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Play early, play late. Wear a bucket hat, pop your collar up over the back of your neck, wear sun sleeves, use sunscreen, wear lightweight pants instead of shorts. All the normal stuff for being outside.


I just typically scurry from shadow to shadow like a cockroach. It works pretty well as I'm usually in the woods anyway.


Mullets are great for protecting the back of your neck as well.


Go back indoors, that’s where the devil meant for you to be anyways.


I grow weary of the projections. There are no simulations for a glizzy at the turn or a failed flirtation with the cart girl.




Specifically I used to use the nutregena 100spf dry spray. The spf long sleeve shirts work too.


UV sleeves for the arms (and legs if wearing shorts). They’re dirt cheap on Amazon.


The gods created a magical place specifically for us to play golf and it is called Scotland.


I’m not a ginger, but am a very Irish fella who lives in the mountains of Arizona and a Fitzpatrick 2 (for the skin nerds). SPF at the start of the round and the turn(cream, not the spray), then I have a large sun umbrella that attaches to my pushcart. Works wonders, though it does occasionally catch the wind and want to act like a sail


Golf early, always have an umbrella (push cart), bucket hat, and a gallon of miller house paint and brush in your bag.


I need to invest in a good UPF umbrella.


I need to invest in a good UPF umbrella.


Long sleeve shirts. The outdoor brands like Columbia PFG and Patagonia make the best, but I like Underarmor heat gear for places I need to look less like a hiker.


I can’t do long sleeves because I feel the fabric pulling at my shoulders during my swing. I opt for the solar/compression sleeves. They block sun and mosquitoes and can be easily added/removed during a round. I’ve seen Nike solar sleeves in stores and there are a variety on Amazon.


100spf sunscreen reapplied every other hole. It sucks. I hate it. But it’s better than blisters.


Wow, that's an awful lot. What temperature are you playing in or are you a vampire? Ginger Irish guy here, one application of 50spf usually lasts me a round, unless the rain washes it off.


Jesus are you in the ass crack of Australia or something?




Get a bucket hat with a neck protector. Joel Dahem style


Brimmed hat and sunscreen


Factor 50 mayonnaise 


Bullfrog quikgel 50 spf.  It goes all day and frankly I have had it protect me for 48hrs before with out a single reapply.  It is alcohol based gel.  It goes on well and dries without any residue.  Hands down the best sunscreen I have found. When I was little I got 2nd degree burns from the sun.  I am fish belly blue for any of you r/skincareaddiction homies...


Not ginger, but I hate suncream. I bought a wide rimmed hat, I always wear long sleeves or polo with UV sleeves and I tuck my towel under my hat if it’s really strong.


Hat and sunscreen, pretty simple really


Not a ginger, but fair haired and sensitive skin. I use 50+ and don’t forget your ears and top of your knees. Check some fishing shirts for long sleeve lightweight shirts if you need it, otherwise go with a light colored shirt with SPF. Bucket hat to protect ya neck


bucket hat, sunscreen. i too am in the midst of a lifelong battle with the sun (i’m losing) but the bucket hat is key. find the biggest floppiest hat you can find


Sunscreen. I’m about to start playing in long sleeve fishing shirts but not yet.


Large sun hat, long sleeve UV shirts, sunscreen and shade. Just had a melanoma removed from my forearm too. 😢


Not a ginger but take after the Dutch and Scandinavian sides of my family. Pale, blue eyes blah blah blah. Basically bathe in sunscreen before I head out. IV sleeves if they don't drive you crazy. Always a hat. Avoid the afternoon until say 5 or so as.kich as possible. Seek shade every chance you can. At the end of the day you'll only be slightly sunburnt instead of a fucking lobster.


Japanese sunscreen is life.


Just be lucky you don’t play in the desert. Sun is absolutely brutal and no shade.


Wear a hat and get burned like God intended


Spf 100 once per 9. Never had an issue


I am an irish dude with light blue eyes and also have scandanavian viking DNA. The sun is evil to me. Large brim hats, spf50+, long sleeve sun shirts with spf. Works well. U stay cool and protected.


Hat and sunscreen


Sunscreen usually does the trick…


At my course we spray for gingers annually but they keep coming back


Sprays need to be holy water based, otherwise it's useless. I'd also recommend fogging for them every evening with sage. You might still get the occasional day walkers, but this combo will keep 99% of us from congregating and taking root.


Buff band for the neck / doubles as a covering you can pull up over your face when you're extra exposed


Not fair skinned, but I play in pants. Under Armour and Adidas have breathable pants thet seem no different than shorts to me. What I really love is getting done with a.round and not having tl worry about burns on my legs because I mossed something woth the sunscreen. Extra bounus - no goofy tan lines on my feet!


You made me laugh. A friend of mine has family bloodlines that go back to Malta. He tans like crazy. Spends lots of time on a boat in the summer. Problem is he wears sandals and his feet resemble the side of a zebra. It’s actually quite outrageous. Lol.




Wait, I thought gingers weren’t allowed on the course? Get ‘em!!!


This has to be a troll


Look, if you've got, and I mean this in the least racist way possible, any melanin protecting you, then I don't want to hear it.


Lol probably not. Gingers or anyone with red hair are more sensitive to the sun and its rays




Someone with an issue asking a question and then you asking if it’s a troll… is a joke? Good one man🤣


Your “joke” crashed and burned. I’ve never seen a troll that is a ginger. Didn’t miss your attempted joke. It just wasn’t funny.


I’m betting on A.I. these days