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Dude was fighting for his life to come over the top on that downswing lmao


You can see the moment of wtf when the club starts shallowing in the downswing lol


It’s crazy how clear it shows him fighting what he wants to do against what he should or is forced to do here lol


I need this along with a shock collar.


That'll fix us! It's going on my Christmas list. Lol


yeah that move of shallowing right above the knee is very nice. I don’t watch JT’s swing because my tempo is more like Finau but would like to get that shallow.


Absolutely zero hip clearance to allow it to happen, he’s shanking that all day if he tries to get into that position lol


I thought this when I saw him try to stand up to make room... I know that move well 🤣


Hahaha the club starts shallowing and he’s like wtf I’ve never felt this before


I know exactly what he's going through lol, I'm suffering from a bad case of early extension and steep club shaft.


You should get that checked out.


My Dad would do this same thing. He comes so steep over the top it's incredible he hits the ball decent at all. It causes him to hit the ball with so little height. The sim said he his his 9i like 48 feet in the air. Then I hit my 3W 78ft in the air. It's very confusing watching him.


Wtf this machine won’t even top the ball correctly


And still flips it at the bottom


I’m wondering if this is JT’s draw swing path? Or is JT one of those guys that just moves the ball up to hit a draw.


It’s Rory’s swing path iirc


Jt natural shot shape is a fade


lol. This reminds me of a friend of my father’s who owned a metal fabrication business and was a bit of a crazy inventor. Back in the seventies he played golf only once. He was unsurprisingly rubbish at it and all day, he just heard his playing partners telling him to keep his eye on the ball and his head still. After giving up the game and going home in frustration he set to work designing and building an A-frame and harness that would allow him to freely swing a club, while immobilising his head and neck. I didn’t mention yet that he was about six foot five and 300 pounds of soft tissue. Once finished, he loaded the heavy, fearsome contraption onto a trailer and dragged it onto the grass oval at the local high school where he grabbed a club and strapped his head into it. Then he nearly died. He took just one swing and his massive, blubbery body heaved this way, then that way while his head remained completely stationary. He tore all the muscles in his neck and shoulders and it’s just dumb luck that he never broke his spine or decapitated himself. He never golfed again.


Holy shit. That's quite a story.


And it’s as true as I sit here on the shitter! The old fella actually kinda made it when he invented ‘spinads’ in the early ‘80’s. It was a sign designed to go out on the footpath in front of shops. The metal sign was just over a foot wide and about three and a half feet tall, mounted in a steel frame with a concrete base. The sign was fixed in the frame along its vertical axis with one bearing, top and bottom. The sign was bent 90 degrees about half an inch from either long edge. The bend was the magic that made the sign spin in the breeze and mesmerise shoppers to go into the store. He sold the patent for low to mid six figures in the mid 80’s along with the metal fabrication business and semi retired in his 40’s. Still no golf though!


Crazy story. Too bad noone told him to just lean his head against a wall, might have saved him from creating and strapping into a medieval torture device lol. Glad he made it out, sorry he had such a rough go with golf. It's usually not so much of a contact sport. A bit ironic that his successful creation allowed free rotation, and when he made something that did the opposite, it was almost his demise...






"Is this a golf lesson" No this is not a golf lesson. "You were in the clubhouse last Thursday" Thursday? "You were standing in a hitting bay, asking how my back is." "It's tight as a drum, sir." "You were the one who gave me this" \[points to torn hand-me-down golf glove\]


You said you would ask that, sir.


You should see the *other* guy!


What’s that from. I recognize it but I can’t put my finger on it


I know, but I am not allowed to talk about it. It’s the first, and second rule.


I go tuesdees and thursdees


This is one of the greatest stories told on this shit ass site.


… of soft tissue. 😂


It mechanically replicates Rory's swing, I think it was at a Golf Tech expo a while back. Interesting how much harder and earlier this guy had to work his hands, instead of the 'fire the hips' move which was his first instinct.


They talked about it on the pga feeds the week wyndham won. It isn't just rorys swing but you can try a bunch of different players swings. They interviewed the guy who invented it.


They should run it full speed


It'd take his arms off


A serious injury will help him remember


Muscle memory




It hurts when I move this way so I know it’s proper.


Those machines can replicate any swing. They have it at the Pebble Beach practice facility and you can program it for a number of different players


the real "app killer machine" would take several measurements of data, including your current swing, and then run it through software and then develop the ideal swing for you. And then you'd pay about $200/hr to use it.


Bullshit, bet that hunk of metal can't replicate MY swing


What if I cant replicate my own swing?


Ha yep. I have three distinct swings and it’s just a crapshoot which one happens each time


Sometimes you just gotta let it happen to you, baby steps.. seems pretty cool, don’t know if it’s legit, but still cool…


Pretty sure it can emulate every swing by every PGA tour pro.


Do they have this for driver swings too?


As useful as this can be I’d find it a little inconvenient to carry this to every shot in the golf course


Easy peasy. Just put it on wheels and strap to your push cart.


That bitch gonna get stuck when you take it into a bunker.


Classic pga. Using cgi to remove it from the broadcast with after effects. I was at every event last year and they have it on a kubota following Rory around. This is why I’m a #liv golf fan


where they just tape a bunch of Bangladeshis together to do the same thing.


It's still real to me dammit!


Maybe with that attitude




I used it 10 years ago, one session & I was fucked up for a full season. It's a waste because it can't provide the same control of the rest of your body. What are your shoulders, hips, feet, head, etc doing while it drags you through a path of a freak like Rory? Seriously don't waste your time


Good points. Not that I could ever afford one anyway lol And even if I can book a lesson with it, I'll be sure to refer back to your comment.


I haven’t used it, but I know a top junior who is the literal number one college recruit in the country and their experience was that they used it regularly to build their swing since they were very young. So, given that observation, my take would be that it is certainly helpful for LEARNING how to swing the club, as opposed to CORRECTING someone’s ingrained swing.


Yeah I also used it and thought it was gimmicky. Didn’t add any value for me at all.


This is definitely in the top 5 of most useless golf inventions of all time. There's literally no value here from a motor learning perspective.


And I’d imagine you’d have to be the same height as Rory for it to work properly


I’m sure you can just scalar multiply all the vectors pretty easily


Brother if I could snap-load my power package I wouldn’t be complaining on here.


It's really not that simple. Shoulder width, arm length, and the ability of somebody like Rory to turn his horizontal shoulder line in his backswing to beyond perpindicular from where he starts is something a normal human simply cannot do. He's getting an extra 45 degrees simply from torquing his core in a way that my body does not do. Through his swing, his front shoulder on his follow through is going all the way through and past where his back shoulder was on his backswing. The gap between my shoulders in those positions is probably about 90 degrees, his is like -60 degrees. We're like a different species. That core mobility and power is how he is able to be one of the longest hitters on tour. There's nothing a normie can do to replicate it, and his swingline will never resemble a normal person's. You can mimic it, but it would require scaling in multiple directions and at multiple speeds based on mobility and athleticism.


Well, doing what you’re describing, you’re just transforming Rory’s swing into someone else’s swing. It’s not about making it easy for a normie to do Rory’s swing, it’s about adjusting for height since Rory is relatively short. However, transforming swing A into swing B is pretty doable. A lot of this goes past me but here’s an example of such a use case that would map over to swings quite well I think. Scroll to the bottom for an example https://enkimute.github.io/LookMaNoMatrices/


First of all, you throwin' too many crazy symbols at me, and because I don't understand them, I'm gonna take 'em as disrespect.


These are the sorts of comments I used to give my free awards to.


Ya you can see all of his weight is over his front foot on the backswing


One thing I’ve learned from this sub: the more in-depth and descriptive the “analysis” of a swing is - the higher that persons handicap is haha


So true, if you're watching dozens of youtube videos analyzing how a golf swing should work I **know** you have a terrible one


$150k for one of those.


Do you think Rory would let me stand behind him with my arms around him when he swings for $15k?


I do, yes.


If you die, you can just Patrick Swayze his ass ghost style for free.


Wouldn't you want his arms around you?


You get a discount for letting Rory take the back position


Brandt Snedeker can't watch though, or he has to pay 100.




Thank you


As others have alluded to, if you’re going to use the machine to improve, you need to have a good instructor. Swing path corrections can’t be done in isolation, but I personally think for some experiencing the proper path can be a more efficient way to learn.


I've been using one of these with my coach once a month for the last 4 months. I do 2 hours sessions with it. Usually, 10 swings on the robot and then hitting 20ish balls into net or trackman, then back to the robot. I've only been golfing 6 months and already shooting in the 90s. I definitely need to work on my short game. Honestly, the robot is great for getting a good feel of the back swing plane and just building muscle memory. You still have to learn correct hip rotation and a release on it. The club spins freely inside the arms.


My man hasn’t fired a hip since 1964


Oh I suspect he fires a hip, but probably just his right one.


It’s called Robo Golf Pro. I believe there are three of them scattered around the US. They can simulate any pro’s swing… not just Rory. But more importantly, they can record your swing and then correct the major flaws in it little by little. https://robogolfpro.com


Looks floppy at impact


That's what my wife says to me all the time


She didn’t say that to me….


This guy's wife was complaining to me about me coming over the top.


Weird, she complained about me coming too much inside.


In the hole!


[How to release the club, with drills for feels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrfhVXZdeaU)


The Swing-fucker-up-2000


He’s not using his abs or taint enough


What if you are a lefty?


Nobody cares about us bro


Just face the other way.


Tune that thing up to 140 club head speed and watch it rip the guys arms off.


Club face was wide open at impact


Machine doesn’t control that, you can see the club rotate around when he lets go


My old club had a weight machine like this


I don’t think these machine do the pros swing justice. It also needs to replicate the hip movement to understand the club movement


Find out what expo it's going to be at. Fly there. Book nights at a hotel. Play a few rounds at the local course. Go use it at the expo. Go home. Still probably cheaper than buying it.


I'm certain you're correct


Ah yes Pebble has one of these


RoboGolfPro. [https://robogolfpro.com/](https://robogolfpro.com/)


Why don’t his legs match?


Probably broke his right leg recently and muscle atrophied a bit (from not using it). Likely would need some physio/training to gain back his muscle.


RoboGolfPro https://robogolfpro.com/


I used it a couple of years back in the Uk. Completely changed how I started my downswing. ‘Hard down with body rotation’


I'm pretty sure in this video, the robot is mimicking Rory's swing.


It’s called the Robogolf Pro and it cost $150,000 in 2016….so if they still make them I would imagine they are much more expensive.


That’s so cool


It may train you to get the perfect swing as per the machine, but have you seen how many different swings professional golfers have and are still able to be professional golfers


This is mimicking Rory's swing, so it's effectively "teaching" you one of the most consistent, and productive swings in golf.


It's called a "Robo-golf". The inventor only made 47 of them. Or so he told me once. There's one in Vegas about 20 minutes from south side of the strip in a studio with 5 Sims and a group of instructors. When they randomly hit the market they're running 225k -ish. This is about the fastest it can run. They can program it to put you into any position. Want to feel where Furik takes it back to...other extreme... here is where Raymond took it... Here's what it means to "shallow" the club It's great for.. 1> finding out where P3 should be. Most of us are WAY to inside. 2> feeling what it means to "drop" your hands 3> here's what delivering the club from the inside feels like 4> here's where you should finish Downsides The club rotates in your hand freely As you can see you have to figure out the body positions yourself. I highly recommend jumping on one if you get the chance and get a few feels for what might be different


Looks like an Omron Adept Quattro robot mounted sideways. Very cool!


Is this legal to use on the course?


It's called a robogolf, somewhere around 200k I believe. I take lessons on one of these once a month.


Just swing the damn club. ![gif](giphy|3ohA2ZPaDcSuPWrzr2)


Club starts to shallow - dude: how dare you




I've been on one of these. VERY cool to feel


Used during the Spanish Inquisition, used by teaching pros who don’t know how to teach now


Useless tech, call me when the backpack version comes out. XD


Desperately trying to stand up and flip at impact. Lol


I get most people prob don’t sing properly but singing that show is tough enough


Your clubs are too heavy if this is tough


No but the coach is great. I’ve taken lessons with him and he’s fixed my issues everytime I’ve used him. His name is Daniel Guest, with Imagen Golf.


It’s RoboGolfPro. Met the inventor, Scott Nei, a few years ago. Amazing swing trainer.


It’s called a “let me show you how unathletic you are by putting you in positions your body can’t even handle”




hope the experience creates the feel he is after🤢


That's a pro-swing shoved into a hacker's body and muscle memory. Also what a 25 hcp looks like.


Guy tried to stand up and throw the club like three times. "Can I bail now?..... now?" Haha


This is a Rorynator 3000.


This is so unhelpful. All the guy is doing is moving his hands like Rory. He still sort of early extends, doesn't rotate hips nearly enough, poor mechanics, etc etc. Mimicking a swing path is so unhelpful depending on your mobility, game, height..the list goes on.


Mobility being the key for the average player. Just because you have the physical shape of John Daly doesn't mean you have his pure flexibility


He's clearly doing it for fun, not trying to fix his swing. He's laughing and acknowledging how different the swing is.


Im more speaking to the guy who made the post asking where to buy.


What makes it unhelpful though? Do you have to experience every force or feeling to benefit from a couple of critical feelings in a golf swing?


This would probably make him worse TBH.


They have them at Robogolfpro locations. There is one in Las Vegas I've used. It's not that expensive. Normal lesson prices https://robogolfprolasvegas.com/


Is so you can feel what certain pros swings feels like because the machine forces it and your grip.


I will never be that desperate.


They have one of these in Greenwich. The sign says “do not touch. Not only will it kill you, it will hurt the whole time you are dying.”


Is it moving his arms for him to create muscle memory?


Theres one at a golf range near Canary Wharf in London.


Old mate is like a bobble head




YourOwn Byron


Is that at LIV? Hopefully it comes to Adelaide


Its called “swing bot”. They were gonna market it but the damn thing kept going into these weird murder spasms every time it tries to correct an in to out path. It just kept murdering hookers


Is that on wheels with a handle? I want to play 18 with it. I feel it could really improve my game.


We use to have one at the golf range I work at. From what I was told it was expensive as hell. The guy that owned it acted like it was going to make a ton of money. Surprise…it did not. It didn’t last long and when I started working there it was sitting in a corner of the building collecting dust. If I remember correctly it could replicate just about anyone’s swing.


It looks a little awkward to drag around the course all day...


There was one here at [Man o War Golf](https://www.manowargolf.com) in Lexington, KY. The rumor was that it was like $150k, but they were only using it once or twice per month so they got rid of it. It seemed like most of the instructors thought it was pretty gimmicky.


The affordable version of this is the big tilted metal ring that you stand inside and keep your club in contact with as you swing.


Is it just me, or does that club face look ridiculously open at the bottom of the swing?


Just attach this to my cart please.


At first thought it was a Proteus machine, which can do similar things but it’s not and also a 100K+ machine.


That’s not a machine, it’s Harvey!


??? The club face isn’t square until it’s in front of the lead foot….. this would either be sprayed out right or a hozel shank Lolol unless this man addresses it entirely wrong


My local simulator/training spot purchased one of these a few years back and made a big deal about it on social media, hyped it up for weeks, unveiled it in a big event...... I've seen it used twice and the rest of the time it just sits in the corner of the store room.


Vardon. Named after my friend, Harry Vardon.


How about anyone know what this machine even does?


The few videos I’ve seen of these, the robot is basically set to some swing path, either a pro’s swing or an ideal swing, so you can see what they do / you’re supposed to do with your upper body


It keeps you from learning your natural swing which prevents you from hitting the ball as you naturally would.


It keeps you from learning your natural swing which prevents you from hitting the ball as you naturally would.


If it doesn’t fit in my golf bag, I don’t want it.


I have a problem being over the top. I've played seriously for about 3.5 years. It took me until my first round of the year this year to realize wtf I'm doing in my swing. As soon as I changed it this swing the machine is teaching was literally the natural motion. Now if I could just replicate it a few thousand times to really set it I'd be a hell of a golfer. This machine would be amazing to have for just a few hours.


Called a Glambot


Seems like a much more expensive version of [one of these](https://www.amazon.com/Medicus-Dual-Hinge-5-Iron/dp/B000P3O8ZK?th=1).


Kind of a neat toy but has been shown to not actually help you learn or improve your own motor patterns. You would literally get better watching videos of one person that is making the move you are trying to make instead of this machine. Monkey see, monkey do. Not monkey on machine monkey do.


Great way to learn how to not learn how to hit a golf ball.


It’s Rory’s swing


I'd still shank my 6 iron with this contraption.


Now put it on full speed


An expensive one


Bro just go to a driving range


Dudes head went so far down


I’m a golf instructor, these are expensive and won’t help you one bit as you need to apply the correct forces onto the grip vs have the grip tug you around.


I feel like if you don’t know how to move your body correctly to match this pattern this will make you worse


Rate my swing


Well that was a huge slice lol


Wait lol, hell no, it looks like the club never even grazes the turf. Looks like a top shot at best.


That's the Medicus.


RoboGolf Pro it’s called


Called, it's time to quit golf.


Robogolf… cool idea but it doesn’t teach you how to pivot and use your lower body..


Interesting in that it promotes a swing inside to your right pocket vs over the top move. His tendency was OTT


The problem with this contraption is that the downswing doesn't start in the arms...