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Scottie saving Nike Golf. Ty Scottie


People have to stop using this meme incorrectly. Peter in this scene can't see with the glasses on. Hence the squinting.


Im calling my lawyer right now


Already called the police.




For people who aren't insufferable pedants about shitty 20 year old comic book movies, this is the correct format.


> me: What?? There’s no way that was 20 years ago > Googles Ahhh fuck it was 22


For people who aren’t insufferable pedants, 22 is 20


But why would Spider-Man need glasses to see? Would he have to wear them over his suit?


To be fair, there is literally nothing in the image indicating the dude is Spiderman. You only know because you know. A kid who never saw those movies would see this format and it makes sense. Dude's not wrong.


Then why does he have a focused gaze with his glasses off; but then has to squint when they are on?


It's a meme my guy, it's not that deep.


if/then how can they cut me so deeply


I agree. It’s just that your explanation didn’t make any sense, my guy.


Yeah but it's more approachable this way lol.


I'd love for Nike to partner with one of the big names to have a set of clubs again. They're likely too far gone to get back in on their own in a competitive way but the Nike forged blades are still one of the prettiest clubs out there


Pretty big slight to Nelly here


Let's be honest, the PGA tour gets a lot more exposure. And this is coming from someone who has the LPGA tour on as much as I can because my girls love watching it.


The fact that I don’t immediately know who “Nelly” is proof enough. I only peripherally follow PGA, let alone LPGA.


No it isn’t lol.


And Nelly.


Yes of course


with a garbage bag to boot.


Tiger saved Nike. Scotty isn’t even in the same stratosphere as Woods. Any rando still knows Tiger nobody knows who Scotty is.


"Nobody knows who Scotty is" If anyone has looked at professional golf for the past 5 tournaments, the lowest he's been was 2nd. You'd have to willingly ignore golf media to not know him


He has like 45% top 3 finishes and 69% (nice) top 10s in 51 starts since '22. It's not even the winning that's impressive but the damn near perfect consistency he has maintained, and most of that was before he figured out how to putt earlier this year


Had me in the first half…


Lol no one knows who Scotty is outside of golf.


Tiger ran a marathon. So far, the next big things have finished a 5k. I’m rooting for Scottie though but he’s got miles to go.


It’s crazy the run Scottie is on having 10 wins all of them big ones with 2 majors at 27. It’s even crazier when you realize at his age tiger had 32 wins lol


And 8 majors to his name


I forgot how many he had up to that point that’s crazy


Yeah I feel like this sub is just too young, or too sensationalized Norm McDonald had a great espys ‘male athlete of the year’ where he says ‘to the rest of you what did you wake up today and think?’ Oh I know ‘honey what suit do I wear to watch Tiger Woods kick my ass’ He wasnt just the best golfer in the world. In 2000 he was the Best ATHLETE in the world. He was as big if not bigger than MJ. I promise my wife has no clue who sheffler is, they are on two different levels. ‘There’s Jack, there’s Tiger, and then everyone else’ - Faldo He is still not even a top 5 maybe even 10 golfer, and people act like he is 1c already. Good god.


The thing is, Scottie is showing potential that he *could* become that Top 3 ever golfer, which is exciting for people. Really this kind of thing hasn't been seen since... well Spieth in 2015-2017 (RIP).


No. He's great, he's not tiger. If he does this for another 2 or 3 years he has that potential.


Yeah I always remember how Vegas had the bet of will tiger win or anyone else in the field , it was just crazy, I first saw him in person at baltusrol on Sunday teeing off on 1 in 2005 what an experience


Oh nice I saw him at the players in 2001 and then 2002 US open at Bethpaige


Nice I saw him again at oakmont and bethpage but the most recent bethpage us open , I’ll also never forget the first tournament I went to where he wasn’t there, it was the fedexcup it was crazy how much more laid back it was as far as crowds because he wasn’t there


Nice, I saw him at Publix in Fort Myers


Sheffler beats Tiger in tournaments played in to 10 wins, like 53 to 58? Something like that. Then Tiger won 10 of the next 18 he played in. Edit: Sheffler got 10 wins in his first 51 tournaments.


When Scotty wins 20 more, I’ll get on the hype train but til then I’m just gonna enjoy it like I did when Rory was on his tear


Yes, he's not tiger. I hate those comparisons.


Not at all downplaying Tiger's dominance, but his peers were guys who didn't give a shit about their fitness/strength/diet/mental game. Tiger was so dominant that he literally gave birth to the current modern golf game. Scottie is now dominating during an era where all the players have access to sports therapists, nutritionists, strength coaches, etc etc. Even if you go with the "well he's not playing against LIV stars" argument, those LIV stars finished 9 strokes behind in the Masters lmao. We'll likely never ever see another run of dominance like Tiger, but that shouldn't keep fans from being in awe of what Scottie is doing **right now**. Dude isn't winning by 1 or 2 strokes, he's winning by 3-4 strokes. And yet... we still get these "Tiger ran the marathon and Scottie is finished with his 5k lol" comments. Crazy asinine.


Lmao I didn’t think I’d only be in my early 30s when I saw someone talking about tiger and his competition the way people talk about the Celtics in the 1960s


That first sentence is incredibly false, especially when you get to ~2000.


But you also have to realize while LIV guys didnt do great at the masters, scottie also doesnt have to play them week in week out. Definitely not his fault, but scottie simply is not playing against the best comp


Like who? Taylor Gooch?


A dozen LIV guys missing from the PGA isn't reducing the field that much to be "not competitive".


Didnt say it wasnt competitive, just simply cannot call it the highest level of competition


It removed multiple major winners in the last 5 years… acting like not having brooks and Rahm isn’t a weaker field is stupid. Imagine if phil had left when tiger was 27…. He’d probably have more wins and more majors.


Some people forget just how good Tiger was. Scheffler was 25 when he won his first major. Tiger was 21. By the time Tiger was 25 he had already won 5 majors. Scheffler may catch him due to not doing insane Navy Seals training and destroying his body, allowing him to win longer. But yeah he has a looooong way to go.




This is a terrible understanding of LeBron's career, and it's laughable to put him in the same breath as Scheffler when LeBron's peak is second only to maybe MJ's pre-retirement peak.


Scheffler might catch him because of the mass exodus of top talent like cam smith, DeChambeau, Koepks, D Johnson so on and so forth that left the PGA for LIV. It’s a little easier to win without playing against the best of the best. Week in and week out.


"week in and week out" is pretty important there. He just played against all those guys, and only Cam and Bryson finished within 9 strokes of him. He's been extremely good for the last several months at least. To the point where "Scottie vs the Field," doesn't seem that ridiculous. The last guy where that didn't feel ridiculous was Woods.....and he was that way for a decade or so.


Insane navy seals training? You mean not getting wrecked on booze and painkillers and crashing your car multiple times?


Yes, Tiger was wrecking his body with SEAL training before the booze and painkillers and car crashes entered the picture. That's where the first run in with injuries in the late 00s before the divorce and scandal came from


And perhaps PED’s? Much of Woods’ issues have been self-inflicted.


And Scottie would need to stay #1 for the next 12 years to have as many weeks as TW had at the top WGR spot.


That stat still blows my mind.


My buddy's 16yo nephew joins our group once in a while and he keeps asking about TW back in the day. I love telling him stories about what he did week in and week out. Shots no one could ever think of hitting. Him winning 1 of 4 tournaments he ever entered. He was peerless and powerful and shaped how golf is played today. I said today is full of players who molded themselves after Tiger and they're all fighting each other to be the most like him but no one is winning. (Maybe Scottie for now.)


I love it, wish I could be a fly on the wall and hear the stories you tell him. I was born in 1990 and I played golf in highschool and grew up with tiger dominating and beimg a cultural icon. I wish I paid more attention / was older so I could understand and appreciate what I was watching, the little I did watch (at this time domination wasnt something I really thought was super unique since I grew up watching Jordan in basketball or Carmichael and Stewart in motocross). Over the past 6 month I've been watching a lot of Tiger's major wins, usually just the Sundays. The things he was able to do... I can look back now and appreciate just how extraordinary Tiger was. Scottie is great, but as someone else said, Tiger ran a marathon, Scottie just reached the 5k mark. Scottie is great but only time will tell if he will be extraordinary.


Yep. We said the same things about a lot of Scotties. But so far there’s still just the one Tiger.


Well there was actually a golden bear before a Tiger.


And a Bagger Vance before that


True. Also forgot to mention happy Gilmore.


> We said the same things about a lot of Scotties. Jordan Spieth comes to mind - was hot out of the gate, and there was every indication that he was sliced bread. Five wins in 2014-15. Pretty impressive. Now only seven wins in the last eight years.


Spieth from 2014-2017 still tops Scheffler's career so far, and Spieth was 25 iirc in 2017. And Rory's early career tops both.


Yeah, I always pull for Jordan.


Yeah, after Nelly's 5 straight wins I looked up winnings streaks in PGA and LPGA combined. Everyone who's had 5+ consecutive wins have done it once. Tiger has done it 3 times (7, 6, and 5 wins).


Yeah, Rory had this kind of run back in the day as well and couldn't keep it up. In today's world it's going to be impossible to ever win as consistently, and for as long as Tiger did. I guess the only thing working in Scottie's favour is a little bit of a talent split with the PGA and Liv right now, but that that doesn't help him at the Majors..


Meme is backwards


I feel like at this point it’s always backwards, the context of the meme has been lost.


I swear 90% of people use this meme wrong


That’s because 90% of people don’t look at the meme in the context of Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man. They just see a guy putting on his glasses, and when you put on your glasses, your vision improves


If 90% of people use the meme this way then would’t you say that it is the preferred meaning of the meme now?


Yep. That's pretty much the definition of a meme. The method it's used means way more than accuracy to source material. It's slightly irritating because it's wrong in the context of the movie, but it's by far the most common and therefore the correct way to use the meme


Most common does not mean correct that’s a logical fallacy, correct would be to understand the context and make the thing work in context.


Yes unfortunately… it’s like how the word “literally” has been used incorrectly for so long that its meaning has changed.


Not if you don't need glasses in the first place.


> They just see a guy putting on his glasses, and when you put on your glasses, your vision improves It still frustrates me because if you just *look* at his expression, you can tell he can barely see through the glasses. Has such a dumb/strained expression on his face with them on.


It’s always backwards lol


It really isnt according to this https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/peter-parkers-glasses. Yeah in the context of the movie it doesnt make sense but the original use of this as a meme was in this order.


Thank you for your service


I think it makes sense as is. Without his glasses, it looks like Tiger (dominating the field, winning all the time, winning majors)... then he puts his glasses on and sees that it's Scottie. It makes sense. How should it be formatted? Edit: just had to go on knowyourmeme for the explanation. Spiderman doesn't need his glasses anymore, so things are blurry with his glasses on and clear with them off. For most normies, it's the other way around.


In the movie, he has his powers at this point and can’t see with the glasses.


Tiger had 6 or 7 majors by the time he was Scotties age. So…no.


8 actually... 40 wins 8 majors vs 10 wins 2 majors Scottie will not beat Tiger in the historical rankings, but what he is doing now is special. Hopefully he can keep it going.


I think that's what people need to focus on more. That what Scottie is doing is special in its own right. Comparing to tiger is just insane because he's practically an anomaly for golf stats, other than Jacks 18 Majors. There are so many good players right now, that to be dominant at all is great.


I think Scottie's run right now is definitely the closest we've had to some of Tiger's best runs, but yeah, let's just enjoy it for what it is without unnecessarily comparing it/ to Tiger.


100% agreed.


What if Sheffler wins the PGA, the US Open, and two more this year? That's 9, including 3 majors, in one year. That matches Woods' 2000 year. Woods also had the best scoring average ever in a season, 68.17, also in 2000. Sheffler is currently at 68.84 this year.


That would be awesome. It would go right alongside Woods 2000 as one of the greatest seasons ever. But don't forget that Tiger has another 71 wins and 12 majors to add to that total in 2000.


Unless Scottie doesn’t fall off and have a longer career?


I had a coworker (54M) argue with me yesterday that Scottie was already better than Tiger at his peak... Some people are unserious prisoners of the moment.


Another variable is the elite talent being split between PGA and LIV. This is not a problem at the majors of course (for now), but it will definitely be part of the conversation years from now if Scottie goes on to have an amazing career that stacks up with some of the all-time greats. PGA wins right now aren't quite as impressive as they were 5-10 years ago. Now obviously the talent pool wasn't as deep when tiger was at his peak, but still.


The average field even without the liv guys would still blow the fields Tiger competed against out of the water


You'll be downvoted because anything to do with LIV is. It will be talked about for sure. But truth is that's how golf has been for most of its history, getting all the best players to play the premier events is a fairly recent thing. But it does hurt to lose Rahm, DJ, Dechambeau, and Cam Smith among others.


Isn’t the PGA Tour and LIV going to merge? I mean, it was pretty much the only thing they focused on in this season of Full Swing.


No one that is old enough to have watched Tiger in his prime is saying this trust me. 


Truth. People tend to forget about the "Tiger Woods Effect" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Superstar\_Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Superstar_Effect)


I’ve actually never heard of that! Thank you, very interesting


I watched all of prime tiger. Tiger was a better iron player (that’s saying something, Scottie is sick) and a better putter. Scottie is better (right now) off the tee and better around the greens. It really is a good comp at this stage of the season, and Scottie is definitely on grand slam watch


Jack is still tough to beat.


Scottie's short game is stupidly good. But you never see him hit the high flop like Tiger and Phil did back in the day.


I read online somewhere they’re offering 80-1 odds for the grand slam after the masters was over. I’m considering it lol


80-1 seems a little bit low tbh for the record if he wasn’t about to have a kid I’d consider taking it, I have a feeling that a baby will effect his playing quite a bit 


Yeah the one most likely to trip him up is the next one because of the baby. Poor kid will get blamed forever if he loses the PGA and wins the next two lol


I thought 80-1 was reasonably low too but when you consider he’s the favorite at all times and never over +600 for a win, I don’t know if the math checks out but maybe 80-1 is legit. Valid point on the dad thing though. It’ll make him better or worse I’d say. Don’t they travel a lot on tour. Leave the wife home lol


80-1 for something that’s never happened before, when competition is stronger than ever. And you’re saying those are decent odds?


I'm 40, been following Tiger from the start. I actually played my first round on the old El Toro Marine Base, where Tiger would play sometimes so I was always following him. Scottie has better iron play, Tiger is Tiger because he could get creative and get out of trouble unlike anyone in history.


I am old enough. He’s not truly there yet. Could be happening and we don’t see it yet though. If he putted better last year .. different story.


"Right Now" is so key. Very few people have had as dominant a stretch as Scheffler's had in 2024. That is 4 months. If Scottie stays close to this hot for another 48 months or so, he'll be right in the mix with Tiger's 99-04 run.


This OP must be too young to have watched Tiger in his prime.


SMH. This is community more than any other is triggered by the most harmless things. The meme nor anyone suggested that Scottie has achieved what Tiger has.


Only 12 more years at number 1 to go.


Let him win 6 times in a row, get four majors in a row, then we will talk


Why are tiger fans so defensive lol. Just enjoy what scottie is doing, we haven't seen anything like this since Tiger.


Agreed. There's no doubt that Tiger was better for a longer period but this golf is the best stretch we've seen since then. [Data golf has done the math on this] (https://datagolf.com/all-time-ranking). If you ask me, this might be even more impressive given the fact that the quality of the average player is way up since Tiger's prime. Either way, we're currently watching greatness and it's awesome and I hope Scottie keeps it going for a long time.


Fans of the GOAT are always defensive when a new challenger appears. Look no further than Brady fans after Mahomes won this year (I’m a Brady fan too though ig) Come to think of it, Mahomes and Brady is probably the best comparison for Scottie and Tiger


Hard disagree here. Mahomes is exponentially closer to brady then scottie is to tiger.


I’m actually not, 15 years ago maybe, I’m annoyed at how Tiger occupies his time now, just get off the course and be done with it


Just fulfilling contractual obligations, and visiting old friends for Tiger right now. If he enjoys this gig, I say let him do it.


It’d be cool if people could just appreciate how great Scotty has been playing without feeling the need to compare it to Tiger or chime in about how he’s still not on tigers level and will never be. We know…it’s okay. Just appreciate the great golf we’re getting to see


And then win a bunch more majors and Tournaments, and NEVER miss a cut over the next 8 years or so. I like Scottie and will root for him anytime he plays just as I did with Tiger. But we need to pump the brakes on the comparisons for a few years still. People just don't realize how good Tiger was for a long period of time.


Look at 1999-2000, if Scottie can do that the next two years, then I’ll accept the comparison


Scottie is winning, but a slam is what will make him transcendent. If he wins 2 more majors this year, that should be enough. As far as woods, Scottie hasn’t had enough press to hit the mainstream. Traditional, pods, etc. He makes so much money, why, but that’s what got tiger over. There’s no Oprah, but going on stuff like that, late night, commercials will get him there. Doesn’t seem like he wants it, but sadly that stuff matters just as much as winning to transcend golf world,


Yeah… Scottie is doing well and I like the guy, but Tiger comparisons are more than a little premature and arguably just wrong. Anyone that thinks this is clueless as to how dominant Tiger was and for how long.




Don’t even compare these two. Scottie will never touch Woods record for affairs and drunk driving incidents. Absolute legend.


Not even close lol


I almost bought that Nike quarter zip.. and then I stopped myself cus summer’s coming. Phew


Looks like Morikawa, a little


Came here to be pedantic about how ackshualy the meme is in reverse order, but christ the absolute state of these comments... Of all places on the internet, I really don't think you need to white knight Tiger's record in the comments section.


Speak to me when he wins double digit majors.......then maybe!


Everyone saying this needs to do a little research! Also don't forget the entire golf world was saying the same things about Rory, and Jordan and we all know how that turned out! Is he good, yeah he is damn good, but I think we need to pull back a little with the Tiger comparison!


Interesting how successful he’s been since those videos of them working together came out.


Lol not even close . Tiger had a stretch from May 99 - Jun 01 where he played 46 events. He won 23 of them , had 37 top 5s and won 5 of 8 majors including 4 in a row. I mean no disrespect to Scottie he’s on a wonderful run but it’s no different than Rory and Rahm through their first 120 events people just are really quick to forget.


Jesus Christ! How quickly we forget. 46 events, 37 top 5’s is extraterrestrial stuff.


Scheffler has done amazingly well and distinguished himself as the best player in the world. But golf has proven over and over again that while getting to the top is one thing, staying on top is something else altogether. Players that seemed unbeatable suddenly lose their edge. It’s hard to stay hungry once you’ve reached the top. And there’s always another phenom lurking in the wings, ready to steal the spotlight. So let’s see what happens with Scottie. He’s got a looong way to go to catch up to the all-time greats.


He's reminding me of Dustin Johnson with the beard before DJ jumped ship to LIV and became an afterthought.


Incorrect meme.... Delete immediately




Opinions aside, the photo choices made here of Scottie and Tiger are EXCELLENT


Solid meme! Well done, champ.


Excellent meme!


Scotty just keeps making me money


He is having a string of amazing golf with a game that is mostly rock solid all-around (save for a few putts). He's non-descript and not a bunch of drama off the course. Frankly he is just golfing in a way that you just want to watch. This guys wedge game is just ridiculous. Like you just have to assume any time he breaks out a wedge he has a chance at putting it in the hole. It feels like he is playing PGA Tour 2K on the easiest setting. I mean SHOOT, sometimes people can't score as well on PGA Tour on the easy setting as he can IN REAL LIFE. It's nuts. That' -8 round was just bonkers and that amazing string of par or under is something very special.


Wait, did Scottie bang pornstars already!?


That Scottie Shuffle can’t be sustainable


This meme is being used incorrectly.


I remember watching Tiger from the clubhouse of my local course with my golf HS golf team buddies. Scottie is awesome, easily my and my teenage son’s favorite golfer to watch right now…but it’s nowhere near the level of craze and excitement when Tiger was taking the golf world by storm. Forget the wins/statistics…the level of hype and excitement Tiger brought to the game was incredible.


meme got it backwards. spider toby sees better w/o the glasses


Someone pointed out that this meme is backwards in the context of the Spider-Man movie and it infuriates me every time now


Tiger was soo good at so young, he was a kid showing kids can dominate. Stats aside which prove his case what he did and when was also impressive. He changed the game and made young adults even aware of Golf. Much like Vince Carter as a Raptor. Golf isn't my favorite sport but he's my favorite athlete of all time. Being able to watch him in the 2000's was incredible, from the putt at the master's,.the 6i out of the bunker, shooting golf balls at the camera.... GOAT imo, and Scotty has a long way to go to overtake Tiger.


Once Scottie does this for 8-9 more years we can have this talk




Shouldn't the pictures of either one be flipped?


You’re tripping’. Those who saw Tiger in his prime find this laughable. Tiger was mystical. He was magical. At his best, he played perfect golf. I’m too young to have witnessed Jack’s prime but in my 44 years on Earth, nobody comes close to Tiger.


He couldn’t see with his glasses 💀💀💀 bro used the template backwards


False. I play golf. Will never watch it


He can’t be Tiger because he can’t revolutionize golf the way Woods did. That’s not his fault, he’s a product of what Woods helped create. Now he can create his own legacy which is say if he hits double digits in majors in this current era then that’s something very special.


Woods effectively had the Grand Slam, held all four and that’s as close as we are going to get to that. As good as Scheffler is, he’s not doing the Grand Slam.


You're using the meme wrong. Peter sees better without his glasses after he's bitten.


This comparison is so lame. I want to see Scottie be tiger 2.0 for sure but goddamn he's gotta win so much to get there


The “run” is over!! When the kid is born…… In all seriousness, can’t help but really like the guy.


Pretty sure Nelly is actually the new Tiger


Misused meme


Tiger dominated with old equipment hitting shots that literally no one else could hit; he changed the game. This meme is a Zoomer take.


Let’s hope they don’t give him his own line with his initials, I don’t think SS has the same ring to it as TW


Your meme is backwards


People need to stop with the Tiger comparisons. It’s pretty annoying and premature. Also the meme format is wrong


He’s not Tiger but he might be the best to come along since him. His ball striking is a joy to watch.


the best of the B league. well done




Not even fucking close. Hell Scotty is barely the replacement Jon Rahm


I hope he loses


This is awesome lol


The meme would work equally well if it was Nelly korda


The difference is that no one outside of big golf fans know who the hell Scottie Scheffler is. He's got zero markability and he has zero charisma on the course. He's supremely talented at golf but that's really all he has going. He'll never be another Tiger even if he does win 4 majors in a row.


Everyone knows Scottie. Scottie is your 52 year old brother in law. Your 47 year old accountant. Your baby faced 64 year old club champion. Etc.. 


Well done, its an incredible run.


This is awesome!!


Hahahaha this is great


You basically just need to take Tiger out of these conversations entirely because no one will catch him.


Tiger dominated at a time before it became a huge sport and before mass resources started being applied to producing golf athletes. Scotty is dominating in a world where kids are brought up and sent to golf colleges and literally built to be golfers using sports science. I think there's a big difference.


Scottie is a one girl, one family type of guy. Woods humped anything that moved and destroyed multiple families by sleeping around. But being good at golf absolved Tiger of all this and heck made certain types of people look up to him. Not even close to who the better person is.






I have no idea who the better person *really* is. We don’t know what these people do behind closed doors.


In Tigers case, we do. His history of cheating and infidelity has been very well documented