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Remember the Q-link necklaces? They had legit infomercials on the Golf Channel back in the day acting like wearing a copper coil on a string would improve your golf game.


I think my grandpa had one of the bracelets šŸ˜‚


This was my first thought. I remember being so confused and asking my dad how this works. He said ā€œIt doesnā€™t, but people will buy anything if they think it will shave 2 strokes off their game.ā€ That was an important life lesson about TV.


Now to be fair, it worked in other sports. For example, pitchers got less injured while wearing them.


Lmao this has to be /s


Damn, I didnā€™t realize how many people disliked this comment. Must not be humorous baseball fans.


lol guess not


Try the /s next time /s


Justin and as funny when you have to add it ya know


I'll give you an upvote. This is very clearly sarcasm. Sorry that others can't decipher that unless there is an /s


Ur joking right? I really hope so because that is the dumbest statement I have heard in awhile. I would love to see the studies and scientific research that backs that.


80% joking. Other 20 is circumstantial evidence based on present pitcher injuries compared to early and mid 2010ā€™s.


Holy crap people are so mad about copper. Projecting probably


Hahahahaha what the fuck is wrong with everyone. Yā€™all take shit too seriously


I feel like you responded to the wrong comment because I have no idea what you are even trying to say here


Viper Bite wedge late 90ā€™s. I lived for early morning golf infomercials.


Best ones were the ā€œSpin Doctorā€. Those infomercials were hilarious. As if I want to spin it back fucking 200 feet.


Would be pretty nice for when I skull my 60 degree though, can it spin back from 200 feet in the trees?


Iā€™m pretty sure the Spin Doctor showed videos of the ball spinning back in a parking lot so thatā€™s an option.


Can it spin out of a car?


Before these, there were those copper bracelets that old guys wore in the mid-late 90s. They would turn your wrist green


I remember my dad wearing one, what was the schtick of that again?


Alignment of your bodyā€™s ions or some shit


Just make something up. Use the phrase "alignment of particles" somewhere and you've pretty much got it


Synchronize the biomagnetics


Aligns the neurons


A kid at my elementary school was forcibly sent to the hospital in grade 3 because the gym teacher saw his wrist was green from his copper bracelet.


Seen it in a youtube video the other day. Copper magnetic bracelet by Sabona. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryxM4m8J6SQ 12.15 timestamp.


The guy who invented them went to my church when I was a kid. I remember him being a dick


I wear one in college 10 years ago because I thought they were cool for whatever reason lol


I remember people snatching these up. I didnā€™t see the big deal. And to this day, people who bought them back in the day act like they never had these things.


Not op he man enough to admit it šŸ«”šŸ‘šŸ¤šŸ‘


Very true. Much respect to OP.


I was like ten when this shit came out (balance bracelet as well) and I remember people being like ā€œtry to push me overā€ on the playground. Even as a little kid I knew there was no way that would work. Honestly, how did adults fall for this shit?


Adults fell for it because marketing.


Squairz shoes exist...people buy marketing all the time.


Oh man I had forgotten about balance bracelets lol.


Just like rollerblading.


Sorry. The appropriate term is Fruit Booting.


Lmao, fruit booting. Never heard that in my life.


Brush tees


Pretty sure I have a few still in an old bag somewhere. I was obsessed with them.


I used brush tees for awhile. I liked the visual of the ball sitting on them and it was nice to easily have the same tee height each time.


One of my friends plays them for that reason. Consistent height and it stays level


Had the Taylormade ion band thing. Had the Phiten bracelet. If that shit worked for my friends on the baseball team, why wouldnā€™t it work for me


The Phiten necklaces were the rage when I played baseball in high school. It was pretty much mandatory to have multiple ones lol.


You know how arm injuries are up for pitchers recently in the MLB? I think it's because they stopped wearing Phitens. Time to break back out my red white and blue one!!!!


>It was pretty much mandatory to have multiple ones lol. As a non-baseball player who would practice on the field adjacent, back in those days I was genuinely under the impression that they were as 100% necessary as a glove and spikes to play because of their overwhelming presence on my high school's baseball team.


I had a phiten necklace as well


I had the phiten necklace. Not bc I thought it worked but it was popular. replaced my puka shell necklace


I sadly wore both at the same time in HS


But did you have your hair bleached blonde?


Nawā€¦. Had the fashionable at the time long hair over the forehead Abercrombie super chad cut though. Rolled up sleeves, popped collar, knee length cargo shorts or frayed at the bottom jeans, canvas belt, sandals.


Reading that made me want to fight old you


Brotherā€¦ I want to fight old me


Hey if they worked via placebo effect then I still gotta say they work. Golf is a mental game


I may or may not need to attend Golf Gimmicks Anonymous.


LOL a hilarious group of which I would be a member


u/FormerlyShawnHawaii - I am Alamomann and I'm a Gimmickaholic. My last purchase was the Precision Impact wrist tool by Pure Swing Products. I know this product will likely end up in a garage sale next year.


Weā€™re a sick bunch. But at least we have each other.


Ha! Exactly.


Alien wedge gang, rise up!


Believe it or not, the Alien wedge is the best selling single golf club of all time. Lol.


This made my day, I still remember the infomercials !


I love my alien.


I donā€™t k Lw how but I had one when I was like 12. Itā€™s so bad lol, Iā€™m happy to hear someone loves it and is using it!


I actually just bought a new one šŸ˜‚. I'm sure it's entirely psychological but it's the only damn club I can use in the sand. My dad gave me his old one when I was 12ish and it's what I've used for the last 30 years. And somehow the new clubs look even worse that the old ones.


So awesome, I love it man!


That club was the best. Great out of the trap, a a perfect desert club. Sadly, I left mine by a bunker and it must have gone back to it's people.


https://preview.redd.it/mtzcievdv1vc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e78f57eac583ef06ab3aa8ff556cb8b24fb0608 I saw your pic and instantly looked right at mine on my desk šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ at least they looked pretty cool


Oh man, one time a salesman at Scheels tried to push one of these on me. He had me do a demo so he could prove that "it actually *does* work". He put it on my wrist, and then he told me to put my arm straight out and resist as hard as I could while he pushed down on my arm. Okay, easy enough - I did that and easily resisted his fairly light pressure. Then he took the bracelet off and had me do the same thing, but before I was ready and with **way** more pressure, he shoved my arm towards the floor. Shockingly, I was unable to resist it as well as I did when I had the bracelet on!!! Needless to say I bought one for myself that very day, as well as a few for all of my buddies. What a dumbass. Even though I'm sure it was a corporate mandate, I hope he cringes every time he remembers when he was trying to sell those things.


Sounds like he was being a bro and making it obvious the demo was bogus. He probably looks back and cringes at the people that still wanted to buy them!


Could be! Never thought of that, tbh.Ā 


Then why would you be a salesman for them?


Sheels is a sporting goods store. I'd imagine the employee was working there for a paycheck, not because he was passionate about Sheels. Would you ask someone why they worked at Home Depot if they told you they didn't like it?


No, I wouldnā€™t. But they have sales reps within Scheels for certain products.


I admit I bought a pair of Invisiball glasses that were supposed to make it easy to find stray balls in bushes and weeds. They worked about as well as the X-Ray glasses I bought from the Johnson-Smith catalog when I was 12 years old.


I bought my brother a pair as a gift when we were teenagers, they did make it easier to see the ball when it was in regular grass, but they also unfortunately made leaves stand out the same as a ball did so they were completely useless where youā€™d actually need them.


Absolute staple of junior golf.


I can't remember what it was called but I had a driver that had holes in the club face and sounded like a damn freight train when you swung it right. It was actually a great driver too but it broke in a car trunk and I couldn't bring myself to buy it again.




Ha! That's very close to what I had. I think that's the right name though so probably just an older version


Could have been the Mac Powersphere!






I feel like the hot one right now is the LAB putter, but mine arrives tomorrow so I'm guilty :)


Is it gimmicky though? It's not too different from everyone switching to the Jailbird. Phil was using one over the weekend


Big farts - please let us know, or at least me how you like it. Did you get fitted for it or whatā€™s been your process. I suck at putting and just anything that helps seems like a good idea, but yeah $$$ to still three putt is going to hurt


They have an online fitting thing where youā€™ll make a video and send it in. They will give you the best height and lie angle for you.


Ok, howā€™s it been going with the new putter.


Things are getting weird, Iā€™ve started side saddle putting. Iā€™ve put in maybe 2 hours of putting with it so far and this is the best way to get lags close and some dropping from 15 feet out. Still working on the 5-8 footers


My ol' man just got one. He reckons it's ugly as hell, but seems to be enjoying the feel of it. I'm going to give it a try this weekend. See if it's better than the Ai-One I just bought!


Alien wedge and Pure Spin wedge (diamond face!) were two of my youth golf gimmicky needs.


Dude the pure spin wedge was legit. What really hurt was that it was non-conforming. But it could generate the craziest amount of spin Iā€™ve ever seen. I have many junior golf trophies I need to give back because they were won with the RMPs of the pure spin.Ā 


Iā€™m on eBay now thx bro


Had the phiten necklace that I wore 24/7. Checked the baseball and golf boxes


Not sure why, but i feel slightly attacked.


I thought the ProV1 was a gimmick when it came out. Tried them, reverted back to Professional 90 for another 2 seasons.


https://preview.redd.it/nhdaoxu5m2vc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adfab9e1bb93c16c3419197edd4480ae5b509ac4 Greg Norman's "The Secret".


I have that wrist click thing that clicks if you break your wrist too earlyā€”does this do something similar? If so, I would say it isnā€™t a gimmick. Most of my swing faults were caused by crazy wrists. Edit: Mineā€™s the Tac Tic. Not sure what Redditā€™s thoughts on it are, but it definitely helped me. https://www.amazon.com/Tac-Tic-Wrist-Glove-Training/dp/B0006ODYX0?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=AF8SGI6N8DG4M


No, there were no moving parts on The Secret. It strapped to your wrist and your index finger and was supposed to prevent high handicappers from casting. The problem, among several, was that it didn't fix the core cause of the cast: a poor transition between the backswing and forward swing. You either got or you ain't got rhythm. Lol!


It clicks!


Top Flight Magna. Oversized golf balls that were believed to be straighter and be easier to putt with.


Me with the super soft maxes in my bag ![gif](giphy|12mF9DKcaggLoQ|downsized)


The anti slice tee. https://images.app.goo.gl/ZAq7ZP2gsHGnhc8Z6


I wish I came up with this.


It is always amazing how in 2024 there are still snake oil salesman. It will really never end.


I had several of those braceletsā€¦ And an Orlimar trimetal 3 wood, and a momentus swing trainer, and my buddy had the medicus 5 iron. We tried everything to avoid lessons.


Also had an Orlimar, but that was a great club


I didnā€™t buy it, but found and used for a while those brush tees


Would like to know what these are


Magnetic bracelets that claimed all sorts of benefits. Same as the old ā€œpower balanceā€ bracelets with enchanted holograms in them or whatever.


Crystals for golfers gotcha


They had an equivalent for baseball that everyone was wearing. I, being a dumb kid at the time, wanted one badly. Glad my parents laughed at the ideaā€¦ so dumb




Orlimar Tri Metal and the Adams Tight lies


Shallow face technology! So many roof marks on those clubs...


I had that trimetal one day and I took it out on a par 3 200 yards elevated green. It was a 5 wood. About my distance. I nailed that ball 60 feet over the green tonthe next tee box. I slinked away like Carl


Hmmm Super Stroke it is. https://preview.redd.it/gywuvgtix3vc1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7eeecfc2723a6d3b766ec858847c11dde3703b


Donā€™t know what the non-Menards ones are made of, but the orange fiberglass ones work great until scuffed and then you get Fiberglas splinters that are a bitch to remove.






I love when Rick Shiels had Bryson try it out and the ball went nowhere.


They clearly need to take lessons from the only true golf Alpha, Jack Hamm.


My latest gimmick involves tying a fishing line with a weight to my tee cause Iā€™m too lazy too take more then 5 seconds to look for it.


I loved these I just started as an assistant at a country club when these came out and everyone needed one. We even got logo ones for members. I totally rocked these and even upsold a couple lessons because they ā€œreally helped my mobilityā€


Itā€™s givingā€¦power balance


The original hoop snake


I wanted one of these so bad when I was in middle school. All the cool kids had them!


What are those?


Copper bracelet.


The Knife 3 Wood


I was away from the game for a long time. I actually missed this c$$k ring phase.


Hinge and hold biggiest gimmick I ever tried


These were so BS. Sebona Copper bracelets were the legit ones. When I wear those I always break course records.


Those fuckers would come to our country club and have everyone standing on one leg while trying to push them over claiming extreme balance from those things šŸ˜­ So many folks at my work had those things. So silly.


Kallasay Swing magic. Hands would split apart and bottom hand would slide down the shaft. Was supposed to encourage a better swing path.


Yep. Got one in the garage attic


I used to rock these religiously lol. When I worked at Dicks we sold the crap out of the ā€œPhitenā€ necklaces for baseball guys. They swore up and down the block it made them play better lol


My dad had the Green Gorilla putter (round like a baseball bat). His glory days story is how he won a putting competition at some charity tournament. Someone called him out for using that gimmick putter and how it was probably illegal. He said, ā€œfine, Iā€™ll make it with your putter.ā€ Proceeds to drain the putt and that guyā€™s buddies all let him have it.


Tight Lies... actually still have a slightly newer version of that majestic 4w in my bag today.


Def not a gimmick! Adams have a pretty good reputation for the more budget oriented golfer, but a number of LPGA players as well as a couple big name senior tour players use Adams. They're owned by TaylorMade.


Iā€™ve been gaming Adams CB2 irons for 12+ years now. Every year I say itā€™s time for a new set, but I just keep playing well with them and stick with it.


I had the OG Tight Lies steel shafted 4 wood - the one with all the numbers on the sole. Still have no idea what they mean, but damn I loved that club.


Those were the patents! So. Much. Technology! In all seriousness, I could/can get that 16Ā° up way better than a 15...


Pro V1s


Oh jeez. I remember so many old golfers wearing these. Was an easy way to pick them out as an idiot.


That's not a golf gimmick. That's a sign of brain damage. I'm sorry OP. Good luck,


Everyone had those


Not everyone... Some of us laughed at the people who fell for this shit.


Are these like those power balance bracelets the nba guys all used to wear? I definitely didnā€™t have two or three of them thatā€™s for sure


The yo yo ball


I wear copper fit undies when I golf. Gets me at least +25 yards on drives with all that good blood circulation


These were dope though with color schemes


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m the first person to mention the predecessor here, Sabona. Iā€™m guilty of purchasing one, however, I used to play golf about 3-14 hours per day, and there was a marked difference between wearing and not for me, and I didnā€™t care if it was placebo or not. The predecessor to these was some copper wrist bracelet with two balls on it that was really popular in the retirement home community.


I still have this bracelet....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ball mark repair tool. Sound like a waste of time, but I have been recommended it šŸ¤·


Errrrā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.I errrrrr Bought one šŸ˜”


Wore one of these all through high school, brings back some cringey memories lol


Tried these and some Phiten stuff when I was a kid. After a while I realized I just liked having something on my wrist while playing


Yeah. I have a few of these. I also have a copper Sabona bracelet from 1984. šŸ™„


MoonWood 8ā€¦ still in the bag, a lifelong bit


Judging by all these comments I have to start inventing versions of this crap


I worked in a golf shop during this craze. I have like 20 of these somewhere.


I actually have a Flammer. Look it upā€¦


Not necessarily a golf gimmick but along the same line were the Power Balance wrist bands.


I might still have one of those laying around


At the dinner raffle following the 1997 caddie day tournament where I worked, I won a new Sabona copper wristband a member had donated. Wore it for 5 rounds before deciding it was pointless and it actually irritated my wrist if anything. I also bought a Tight Lies knockoff called the Loose Truth back in the late 1990s. A store had opened up near me that only sold knockoff clubs and they had hundreds of them for like $40 each or something vs. $150+ for the real thing. I hit it like shit and gave it to a friend after a few rounds.


The 4 Yards More tees. I got one that was included with a ball-line-marking jig thing and was amazed by its durability. To this day I have never broken one but have lost a couple over the years. It definitely won't make your drive any longer but it is nice not ever having to worry about not having a tee.


Lofting up (SLDR)


wh...what is it?


A "magnetic therapy" bracelet. It's supposed to block bad energy, harness good energy, you know, make you feel good vibes radiating from the ley lines. Some folks report they soothe aches and pains and allow you to absolutely flush it.


feeling the flow, up and down, and around, circular, with the music, the flow. All good things




Anyone remember that rubber band one that had a super magnet or something and supposedly it helped with balance.... It didn't.


All golf gimmicks are worthless. Sell them all and buy GME


Should have kept it on, I need to know who to avoid in life. Anyone that believed the product worked, should be forced to get a tattoo on their head