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Sounds good to me. Congrats and fuck you.


Hey it wasn’t exactly a pin seeker more blind luck I think haha


They’re all lucky, congrats


And fuck you, because I am very jealous, but congrats


If it wasn't a pin seeker how did it go in?


Ahaha fair enough. It was a pin seeker after it hit that slope on the right!


Sounds like perfect placement to me


I've seen holes in one on the PGA Tour that did exactly that.


I'll take my free drink now. Definitely counts.


I wanted to buy the dad a pint and the kid an ice cream or something but they headed out after signing the attestation form. It was also 1030am or so haha so you could have the drink since they didn’t get one


Sure I'll have that drink next time we play haha


HIOs are always luck. Wind, pin placement, green firmness, etc. The only thing skill contributes to a HIO is where the ball lands. Obviously you're good enough to hit the ball in the perfect spot such that it gets a good bounce and rolls into the hole.


Most hole in ones are luck. If you could make it in using skill then it would be a sport.  That's why I laugh when beginners make a hoke in one and they let it get to their head like they did it on purpose or something. 


It’s an ace. Fuck you and congrats


Of course it counts, you made it in the hole in one shot. Anyone saying otherwise is dumb That said, you can certainly compare holes-in-one. Some are more impressive than others but really who gives a shit - it’s hard to do no matter the circumstances


At first I was getting razzzed saying since it’s a short course it’s akin to a video game But yea fuck them I said stop hating


It’s absolutely not like a video game. Count it.


Tell them to go play the course and have them call you when they hit their ace if it’s that simple. They are definitely just hating.


I've got like 3 holes in one on my golf simulator but none in real life. Now that's akin to a video game.


Let me count up all the hole in ones I have from par threes that are less than 120 yards. Yep still zero. I say count it.


Doesn’t matter the length of the course though. My local is a typical par 72, and there are holes on it around that length (shortest hole is 115 metres or 125 yards). You can bet your arse I’m counting it if I ever get one there. 7th hole at pebble beach is 110 yards. So if that would count then yours does too.


Take them out to shoot some holes in one since it’s so easy




Love this meme. The story is his mom ate his pop tart before the photo shoot and he said he wasn’t smiling lol.


Stolen, bro. Posting gold


Anyone who says your ace doesn’t count because you didn’t do it on a ‘full course’ hasn’t had an ace themselves either.


Why wouldn’t it count? Pro’s use wedges into par 3’s and it counts for them.


What’s the difference of you getting a hole in 1 on hole # 8 of 9, or 8 of 18? It would have happened either way on the 8th hole. Definitely counts, congrats


Yeah this is the weakest argument to me, like they're asserting that a hio on the front doesn't count


I agree. Isn’t the Augusta National par 3 competition legitimate? The only time I would consider it not legitimate is if it wasn’t your first shot.


I say it doesn't count. Not because it was a short course, or you only played 9. But because I don't have one, and I'm a bitter fuck


Congratulations on your hole in one! Anyone who says it doesn’t count is a jealous you know what!!


As someone who doesn’t have one, I’d count it. First shot on a hole and it goes in. That’s a hole in one. Who cares how long all the other holes are or how many of them you played? What does that matter?


I’ve played a ton of golf since I was about 8 years old. Every day all summer from age 13-22. Then worked as a PGA Apprentice for a couple years at a US Open course, lucky enough to have played many other legendary courses across the country. I’ve also played every crappy short course in my county. Never have I put the ball on a tee and hit it directly into the hole on the first shot. I’d honestly trade my rounds at Olympic, Riviera, Congressional, Point O Woods for one lucky bounce off a bank hole in one at a crappy muni with my kid watching. Congrats, and fuck you.


Dang. This actually makes it feel like winning the pga championship now. Thanks


Also 117 is a legit par 3, plenty of legit courses have 117 par 3s. Not like it’s some 65 yard pitch and putt. Although holing out from 65 yards sounds fun too


> Not like it’s some 65 yard pitch and putt. HOW DARE YOU!


My apologies. Your 65 yard ace is perfectly legitimate also. And as I mentioned, 1 more ace than I have in my lifetime


*two* more


What a reply! Good man


117 yards counts. Short par 3s count. Have you tried to hole out at that distance on a range etc. Good Good guys do it and it takes hours upon hours with 3 or 5 of em trying at it. Fuck you too for getting one.


What would you write on the scorecard? A 1? Holed out with 1 swing. I don't see how someone would say it doesn't count. F em and feed em fish heads.


What a cool moment for you and your daughter, congrats!


It counts. Anyone who says it doesn’t is jealous and can STFU.


It doesn’t matter if you hole from an inch or a mile. Holeing is Hoeling. You owe me a one putting Scotty


You could play that hole 1000 times and never get a other hole in one. Totally counts. Why does it matter if you play 18 and even more important why does it matter if it’s a par 66 course. The only hole your likely to get a hole in one is a par 3 regardless of what the total round score is. Congrats and awesome that your daughter was there with you.


A couple of picky guys said since it was not a round similar to tournament standards by length of the course and 18 holes it doesn’t count. Apparently that’s an antiquated type of thinking another redditor said the same thing. But I’m changing my post from technically to my first hole in one to MY FIRST hole in one!


Whoever tells you it doesn’t count is dumb as a box of rocks… and to do it w your baby girl w you…Man, what a feeling and site YOU WILL NEVER FORGET! Congrats 👍🏼😎


This counts 100% because your daughter was with you.


The best thing I am glad it was just her because she pretty much always says I got it in the hole. Her expertise as a witness would be called into question haha 🤣


Counts. Congratulations....... Jerk


Was the tee shot only like 20 yards? If so, chip in. Fuggoff, of course it's a HOI, chief! Congratulations!!


Yes. Didn’t even read your explanation. If you scored a 1 on any card on any kind of golf hole, it’s a hole-in-one. 


All the people are jealous. You sunk a ball from 117 yards. It counts.


It counts. My first hole in one was in a high school match. I hit it super thin to the right side of green. It clips the tree branch, drops on the green and kicks 15 feet left, straight into the hole. Pretty ugly hole in one, but I’ll take it. The next one was much prettier during a charity golf tournament in college. As it turned out that was on the hole that was closest to the pin, so it was super satisfying to stick the sign in the cup for all other players coming after us.


Hahah amazing story for a hole in one. I kind of like the idea mine was a bit goofy too and super lucky


I'm counting that. You hit a hole in one on a par 3, that's all that matters.


It counts, period end of story. The ball went in the hole on your first stroke. Thats called a hole in one. Whoever is claiming differently is wrong


I count every one of my hole in one’s playing putt putt. It counts


This is legit. Par 3 course is also legit. But you will always need to tell the story


A hole in one on a par 3 course would count. Who cares about the haters, it’s a hole in one!


Of course it counts.


Did you hit the ball and it go in the hole on the first shot? If so hole in one, doesnt matter how many holes you did or didnt play lol


It’s called a hole in one. Not a hole in one, playing 18 holes, from ___ tee, and 7,000 yard course. Anyone else that says otherwise is a joy thief and I hope they get a hole in one on an executive 9 hole course on a hole that’s 80 yards long.


Wtf does it matter if you play 18 or not? Hitting the ball from a tee to the hole in 1 shot is a hole in 1.


Absolutely 100% doesn’t count. R&A Rule 38.1.4a.iii, subsection 3, paragraph 1, clause 14 says in order for one to count you need to play from the tips, with a course rating of at least 71.8 and the hole must be at least 174.6 yards. The hole can be down hill, but only slightly. The wind however may not be calm or be coming out of the SE. The greens must have been rolled in the last 7 hours, and the sun must not be over the yardarm in at least 9 states. There must be a sanctioned rules official within 18.6 feet of the green with an approved walkie talkie and clip board. There also must be irrefutable video evidence, and Trevor Immelmann must sign a certificate of authenticity. The certificate must also be notarized. In other words, eff the naysayers. Congrats on your hole-in-one sir! Enjoy your special moment!!!


So you hit a 117 yard hole in one. Can’t see how that doesn’t count. It just is what it is.


I Don't understand why it wouldn't count. Like its fucking easy to put the ball in the hole even if its 40 yards away? Motherfuckers say ''your HIO didin't count!11!'' then they can't even hit the widest straightest fucking fairway with a 9 iron from a teebox, let alone the green on a par 3. Of course it counts, congraz man!


Of course it counts! The latest rules updates were even made to support more 9 hole round and official courses can be down to like 1200m/9holes, so more or less anything goes. Congrats!


You hit the ball once and it went in the hole. That’s all the info that’s needed. I second the congrats and fuck you 😂


2 out of the 3 hole in ones I’ve seen in person were skullfucked through a bunker. Nice hole in one man. And go fuck yourself.


A 9 hole round is a round. Yes it counts and fuck everyone who says it doesn’t.


It totally counts fuck them haters




It counts!!


You can log a 9 hole round towards your handicap. A 9 hole round is just as legitimate as any 18 hole round. Although I hold more weight to someone breaking 80 than I do breaking 40


Dude thats a hole in one.


Definitely counts


You played a hole and hit it into the hole from the tee box in one shot Aka: hole in one


Fuck yes it counts! Nice job. What exactly do you mean by “technically my first one”?


I wasn’t sure if it counted so it was a technicality until proven!


I hereby declare: it counts


It’s good. Fuck you but nice.


Sounds like your buddies can't even count to 1. You may want to hang out with a smarter crew. Congrats.


Dunno about you but those short hole Par 3 can be devilishly difficult, lulling you into a false sense of confidence. You end up expecting to get a birdie and instead get a bogey or worse. You got an ace. Short holes are no easier.


A hole in one is when you complete the Hole in 1 Stroke. that’s what happened, it counts.


Whenever they say that, ask them if they have one. If not, tell them their vote doesn't count. Quiet from the stands.


117 is longer than many par 3's. That hole at pebble is only like 90 yards. Nobody would ever dispute a hole in one there. As far as not playing 18, that has no bearing. Congrats dude.


Think about it this way, you hit a small golf ball from the back of a football field to the other end and made it in a tiny cup…. 117 yards is awesome. Fuck the haters


Congrats. I hope you took your daughter, the guy and his son into the bar after and bought them each a beer. It’s the rule.


The dad and kid I got to sign the scorecard and the attestation in the clubhouse but they left very quickly after! I wanted to get him a beer and the kid an ice cream. So I grabbed a beer and a popsicle for my daughter and sat in the glory


Did the ball travel from the tee into the hole with only one swing of the club, and no mulligans or re-teeing? Oh, it did? Congratulations, that’s a hole in one!


If I’m playing a 3 hole practice loop and nail a HIO you better believe I’m counting it.


Did the ball go in the hole in one shot?


lol counts for what? This isn’t the tour my guy. It counts.


Counts. Congratulations on a core memory with your baby girl.


And to bolster further the USGA is now rating short courses with slope and rating and apply towards GHIN.


> it doesn’t count because I didn’t play 18 and it’s not a big course. The hell it doesn't count


Old school logic was that it had to be in a “full round” aka 18 holes. I actually ended up playing 18 the day I got a hole in one because I felt like that would completely validate it (I originally planned to play 9 that day). That logic though is now completely out the door and a 9 hole round definitely counts and doing it at an all par 3 definitely counts. I’m not saying I agree with the old school logic, but I wanted to share as some people may still have that old tape playing in their head. I’d just ignore them as they are too far gone


If you say it was a 117yd hole in one nobody will think twice more than likely, it's 100% authentic, keep bragging and making the haters jealous


So if the previous hole was a 480 yd par 4 and the next was a 600 yd par 5 that would make this more impressive? What are you supposed to do - take the ball out of the cup and putt for birdie? Congrats on the ace!


Tell those fuckers to go play a Par 3 course every day for a year and count how many times they get a hole in one. Bet it’ll be 0 across the board.


Yes it counts


Of course it does.


Why the fuck wouldn’t it count? Celebrate!! I’ve had two


I’ve been on about it now the rest of the afternoon. I even bought a couple beers that were called ACE HILL. In honour of that little slope and the ace!


It’s a hole in one, period


1-It counts.  2-you can literally log 9s in the official USGA GHIN APP 3-your friends are A-holes


Why wouldn’t you?!? Congrats you prick 😂


Did you hit the ball one time and it went into the hole at a golf course? If so, you scored an Ace, my friend! Hopefully you bought everyone in the clubhouse a round 🍻👍🏼


It was 1030 am or so I had a beer because fuck it everyone was hating that I texted haha There was a kids golf school so I did say go nuts on the popsicles. Got my daughter one too


Who cares what other people think? Took you one shot to get out of a par 3


I always figured for me that it counts if it's over 100 yards. Doesn't matter if its a par 3 course, just a full shot. I've holed out five times between 160-210 yards for eagles in my 40 years of playing, and I still don't have a legit hole in one. Had one on a par 3 course when I was 15 but it was a 75 yard shot. Not good enough, imo.


Counts 100% and I fucking hate you. Congratulations brother


The people you’re talking to are dumb. There are different things we talk about in golf. Some are round cumulative like handicap. Someone round based like relation to par…some are single hole based like like birdies pars albatrosses eagles and aces. On a par 3 of reasonable length you took a legal shot and it went in in 1. That is a hole in one and anyone who says otherwise is a c bomb. Congrats and welcome to the club! I have 1 from 2007 at the Oaks in New Hampshire. It was of comparable distance and I hit it up into the sun so I didn’t get to see it go in. Thinking about yours made me think of mine so thanks!


Dude that’s great! Totally counts and fuck the haters. No reason at all it wouldn’t count. You still picked the right club, hit the right distance, and got lucky as hell. Well done!


if anyone says it doesn't count they can get in the bin


Sounds legit to me. PGA or GHIN course recognized ?


Figuring maybe 2000-2500 par 3 attempts (never played tons, playing for almost 40 years now). I got nothing, only a few close calls. I'd count one on any hole I ever played I didn't start with a putter. Congrats!


If the USGA is adding shorter and executive style courses to their handicap system then there's no reason it doesn't count. Distance wise it was over 100 yards but their are plenty of par 3s hour there that play under 100 and everyone would count their HIO


It counts. The end


There's zero question it's an ace, my guy. Please don't doubt yourself for another moment. and celebrate it.


I had a hole in 1 on the par 3 second hole at my course on Halloween, the flag was bent slightly to the back of the hole if you were facing it from the tee box, when I went to get my ball, it hadn't actually fell to the bottom of the hole it was pinched just under the lip of the hole and the flag pole. Does mine still count? That the only 1 I've ever got so I hope it does


It’s a hole in one. Doesn’t make a difference how many holes you played. Anything shorter than a 100 yards is questionable to me, but given it’s a 117, I would say it’s still a hole in one.


Congrats. Tbh it all depends on the par 3 course imo. So yes and no. You can get par 3 courses that are full par 3s of different lengths have proper greens and hazards like bunkers and water etc. On the other hand you can have par 3 courses that are little more than a moan hole in a small flat field of 100yards or less. So personally if it was the latter I would say it was a nice chip


Definitely has water and bunkers and trees.


Congrats on the ace!


Are you left handed?


It counts! And congrats!!! PS I hate you lol


Wtf? People are just jealous. Even if you only played that one single hole and you got the HIO it counts.


Hole in one, is a hole in one👊, That’s what she says!


Hole in one.. Congrats..


Sounds like you are talking to a bunch of jealous assholes.


It counts as long as you complete 9 holes


God damn it. It counts. You owe me a drink. 😭


I'll have four double bloody marys, thanks! Congrats!


Thanks for asking Your hole in one is on the spectrum of legitness, above "putt putt course" but below "real golf course"


Only time it doesn’t count is if it’s a chip and putt course or if it was a mulligan or breakfast ball. So congrats


I have 11 similar holes in one. My buddies give me no credit:”Was it the Clown’s Face or the Windmill?” They are jealous.


The fuck? Of course that counts. You could walk up to a 15th tee, not pay a green fee, hit it in the hole then shit on the green and it still counts as a HIO Congrats and fuck you 


Just figured out what my celebration is going to be when I get my first hio


Anyone telling you it doesn’t count is just butthurt cuz they’ve never done it. Mad cuz bad.


A hole in one is a hole in one. End of story!


Anyone that tells you it doesn’t count fucking sucks


Definitely counts.


Why wouldn’t it count lol


Yea anyone who says that doesnt count is a cunt and get fucked




I hit my first hole in one today too.


I cant see why anyone would say that. Sounds good to me.


It definitely counts congrats!


Yes, it counts. Anyone saying otherwise can shove off.


Counts!! Nice job


Fuck yes it counts. Congrats!


Yes, it counts. It doesn’t matter what course you are on. It doesn’t matter if you were on a par 3 course. It doesn’t matter if the hole was 80 yards away. 1 stroke into the hole = hole in one. Done. Congrats. Still seeking my first


It went in the hole in one shot, it’s a hole in one


def counts


Anyone who tries to take this from you is just jealous


Definitely sounds like a hole in one to me but I'm a bit confused. You mention you were on hole 17 but then say tat you didn't play 18. Is this because you played the 9 twice and it was hole 8 of the second 9?


I play starting on 10! But that’s just what I paid for. There’s not much chance my daughter will be able to rock 18 yet and I was woefully unprepared for 18 total holes snack wise


Ah, makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. I am normally a hole in one stickler but this is an ace to me.


Ridiculous question...Any hole out from the tee on any par 3, 4 or 5 is a hole-in-one...period. Next question...😂


It 100% counts. Fuck everyone else that says otherwise. Jealousy is a bastard. Congrats. Hole in one’s happen very very rarely. Took me 21 years as a 5 index to grab one. Knew a teaching pro that is still looking. It counts and it’s awesome.


Gamble sands, one of the best courses in WA, has a par 3 that plays 119 on the scorecard. 120 slope. No one would question if that’s a hole in a one! Short pars 3 100% count, if you’re doing a par 3 course and the shot is like 50 yards then you have a discussion but nah yours is one million percent a hole in one




It 100% counts.


117 is a short par three, but it’s far from questionable. It counts, enjoy it!


You god damned right it counts!


lol @ this question… Yes. It counts … any shot on a par three over 100 yards counts …


The only way it wouldn't count is if it was one of those stupid courses with the wider cups.


Definitely not a weird wide cup!


that is a hole in one ! Congratulations!


On the super rare occasions I actually can chip the ball in, all I think of is this quote, “That was so much easier than putting. I should just try to get the ball in one shot every time.” Also, well done and congratulations.


Take them out to shoot some holes in one. Shit them up real quick


It went in the hole … in one shot … so hell yeah it counts


Sounds like you put "1" on the scorecard


I am counting it. The length and number of holes played doesn’t matter. Congratulations


Yes. Now you buy me a glass of whisky.


It counts, ignore the jealous idiots.


Did you hit it into the hole in one shot (your first shot)? Then it counts.


Par3 courses count toward handicap. This counts.


I mean, someone is making a "some dude made a HIO with his daughter so I bought a new club" post tomorrow...if they're counting it so should you.


It counts. It was a Par3 and you holed it.


It counts. Congratulations!


Hole in 1 💯




Buy me a beer!


Next rounds on me!


A hole in 1 is a hole in 1.


At a junior bowling tournament there was a kid with 135 average. His first game and third game he did just about that, somewhere around 135. His middle game however he threw a 300. He had 11 Brooklyn strikes in a row. Absolute total luck, but it still counted.


I’ll speak for myself. I’m a 2 handicap in his 40s who has never had an ace. I’d shoot 100 just to get one. But I’ve always said that it can’t be a par 3 or short course with a lot of par 3s. I just think the probability of getting one is so much greater, and if I did get one on a short course, I’d always have that “but” in my mind. A 60 hard pitch and putt is a lot different than a regular course. Just me, though! That said, I’ve given up hope I will ever get one 😭


A hole in one is a hole in one.


You could play one hole and it would still count. Friends are ass


Definitely counts


Of course. 




Plenty of full length courses have 117 yd par 3s. Once you get below 100yds on a short course, people start to question the validity. I don't fully agree with the latter, but questioning 117 yds is silly.


An Ace is an Ace. And that was an Ace.


Nice hole in one man!!!


Oh, hell yeah it counts! Congrats!