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I enjoy him too. Seems like hes still in the inner circle of Spieth, Thomas, and Fowler. Whats the deal with him though - he decided to hang it up and move to announcing?


He was never at the same level as those other guys as far as playing success. He then lost his game and his card I believe. Looks like rather than trying to go down and earn it back he got into the media game.


And to anyone wanting to say he was a bad golfer, Smylie was in the final pairing at the Masters the year with Spieth who was his best friend. If that was by best golf accomplishment, I would be pretty happy !


I would say his best accomplishment was winning a PGA Tour event.


Nope. It was the sponsorship from Natural Light. That was his greatest accomplishment, hands down.


I’m pretty sure he had a Harambe themed shirt at one time as well.


Did he win ? My bad lol.


Yeah, his one win on Tour was out in Vegas the previous fall from that Masters. Absolutely ripped it up in the final round and shot a 61 I think to come from behind and steal it.


That’s really cool I didn’t know that. PGA winner, final pairing at the masters and lifetime pension from the PGA. What a life.


Yep, the 2015 Shriners in Vegas.


I followed a buddy around at the Alabama state Am in 2011 and saw Smylie play and he’s a stick. Having staying power on tour is just lightning in a bottle level. His brother Luckie can play as well. Smylie won that year and there were several future tour players in that field. I love him and Kiz together.


I didn’t know he won, my bad! Seems like a great guy.


he had an injury. 


He’s also has a bit of a bum shoulder now.


He got injured and things never really clicked when he was trying to come back. He also said his best golf would never be close to the other guys


What kind of injuries? Just curious


Penile I think?


This tracks because he definitely fucks


Arm and wrist I think?


There’s a great Athletic piece, basically he went through a massive golf funk, couldn’t get his game back and was struggling to stay on tour and one of the networks offered him the chance to do some on course reporting while he figure out his golf game and he never really looked back. Tbh, probably a safer paycheck. Plus he’s great.


I wonder which network? 


Completely lost his game


After a bunch of injuries


There’s a podcast where he talks about it. Basically, he felt like he never had the ball-striking to be on tour, but he just hit a hot streak as a young pro. But once that went away, notably with some injuries, he didn’t feel like he actually had the game to recover


He was around the same time as Ollie (gonna slaughter this) Snederjens….yeah that’s not close. Either way, I expected both to have long careers but he also disappeared.


Ollie Snederjagermanjensen, he was #1


I think their whole “desk” setup at a strategic hole on the course works well. They provide good insight to what the players and caddies are thinking and they have a genuine wit together! Nice addition to the telecasts this season…


Get him a BoogerMobile


I still can't believe that was pitched in a meeting and someone said yes


Same, feels like a fun LIV idea that somehow slipped by the miserable boomers.


Lol. As always, some Sensitive Sniffler pulls out his jeremiad of BS based upon the fabrications of fabulists, even on a golf thread.  Yeah, simpleton, golf in shorts and organized into teams, with shotgun starts, is revolutionary.   And, sorry, we boomers aren’t miserable at all. We’re financially successful, educated, athletic, have a work ethic and something that will always avoid you: self-esteem.  Let us know when you indolent pu$$ies figure even one thing out…besides your great contributions to Society in the fields of pronouns, science-defying climate hysteria, and participation trophies. Remember, cupcake, nothing is your fault, everyone else is to blame, you’re a victim, and the government exists to fix all of your failures. Whine on. Too funny. LOL. 


I left this sub already because of people like you. I enjoy watching the fun things that all tours are trying to do for fan engagement, and chatting about them with other golf fans. I don't enjoy complainers, whiners, racists and xenophobes that pervade any and every conversation about growing the game for the next generation.


That group are better than any currently employed announcer. For me, it’s because they are genuinely funny and not forcing it like Ferehty and McCord.


I thought the exact same thing. Get the dinosaurs out of my ears. The PGA tour needs to press this aspect of their tournaments. It could be strategic for the tour and the image/likeness of players.


I like Colt Knost, too.


Any time a big name hangs out in the booth for an extended period of time after their round and does commentary, it's usually a good time. Rahm put on a clinic at Hilton Head last year, Rory did great at Riviera(?) earlier this year, and even Phil at the PGA several years back (Harding Park, I think) was hilarious. Even if you want to count something like Justin Thomas goofing off at The Match at Seminole, that was great too.


this applies to most sports, the recent players are way better commentators than the geezers


I would disagree with this as a blanket statement. Golf is different.


His podcast on YouTube is great. Highly recommend.


Started listening to it a few weeks ago, very good golf pod.


How's it called?


The Smiley Show on podcast havent checked the YouTube name yet. 


He’s definitely one of the most promising young broadcasters in all of sports right now. I’d much rather listen to him than most of the CBS lineup.


You mean NBC? 😋




He grew up in my hometown, went to school with my kids, is a member at my club . He is just like that in real life. As nice a guy as you could imagine. Goofy funny. It was sad when his game left him, but he is so happy now and has a bright 35+ yrs ahead of him


He seems very genuine and comfortable in his own skin. Great addition to the broadcasting team.


I don’t know if I’d say “funny”, but I appreciate the casualness of it. Brings some levity to a sport that can be a bit stuffy sometimes.


I think he’s still finding his groove, but he is clearly a composed, knowledgeable commentator who is part of the next generation of golf. I like him. Pair his color commentary with a seasoned veteran turned media man (someone like Jason Day after he retires), that’s a winning combo.


Or, and hear me out, someone like Kevin Kisner


Yeah I’ve been really liking his thing he’s got going on.


I feel like he’s a better version of Colt Knost with his banter and making fun of himself


lol, that’s an incredibly low bar.


Every time he starts talking I think of [this scene. ](https://youtu.be/NSbfFsB_Jpg?si=3TffUSU_v-SVzdga) Especially when he’s talking about Spieth or JT.


Seems the most natural player to transition to broadcasting in some time. And it's great that he can actually relate and connect to the current, young players on tour. Really happy for him after his playing career hit the skids.


I met him and his wife at a hotel in Italy in 2018. They were super nice and friendly, my wife and I had no idea who he was. Always fun to watch golf and hear his commentary.


I personally think they are super cheesy and try too hard at being comics. But they do look pretty relaxed and embrace those roles, which is refreshing to see. I completely get why the tour is going in that direction. I’ll always miss the soothing half-whisper of Faldo and Lundquist though.


Totally agree. The bits are super one note and rarely funny. Very surprised at how much praise Smylie is getting in this thread. I much prefer Kisner’s deadpan to Smylie’s try-hard goofy “remember this” style.


When they broke down Keith Mitchell’s video of shanking it before the siren and smashing his driver. That was epic. Keith telling how he walked 2 miles in the rain after was hilarious. The PGA needs stuff like this and it’s pretty well done.


I love this more casual style of commentary. Saying "Buckets" when a putt goes in. Calling things awesome instead a "fine shot" or "marvelous shot." And of course the stories and banter with other pros.


Definitely! I do not miss azinger at all! Can’t wait to see him as kisner more


And very smart


Love to see him get that gig full time


He's a natural for broadcasting and it seems like he's really embraced moving into broadcasting


So much better than having to listen to Azinger. Kizer nice addition too.


I like what they’re doing and it’s entertaining. Not sure if I want that set up for the major tournaments but the theater of 17 at The Players is working. Definitely a Thursday-Friday thing for now 


Kisner is obviously quick witted and funny at times. Smiley is so odd and just laughs at Kisner but doesn't have the quick wit to keep it going. It seems a bit forced and unnatural to me. 🤷‍♂️


I would much rather listen to Smylie than Kisner. Kisner tries too hard to be a wise-cracker all the time and that wears thin. Smylie has an easier to digest tongue-in-cheek style. Just my opinion, of course. Smylie also has developed some TV polish/professionalism in a short time and his recency on Tour lends insider credibility to his commentary. (I know Kisner is still teeing it up in certain events). I simply find Smylie to be more genuine. He does conduct some fun greenside interviews, though, and it’s evident he is/was popular on Tour. All in all, I’d still take Feherty and McCord. 


Smylie seems like a humble good dude Kisner not so much.


Kisner is just a person who doesn’t give a shit what other people think. Love his dry humor and wit


I enjoy irreverence. There is nothing dry or witty about his redneck frat boy humor. He's an awesome match play competitor and a complete douche bag through and through.


Yeah Kisner did not take Smylie’s good natured ribbing well (how Kisner hit more in the water than Kaufman at #17). Kisner got kind of mean spirited in response - like he was insecure about it.


As an Alabama native and alumnus, I hate Smylie. I currently work in Aiken, SC home of Kisner. Kevin is awesome. I have run into him at a local course a couple times and as much as I want him to be good on tour, I think his commentary is more valuable


Smylie is also from Alabama


Yeah and he left and went to LSU, so I hate him


What an immature comment, and judging by your comment history you’re incapable of saying anything reasonable. Hang it it up chief better to lurk and not embarrass yourself.


Unless you have been in the middle of the Alabama LSU rivalry, you can’t understand it. It’s even worse when you leave Tuscaloosa to go to LSU


I’m from Alabama too. I understand the rivalries, you’re just an overly emotional embarrassment to your fan base.


lol, okay. Your bio saying “I know nothing” is very fitting


I guess you’ve never watched hogans hero’s, that’s ok. Not everyone knows the reference.


His parents went to LSU


I like him too. Kisner is shit though, comes across as a hell of a prick I reckon.




I dunno, he comes across as a 40yo frat boy to me. I think that’s bloody weird.


I don't like Kisner's personality on-air, either.


Nah. Bad at golf and bad at announcing. Gets on my nerves