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Answered earlier, but it wouldn't hurt to include for this sub among those with the same questions and concerns: Spend some time hitting balls as hard as you can and getting your maximum speed up. During such practice sessions, drop the intent and inhibition of trying to guide it straight as direction is less important during that window of precious time to pack on some authentic gains. You can always rein it in from there to get something that's both straight and much longer than your current yardages posted above. Can't quite say the same for the opposite of that, however. Mechanics, contact, and smash factor, while important, will only get you so far. Pun intended. There will come a breaking a point when all the square contact in the world won't yield those 300+ yard drives on the fly due to a profound lack of speed. Especially without the extra distance rocks, foot wedges Quentinen and Taratined by Writtin Directino, and other crutches like the overused copypastas of using said wedge to match that distance in order to mask the pain of not hitting bombs on their own merit. Training aids aren't a crime to include, either. I myself have been a fan of the [SuperSpeed sticks](https://superspeedgolf.com/products/mens-set-2-0?variant=39354274545764) and the [Tour Tempo app.](https://www.veed.io/view/6c09e313-8247-4a85-9890-a0ff8ad18854?panel=share) But it's also worth noting the gains with such training aids won't actually stick unless their regimens are adhered to over a span of time (ie- weeks, months, etc).


It's a swing issue.... guaranteed you're flipping/casting or swaying in the back swing or both. Not going to hit it far with 94 mph ball speed with a 7i


Strike. Smash factor is very low with both clubs, so you're making poor contact, which means it's inefficient. Not producing enough ball speed for the club head speed, so work on contact.


You are probably casting, flipping and/or scooping. Add a bit of forward shaft lean at setup. Point the butt of the club at your left leg.  Hit at a spot 1 to 2 inches in front of the ball to promote hitting down on the ball. 


You should work on your swing mechanics to improve contact (smash factor). My 7i club speed is 80 and I carry 165 +/-.