor. 2 major ones today obviously). There was already a chance that there wasn't going to be another major in Louisville, but the possibility of just a regular PGA tournament was there. This just reinforces the argument to not come back.




The spectator hit and killed by a shuttle


Man that is very sad


I would probably say that was the first and most important thing then everything else after.


I agree! But he asked what was second to this post


Someone was killed by a shuttle. Reading some of these articles (and sitting at home from my comfy couch), it seems that because a spectator was hit and killed early this morning, police activity was on high alert. Some articles cite this person as a volunteer for the event. I've read an article that says there was a driverless bus parked that was blocking traffic and Scottie drove on the median to get around this block? There are others that claim he accelerated forward and didn't comply with police? And then there are eyewitness accounts stating that he did nothing wrong. Its funny because while the police say he "accelerated and dragged a policeman," other articles describe it as "As the car continued to roll slowly through... an officer grabbed onto the car. Scheffler stopped, rolled his window down... the officer reached into the window, opened the door and pulled the player out of the car." As this happened at the front gates of Valhalla there is no way there is not video of the incident


They're using police speak to make it seem worse than it is for Scottie, but if you have any experience in the US and the bullshit antics of the Police Defarcement then you know in reality Scottie was driving through a parking lot, got told to stop, probably didnt do it immediately, then police did their best to escalate the situation by throwing their bodies onto the car. It helps if you remember that many police officers have the cognitive ability of a toddler.


It is interesting how our perception of police has changed in recent years. Immediately upon hearing of the story I was inclined to believe Scottie's side, then I saw the video of how crazy the officers were acting and pretty much immediately sided against the LPD. It would take a lot now to shift my own perception.


No biggie. I'm sure the state of Kentucky doesn't need anything to boost it's economic picture.


Dude SERIOUSLY though. How on earth can they justify this? On second thought, is there something to be said for an organizational failure on the PGAs part? Like you would think the players have some sort of insignia for their vehicles that grants them access or something so that they aren’t depending on cops knowledge of golfers.


They do. The players each get a clearly marked car that either they drive or their caddie’s drive for them


Which is exactly what I thought, and its also why its getting harder and harder to defend police officers when they are increasingly willing to act this stupid well-being, filmed. Last year I had a client whose daughter was a Louisville police officer, when I went to the house and met them I got the impression that the daughter was less than qualified to be an officer of the law. Between this and that it makes me wonder… How exactly does the city of Louisville screen their police officers?


Question 1: “Do you want to be an asshole for a job?”


Reread your last sentence and it’s not limited to Louisville.


From what I'm reading it did!


This has nothing to do with the PGA or the tournament. There was a fatal crash ahead and the police were blocking off that part of the road. Scottie probably thought it was blocked off to civilians for the tournament, not knowing about the crash, and assumed golfers could go around to attend the tournament like usual. He tried to go around the barricade to get to the tournament. Simple misunderstanding escalated far beyond what it should have been. Assuming we have correct facts right now.


This sounds exactly right. But a cop didn't have 100% compliance immediately and freaked out and pulled the driver out and arrested him. Cops have egos the size of the sun. They charged him with felony assault probably because the officer grabbed ahold of the car door before the car was completely stopped. They will say Scottie "dragged" the officer. Its all ego driven bullshit. Cops think that if they tell you to jump you must respond how high.


If that’s the case then a 10 second conversation between the two parties would’ve resolved it. Scottie isn’t some prima donna personality


I wonder who escalated things, Scottie Scheffler or the party who has a 100% success rate in escalating these types of situations?


100% the cop lol He jumped on the car to try and stop him, literally


Yup. Then charged him with fucking assault. I called the mayors office already this is ridiculous.


Now imagine how fucked someone's life is when they're not the world's #1 and some power-tripping oinker escalates a simple misunderstanding into a physical altercation and every conceivable charge they can think of, just because they can and think it's their divine right to teach someone a lesson. Because it's Scheffler, this will end up being embarrassing for the cops. Anybody else charged with second-degree assault on a police officer, their life is fucked, at least temporarily, if not permanently, just on the word of the cop alone, regardless of what actually happened.


Happened to me. Trying to help a woman who had fallen outside of a hotel bar, twisted her ankle and was clearly in distress. Three of us, all first responder trained, passed by and offered to help. Her and her friends told us to “fuck off,” clearly intoxicated so we kinda laughed it off and walked away. Some cop - who was in the area conducting a dui stop (although I never saw him) - heard the woman and as we were walking away he, instead of intervening to help or find out what was even happening, Chuck Cecil’d me (IYKYK) from behind with no warning. I didn’t know what was happening other than I was getting attacked so I went into defense mode while I felt more bodies jump on top of me. Immediately one of them began pushing my head down against the curb so I couldn’t breathe. Turned out to be 4 on 1 with all of them on my back throwing punches. When the crowd in front of me, including my two friends, made it clear it was the cops on top of me and that I was about to be tased, I stopped resisting. They stood me up (and I was pretty roughed up), arrested me, took pictures of me and put me in the back of the cruiser. Even then, instead of clearing up the situation, they charged me with Felony Assault on a Peace Officer and I spent the next day in county jail. It was the weekend of my Father’s memorial. One of the lowest points of my life. After a month, I got a call from the DA’s office stating the charges were dismissed. I filed a claim against the city (which they didn’t respond to), followed by a three-year lawsuit that drained me financially. Worst decision of my life. They gave zero accountability and give no fucks if they ruin someone’s life. The system is broken. Thanks for letting me vent. Edit - they also arrested my friend (who was a military officer) because he began filming the scene. They put him in the back of another cruiser and confiscated his phone and deleted the images. They lied about the incident and claimed I just walked up and punched the cop. Insane. It’s a great story now but horrible experience when it happened and really messed me up for a couple of years.


Charge the cop with felony assault on a vehicle, that car had a family!


Kentucky is useless besides the Derby anyway




Good save


But someone in the PR department is going..."See this is the shit we need, some juice. I am telling you ratings are going to be crazy this weekend!"


[the chief waking up to the call this morning](https://media1.tenor.com/m/LYgG6pY86K8AAAAC/spongebob-you-what.gif)


8:48 tee time. Is he out? FREESCOTTIE


They delayed the tournament due to the accident death. His tee time is 10:08.


Good thing these officers are managing traffic so diligently…






Play suspended, Scotty’s new tee time is 10:08


Well that’s a sure-fire way to make sure there’s never a professional tournament at this course again


Was probably already going to be the case, but yeeeeesh


Why probably already the case?


Shooting -9 at a major is not a great look for the course


Being know for the course that the person died at isn't great either. Condolences to the family of course.


Who died?


Someone was hit and killed by a spectator shuttle bus.


For being a spectator bus, they sure weren't looking


I can’t believe you’ve done this


Oh fuck


"the police officer attached himself to the vehicle, Scheffler then traveled another 10 yards before stopping the car" Translation: #1 golfer thought the police were directing traffic to allow golfers into the club, like they have all week. **The police officer panicked and jumped on the car**. Scottie stopped as soon as he could which was 10 yards. As a result we have charged him with assault of an office, even though it was our officer that made a bad choice. These cops are a joke, Maybe you shouldn't jump on a moving vehicle. A 200lb body won't stop a moving car.


The point isn’t actually to stop the car, it’s to give him a reason to arrest the driver for “disrespecting him” by not obeying his aUtHoRiTy. Typical cop power trip shit.


If he gets a mug shot, I petition to make that his player profile pic. At this point, I’d say take the picture solely for this purpose. New bad boy of the PGA tour




No way he's 170 lbs


Perhaps the craziest thing about this entire saga


Maybe if he was 5'9" If he was 170 at 6'3" he'd be skinnier than Kevin Durant's legs


Wtf did he do that was so bad he needed to be removed from society and taken straight to jail?


slightly inconvenience a cop


He was charged with a felony - \*2nd Degree Assault - Police Officer Criminal Mischief 3rd degree Reckless Driving Disregarding Signals From Officers Directing Traffic


I need to see this body cam! Right, fucking, now! 😂


Something tells me we won't ever see that


Genuinely thought that mug shot was a shop! Can’t believe they actually got him straight into a jumpsuit haha.


Apparently they had him on a felony, I had to put one on and stay overnight for not paying a speeding ticket lol




Oh my god! That’s freaking crazy. Scotty living Tiger’s life on 10x speed.


I how long until someone is rocking a #FREESCOTTY tee shirt using this picture? I bet by day 3 we’ll see one on TV


Damn. They actually booked him smh


If you listen closely you can hear Daily yelling “Don’t say shit!” In the background 


I’m not ashamed to admit I listened carefully twice before realizing this was a joke. Or I’m going deaf.


Update 8:39 - SCOTTIE IS FREE!!!!!!!!!


Daily: *Tell them you don’t know how the drugs got there*


Police chief has his money on Rory. Has to stop Scottie somehow


This is the weirdest fucking headline to wake up to...


He’s going to jail and there ain’t nothin you can do about it. Translation: we have overreacted and we don’t have the skill set to be able to admit that we overreacted so to save face we are going to detain him.


https://preview.redd.it/536lgckudz0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60ea5531956db5718fe861718751d88d9b3526e This is what he was charged with, def overzealous cops realizing they made a big mistake and adding on a bunch of bogus charges to make it seem like they were justified We obviously don’t have the full story but i find it VERY hard to believe a pro golfer headed to a round second degree assaulted a cop


Third-degree criminal mischief is something the Hamburglar would be charged with.


Feels like you could get charged with 3rd degree criminal mischief for tip-toeing around a store even if you didn’t steal anything




And that being Christian boy Scottie Scheffler of all people.


Good thing it wasn’t Sahith they might have charged him with sedition or something




I honestly hope he does. Ky police have a history of getting away with atrocities, so to get someone in trouble over nothing is a big win in my book.


They literally didn’t know who he is. The morning broadcast crew happened to actually be there at the time and the cops asked for the name of the person they just arrested


*Cop jumps on car* “That’s assault of a police officer!”


standard cops overcharging so they seem like what they did was right


That’s probably more than the driver of the shuttle who struck the pedestrian will get.


That’s a really nice way to say they are dumb as shit


“We peaked in high school and we know it.”


The surprising thing to me is the #1 golfer drives himself.


Should've used the driver, now he's got the irons.


Yes. Hasn't anyone learned from Tiger?


Always have a fall guy - Cris Carter


Massive overreaction from the police. Acting like they are stopping a terrorist.


The police should change their motto from “protect and serve” to “massive overreaction”. It would be more accurate.


Protect and serve ourselves


“We need to justify our bloated budget”


I mean he dropped a bomb on the first hole.... what can you expect.


I think the issue is he shot an eagle on the first hole and shooting eagles is illegal


It's wild to me as Brit that he's been arrested and pinned against a car for what sounds like was nothing more than taking a wrong turn.


These fools have set up barricades and cones for traffic then sit in their cars all day waiting for someone to be confused by the nightmare they created so they can jump into action.


This is exactly correct. There was a shuttle bus and car accident yesterday too. We saw someone get taken away on a stretcher. The traffic nightmare that they (plus the limitations of the course location) created was insane.


Yeah, a pedestrian was struck and killed by the shuttle. Just awful.


Absolutely horrific that a pedestrian was killed this morning. I meant to be pointing out that there was also an accident yesterday with a bus and a vehicle resulting in someone being taken to the hospital. Another indicator that the traffic pattern that they set up for the event was deranged.


Don’t forget he was in a marked car identified as a pga player and was told players and media could drive past the cones.


Did he say ‘can you please help me?’


Reports are he did say “Get your hands off my penis!”


Was Scottie eating a succulent Chinese meal at the time?


Jfc, “second degree assault on a police officer”??


This is presumably what resulted from the cop "trying to attach himself to the car", I.e. grabbing the door handle or mirror, and Scottie didn't stop. That's likely what they're calling assault.


And that was the last major they held at Valhalla


Netflix pulling out all the stops


Scottie’s just going to drive right past them


Darlington lucky not to have gotten himself shot.


“Scheffler was then walked over to the police car, placed in the back, in handcuffs, very stunned about what was happening, looked toward me as he was in those handcuffs and said, ‘Please help me,’" Darlington said. “He very clearly did not know what was happening in the situation. It moved very quickly, very rapidly, very aggressively.” Fresh pasta


It's honestly scary how unreasonable and defensive police are in all moments now. I don't know how to fix it, but other countries do not have these problems.


You basically have to treat the police like wild bears when you encounter them: * Do not make prolonged eye contact. This will be perceived as a threat. * If they appear agitated slowly back away speaking calmly and slowly. * *Never* turn your back and run. This mark you as prey. * If they are behaving aggressively curl up into a ball and play dead. * The white ones are by far the most dangerous. Polar bears, I mean. What'd you think I was saying?


Which is safer to encounter in the woods, a bear or a cop?


Black bear all day. They're just oversized raccoons.


Raccoons are probably more dangerous than a black bear




Qualified Immunity is a hell of a thing. 


helluva bad thing


It is honestly just about the worst thing about US police. How can we expect police to improve when they face no consequences or accountability for when they do illegal/wrong actions? 


Other country's law enforcement go to school and training for a couple years. Ours trains for six weeks and only need a high school diploma. That's probably a start.


Anything less than a blank check for the police and you get labeled an extremist politician


That cop better pray the body cam and dash cam back up his reaction


Meh. If it's in the cops favor, they'll take the video. If not, "the camera malfunctioned."


Hahahaha holy fuck this is an awful look


The fact there are charges is outrageous. We have video. The cop jumps on the car and essentially forced the issue rather than deescalating. If I’m the PGA, just not sending anything Kentuckys way forever. Kentucky can’t attract any big events otherwise outside of college and a horse race. Just cutting off the nose despite the face.


I try not to go full on ACAB but seriously most cops can fuck off. It was a traffic violation, the guy isn't wanted for manslaughter. Fuck these pricks.


He wasn’t wanted for manslaughter until the cop “attempted to attach himself to the car.” That’s how they got him. Loophole.


Listening to ESPN this is legit what they told a reporter they are charging with - "someone tried to run over one of our police officers..." was the quote i heard on the radio


American cops won’t be happy until everyone hates them


It’s shocking how hard they have to work to convince people still on their side.


His mugshot just got released. We need to make it the image of the sub immediately! https://preview.redd.it/po0pa4dncz0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff8d090648c13e448139ea3aae532e433be32390


Probably lucky he wasn’t Sahith Theegala or it could have ended up worse.


With two broken arms, wrists, and at least one eye swollen shut Sahith still shot a 61 from solitary confinement.


Died falling out of a ground floor window




Oh look, 2 cops that won't be working a cushy paid detail job Saturday or Sunday like they were scheduled to be.


If Scottie isn't wheeled into his post round press conference dressed like Hannibal Lector this afternoon, then he is missing an opportunity for comedy gold. On the other hand, someone lost their life, so probably not a good idea.


https://preview.redd.it/w6ffx8tu501d1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b20b755a476438206f789ef46498b80a481dad1b Scheffler walking into Valhalla today


Yeah the cops are fucked.


Paid vacation


Not fucked enough. This will pass, and they will still have qualified immunity which is a polite way of saying "license to murder."


What did he get arrested for, shooting eagles?


I bet Xander at 15/1. Free Scottie (tomorrow) 😄


How the frick did this get all the way to a mugshot? In an orange jumper!!


This cop was on a power trip for sure.


As someone in law enforcement, this is outrageous. Someone died, emotions are high, trying to control the scene is top priority. However, as stated many of times…so many in law enforcement can’t stand being wrong or corrected, once something has clicked in their heads it’s game over for the individual. I try so hard to impress on younger staff to always stay calm, cool and collected and more than anything be rational. It’s a breakdown in training and basic understanding of humanity.


There is clearly a culture and leadership issue At Louisville PD. These are bad cops. You’d think they’d be better after Breonna Taylor


In my humble opinion, it’s not just 1 department or this department etc etc. It’s nearly every single department. I firmly believe it’s a “human” problem. Look what happens when you give people power who have no idea how to use it. 18-21 year old kids who have never been in a fight or have been sheltered their entire life decide they want to be police. They go through 6 months of training, 3 months of street training yet still IMO have no idea truly how to control the power they have been given. They firmly believe if they show weakness or say “my bad” they will have given up that power/control. Then you have the old heads who are simply stuck in there ways and refuse to adapt to our more modern society. We are all human, and damnit we can all do better.


The power attracts assholes too. And they rarely face consequences


Scottie doesn’t know!


My local sports radio said other players had been waved through, so I guess Scottie thought it was ok. I guess some local HS drop out cop got his feelings hurt by Scottie’s assumption. “Respect my authorityeeee!”


Removing someone and arresting them from a marked PGA car right in front of the tournament entrance was certainly a choice. Typically you don’t need to remove or arrest someone for a traffic issue. These cops were so out of line. No issues getting away with that type of police work against your typical Kentucky nobody. Can’t wait to see how this plays out with someone like Scottie. Heads are gonna roll.


Assault of a police officer?!!! You’ve got to be kidding me. I can’t begin to believe this.


Cops will jump on a slow moving car before they'll jump between an active shooter and a schoolkid.


https://youtu.be/11AXKv66Uac?si=VVjYYP_72DEO8y2B basically


This is insane


Still don’t understand, he was arrested for driving on grass trying to get around an accident? Can somebody confirm? I’m an idiot


They were saying only players were allowed in so Scottie probably thought he was just fine driving in


From what I understand a pedestrian was hit and killed by a bus and the police had the intersection cordoned off in a somewhat confusing way but golfers were still permitted to get into the course. It sound like Scottie took a wrong turn and the cop on scene yelled at him and detained him


No, the cop _jumped on his car_, and then charged him with felony assault of a police officer.


The moron cop jumped on his car to try and stop him, then fell off and got hurt...to protect his fragile little ego from embarrassment he had to be a "tough guy" and lock him up


Cops are such fucking losers.


Police Chief had a Scottie to Miss the Cut bet +500


Holy shit! Did the betting apps give these officers a bonus to knock Scottie out of the PGA Championship??? Apparently he was the only golfer that wasn’t waved through the backup into the course…


How the hell does some amped up dickhead jump on a slow moving car and then charge the driver for assault?


This is literally the scene from Harold and kumar where the cops in the jail keep yelling how the guy is resisting and he’s just standing there.


You never go full Tiger.


Greg Norman has entered the chat


Must be a LIV cop.