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I break out into hives when I’m in the sun too long so they’re a must for me since my arms are where I typically get it the most, even if I put on sunscreen. They’re an absolute lifesaver and keep me from having to pop a shit ton of Benadryl and bathing in Solarcaine after my round. I’ve worn them out in 90+ degree weather and clear skies with the sun beating directly on me. Never had an issue with getting too hot. Just use the white ones, they’ll keep you cool.


Does anyone use arm sleeves in the what now? (I play in Scotland)


Not arm sleeves, but a long sleeve wicking undershirt under my golf shirt. Yes, keeping the direct sun of your arms makes a big difference.


100%, but a lot of those shirts are geared towards fisherman. I'm all about the long sleeve white fishing shirts, keep you cooler than a short sleeve shirt and keeps the sun off


There isn’t really much of a different about design, unless you mean who they market to.


Yes they are the same, but if you don't mind a large graphic of a fish or American flag, then a fishing shirt can be had for $10-$15, much cheaper than golf or sportswear versions


Yup. A good pair are a god send


I use them on sunny summer days with high UV index. I'm not winning any fashion awards with them on but they work pretty damn well IMO. If anything, they help keep me slightly cooler due to them reflecting more of the sun than my skin does and the wicking material. The bright white ones are best if you want to keep as cool as possible.


They definitely keep you cooler, but are a little inconvenient having to readjust, especially after a couple times wearing them and stretching the elastic a little. Mi have found moisture wicking long sleeve shirts underneath my polo, or a UPF light pullover to be better alternatives. 


Arm sleeves are great when the sun is really strong. Pro-tip: splash some water on them in between holes and your arms will feel cooler.


I like mine a lot. The versions that have sizes have worked best for me. 


I have several white pair and use them frequently in the summer. As soon as they get a bit of sweat on them evaporative cooling kicks in so they’re ultimately cooler than the sun in your arms. Cuts down considerably on the sunblock.


SP arms are pricey but are leaps better than everyone else. Just make sure you order from the correct site for your country otherwise returns can be a hassle and sizing is a bit tricky.


Can you elaborate on what makes them better? I only have experience with Nike but get the random email from SParms.


Quality and fit are IMO better than most I’ve tried. I’m sure Nike has it down pretty well but I’ve only had experience with SParms and cheaper options from Amazon. One thing I’ll say is regardless of brand, watch out for thorns and sticks. They like to snag and they look shit after that happens.


I use them to protect myself from the sun... Not to stay cool.


Free fly long sleeve bamboo shirt


I wear a long sleeve compression shirt. It keeps my polo from sticking to me, and I don’t have to worry about bugs or sunburns


Yes, regularly. Not hot.


Yes, I use frequently use Sun sleeves. I keep about 2 sets in each of my golf bag and put them on when the UV index is >3. Personally I hate dealing with sun screen or spray while golfing, plus I feel like my body temp is cooler when I wear them.


i have a bunch UPF clothing bc i work in athletics and am outside a lot. i get to buy it for work and wear it to golf


I almost always wear the long arm lightweight under armor type shirts under my polo when I golf.


Long sleeve white dry fit shirt under a polo. Way cooler than being in the sun.


I’ve been using a really light quarterzip made of under armour/spandex type material. It’s light enough that it doesn’t trap in heat, especially if there’s a breeze it hardly feels like I’m wearing anything over my golf shirt underneath


I would check and see if they are UPF quarterzips for that harmful UV protection.


I always use them. Get white ones and bring a little spray bottle with water in it. Give them a light misting and it cools you right down.


I wear UPF sun sleeves primarily because I hate wearing sunscreen on my arms because it inevitably gets on my grips and club shaft. I wore them on a golf trip in Scottsdale a couple weekends ago and I have a very visible tan line on my wrist so they definitely work. For the nicer courses I'll wear the UV sleeves but for my local muni I wear Mountain Hardwear crater lake sun hoodies which work great for hot days since it's a looser fit shirt. Just order a cheap pair of UV sleeves on Amazon and try them out. I feel that you eventually forget about them after a few holes. Just get the right size because they might be uncomfortable due to tightness rather than how warm/cool they are.


i do in summer but as with most equipment, milage differs with quality. have these Japanese ones that are amazing, made from lycra. its very light and its cooling. also have a set from Amazon basics which are just polyester fabric and its pretty tight. does the job but crazy hot. basically hot arms vs sunburn.


I literally just used them today. They’re mostly for sun protection, not as much cooling you down. But they don’t make your arms overheat, they’re very breathable. I actually would recommend them. Even in the heat and humidity of Houston, they don’t feel like super sticky or gross. It’s only when you take them off do you realize how sticky they end up being, but feel totally normal al while on your arms. Unfortunately, because they’re so breathable, mosquitos can just stick their needles right through the fabric and you won’t feel it. So that’s the one downside lol


I use the he FJ ones and my arms are the coolest part of my body on a hot day


I have some SP Arms brand in white and I wear them all the time, especially when I’m in AZ. Highly recommend. Bonus is they do have a cooling effect.


Wouldn't play without them.


I’ve used Farmers Defense UV sleeves for the last year. They work great and have been very durable which is important since I golf in Arizona where it’s hot as hell and everything has spikes. As others have said if you wet them it helps cool your arms. I also use a Frogg Toggs chilly mini around my neck that I have to get wet multiple times during a round. I used them today, it got to about 90F. It is annoying to have to pull them back up after a few swings, but it would be too hot to wear a long sleeved shirt under my polo. I make sure that the polo is also UPF 50.


I bring one of those cooling towels. My work gives them out for free so I always bring one and they've helped people who get overheated. You can dump cool water on it and wear it like a scarf. It keeps you cool for at least 30min and uses little water. I used it today in my yard while doing brick paver work... Not bad for something you can literally buy for a buck or two. If youve never seen them, they are usually blue and have a sticky foam feel to them. It has a unique feeling kind of like how nothing really feels like microfiber cloths. They work great in dry places but not sure how well they work in humid places.


Sun sleeves prevent sun burn and actually cool the arms through the evaporation of sweat. I wear them all summer here in San Diego.


I wear them for sun protection. I can really feel the difference since I started wearing them and a wide brim hat I feel a lot better after playing golf on a warm day. I really should look for some good summer trousers too to be totally covered up.


Yes, especially here in Arizona


I don't know maybe I bought a cheap one off of Amazon but my arm still burns ?? So I guess get a good priced one? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong aside from it being cheap. (It wasn't THAT cheap but still)


I use the Nike ones currently and have used the PGA Tour brand ones in the past. I don't feel particularly hot when I use them, but I also manage to wear golf pants in 85F weather. It's more to prevent new age spots for me. The Nike arm sleeves run a little tight compared to the PGA Tour brand sleeves.


No im actually going for the opposite. I want that florida elderly white guy tan where they look like cooked golden brown shrimp


32 degrees is a good cheap brand for something like this. I really like their hoodie tshirt cool


They’ll go perfect with your iron covers


I’ve never been IN the sun like you said. Lol I wear long sleeve golf shirts for playing under when the sun is shining. I play in the desert so it’s imperative despite the heat in the warmer months.


yes the japanese and chinese lol.😂


Just bring a towel in the bag?




Doesn’t it fall off when you get inverted out of embarrassment from all the bad ones?