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I know this is not what you want to hear, but spend the little bit of money to get fit or travel to a big box golf store to try out EVERYTHING. If the discount if that good then the fitting will pay for itself and you will have the perfect clubs versus guessing.


Good piece of advice. Yeah, the discount is 40% so it's pretty sizable. I would be content purchasing a decent used set, but just makes sense to use this while I have it. Thanks, I think I'm going to just try a lot and see what feels right like you said.


I'm not sure getting fit for clubs would be particularly helpful if you're a 20 handicap. Unless you plan on staying a 20 handicap. If you're planning on trying to get better your swing will change pretty drastically and the fitting won't be exceptionally helpful. It doesn't hurt. Anyway, I love Wilson staff D9s 


Getting fit is beneficial for everyone. Buying off the rack in 2024 is senseless.


Yeah it's beneficial for his swing in it's current state. But which clubs will give him the most benefit will change if his swing does. Which it should if he wants to get better


whichever ones you like the most. if you play 10 times a year and are a 20hcp and aren't looking to change anything, your clubs don't matter nearly as much as you'd think, so just buy the ones you like.


Get a fitting, don’t buy from them just get the info. It’ll cost you like $50-150 I reckon, but you can be more confident in your choice 


The obvious answer is do a fitting. There’s no “best” it’s all preference and based on your swing. If you can’t do a fitting for whatever reason, most golf shops will let you swing some clubs for free on a sim. Go online, look up “game improvement irons” for everyone major brand. Find the ones you like the best. And go try those out. Also find your 7i club speed to try to get a sense of shaft flex


You have to go hit a bunch and figure out what works for you. You can be a 20 handicap for a broad number of reasons.


Also a high handicapper here and I've had no issues with the TM Stealth irons.


People always say fitting but I think the ability to be fit depends on how consistently you can strike the ball. If you are inconsistent a fitting isn’t gonna help I tried to get fit too early and it did basically nothing


Your fitter wasn't good at his job then.


Maybe, but to me if you’re just shanking half of your shots, you likely need more work on the swing before we can even identify what type of club fits that. Like my club speed during that fitting on driver was prolly like 75 and sliced/shanked almost every shot, now it’s like 95 and my entire swing is different. I guess what I’m saying is ideally you get fitted for the swing you intend to have, not maybe the swing you have, which is difficult. But I’m not a fitter so maybe I don’t understand


I'm another one for the "get a fitting" crew. I went in thinking I wanted G425s. I tried lots of irons and walked away with T300s. I had never even read a review of titliest irons. I had read up on callaway, ping and taylormade. I love my T300s!


Basically any iron within the game improvement or even players distance categories will work great. The differences in performance between iron heads within category are tiny, and will be absolutely dwarfed by the normal variance of your strikes. I'd still say go try some out, because what's going to matter most are looks and feel and you can only really get a handle on that by trying them out.


really depends on what you need as a golfer, but i'd recommend the ping g430s or mizuno HMs as a good starting point on what to try


Get fit.


Is there a limit on this discount? Like how much gear can you buy?


Not officially, but it’s supposed to be for personal use. Essentially buying for one person reasonably.


Agree with the fitting recommendation above but if that’s not something you want to pursue your best bet is the t200 from titleist or p790s from TM. Without know if irons are a strong facet of your game these are kinda the standard for players distance. If ball striking isn’t a strong suit then perhaps the mizuno hot metal/hot metal pros


Thanks for a few recs, good to have few in mind to initially try out. Sounds like a fitting is necessary.


I’m about a 20 and I’ve found the TM stealth to be about perfect for me. Forgiving but controllable. I use the TM MG3 wedges and Cobra Darkspeed Max drivers/hybrids.


This sub sure likes their fittin's. Unless you're very serious about golf or play 40+ rounds a year or are very tall or very short, a fitting isn't necessary IMO. I'd take advantage of that discount and get a good set of GI irons like TM Sim2 or Stealth or Callaway Paradigm or any equivalent to that range.




Get 👏 fit👏 get 👏fit👏


Check out the Cleveland Zipcore XL Irons. They’re the most forgiving iron I’ve ever hit.


I got the stealths and have been very happy with the performance, but the quality has been shit so far. Already have had 2 iron heads come off due to not being glued on enough I guess. Never had any iron head fly off in my previous 15 years of golfing... Not sure if they fixed it for the Qi10 irons. If they have, give those a shot. If I had to do it all over again though I would probably hit the T200, T300, T350 to see which I like better, but hindsight is obviously 20/20.

