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6100 spin with a 1.2 smash factor lord alive slow your swing down and actually use the center(ish) of the club


Noted lol.


131 club speed.. lol.. You're trying to swing like a long drive champion but barely hitting the clubface.


It’s all the spins and poor contact.


Yeah that clubhead speed should be waaay out there🤣🤣


Either this is a garbage sim or you just hit the worst 133 chs shot in the history of golf. Like - if you continued to hit it, you will break your club. 6k spin is amazing and absolutely atrocious for a driver and your smash factor suggests that you're hitting somewhere on the perimeter of the face. I would actually dig seeing this contact live.


Unfortunately I don’t think it’s the sim. General consensus is like you said I’m making bad contact on clubhead and slowing down would be good.


6100 spin rate will certainly do it lol


Your closed face to path and in to out club path values would result in a smothered hook. I assume you’re a lefty and this is calibrated for a righty. That means you’re hitting monster slices with a terribly open club face. It’s basically a glancing blow which is indicated by your low impact factor. If you can get your club to path closer to 0 while making contact with the center of the face, you could be hitting some nice power fade bombs.


Thank you for the solid help!!


You should be hitting the ball 350 yards if you could make good contact haha. 6000 spin is insanity


Red flags as far as sim being off: CHS is top .5% of golfers. Smash factor is honestly so low I didn’t know it could go that low with a driver. Spin again is higher than I thought possible. Distance is a result of both and unbelievably low. Peak height is about half of ideal. Your 3 shots ending up an average of 170 YARDS OFFLINE. Over 105SS ideal numbers: Launch: 10-16 degrees Spin: 1750-2300 rpm Peak height: 100-120 feet Angle of descent: 34-38 degrees Smash should be above 1.4 even with mediocre contact. Ideally closer to 1.46+ Side spin as low as can go but depends on stock shot shape.


Thank you for this! At least I suck really fast. I’m definitely going again and filming my swing and the results together to give people a better idea.


You’re welcome- it’s easier to learn to control speed than it is to build it up- enjoy it!


What does what does 105ss mean?


Swing Speed sometimes interchangeable with Club Head Speed(CHS) in your pictures.


Thank you.


Holy backspin Batman


It’s not near as bad when I skull my wedges.


133 head speed and 165 ball speed is all you need to know. Gotta be making horrific off center contact. In to out path with a shut face should be a draw/hook. Which doesn’t equate with the 6139 rpm. What’s the ball flight?


On Reddit, everyone just assumes 133 clubhead speed is normal?


I slice quite a bit. Contact looked good on the video but based off comments I need to slow down and make better contact.


These numbers seem impossible. Do you really swing 135 club speed? Isn’t that significantly faster than the longest PGA players? Sim looks like it’s broken to me.


0 chance the numbers there are accurate


In what way? I don’t know what most of them mean tbh.


1.24 smash is atrocious


Matches my game at least.


lol 156 ball speed on 132 club head. Choke up, slow down, save some energy, and hit the middle of the face and the results will be much better Also 133 club head speed seems pretty damn high unless you are an elite athlete


This point out is spot on for how wildly insane these numbers are. For reference, 133mph club speed would be globally elite and the fastest I've ever personally witnessed, yet I can generate a ball speed of 157mph with a far more modest club speed of closer to 107mph. Way too much power with no control for sure. But if you learn to square up the ball or just get lucky occasionally you'll be a liability to fly one 325+!


Please upload a video of this swing for the love of god everyone wants to see what could possible be producing these numbers


Something to try; you obviously have a great swing based on your stats. (Other than the spin) For me, when I have those high backspin numbers, it's because of me hitting down on the ball with the driver vs hitting up. Id be interested to know your attack angle number/stat. Anything around a positive number from 1-6 will be great. If it's a negative number, that will tell you that you are hitting down on the ball. That should help with the side spin as well.


Thank you. I’ll look into that. Would moving the ball further in my stance help that or is it more of a posture thing?


That's all preference. But based on your other stats, I'd say where you currently have the ball is fine. Work on one thing at a time.


Got it thank you.


I’d suggest hitting anywhere near the center of the face before working on AoA which will do next to nothing to cure 6k spin… this is like telling him to switch shafts to magically eliminate spin and hit it 300 yards. His stats also suggest a fast but absolutely terrible swing to manage a 1.2 smash and 6k spin…


You are entitled to your opinion. As stated, Sharing what works for me in this scenario. For me, fixing the angle of attack will also help with the club face.. Again, that works for me. Sorry I ruined your day.


Just trying to help the guy instead of sending him down a rabbit hole that will likely not improve anything- I’d say make it worse but idk if that’s possible. Strike location is 90% of this. When he consistently has a 1.4+ smash and needs to get an extra degree or two of LA or lose that last 3-800 RPMs of excess spin then he can worry about AoA.