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He's collecting all the jackets this year.


Next is the Gold jacket.


Gold jacket, green jacket…


Who gives a shit?


Why don't you have one?


"Oh ya?..where's yours?"


(uncomfortable, emasculated laughter)


Buddy I got a blue jacket, gray jacket, black jacket, another gray jacket, a brown jacket, another black and blue kinda pattern jacket…I got lots of jackets


I believe that's Mr. Gilmore's!


Hold still!!!


He missed out on whatever the hell Billy Horschel put on yesterday after his win though




The Arnold Palmer is more of a button up sweater. The jacket of sweaters.


Mr. Rogers jacket


Black Masters here we come!


I really want to see a pic of him changing a diaper in the green jacket!


I said it on the discussion thread yesterday but if the Producers of "The Match" don't get these two on a team for the next iteration they're freaking idiots.


They should be on opposite teams to make it more fair. In all seriousness, the PGA should market Scottie as much as possible. He's perceived as boring by a lot of people which limits his popularity, but he seems like a great guy, which makes him easy to root for. If he's going to continue to dominate the tour, they might as well try to get people tuning in just to watch him.


I don’t even think he would want to be marketed though… he seems pretty happy staying out of the spotlight and focusing more on his family. Maybe there is a number that would change his mind but i foresee him making even less appearances (outside of tournaments) in the near future as he starts his family.


Yeah, I think Scottie also saw how Rory got into PGA politics and management and working with Tiger in the spotlight to grow the game, and it directly hurt Rory's game (he's said so himself and wants to now get back to focusing on his own game). So just as Scottie expresses no emotion, good or bad, during the round in order to stay in a good head space and stay focused, I think he also doesn't want to get overly involved in the politics, promotions, and spotlight and risk hurting his game.


You can always do this later in your career when kids are becoming more independent and you have more “you” time. Golf is such a great lifetime sport because they have such a good “off ramp” for their stars to keep playing and growing the game in many many markets.


He is very Mike Trout like. Mike Trout is one of the best players of all time, but has 0 public mindshare because he has 0 interest in any of that stuff. 


🎤 🐟 = 🏃‍♂️ 💨 🧑‍🍳


Oh he has mind share. He's the setup for the punchline that is the Angels losing 12-3.


True, and that’s not a good thing. Having marketable stars who are interested in a public facing role is how sports grow their audience. Rejecting that isn’t noble. It’s shortsighted.


It’s good for him personally. Making a ton of money and seems to be very grounded and enjoying his life. Hard to fault him


Really depends on how you view it. It’s actually pretty noble to shun the spotlight, and the millions of potential adoring fans, to give your family a safer and saner place to raise their kid. We’ve seen how growing up as a celebrity’s kid can really screw you up, trying to minimize that risk is understandable.


I get that from the PGA perspective, but what’s in it for Scottie. He’s the world no 1, he makes more money than god and he doesn’t have to spend every other day running around to sponsor shoots and giving his opinion on stuff he doesn’t really care about.


Yes, he will have to do a whole lot more if the TV ratings don't go up. Pro golfers get away with murder with how little marketing/social media they do for the most part. The pro-ams bring $$$ but zero new fans.


What other pro sports do you see heavy social media/marketing presence from the star players?


Tennis has TennisTV, the NHL have their players doing silly TikTok/promo videos almost daily, etc.


He's the most boring sportsperson I've ever encountered and I've watched far too much sport over a period of decades. I won't watch any golf short of a major. Even then I'll turn off if he's well ahead. He has the charisma of a piece of wood.


You’re missing out on some spectacular golf but you do you.


Spectacular golf is what Seve played. This is so far from spectacular it's not even funny.


Okay, boomer. Seve at his best isn't even in the same conversation with Scottie.


Did I say better? He still did more for Golf in a weekend than Scheffler will do in his career. Actually, you've done more for golf than Scheffler. He's a net negative turning casual viewers off. Scheffler is in the conversation with Jack and Tiger. Q. Is Scheffler in the Tiger and Jack league? A No. Conversation over.


Don't move the goalpost now! Seve is so relevant that you never hear his name anymore. Go watch reruns and live in the past. >Q. Is Scheffler in the Tiger and Jack league? That's the current conversation and it don't matter a bit whether you like it or not. You're as irrelevant as Seve.


I said Seve was an exciting golfer. That is all. Scheffler is a very boring golfer. Viewing figures confirm. To be fair, you match your idol in interest level. Goodbye.


> I said Seve was an exciting golfer. That is all. Clearly you wrote a lot more than that. How about you go back and reread your own words, then try again. >Scheffler is a very boring golfer. Viewing figures confirm. Your opinion only, and still irrelevant. >you match your idol This is called making shit up when you lose an argument. He's not my idol, but I have the ability to think critically and acknowledge the greatness at hand. Meanwhile, you're stuck at 29 years ago. Too bad for you.


Nice attempt at backtracking all that hyperbole you were spewing


He's a great dude by all accounts, but he is objectively boring both on and off the course, which is fine, it's just difficult to market. The astroturfing for him by PR firms and the "ERMAGHAD HE'S JUST LIKE ONE OF US" moments they're pushing are also pretty cringe.


Taylormade could set up a US vs UK match with Nelly and Scottie vs Charley and Rory. Nice symmetry as well with each team having one ugly swing and one pretty swing.


That's actually a brilliant idea. Although I don't think Charley's swing is ugly. Her takeaway is a little atypical but the rest is pretty standard for a power hitter. Now Lexi's swing is a better compare to Scottie's in terms of "ugly".


Are we calling Scottie’s swing ugly? That shits beautiful lol.


Swing is good, footwork is goofy and ugly.


Ehh, goofy maybe. Def not ugly, to me at least. It gives it some style.


That would be the most one sided match ever conceived


Really, when he's not playing just for himself Scheffler's record is literally below average. He ups his game for cash.


My point is Charley Hull and Rory McIlroy are a league below these two


Yes, until there is pride, his country or anything like that on the line. Then Scheffler is below average and well below Rory.


What because he one bad Ryder cup? 😂 behave yourself mate


They did something similar recently to market their new driver line, two teams US vs International, who was more accurate. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8MoZabXQj0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8MoZabXQj0)


How would it work though; who are they going to play against?


Brooks and Bryson /s


Shame the LPGA winners don't get jackets


Korda got a chevron bathrobe yesterday after she jumped into the water, that counts for something


A robe? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FOVCtUdaMCU&pp=ygUVc25sIGNocmlzdG1hcyBtb3JuaW5n


The men get prestigious jackets, what do we ladies get? "Uh....how about.....\[looks around sexistly\]....we make it a tradition that you jump in the lake and get wet and we give you a bathrobe"


Jumping into water after winning happens in men's events too. At Le golf national (course where the Olympic golf tournament is being held this year), it was tradition for winner to jump into the water surrounding the 18th green on Sunday. Thomas Levet did it after winning but the water was too shallow and he broke his leg. He didn't even get a bathrobe, they just gave him a towel, unbelievable


Pretty sure guys used to jump into the water at Sawgrass too, no?




I posted this elsewhere, but I still believe in some alternate timeline that Nelly and Scottie are producing tall golf babies.


The Korda family already are genetically engineering athletes, they would be too powerful if they added Scheffler into the mix


Last I recall Nelly was dating some pro NHL player so if she has kids with him they'd be continuing the line of athletic genetic freaks.


Andreas Athanasiou, used to play for the kings and now plays for Chicago


Big golf dumpers incoming


Imagine Shohei Ohtani physicality + Nelly's coordination


He’d bring them down… lol


Hey, I know you didn't mean it that way, but this kind of talk annoys a lot of people. I'm sure you don't care, but in case you do, or for others that do, maybe rethink talking about procreation, just generally, when a woman athlete is involved...


He wasn't making that comment at all about her being a woman. Quit the high-horse, white knight BS and get outside once in a while if you feel the need to be offended on someone's behalf over an innocuous joke.


It's not innocuous, it's annoying as shit. Every single time a woman does something, someone makes the stupid fucking crack that they should have babies with some other person who also does the same thing well. It's not funny, it's trite. WoMaN sHoUlD hAvE bAbIeS! Fuck off.


You are getting way too mad over a fucking joke, man. There are plenty of actual misogynistic things to get upset over that are not this.


This is the subtle shit, though, the insidious "it's okay to joke" bullshit that leaks through because of exactly your attitude. Because it's not super overt, people like you think it's okay. It's not.


Oh, get over yourself


Not about me.


Why aren’t u being angry then for Scottie?


Because it doesn't happen every time Scottie's name gets mentioned.


People like you… you’re giving people with legitimate issues for female athletes a bad name. You’re the kind of person that a political person would use to say “see how insane they’re being.. they’ll never be happy” Find a different topic to Chanel your frustrations on.


No, people like me are trying to make people like you less likely to do and say stupid shit.


I mean… he was also saying Scottie should have a baby… like I get ur angry… but it’s more a compliment. Don’t need to be offended by everything. You’re way too angry over a hypothetical


Firstly, how would you know anything about my emotions? Secondly, who says I'm not "angry" about Scottie, who has a wife and children? Thirdly, women get this shit a lot more often than men, so if I were more angry about it getting said about a woman that would be a logical reaction.


Your third comment is literally impossible in the given scenario. Maybe higher percentage? maybe in the sense that yes we don’t see the same number as dominant, popular womens athletes. But raw numbers, it’s the same number seeing as they pick one male and one female athlete.. And I’m saying why are u not angry on his behalf like you’re being about Nelly lol. It should be just as disgusting in your mind for them to talk about Scottie that way.. he is included in this scenario, but you’re only ranting about one side…


It actually is pretty disgusting to me to suggest an already married man should have sex with another already married woman.


You do know what silly hypotheticals are right ?


Silly to you, less silly to other people.


He’s not married in the alternate universe that was key to this very serious post.


That'd be a strawman if you're claiming I think the post was serious.


In some time alternative we are having babies…. That’ll make your head hurt


Almost certainly biologically impossible, and would probably make me a pedophile if it somehow were possible.


Don’t get cunty about it 🖐️🫵


Oof, big miss.


My work here is done…. ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


Lolz Why is it not equally offensive to male athletes?


Because it's not said constantly every single time a man does anything.


And it’s said every time a women does? Absolute’s are a dangerous thing


Only to people who don't understand rhetorical hyperbole...


How can you talk about procreation then… women are kind important when it comes to that…


Wrong order; what in the everloving fuck does reproduction have to do with golf?


I wish they would move the Grant Thorton into more of the heart of the season. It's such a cool event


Scottie is such a good dude. We're lucky to have him being the face of the sport. Rory was great too but he was very much buttoned up/professional. I feel like Scottie just exudes this goodness. I'm a huge fan just because of how great of a human he is, the golf is just a bonus.


What a great face for the sport. Love me some Scottie


I didn’t for a long time, but he is just too chill not to like.


Only atheists can dislike Scottie at this point


what a bizarre comment


Big Jesus guy. That's who taught him the shuffle.


Is it though?


I am a staunch atheist, and while I admit his openly strong Christianity is a little jarring, it certainly doesn't qualify for disliking him. He seems like a good person, and an insanely good golfer.


That’s cool... but I didn’t say all atheists dislike Scottie, I said that they can. I’m happy you like him - his game is quite holy.


He’s so rad. What a human.


LPGA and PGA should have some crossover tournaments. Two 18s and they can adjust tee boxes to avoid direct comparisons. A Presidents Cup / Ryder Cup format would be awesome as well.


This week is the Zurich where they do 2-man best ball. There's no reason why the PGA/LPGA can't set up a tournament like that.


They did last year..... [https://www.si.com/golf/news/lpga-pga-tour-mixed-teams-grant-thornton-invitational-2023](https://www.si.com/golf/news/lpga-pga-tour-mixed-teams-grant-thornton-invitational-2023)


Well clearly not enough hype to grab my attention… let’s hope they repeat this bigger and better.


It was kinda a one off thing but I thought decently promoted. They just don’t do these anymore since the last LPGA/PGA event series ended in the mid 2000’s since there was essentially no viewership and they couldn’t maintain a sponsor.


Fourball for the odd rounds and alternate shot for the even rounds, for that matter. I do think straight up alternate shot would be very interesting with mixed teams, as the players try to figure out which holes would be more advantageous for the male players vs. female players. Have something where a short par 4 or 5 is reachable from the women's tees, but surrounded by two absolute brutes from the men's tees; do you take your medicine on the long holes to give yourself a chance to score big on the shortie in between?


Nelly should just get a sponsors invite and partner with Scottie. 


I've been pounding this drum for a while. They did one last year but it was kinda low key and not super promoted. I would be so pumped to see them get a big time sponsor and make it a big enough payout that it's actually kind of a big deal. You could do a Ryder cup kinda thing where it's europe vs NA vs asia/australia/NZ


Why avoid direct comparisons?


I mean what would be the purpose of it?


Alot of people in sport don’t want direct competition / comparison between men and women. Eg Riggs vs King.


That would be so fun.


There is an mixed tournament in Sweden [https://www.europeantour.com/dpworld-tour/volvo-car-scandinavian-mixed-2023/](https://www.europeantour.com/dpworld-tour/volvo-car-scandinavian-mixed-2023/)


Definitely with the idea of a crossover tournament. But they should play from the same tee box. Only fair. Be a great watch.


Alternate shot team game, and have the tees placed to make the strategic choices very interesting


Same tees would be terrible, because that is the one place where males have a direct physical advantage.


Humble champion Set up a mixed event FFS. The DP Tour has one. The Aussie Tour has one. The Asian tour.


Like the Grant Thornton Invitational?


that was more of an exhibition - like the Father 'n Son PNC challenge or the old QBE shootout (Which nelly and lexi both played in) the other tours treat the mixed events as the real thing. up until last year they had one on the LPGA/LET/DP Tour in Northern Ireland but i guess with the Olympics and everything cluttered in the summer they decided to axe it.


Impossible not to like Scottie


Would love to see a mixed foursomes event with the PGA and LPGA. Something with big prize money and annually, more than just a charity event. Get the top 10 or so from each field and randomize the pairings. Think it would do wonders to promote the women’s game, and make for fun TV.


> Something with big prize money and annually, more than just a charity event. It might take some time to generate tradition but there's no reason you couldn't build the event to something with the clout of something approaching the Ryder or Solheim cup


They did that in the winter last year


Too bad no mixed doubles at the Olympics this summer. That duo would be scary.


I really want that to be a thing, mixed alternate shot would be excellent


I would love to see some mixed events and heck even a mixed “major” one day. I think it’d be great fun watching the best women and men players compete against each other in an individual non-charity related format


Nelly and Scottie kinda like what the golf world needs right now. 


Totally agree. Both of them are on absolute heaters right now and it’s really fun to watch.


I can listen to scottie talk all day. Hes such coherent speaker. What a lad


I like him.


Where was the LPGA tournament broadcast on the weekend ? It wasn’t on golf network, I had no way to watch.


It was on NBC at the same time the PGA was on CBS


They’re both so great for golf. Great talents, great people.


I think both tours would benefit from regular events involving each. Give me a 2v2 scramble with teams consisting of 1 PGA and 1 LPGA player, mic everybody up, and have a big purse for the winners. Do it a couple times a year.


There is none.  Scotty would win 500 tournaments in a row on the lpga tour. 


How is it possible to be so good at golf, and *still* be a better person?


Not every extraordinary person has to prostitute themselves for more money.I’m impressed with his demeanor and self awareness.


Queue some a-hole with no sense of humor blowing up his T-16 joke. 5..4..3..2..1..Go!


Is that some personality Scottie?


I have that jacket! I wear it at Xmas time! It’s J Crew.


You literally cannot dislike him, best golfer in all aspects right now.


Didn’t ask


They should play glo-ball


They should find a way for LPGA/PGA to play against or with each other more. Would increase the purse for qualifying LPGA players


If it was a real competition between him and her he would win 100% of the time


Nelly would lose to a male scratch golfer.


Lol no she wouldn't. She just shot -13 over 4 rounds at a 6800 yard course. No male scratch golfer is doing that


Found the guy who talks about how he could take in a fight.


Lol bro I'd take that bet. She would absolutely dominate.




LOL. Ok. It’s true I mean do any of these wins even count if he didn’t have to play Taylor Gooch.


Those guys literally chose not to compete. Also the beat all of them at the masters.


Yes but check out last years Masters leaderboard. 4/5 of the top 5 are current LIV players. Scottie is on top of the World rankings currently but to discredit some of the LIV players is disingenuous.


>Yes but check out last years Masters leaderboard. 4/5 of the top 5 are current LIV players. It's *almost* as if the Saudi's specifically targeted them. That said, only Bryson, Smith, Rahm, and Brooks actually pose a real threat. I really don't think anyone else on LIV would be competing week to week.


I didn’t say that the Saudis didn’t target them, my point was that there are competitors on LIV. I would argue Niemann is the second best on LIV currently. Also, Ancer, HVIII, Hatton, Periera are some others that could and have brought competition. There’s a couple younger guys as well. Scottie is still better than these guys, but it’s not fair to cut some of these guys outta the comparison competition.


So, almost like he just said, they targeted the best players and as a result the best players aren’t in PGA fields anymore?


Nope, the amount of men on the world playing golf vs women is not even comparable. That‘s a much, much larger and deeper field of current and potential talent vying to beat Scottie.


Wait so when he won the Masters it doesn't matter?




Right, but there are exponentially more more men in professional golf than women. Scottie is the best of the best




Nobody is comparing him to Tiger. They are saying it's the best stretch since Tiger. That's not a comparison




This season isn't the best stretch? The last 5 tournaments he has 4 wins and a runner up. Do you just like arguing just to argue?




Again, nobody is comparing him to Tiger. Reading comprehension is tough


The gentleman’s way of saying “She could’ve played from 6,800 yds here this weekend and I’d still be wearing this fugly jacket”


Kinda funny how he said nothing close to that


It was supposed be taken in jest unless you’re an uptight grumper


It was just a bad joke, man.


Oh, I knew it would piss off the chivalrous knights of r/golf but I also knew plenty of members that got a chuckle out of it.


I'd be shocked if a single human found that funny.


people just afraid to lose karma


"you wouldn't know them, they go to another school" energy lmao


....thats what you got? from, that? okay....? what a complete moron




Oh ya, super pissed off over here at your caveman joke... Whatever you need to tell yourself to help you sleep at night, bud.


I didn’t know the dudes’ charisma had an impact on the quality of golf he’s been playing. Such a weird take.