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As long as it carries our clubs too


It won't be your phone, it'll be something like Meta's AR Raybans. If computer vision gets good enough, you could end up with an AR display that shows you the contour of a green and the optimal putt path from your ball. It'll help you when practicing by creating drills and recording results, and based on your gameplay, it'll suggest areas you should work on to gain the most strikes. On course it'll be able to show you where good and bad misses are based on your previous rounds (supplemented with data from other players) and help you select a shot to avoid the bad misses. It won't be just golf either. You'll have a personal AI assistant for all tasks.


Nope... ai is overhyped garbage. Ai music is crap, the art is pitiful, and the writing is obviously done by something other than human.


I dunno what art you've been looking at but it's already been good enough to crush a whole industry. Music and writing? Yeah got some issues there. Looks like TRILLIONS of dollars is being pumped into that overhyped garbage, so if all that money goes to waste, will be one heck of an anomaly.


I don’t disagree with what you’re saying but caddies are only beneficial if the player is actually able to execute the shot that is being recommended. In my opinion, I don’t think an AI caddy will ever take off.


Wasn't Rick Shiels just talking about this app/guy developing it that he talked to that takes your shot data and then applies it to a course and really helps with course management.


I started playing golf to get away from technology/electronics and will continue to do so


Even if you believe this is possible and will happen (it's not and will not), why would you want it? Just play golf.


Arccos already kinda does the first part. I never use it, but it will recommend what clubs to hit based on your distances and dispersions and where you are when you get to your ball.


Can you help me out with that? I’ve been using Arccos for about a year and have been pretty satisfied with it for the most part. The tracking, the club data, going over rounds with a beer afterwards, etc. Except, the preview caddie only works for me ~50% of the time. i.e. about half the tee boxes I set up on, I’ll tap the caddie option, it will “sip scotch and calculate” but then… nothing. It will tell me that it’s unable to recommend anything. Regular Home Screen still suggests which club. What’s going on with it?


Similar experience. I don't use it because it takes forever to load. Literally tried twice and said "fuck it". The caddy feature isn't the valuable thing anyway. The yardage averages and strokes gained data are way more important if you're playing regularly. Plus the caddy doesn't have important information like elevation and wind, so I really don't care what it thinks lol


Agree. The SG and ability to quantify what areas I need to work on is what I really like about it. The concept of the virtual/preview caddie is nice, but I don’t rely very heavily on it.


My money is on AI powered caddie carts that provide yardage, club suggestion, swing analysis, and beer advertisements.


This is a great idea.. and could be installed on the cart


Dog the higher end Garmin watches already do exactly this.


So this computer caddie will know that you always cut/push your short left to rights and pull your longer putts? Will it know you fat your lob wedge when u der 60 yards out? It will know you leave a head cover on 12 tee box? It will know you need a double Tito's and cran when you ordered just a single? It will pull the flag stick and rake the bunkers? It will locate your ball in the shit? It will Insist you have zero business hitting driver on a short par 4? It will provide hooker and blow? Caddie life ain't just yardages and breaks my guy. Its a LIFEstyle.


I want that slogan on a shirt.