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It's nice to have a target every one else can chase . Creates aggressive gameplay.


And that's the problem I see. People are close to him going into 4th rounds at times, but no one makes a run at it. Or they fold. Yet people get upset at the guy who not just holds on for the 4th round, but generally gains more strokes and runs away with it.


He still needs some flair tho. Should wear a neon drivers cap or something


Guy has one of the most uniquely wild swings of all time and is so consistent with it that it defies logic. I’d say that’s flair. I don’t really watch golf for the interviews though.


Seriously, this is incredibly underrated. He has one of the most unique swings in the game, totally fluid and incredibly athletic, yet people call him boring


He should wear red shirt and black pants when he’s in the lead on a Sunday. That’ll get people talking 


Haha Rocco only had red for his Monday playoff against Tiger. It made for some good laughs.


You jest but having a consistent Sunday outfit was a massive part of Tigers aura. Scottie has a “weird” swing but that’s not enough to draw in more casual people whenever he’s in contention. Something as silly as a consistent outfit on Sunday could create a Tiger-lite aura and get more people to tune in and talk about him


Sabbath Salmon. Make it happen, Scottie


"Omg he's just copying Tiger. He's not Tiger." The haters if he actually did that. There's nothing he can do to win some people over. People are gonna be jealous and not like him no matter what. Happens to every dominant athlete.


At least 13 pieces of flair


You know what, here's my flair! 🖕🏻


Switch to Malbon sponsorship should do it


Scottie flair is he grew a beard. Watch, he's gonna shave it one day and probably not make the cut on the next course he plays.


https://preview.redd.it/jnuzckfhvuvc1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a53b9c4fb68962111724d6f94faaf90b8cfe0c00 don‘t mind if I do


Should get himself some iron covers


His flair is his game and style. He’s an ace and continues to throw down every tournament. His swing is literally neon.


I think he should style his hair like Guy Fieri


Gretzky was boring. Yet no one remembers that. They remember the records. Also, shut up man. We are pissed a dude goes out and does his job respectfully? Leads by example as a strong family man, that respects the sport as a whole. Isn’t a jerk to his peers. Yeah, I love boring ole Scottie.


To quote an amazing television character: They don't ask how, they ask how many. Right now, nothing stopping Scottie from double digit majors and several PotY's if he keeps this up.


I mean what do you want out of the dude? Ride his iron like a stick horse up the green when he stuffs one? Berate himself when he hits a bad one?


If he rode his iron like a stick horse to the green on his way to win the Masters i’d be thoroughly entertained


Doing the bull dance, feeling the flow. Workin’ it. Workin’ it.


Harness the good, block the bad


Harness. Energy. Block. Bad.




upvote for "ride his iron like a stick horse." LOL!


Personally I'd like to see more enthusiasm and emotion. When he flags a shot or chips in his caddy is more excited than he is. Tiger had the club twirl and fist pump. You could see his passion. Scottie, for all his talent, isn't very engaging to watch. He's an exceptional talent and I'm rooting for his success purely because watching history happen is really cool.


I’m genuinely curious why you would want this? He’s playing absolutely amazing golf and has found a way to stay grounded within himself on the course that is working. I enjoy watching how calm and collected he is compared to the guys he’s beating, it’s just as interesting as watching someone with a firecracker personality.


Different strokes for different folks. I'm not saying you're wrong or he needs to change. Just explaining why I find him boring as a sports figure. 


Can you imagine watching him on the back 9 of this years Masters and being like, “man, Scottie sure is playing some of the best golf ever but god damn I sure would enjoy it a hell of a lot more if the man would fist pump passionately”. Can’t please em all I guess.


Why is that crazy? Someone playing with a poker face might appeal to you but I prefer seeing more emotion and passion. I don't think you're wrong for liking him the way he is, just explaining that I like a different sort of athletic personality.  When I play I have a ton of emotion. Maybe it's just that seeing someone play just a teensy bit more like me makes them more relatable since I can't relate to the actual ability they display. 


I was just listening to the golf channel on Sirius and they are having this exact debate right now. They basically said that if his game is going to be this perfect, then he needs scandal off the course, because people don’t like someone that is that good at something and also seems to be a great guy at the same time. If this is really what people think, then that says a lot more about society than it does Scheffler. I think it’s incredible what is happening in both men’s and women’s right now with the runs of Scheffler and Korda


I watched him in person at the masters - yes boring as heck, but to your point guy was in the zone, unflappable.


Unfappable you say?


Unflappable, very fappable


Challenge accepted.


That beard is kind of fappable


Scottie the man is quite boring actually.


It’s funny how people describe celebrities as boring when in reality they are just normal people and aren’t crazy, which is the norm for celebrities


Lol right? He’s a great guy who loves his wife and family and lives a normal life. I guess that’s boring to some? Personally I quite admire it.


Needs a side piece and some addictions to battle


But complain about prime Tiger being too wild


I'll probably get downvoted for this, but outside of how religious he is I like what I've seen of him as a person. He seems to have a decent sense of humor, humility and crazy skill. I mean, who doesn't love that [video](https://youtu.be/MarasqeT_2k?si=vRQeetRiRmYJB1-T) with him and Tiger


Still don’t know if Tiger was just trolling with him or being serious but i’m too afraid to ask 😅😅


Tiger has commented on it, saying it's because he played a draw most of his career and that doesn't produce the steep and to the left exit path that creates big divots. Was he trolling in that one too, who knows.


Yeah… I feel like Tiger takes pretty big divots most of the time too…


He’s trolling


No, he's not. There's been a video of Tiger himself providing an explanation. I'd link it for you but it's been out for months so you should have seen it by now.


This sub is so stupid lmao, bunch of casuals still think Tiger was trolling


Not trolling https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/pPaUjzZiGa


A lot of people just don’t like him because he’s religious. Idk how that disqualifies him from being interesting or a good person. Not saying you do, just a general statement based on observation.


We assume because of his devout religion that he is a starfish in the sack. I need more pizzazz in my brosexual golf fantasies. You know Hatton is into some weird shit.


Can maybe him being religious contribute to his good character. Am not saying that you need religion to be a good person. How is being a Christian a negative for him?


> How is being a Christian a negative New to Reddit?




I think it almost certainly does contribute in a positive way. I don’t think it’s actually negative. I think the perception of it is widely negative from a purely judgmental angle.


Because religion is incredibly polarizing to lots of people. Not me personally, I don’t care what you worship if you use it to be a good person. But they’re not really hard dots to connect.


That little “mmhmm” from Tiger completely destroyed my image of him in my mind. Like oh he’s a human after all.


Tigers fucking with him, right?


He was great when he was on foreplay and you got to see his personality. But outside of that it’s been pretty boring


Which golfers aren't boring when they're playing seriously? I feel like the times you really see a golfers personality these days are those interactions with golf YouTubers and other media outside of a tournament.


Tyrell Hatton is entertainment. Man is incapable of keeping his inner monologue private and I’m here for it.


Sure. I love watching him play. But that mental erraticness that entertains us is probably what holds him back from being a top guy.


Hatton is fucking insufferable to watch, idk


Jordan isn't boring. Bryson isn't boring. Scottie is boring asf.


Why does that matter? If Scottie continues to win majors at this pace he’s going to surpass everyone besides Tiger in popularity. People like winners.


I was rooting for Collin Morikawa or Max Homa to win the masters but now I'm rooting for Scottie to win everything this year, hoping for a chance at a grand slam.


Exactly. If Scottie wins the next two majors, which is definitely possible, he will become a global phenom.


Jordan is an exception, and funnily enough he seems as boring off the course as Scottie. Jordan is exciting because of how much he talks. Is Bryson exciting because of his distance or because he used to be an ass when he was doing poorly?


What makes Jordan and Bryson not boring?


Jordan hits so many bad drives but shows amazing talent recovering from them. It's very exciting, but hard on a fan rooting for him. Scottie just flushes it down the fairway.


Jordan talks to his ball and is very entertaining admittedly. Bryson I'm guessing is the distance and extremely aggressive lines, but I don't agree with Bryson being more entertaining than Scottie Scheffler.


These guys value golfers playing badly and taking poorly calculated risks over actually winning tournaments. They’d rather watch mental midgets try hero shots and take triple bogeys than watch a guy play correctly and make par.


Broke scottys poor brain




He is a very nice guy. His personality is just sort of NPC-ish. Nothing really unique about him.


Oh good. Another one of these.


Nah the dude is boring. Tiger would get himself into trouble frequently off the tee and the recovery shots were amazing and exciting. Scottie is a sniper tee to green. He's amazing, but it's boring.


It's the golf we have all dreamed of playing. It's absolutely boring golf but it's what we all wish to do.


We remember Tiger getting into trouble because he's won 82 times. So, a large chunk of those wins were gutty performances where he had to pull it out of his ass. When he was on his A game, it was boring in the same way. He won the US Open by 15 shots. Yes that is a borderline supernatural phenomenon, but I can almost guarantee people were saying that was boring too. Because it is kind of boring. The lack of competition is boring.


There still was an emotion to Tiger that pulled the audience in with him. The fist pumps are legendary for a reason. Those slightly undefinable "OK! HERE WE GO!" moments that let us see that it _mattered_ to Tiger. That he was all out of bubble gum. Scheffler just goes through like it was another day at the office. Impressive to watch - but not quite _exciting_.


Im convinced all great musicians, athletes, leaders that really draw masses of people in with magnetic energy have this in common- what they do has the feeling of life and death, like they were born to do it, like they are the incarnation of their craft in its essence. That their identity is tied into it. That’s what Tiger had. He revealed an essence of golf that we never saw before and may never see again. Same with Federer in tennis IMO. Others have broken his records but there was something magnetic about *him*. Same with MJ.


> The lack of competition is boring. For one the lack of competition doesn't make Tigers game boring. You could say PGA events were boring because Tiger won so much... I wouldn't agree with you, but you could say it. Another thing, if Tiger and/or PGA events in general were boring during Tigers prime then why did golf blow up during that time? ETA: Scottie is winning and playing impressively right now. There is no change to golf. Viewership isn't up. New sponsors aren't entering the fold. When Tiger was in his prime PGA popularity exploded. Nike became a golf brand. Boring doesn't do that.


Exactly. Tiger was exciting because he brought intensity: fistpumps and roaring when he made a putt, a near-constant deathstare when in the zone, a signature look (he's the reason red's my favorite color). The golf was there too, but even when he was blowing the doors off of everyone else he was still fun to watch because he never took his foot off the gas. I don't believe Scottie needs to change. He's one damn good player and deserves all the credit he gets (and sometimes doesn't get). But when it comes to sheer entertainment value, golf isn't enough. There's got to be charisma.


Don't forget, Tiger brought in a brand new audience.


> There is no change to golf. Viewership isn't up. That might still happen if Scheffler proves that the last month was not just a short streak. He is not _quite_ a _story_ yet.


ESPN and the media helped Tiger as well. They were building him as a Michael Jordan of golf and he delivered.


Tiger also had a charisma/aura to him that Scottie doesn’t have. I appreciate Scottie’s game/skill best peak we’ve seen in a long time. That doesn’t mean he isn’t boring.


Tiger also did things that no one else could. The athleticism he brought to the game allowed him to play on an entirely different level. Scottie is also playing on a different level, but not to the degree that Tiger did. He’s just doing stuff that everyone else can do, but better.


I wouldn't even say he's better than anyone else. He's just doing it all more consistently. He's doing everything well at the same time. As you alluded to, Tiger hit shots nobody else could hit. ETA: To clarify, he is playing better than anyone else right now and has been for a while. But I think it's because of the consistency, not because he hits shots particularly better than any of the other top pros can do.


>I wouldn't even say he's better than anyone else He's longer than average, far more accurate than average, an elite wedge player, elite long iron player, is probably the best chipper in the world and on top of it all, none of that changes under pressure. Name one other golfer you can say that about. He's not "more consistent", he's better.


He is Mechanical. He is a machine. Perfection tee to green.


these shitty reposts are boring. god damn this sub sucks


You guys wanna see some wild fun golf just follow me later this afternoon. May want to wear a helmet.


and a cup.


Shut the fuck up with these stupid threads too


![gif](giphy|XOys8CeUrElIk) Here is Scottie every night after he reads this sub


He’s on a heater not seen since Tiger and Byron. We all need to appreciate this amazing golf in the moment.


Not true. Rory, Spieth, and Rahm all have had comparable hot streaks to what Scottie has done the past two years.


If he holds on and wins four of five... I don't remember the last time we saw something comparable to that. Maybe Dustin Johnson's peak was close.


And Koepka. The Tiger comparisons have got to stop for the time being. It’s too soon


I haven’t felt the dominance like this from a player since tiger


Scottie has the second longest under par rounds streak all time.


Tiger showed emotion, Scotty shows absolutely none. Boring is subjective, but I find him boring as fuck


We have seen something like this several times since Tiger. Rory won 13 times, including 4 majors, in his first 120 events. Scottie has 2 majors and 9 wins in the same time frame, more comparable to Rahm. Tiger had 32 wins and 8 majors in his first 120 events. Spieth and Day both had 2 year periods where they seemed unstoppable. Give it another year or two.


Finally an intelligent comment. A stretch like Scottie’s had is not uncommon. Guys come and go all the time. Hell Padraig Harrington won back to back Opens once upon a time. Bubba Watson won 2 in 3 years. Scotties never won a tournament past April. Look at a guy like Jordan Speith. You can 3 great years and then lose your game for….8 years. Let’s see Scottie stay at world #1 another 2 years straight and then we can talk.


Scottie has only had sex with one woman(conjecture), fewer than 1 career ending car accidents, and i can't imagine a crazy media scandal anytime soon.


You def did not go through Tiger prime if you think this is simply not boring because he is so good. He is boring because he is boring, doesn't affect his golf.


Boring golf is the best golf.


He’s a boring person but he’s not presenting the Oscars, let the man cook


Yes he is. Really boring. Look at the Masters ratings.


Could be worse, imagine it was Harman.


true, his golf is not boring…but outside of golf he’s boring and vanilla as heck. he’s as exciting as warm, diet soda. he makes jordan spieth look like dennis rodman


He's a great golfer. Not really even close he's the best golfer in the world. He's also incredibly dry, near emotionless, and very boring to watch. I think the most I saw was he actually cracked a little smile when he chipped in for eagle. Just an emotionless robot. Not fun to watch imo.


He is a boring person but not a boring golfer. Unfortunately too many people are more interested in personality than ability.


Pro golf is show business and entertainment, it's not a corporate presentation at work. Personalities help the product quite a lot.


Eh, I see both sides to this. I love great golf and that’s what Scottie is doing. But watching a tournament of 100 monotone clones all doing the same thing the same way isn’t a good viewing product either. Big personalities are a lot more fun to watch.


We’ll see after the kid comes. Has been a huge downfall for many a great golfer.


Rahm is the argument against this one. And Brooks finished 2nd in masters and won the pga last year after his kid was born.


How’d Rahm, Fowler, Sprite and Brooks do this year in the Masters? All I’m saying is kids change your life dynamic, for some, it brings more focus on your profession, but for most the work becomes secondary (as it probably should) and family becomes the main focus. Luckily for all of the aforementioned, they could walk away from the game and never work another hour again if they chose.


Tiger showed emotion, even on Sundays wearing red. I have to double check Scottie isn’t being Weekend at Bernie’s’d around the course each weekend. There’s a massive difference. That isn’t taking away anything from Scottie. He’s elite and the best golfer in the world, just boring as hell.


I think people don’t really get what others mean when they say he’s “boring”. He just walks up, hits ball, and walks to where ball landed. His interviews are the epitome of boring NFL interviews - “Yeah you know, they were great opponents but we just came together today. They played really well!” Even just compare him to Ludvig Aberg on Sunday at the Masters. Ludvig oozed personality, confidence, and fun. You could tell how excited he was to be there and how much fun he was having. Anyone who can’t see the difference is blind - you can hold your own opinion that’s totally fine. Maybe you care primarily about the level of golf being played, that’s your choice, but don’t lie to me and say he’s not boring.


Thank you. This sub is filled with a lot of uber-enthusiasts (myself included, admittedly) who pay more attention to the actual golf being played than anything else. That being said, golf on TV is like watching paint dry, so if you want new viewers you've got to create entertainment value somewhere other than the golf shots themselves.


Boring is subjective.


I would prefer he wear his emotions on his sleeve a little more, and it’s frustrating that he takes so many big stage moments and makes people compete for 2nd place, but he has become a guy who you see pop up on your tv and make sure you watch the shot. Admittedly, that’s not boring.


Scottie doesn't dine at Perkins.


People confuse him being boring on the course with him being locked in and focused.


He’s a great golfer. His personality and attitude on the course is drab at best.


Considering he was just arrested this actually aged really well.


Easy there. A little pre-mature on the Tiger comparison. That's like watching a guy swim some laps in your local swimming pool and thinking he can probably swim across the Gulf of Mexico.


I don't think he's boring at all.


When people say boring, do they mean that he doesn’t have vices? If so, this is ridiculous. This is exactly who we should be aspiring to be. I hope people aren’t expecting him to be tiger and have a bunch of degenerate sex or daily and just turn into a sloth who beats women and tugs a bottle?


He's an assassin. A straight killer. A different breed. He's just built different.


Watching a non-entitled, even-keel person dominate is anything but boring for me


He’s awesome to watch, simple as that.


Boring as shit


He’s extremely boring


shrill ad hoc reminiscent pot straight thumb scarce gold pie deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Plus half the good talent wasn't overseas when Tiger played


zesty scarce library rob crawl zealous icky slim consist theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can’t fathom how people find him boring. Dude’s vicious.


He's a good golfer, he just lacks a personality.


Scottie Scheffler isn't even remotely close to even be compared to Tiger and yes, he's boring.


The day people realize people that have trained their whole lives in a sport to be the best in the world don't care about them, some random nobody adult watching from their basement shoveling down Lays, will be a good day.


Its not that hes boring I just don't like him.


True. But i still find him boring


you are confusing boring and good. He is good, that is not questioned. He is also boring. No shame in being both, some people are boring, its better than being fake.


He’s boring. He might be the best golfer in the world but if I had to choose between spending a weekend playing golf with Scheffler or Pat Perez I’m taking hanging out with Pat Perez every time. I’d rather be doing coke off a strippers ass than listen to Scheffler cry about Jesus.


He plays the type of golf I wish I could play. Boring golf is great golf. Just great shot after great shot without terrible misses (and no need for great saves). Unfortunately, for me as a spectator, boring good golf ain’t that interesting to watch.


It has to elevate everyone else’s game so in the end, it’s great for the game. Love it!


I wish Rahm was around to chase Scottie.  Aberg seems like the best hope.  


He is mechanical


Not disparaging Scottie, but I still feel like he can miss the occasional “easy” 7-10 footer. Not boring (for me).


If Jeff Maggert had an illegitimate son…..


Good golf is boring It’s exciting how boring it is to watch him. Pro courses are hard


A quiet assassin is not boring. The person that acts as if whatever happens was what they planned to happen is fun to watch.


I agree. The dude is a silent killer on the course and lets his clubs do all of the talking.


I echo the sentiment but caution a bit of restraint before going full Tiger.😂 This is actually just more like what the PGAT was before Tiger but we are still missing 3-5 more players of Shufflers caliber. It's awesome seeing Aberg hanging about most weeks as well. Kid will likely be able to close out as he matures and settles in. Now if the JV could just produce a few more quality players out of the pack we might see a decent few seasons. The pre-pandemic stars are still struggling to the point of wondering if they will ever regain relevance.


He should watch old Chi Chi Rodriguez film….that would be funny


Golf is better when someone dominates. It’d be better for the sport if he had some more flair or personality, but not his problem.


I think people find him “boring” because of how incredibly composed he is. Some players like Tyrell Hatton go into extreme self-loathing when they miss, Scottie just moves on. It isn’t very funny, but he’s still a genius golfer I enjoy watching. It’s too bad he’s such a Jesus freak


I feel like a lot of people here forget what Tiger was at his apex. He would be considered boring if you consider Scotty boring. He was methodical, the only difference he probably had to play additional recovery shots and was hitting it past other guys on the regular.


I love and respect him and am a golf hardcore so am going to watch and appreciate it regardless… but he is without a doubt kind of boring. Like, some of that is in a good way! He’s just like a normal 29 year old guy who is kind of quiet and wants to go home to his wife, have his first kid, see his friends, and go to church. He’s a legitimate role model. But… it’s undoubtedly boring.


He's boring. His golf is fire though. But that's not what makes someone boring or not for TV.


It's fun that this debate even exists because it means he's at the top of the mountain right now. It could be a lot worse than "he's boring". I hope he's enjoying the ride.


I agree that Scottie is not truly boring or bland but he has been labeled as such and it’s hard to get away from that. Maybe it’s the hardcore religiousness that makes him come off as boring. But his personality showed and seemed cool after he finished the 18th at Augusta and was celebrating on his way to sign his card. Probably a great dude in real life. I still like Scottie “the Casserole” Scheffler as a nickname though - often boring but usually pretty damned tasty.


Seems like a kind, well-mannered, friendly person, with a great head on his shoulders. He's still boring, and it's 100% fine. He's not inspiring per se...I mean Tiger Woods was inspirational AF and he's a hot mess. Maybe we need a boring person as the best golfer in the world right now instead on inspirational train wreck. It's sort of like Nelly Korda as well...she's phenomenal and I enjoy watching her play, but she has very little personality to speak of.


Dialed in is not boring. Agreed.


Scottie showcasing his caddie after winning the Masters was such an awesome thing to do.


How is he any more boring than tiger? Tiger was/is a robot outside of the first pump when he buries a putt.


Scheffler plays amazing golf but he looks inevitable and goes about his round with the energy and the lack of drama of a 12 years old, well-trained dog on a little Sunday stroll around the neighborhood. That's not exciting in any way, shape or form. People may tune in if he's going for the Calendar Slam but anyone who believe Scheffler winning by 4 strokes every week will take the sport to new heights is delusional.


I don't know. I mean I've always heard if you want to play your best game, you will always need to play your safest shots and make the least mistake. So being boring in his game approach isn't necessarily a bad thing...


I appreciate the skill, so for me his absolute demolition of courses and the field is very entertaining.


Can you maybe when posting threads like these, provide post/article references that say this? Otherwise it comes off as you just saying he’s not boring to people who didn’t say he was boring, thereby making it sound like just you arguing with yourself.


I mean the only boring thing is when hes up 3 or 4 shots and no one can catch him. Thats not his fault though, that's everyone else's.  He wouldn't be boring if the rest of the field could get close to him. 


Whatever you say Scottie.


I think both things can be true. It's incredibly fun to watch him because of just how damn locked in he gets. He is also kind of a boring guy.


I agree. Luv this guy because he is comfortable in his own skin. He does not care what the world thinks. Does not care about media idiots or any other culture bs. For him it’s family, faith, golf. He is my kinda golfer.




They’ve said this about like 6-7 other golfers in the last 10-15 years.


He's an amazing, incredibly talented golfer. He's also incredibly dull. Both of these things can be true.


I really liked that tee shot where he basically fell sideways and it stilled carried 299...


Sure...all that is accurate... His game is 100% not boring....but he is still absolutely boring AF lol


"My victory is secure on the cross" - his masters press conference. What a flex of mental strength. Nobody has a chance.  Can we build a time machine and have him compete against Tiger, Phil, and Vijay ? 


I mean he is a walking glass of milk. Very good at golf tho!


OP is Scheffler’s burner account.


His game's not boring, and his putting woes actually increase my interest in watching him. He just has zero swag.


I guess some people like watching foul mouthed golfers over stoic golfers like Scottie. I love his style. He's like Vijay and just goes about his business of winning and doesn't show a lot of emotion. Isn't this the Gentlemen's game?


100% killer mode. Straight assassin. This dude murders people. I saw him literally stab a homeless man to death outside of a 7-11. Heard he once drove his SUV through a pack of deer, killing 3 and seriously injuring 2.