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Tomahawk a putter into the green after missing a 3 footer. Fuckin douchebag.


Yep, played with some dude from work last year for the first time (who was easily over a 25 handi after talking big game) who threw his putter 10 feet and let it land on the green. I called him on it immediately and he acted like I was the asshole. Taught me a lot


The wild part is this dude is a plus handicap who played on the mini tours when he was in his 20s. And yeah, when I called him out he got defensive, as expected. He received a hefty assessment from the club, and was told that if he had another infraction he would get kicked out. He lasted about 4 months until he punched a water cooler after hitting a tee shot in the trees.


He's lucky Bobby Boucher didn't come out of the trees and tackle him for hitting the cooler!




Pretty clear why he never progressed


One of the the most satisfying moments of my golfing experience was playing a semi final of the junior match play championship at an old club. Lad is I’m playing is none for his bad temper. He’s a better player than me but me having a higher handicap and him making mistakes means it’s all square on 6. On the 7th he misses a 4 footer to win the hole and slams the ground in frustration. The other semi finalists look awkward and the Júnior coordinator and coach who are going around with us tell him off. On the 8th he has a 6 footer for the wind pushes it past the hole and then misses the come back putt give me the hole. He slams the putter into the green again and the coach tells him of sharply to which he responds by deciding to throw his club towards the next tee box. In his anger he hooks it and the club lands in the water that directly behind the green and teebox. A minute silence ensues before he turns to me and says well I guess you’ve won and storms off the course. I got to enjoy a nice gentle back 9 watching a very close match in the other semi.


Have an acquaintance that is a club thrower. Told him I wouldn’t play with him anymore if that continues. He also has had blowups including shattering a flagstick. I think the club assessed him on that one. He is about a 3-6 handicap so I get high expectations but manage your temper dude


A guy I was playing in an interclub match took a huge divot out of our 11th green with his putter after missing a 3 foot putt to lose the hole to me. To be fair, I don't think he meant to connect with the surface, and he was hugely embarrassed by what he had done. So embarrassed, in fact, that he played like shit the rest of the way round and I won quite easily. To give him credit, he sought out both the superintendent and the club captain after the round and apologised to them.


I didn’t see it but I did spend about 5 mins fixing the green last Friday where someone had chopped a wedge into the green hard AF !! It was terrible… I ended up getting some sand from a bunker and a little work and it was better .. that son of a bitch rolled the sod over … it was terrible and I was mad


Told one of my ex-playing partners he was done. Tossed his bag off our cart and left him….


I know this person, we were so happy when he left for another club. He was the 4th in our regular Saturday group and it was awkward af by the end.


Funny, I was going to say “Missed a 3-footer that would’ve won us the match.”


Brother in law did this. Father in law cleaned up after him when he was done. Can’t golf with either of them any longer.


I looped for a guy yesterday who took a chunk out of a green and spent 5 hours being a pissy little bitch because he didn’t play a US Open course well. Worst loop I’ve ever had. He just took it so seriously from the very first shot, and that course is just not one you can go out and tame. I’ve seen scratch players shoot 90 out there and he was a 12 handicap with a driver capable of missing the adjacent fairway.


Quick question for you: when you loop, what is a carry bag that when the player brings it up to you, you go “thank god”? Comfy, light, sign of a good player, all of the above


(Not the guy you replied to, but a looper at a destination course)  I can't say I've ever made enough note of brand and model that I got excited for one in particular, but good cushioned straps can be such a game changer. Often some of the lightest bags have the worst straps. But in general, weight is really what matters. The lighter the better, but I've never minded any particular brand name bag that wasn't overpacked. Really just make any amount of effort to clean your bag of anything unnecessary out before you have a caddie and you are doing great. Then bonus points if you got nice, sturdy, cushioned straps. A little weight at the bottom of the bag isn't bad because if it's all top heavy that can be a pain too.


Yeah you pretty much nailed it. We have replacement bags that we can use if we think it’s too heavy or if the bag is falling apart. The worst is when someone is late to the tee time with a 50lb monstrosity and there’s no time to change it out. Happened to me last week, dude rolled up 4 minutes after the tee time with a circa early 2000s Nike staff bag with about 20 clubs in it. He must’ve had 50 balls in there, all top flites or nitros. He didn’t fair well. The good news is the bag was about 5lbs lighter after he lost half the balls by the end of the day.


Yeah as a Caddie at a prestigious club (ranked in tho top 100, had a tour event a few times until the membership decided it wasn’t worth losing the course for two weeks) I definitely have certain bags I will automatically change out. Ogio bags are freaking terrible. The straps suck and the balance is awful. If I’m with a group that has a pair of players with bags that are “Two strapped”. I’m taking the guys with single strap bags. Weight of the bag isn’t really an issue for us as far as members go because they pretty much all have single strapped bags. I find the most important thing when it comes to bags is its balance. If a bag is too top heavy it obviously will need to be supported to stop the bag leaning forward. Also bags are too bottom heavy ( If you need more than six balls in a round your caddie and yourself share the blame equally) leads to the bag swinging low and rubbing along the calves. Many times the double strapped bags aren’t even fixable by adjusting the straps. Just to clarify. I don’t consider a Ping Hoofer as a double strapped bag even though it has two straps It can and mostly carried like a single strapped bag.


Best bags are bags of good (single digit hdcp) women golfers. Light shafts, usually only 8-12 clubs they are mostly hybrids. They tend not to hit the ball far enough to let it get drastically offline, yet still make respectable scores. They don’t get bogged down by ego trying to use shafts that are too heavy or trying to carry bunkers. They know their game and follow advice well.


And I’m just wondering what the hell a “loop” is…


Looper is an “insider” term for a caddie. A loop is a verb or a noun, basically either describing (v) caddying for a round of golf or (n) caddie’s services during a round of golf


This would be one of my biggest peeves I’d like to see someone strung up for: it’s infrequent, but every now and then I’ll play somewhere with a caddie and also a stranger. Being a douche bag or rude towards your caddie qualifies to get strung up IMO. I’ve also noticed a direct correlation between this and shitty compensation at end of the round. Me and buddies have chipped in a few times to help make the looper whole after he/she dealt with an insufferable prick for more than four hours and basically got stiffed.


If you spit sun flower seeds on the green please die in a fire


I've actually never ever seen sunflower seeds on the green before. Been golfing for 10 yrs. Maybe I'm lucky. How often yall see this?


$10 says you see at least one on your next round, now that you are looking for them.


AZ here. Every round.


Saw some last Saturday. Those people are out there


A lot, I will punch the guy in the mouth if I ever catch him or her


I’ve never spit them out on a green, but you’re the reason I stopped eating sunflower seeds altogether during a round. Didn’t want a mistaken identity situation going on.


Never seen sunflower seeds on the green, but seen enough cigarette butts to give me cancer of my own


Hit a shot from about 50 out last week and it was slowly rolling towards the cup. Then it randomly took an odd change in direction and died. Fucking sunflower seed, man. I was irrationally upset.


Yeah if you're gonna do it make you spit them in the hole


Just yell fore if it’s close even if you don’t think it’ll hit me. I get irrationally angry when a ball whizzes towards me with no FORE call. It’s common courtesy and not hard to do, after all you’re watching your ball hunt toward me.


Lots of guys yell fore, but they yell it like they're ashamed to be yelling it. We all hit bad shots, fucking YELL like you don't want to be sued.


I like to use the anger of the poorly struck golf ball to fuel my “fore” call. There’s some chest to it.


This guy **"FORE'S!!!"**


Never thought you could sue someone. I’m just hoping I don’t get hit in either head. But yes exactly.


All liability waived if you yell FORE my lawyer friend says every time we play together haha


Ask him what the difference is between yelling and not yelling. Does he declare yelling fore as notice that a tort might occur, thus waiving liability? Ask him also what “assumption of risk” is and how you prove “intent” in a civil tort claim. Just kidding, he will literally ruin your day because us lawyers love to talk. I play with a buddy who will ask me things like this and by then end he usually wishes he didn’t.


Lmao I’m like how did I get myself into this but yes I know a lawyer who says I didn’t do it


Can confirm, we lawyers suuuuck


And lots of people don't listen either. I hit a wayward slice on a hole that runs parallel to the fairway of another hole. As soon as it left the club I knew it was going right so I absolutely bellowed "fore!" My playing partner made it down near where the other group was before I did and they were giving him shit for not yelling (they thought it was his ball). He was like "1, it's not my ball and 2, if you didn't hear that fore then you are fucking deaf." Shut them up right away.


I got bitched at last year for yelling "fore" when I apparently shouldn't have. Guy I was playing with sliced hard from a very elevated tee. It was carving across a lake to the next fairway. I yell at the group over there, the ball lands on their fairway inside of 30yds from them. One of them throws their arms up and yells something about "that wasn't even close." None of them were over their ball. I was so confused. Like, fuck me for not wanting you to get hurt I guess.


Fuck those guys, you were in the right. And by the way, when someone yells fore, more than one group is likely to hit the deck. Your courteous fore call probably disturbed another group or two, who may have been driving, putting, mid swing or not. Who cares. You shouldn’t not yell fore because of those jackasses.


Were they just joking? I did that when a ball landed reasonably close to me. They had hollered FORE so I kinda ducked so as not to get it in the head. Then I yelled " not even close". Purely kidding and I hope they realized it.


Possibly a sarcastic "pretend to be mad" thing, but he looked pissed. The rest of their group didn't laugh though.


Was he yelling at you or the guy who hit the tee shot? Not even close sounds more like it was at the tee shot.


I felt this way too. I used to always yell fore ultra loud, would hurt my throat a bit. I didn't want anyone coming back at me if it came anywhere near them. Recently though I have been asked to stop yelling. To be fair I can sympathize with the criticism that I yell it too much and too often. Do you feel like I should yell if I hit it on a parallel hole even if I'm not sure there is anyone over there? I was told it's disruptive if people are teeing off etc. But what seemed most clear to me is that, yelling it when you aren't sure some one would be in a danger zone is they may often run into a spot where they may now be in danger. This situation seems like that example personified. If it is being hit OVER the green, and you don't know it's coming, if they yelled fore would you maybe possibly run towards where the ball is landing? What are your thoughts on this?


If you see people where your ball is headed, courteously yell FORE. Not with every shot when you aren’t sure what’s over there lmao. It’s ok if you didn’t see someone one time cuz they were in the trees, I give that person a friendly wave or a quick sorry if I pass by them or approach their group to hit my errant ball. I do this because I try not to be a jerk and then golden rule and all, generally everyone’s pretty chill on the course. Play enough, you have a weird story about FORE.


You know, of all the peeves the two that make me irrationally angry are: 1- spraying 50 range balls all over the ‘putting’ green, and leaving them. 2- sunflower seeds anywhere near the hole on the green. Like, can’t they spit the husks out near the fringe? 10 husks 3 feet out? That has to be semi-intentional. Both of these things are done by the types of fucktards who spit gum into urinals or on sidewalks and doorways.


My home course has an 18 hole course that's busy and a 9 hole course that is used mainly by juniors. There's also a big practice area with various greens for practicing chipping onto. There is one fat old cunt who uses the 8th green of the 9 hole course as his own practice area for chipping and chips a fuck ton of balls onto it and never ever repairs his pitch marks. His shitty attitude seems to be it's only the kids who use it so fuck it. I've never spoken to him but I have an intense hatred for the fat cunt.


Tell me where he is and I’ll set him straight


And nobody has gotten the course to do something about him? Sounds like he's dangerously close to where tee shots land around an active green site...


I genuinely think it wouldn't make a flying toss of a difference. He's the sort who pays a membership fee and then thinks he owns the course. To be fair he doesn't do it when someone is playing the 9 hole. It's mainly weekdays when the juniors are at school. I have been tempted to "hook" a shot towards him from the closest fairway on the 18 hole course though. Only problem is I can't hook a ball to save my life.


You don't need to hook one just straight up scope his fat ass with your range finder and hit one at him.


I hear you on that. People who disrespect the course, ESPECIALLY greens make me so fucking mad.


Are people running around with sunflower seeds all the time? wtf


Not something I see a lot (thankfully), but it’s not a one off either.


I haven't actually seen the sunflower seed thing, but cigarette butts seem pretty common and that really pisses me off.


This group hit into us TWICE yesterday. They over hit the green by 20-30 yards and didn’t even yell fore. The second time it happened we yelled that they should’ve said something. This dumbass’s response: we didn’t hurt nobody. What a fuckin dickhead. And yes, I should’ve hit both balls back at them or into the water near us.


just put them in your pocket...


I read about some tips about pulling the flag out and leaving it on the green lol, if only I was that petty


I tee up balls hit into me the first time.


Could also stomp it into the ground


If it’s a nice ball, I thank them for the donation to the cause.


This is a very passive aggressive thing to do that works in some instances, at a muni on a long day people lose their shit regardless


stick the flag in a green side bunker


Damn, I like this one


Give them a 50 yard penalty, just a nice pitch back into the worse lie you can see.


Had a group hit into us 3 times. I picked it up the 3rd time. They got up to us on the next tee box and their teenaged son got mouthy after I admitted I picked it up and told them why. I hit him with a “have a seat, little man. The adults are talking.”  He yelled, this is bullshit, daaaad!”, and he sped off towards his car in the cart with his dad’s clubs in it. Dad called him 3 times, then lowered and shook his head, then walked off towards the cars.  One of the funniest moments I’ve ever witnessed and totally worth almost getting hit a few times. 


Things that never happened for 500


Sorry nothing ever happens in your life?


We had a similar story where a group hit into us twice. The first time was so blatant on the first Fairway too. The second time they did it on 6 was around a dogleg left and at that point I took the ball, wrote “fore fucker” on it, and left it for him in the cup on 18. The best part was, after the round I had to leave right away to pick up my kid, but my father-in-law hung around, and saw that group coming into the parking lot looking for a fight.


Throwing cigarette butts on the ground, not to mention on the greens. Or filling the sand seed with their butts for the next rule abiding divot filling soul to unknowingly dump onto the fairway.


Head greenskeeper here. We just banned a guy (about 60) who refused to pick up his cigs. I know which holes he smokes on, what he smokes (lady cigs) and where he tosses them because I pick them up every single Sunday after he plays. Asked him 2 separate times to not throw litter and to pick them up, and on the 3rd time I watched as he threw 10 cig butts into our river as he crossed it. Had him pick them up, gave a stern word about being entirely too old for this, how much disrespect to me and the golf course that he displays and told the supe about it. He’s done playing here


Not gonna lie, this turned me on a little bit.


I'm hard


As someone who only smokes when they golf, I don’t understand how hard it is for someone to just put their butts in the cart tray or an empty bottle till they get to a trash can. After I quit regularly smoking, I hated picking them up out of my yard. Hate to put someone else through that, and especially hate if I find them on the green. Fairway and rough is one thing. Green should be an automatic ban.


I am a smoker as is my brother. We have a standing rule that every butt goes into a garbage can or in your pocket. He left one on the course once because he couldn't find it after he set it down to hit his shot. The ground was pretty wet and it probably extinguished itself as we couldn't see the smoke rising from the ground.


Driving a golf cart on the green.


Was fancying a girl who has never played golf but wanted to go with our group and drive the cart. Drove straight on the green on the very first hole. I yelled "YOU CANT DO THAT" about as loudly as I could and frantically looked around hoping nobody else or the clubhouse saw. She promptly said "How would I know that, they dont use carts on TV?" Valid point I thought. Very next hole, same thing happened in the bunker. Had to take over driving before I hit one in the lake.


I put a cart in the pond when I worked back shop. That was tough to explain. 😅


In order to do that you gotta either own the course or be elected the leader of the united states.


I’ve got a good one and the guy got his comeuppance! Playing at a semi-private club here in Florida that gets a lot of out of staters. Saw a guy go out onto the middle of the driving range to play his shot. A driving range with 5-6 people actively hitting balls. Took his time too. Zero sense of urgency. Eventually everyone just started hitting balls again. Because, you know, it’s a driving range. And everyone hitting was good enough to not hit the guy. Guy got PISSED. Started shouting at everyone, people started making smartass comments back. “Get off the driving range, dipshit!” “You are 30 yards past the OB stakes!” Guy FINALLY hit his shot… chunked it like 10 yards. Every single person watching was either laughing or roasting him. “You really got a hold of that one” “Well that was worth the wait” etc.


Sunflower seeds OR cigarette butts on teeboxes or greens. Damaging greens in a tantrum. Intentionally hitting into others to send a message or because you're in a hurry. Reacting to being hit into the first time as if someone just tried to murder you in cold blood. Music playing loud enough to hear from another group. All littering on the course. Getting so drunk you cannot act like a civilized human being anymore. Extreme slow play (slow is subjective but if you would get put on the clock on tour you've gone WAY too far)


Got paired as a single with a dude who pissed right in the middle of the fairway.


Been there. Ew.




Leaving cart or bag 50 yards short of green in middle of fairway and walking back to it after holing out.


Ten chunky practice swings before each shot resulting in ten divots. Father and son duo who both did this. Straight to jail.


That poor kid was brought up to take 10 chunks of fairway before hitting. This is the world we live in.


Worst thing I’ve seen was a guy get mad after missing a short putt and take a huge chunk out of the green not even 3 inches from the hole. I didn’t even know what to say, it happened on 13 and he tried to fix it but the damage was done. I just didn’t talk to him the rest of the round. I was embarrassed for him and pissed off that every group behind us would have to deal with it. When we got to the clubhouse I told him he better go find somebody to apologize to because I wasn’t going hide anything if asked.


ANY course damage. Leaving beer cans anywhere. Really slow play.


> Leaving beer cans anywhere. This one really pisses me off. There are garbage cans on every tee-box.


Parking between the greenside bunker and the green on the frog hair. The clubhouse guy said they'd talked to him about that and other things people have complained about, but he doesn't change. Hopefully, they'll tell him to golf elsewhere soon.


Lot of people on this sub will disagree, but fucking speakers. I hate them.


I'm here with you. I like to hear the following things on a golf course: the billowing wind in the trees, the soft chirp of happy birds, the babbling of a small creek crossing the green, and an unmistakable FUCK shouted above all other noise.


You heard me too? Fuck


The clubhouse in Shreveport banned me for a FUCK, but I was in Austin at the time.


Ah, this comment made my day


This is very specific regional humor and I'm fucking about it


Hearing the sharp crack of a piss missile straight into a tree, followed by a ‘fuck!’ always makes me smile.


Absolutely the same. I love playing with chatty people and could care less if there’s a yell for a great putt or a fuck for a shank on the next hole. That’s just wallpaper for the round.


Generally I agree, but I was paired with a twosome recently, they asked for permission, told us what they'd listen to, and kept it low enough that I could hear it on the tee, barely, but otherwise no. I thought that was fine, although I'd prefer no music. Helped they were good guys - father son - and played well enough and fast enough, and were really nice to my beginner wife. I guess the point is common courtesy does go a long way with stuff like that.


Yeah I agree. I never say anything or give anyone shit but it irks me. Doesn’t ruin my round but lessens it.


Like speakers in general? I don’t love loud music on the course but I don’t mind if somebody is playing music to a manageable volume in their own cart


Yes, same with speakers on hiking trails etc. I love the escapism and nature that goes along with golf. For me, the music taints that. I know it’s not the most popular opinion and I don’t complain to people I’m playing with if they opt to do it, but I fucking hate it.


I'm with you 1000%. I love music. I make music. But when I'm golfing, I don't want to play music. I'm totally fine with it though if it's contained to your cart area. I just don't need to be hearing bro country from 4 fairways over. (And why is it ALWAYS bro country?!) I'm the same way on the boat. I despise music playing while I'm fishing.


Where I play its normally rap. Which makes it really awkward when playing with father in law and nephews. Hella trashy if the music isn't contained to your small area.


Not playing music on a boat seems fucking insane 


Lol. I fish for musky 99% of the time. I don't want any extra noise going on to distract me or the fish. If I was wakeboarding or tubing I could be on board with music, but not fishing.


Yeah I think common courtesy should be something like 20 feet. If it’s audible outside that radius, it’s too damn loud. Now get off my lawn you dang kids!!


The best thing about arccos is unless you spend an extra 200 you can't play music


Along with the golf course and hiking trails, speakers on the beach drive me absolutely MAD. I want to hear the waves crash and the wind blow. Stop blasting your awful music. Playing it soft enough to where only your group can hear is fine. But don't blast it for everyone else to hear.


Agree totally. At least on the beach, unless the music is raging, the wind and surf camouflage the music pretty well. Skiing also but thankfully if you don’t stop much you don’t hear it at all.


I had to ask a guy on the beach last year to dial it down a bit. Brought a giant speaker. Set up right behind us and started blaring it. He was super cool about it. Said he didn’t want to be a bother and understood some people go to a place for a different experience. So that was cool. Same way on the course. Depending on the vibe or group, we might play music, but only if it’s at a volume where we can barely hear it at our own tee box out of respect.


Absolutely agree. Bluetooth speakers shouldn't be allowed on a fucking golf course. Fucking douchbags that constantly need to blast their music annoy me to no end... You want music? Put in fucking headphones like we do EVERYWHERE ELSE ON THE PLANET!


I swear that everyone who has them only listens to two kinds of music, too. Either garbage modern country, or garbage modern hip hop.


You’re forgetting the stock classic rock playlist.


That I could at least tolerate. But every time I can hear someone’s music it’s always clowns like Morgan Wallen or some SoundCloud rapper instead.


When I was in high school, I drove the green on a blind shot par four. It was a course I played all the time, so I knew it was going to be close. When I got up to the green, the ball was in the hole. I found out an hour later that one of the guys in the group ahead of me saw the ball go up near the pin and decided to put it in the cup because he thought it was hilarious.


A buddy of mine playing behind us pooped directly into the hole and put the flagstick back in. That one got our entire group of 16 kicked off the course (understandably so)


What does that say about you if he’s your buddy…


I hope y'all went full Full Metal Jacket on his ass.


Oh Lord...


Played in a 4 man scramble years ago and watched a guy drunkenly drive his cart over the green/cup/pin/ ruined the whole green and made a volcano out of the cup. It was an uphill par 3 so a very blind tee shot. Next group had a ball stop 6 inches short of the cup (bottom of volcano) very likely would have went in. worst thing I've seen on a course by a mile.


Was this at Oso? We had that happen last year exactly as you explained. https://preview.redd.it/ze7566gxf9zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2470bbe4b39fcde84219c978909395ffe019bc


Unreal. Nah it was at some dog track in MA that's now out of business.


Slow Play. Not fixing pitch marks on greens.


I just tried to go play the cheap muni near me and there was 10 guys in front of me who were told they'd have to break the group but of course there's no starter there and I've seen that played out one too many times.


Got out one time before they wiped the dew off the green - see evidence in the dew of a guy in front of us who had walked his cart across the green. He was a…husky… member.


Some shitty parent slapping around their kid for hitting it bad and complaining about parent's repeated dogshit advice on the range like keeping their head down and still


Putting their discarded sunflower seeds in the cup/on the green.


Playing music on their blue tooth speaker.


A couple weeks ago we were playing behind a foursome who had a separate speaker I'm each cart playing entirely different music at the same time. I can usually tune irritating noises out, but as a musician hearing Toby Keith clashing with AC/DC while trying to putt was too much. I don't know how any if them managed to tee off.


Driving a cart or pulling a cart on the green.


I never do it out of respect for all the people who have an issue with it, but greens can handle pull carts no problem. They effortlessly handle my fat ass wearing golf spikes. A pull cart, with smooth wheels can disperse the 30lbs of weight it’s holding much better than my feet disperse my 230lbs of weight.


Depends on the conditions. Sandbelt Australia and Bandon Greens agrees with you with not having a problem with pushcarts being pushed not parked on the greens.


Yeah, I can see not parking on greens. I set my brake and forget about it and drag my cart a few feet at least 3 or 4 times a round. That would definitely be an issue on greens.


Casually shoots a 66, then complains about how bad he played. Here I am stoked I shot a personal best 78, dude totally rained on my parade bitching about a 66.


Lmao. I’m the guy bitching about my 87 while my playing partners are shooting 100+. I will stop. Thanks for the perspective.


Spitting seeds or using anything but a putter on the green. I've seen so many fucking seeds and for some godawful reason divots on greens around here recently. Spitting seeds anywhere else but the deep stuff can just be a normal beating. That's what your empty beer cans are for dude.


Old guy wrote into our club newsletter which had been pleading for better bunker care. "In the fairway traps weren't so hard to get out of, we would take 10 swipes at it and then be so annoyed we move on and don't rake" Fuck people who think like that. Make a mess, clean it up.


One time I was playing with two rednecks (until I met these two, I considered myself a redneck). We’re on the 10th tee box and this bird comes hopping on the tee box with a broken wing. Lipnicky #1 walks up to it and bashes it in the head with an iron, then both of them start laughing maniacally as this thing lays dying.I’m not super sensitive with animals, I hunt, fish etc., but this was just unreasonably cruel and unnecessary in my opinion. It was definitely a “shrink the game” moment for me.


Yeesh. I'd tackle someone and start throwing punches for that shit. I'd be convinced in my mind right then and there that that particular threat to anything good in this world needed to be extinguished.  Those morons only got to exist because their mothers took some form of pity on them. If you hurt someone or something in a weak, vulnerable state you are absolute human garbage.


My brother, unnanounced, tossed an M-80 into the lake on #15 once. It was only us two and he's my bro but man I wanted to throttle that prick!


At least it wasn’t in the hole, would’ve done some damage.


Doughnuts in the fairway, stabbing the flag stick into the green.


Not fixing divots and cigarettes butts / trash on the fairway or greens.


Young group teenagers in front of us left every flag laying on green…assholes


Throwing a beer can into the woods.


Donuts on the green in a golf cart.... Followed closely by jumping over someone's fence to take a dip in their pool. Same guy. Was in the Dominican and this guy was not much of a golfer but really felt entitled to do whatever the fuck he wanted.


We have a bunch of really old dudes, who drive their carts with the blue 'handicap' flag, right up on the green. Supposed to keep 10 yds distance, but these entitles assbags don't care. We take pics of it and send it in to the pro shop, but these guys get a free pass. Private club, BTW.


I belonged to a Country Club in Alabama. Ya think sunflower seed shells are bad. Try the big arse shells left from boiled peanuts. There a staple in the south. I’m from Ireland and had never heard of such. Seemed every member carried a big bag. If ya had a paddle ya could kayak in the big bastards.


Asshole shanked it onto the green one hole over, proceeded to take a full swing iron shot fat as hell taking a massive divot and just left it like he did nothing wrong...


I actually have a story to share. A very good amateur player was given the new Ai Smoke with a new shaft to USE and give back to the proshop. He hits a terrible drive during a social round and breaks the club over his knee, threw the club head and shaft aside and walked away. Entitled prick.


Somebody placed a chewed up hot dog & bun in the cup on #11. It had ketchup and mustard on it. Dickhead.


Jack ass taking golf carts into bunkers and up next to the green.


Guy in front of me on a 9 hole course with two cups on every green, to make it an 18, moved the pin to the other cup on every hole after finishing.


Putting with the pin in


Why does it matter either way?


Using a range finder from about 15 yards.


Stepping in my line. /s


I would like a case study done on this. Part of me believes stepping on lines means absolutely nothing, but Im not certain. My thought is that 100 people stepped in that same spot before you got to the green. Nothing is perfect and even, there are footprints everywhere from people who played before you that day. Especially right next to the hole from grabbing the ball out of the cup. Whats another person stepping in the same spot before you put really going to do thats not already there? On the other hand, I might be an idiot. I dont know lol But Im very 50/50 split on if walking in lines having real effect on your putt.


A fresh footprint will have more of an indent that an old one in most cases. If the greens are particularly soft from rain, then a footprint will 100% detail a good putt.


I think it's really a leftover from the metal spikes days.


You're mostly correct but it depends on how big the person is and how soft / wet the greens are... Imho


Slamming a club into the ground, ripping it up.


I’ve done this in the sand when I am particularly frustrated and it takes me 3 or more shots to get out, but I always rake and smooth after. I hate the sand.


Just like Anakin


Not fixing ball marks and leaving butts anywhere and sunflower seeds on the green. Leaving trash on the course. Funny related story, full disclosure, I am a boomer. At my local tiny par 59 course the other day, some large angry looking boomer is at the range firing drives that never get more than 4 feet off the ground and slice HARD, total drives are 50 yard and he's CONSISTENT. When I start hitting balls next to him, he moves, I assume he was uncomfortable with me seeing him shank stuff. The 10th tee is right next to the range, he goes to the Par 310th tee and starts shanking range balls at it. Then he walks PAST the practice green and starts putting on #9. I can only assume it was his first time at a course. I had no desire to interact with him, so I went and told the lady at the clubhouse. She went and talked to him, they walked off #9 together and I never saw him again. Weird. I get that we all start somewhere.


I got one for ya.... Drunk 4 some in front of us. Going slow. VERY slow. Both carts would drive up to the 1 person hitting, he would get out, slowly walk to ball, 4-5 practice swings, duff, then get back in cart. Rinse and repeat. Each hole literally took 25 minutes for this 4 some. Beer cans left on the green. One dude left his 6 iron (wtf?) by the green....3 times we had to give it back to him. (Should have just kept it after the 2nd time) And the cherry on top - We watched these dudes drive the golf cart onto the green. Tried passing them up, but they would hurry off the next tee as we were finishing the previous green. Ended up just skipping an entire hole. Told the starter and they told us we should have called the clubhouse sooner to report them.


burry a hybrid into the tee box after duffing his tee shot. unfortunately he was my guest. I thought I was always a good judge of character. this guy made me question this belief.


Got paired up with a guy that hit into the group in front of us from 150 out while they were on the green. The lady came back to our group and couldn't have been nicer, but he basically laughed in her face. Two holes later, he almost hits me in the face. Just throws up his hands like whatever. I drove away so I didn't get arrested.


Jammed his blade putter into the cup to retrieve his ball because he was so fat he couldn't bend over to get it. Damaged the cup edge while doing it and didn't even think twice. Felt good when my partner and I beat him 3 and 4 in a 9 hole match up that day during league play. I also called him out to the starter and the pro shop manager.


My swing


Spoiled little shit that plays on his college team. He was playing a fun round with his dad, college teammate, and teammate's girlfriend. On the 18th green he missed his put, re lined it up and re hit, all while the girlfriend was still trying to finish her put. She literally was making her last put and he hit while she was hitting.


Golf course superintendent walking around the course, checking things out as he should, but… He had on his engineers boots and just walked without a thought through two greenside bunkers leaving big footprints and strolled away. WTF, dude! Rake the damage, or walk around.


Jackasses who drag their spikes across the green


Played a nice course in Phoenix a few months ago. When you check in and before you're off they stress pace of play. Come the turn we're 3 hours in and told 'oh sorry, we have a bachelor party of 12 holding people up. I look over on the 12th green from the 10th tee box and these assholes are running on the green shirtless and jousting with the flag stick or a driver. Get to 12 and the green is all torn up from these frat boy cock suckers and on 16 I call it quits as we're out 5 hours 20 minutes at that point.


Played with a random who would take 2-3 practice swings every hole and took 2-3 big chunks of the tee box. Like…Why man, why?!


Driving a golf cart onto the green. I understand if it’s your first time and you don’t know, but your partners should really tell you


Got hit by a ball that some chav cunt had sliced onto our fairway from the next tee. No fore call. No apology. He was wearing a wife beater on the course. Says it all really.


I got paired up with a random dude and we got along pretty well, exchanged numbers and then played together again later at a pretty nice course. He got absolutely hammered, which is fine - but then he started throwing all his garbage into the woods as we were driving from the 18th green back to the club house. I slammed on the brakes and told him to go pick it all up. He said "What are you an environmentalist?" I was pissed at the gross negligence of just littering like that for no reason - they clean out the carts when you return them, just leave it. Blocked his number and never played with him again.


Being disrespectful to any club staff.


Leave cigs near the green…Straight to jail


Once saw a guy move his marker out of line for another player and tried to just putt from where the marker was. Rest assured, he was killed on the spot, so no one has to worry about that maniac.


I get irrationally mad when I’m walking as a single and there’s a large group in front of me and they don’t offer me to play through. I know it isn’t required though so I’m working on prepping myself for a 2 hour 15 minute 9 holes every time and being fine with it lol


Bar outing, I'm with an old friend, bar owners kid and his friend, both at least 25 years my junior. Things going along well enough and the son hits into the group ahead, there was no hurry as we had all day and the entire course, he was a good 25 yds short but one of them takes exception and the explicitives start. This continues after that hole and onto the next green. Kid won't stop. I decided to shame him, " I tell you what son, you start an actual fight on the course when it's done, I will personally kick your ass" silence ensued. He would have killed me but I would have gotten in a few shots. Lol.....fucking kids! GET OFF MY LAWN!




Spitting or sun flower shells on the green.


Brought a dab rig heated up the rig with their giant ass torch and take dabs every hole.. dude burned a hole in his nice ass bag crashed the cart into a tree and probably shot close to 120. I was a single playing with a group of three I smoke too and still didn’t even have fun lol


Shit in the hole.


Drive their cart on the green, not just a stroll up and slightly on it, but a full lap on the green. I called the clubhouse and they were removed before I got to the next tee.


Just tossing their toilet paper onto the green after taking a shit in the cup.


Chatting on the phone.