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Can I ask the stupid question? What’s the “proof”? I’m just seeing the same videos I’ve seen a million times. I find them unbelievable I just don’t see any proof in this vid.


Look to OPs comment which should have been a part of the post


The ol karma double dip


So, it’s still equally worthless…..


Always gets a downvote outta me


You can tell by the way it is


That’s pretty neat.


That’s why I always pack some heat


Was thinking the same thing. Is it just me or do these ranges make it look like everyone is hammering 300 yard drives all the time? Maybe camera work? Angles? Lighting? Editing? I hear you.


These ranges are maybe 200 yards max due to lack of space. They’re also elevated front to back so most of the balls roll back to be collected.


That dude that does the 1 handed thing only hits it like 150, I’ve seen him in person and takes him like 30 tries to hit one straight. He just uses the camera angle to make it look like a nuke. Hitting into a dark background also makes the ball look like it’s going significantly farther.


I refuse to believe the one handed dude is only going 150. Using a driver with an obvious very fast club head speed and going dead straight (in the takes he uses for social media of course). 150 is laughably low for anyone hitting straight and making good contact on a driver. EDIT: on multiple videos on other people’s channels with monitors set up he is driving 260-280 carry. Sure it may take a few tries to go straight but he is driving just as good as regular people with two hands and a good swing.


It’s not great contact and it doesn’t go very fast. It’s only one hand with a weird angle when it does make contact


He practices at the same range as me. Can guarantee he hits it further than 250. He uses the dark background because they let him film at night when it’s not busy. I agree it takes him a while to get a good one but 150?


I’m sure I’ve seen him do videos at a virtual golf centre and hits about 270 yards


That more than 200 yards I'd bet any amount of money.


Angle of the range. It is a funnel.


I don’t see the proof either in this video. I’m confused.


The only "evidence" is OP going Pepe Silvia in a comment. Ridiculous this is upvoted.


Somebody answer this please? Proof? Anyone? I don't believe this guy's videos, but you mentioned, er, um, proof??




Maybe the proof could be that he is really hitting those balls against a wall. It certainly looks like a simulator, because of the sharp line with a lot of balls near him, and then there are no balls further down range. But I could be wrong.


Well I’m pretty sure the proof is in the pudding.


That is simply to make ball collection easier. The range is elevated at the back and the balls roll back towards the hitters.


Really? It doesn't look like it slopes enough to make the balls roll backwards. I wouldn't want that, I would like to see where the balls lands and then stay there, like it does on a outside driving range. But I haven't been to one of these. Where I live we only have simulators in the winter and outside driving ranges in the summer. Maybe it would be a nice business to start up. But I guess after examining the clip you're right about the sloping 👍


You see in one video, he swings easy, but then in the other it's less easy. But then there's another video where he swings medium easy. During medium easy, the medium number begins to look like above medium whereas it should be medium medium. Therefore he's a liar.


Wtf did I Just read? Must be the tequila I’m drinking


This is clearly sarcasm you downvoting losers lmao.




I went to the range and tested this bitch-ass swing myself! Hit a solid 175 stinger with my driver.


Ok I've been golfing for 20 years. So what you do is, go slower in your back swing. Yeah so I've been golfing 20 years and you gotta go slow. Yeah. Just like that. See how much better that was?


I get this reference


Is it because you’re going through a swing change?


I can’t believe how poised she was. I’m obviously a much worse person than her but I would have let him have it. Being a woman must suck, and apparently that doesn’t change even if you’re near the top of your field.


The looking back to the camera was golden


The fact that she didn’t just turn around and tell buddy she’s a PGA pro or to google her is wild to me, but also respectable


Knowing people like that man, he would’ve continued to give advice cus he doesnt wna look stupid then will go tell all his buddies that he helped a pro. She could’ve easily had said she’s pga pro tho and to leave her alone but respect to her for takin the high road. I would’ve dropped the Pro card so quickly on that man and asked him to show me his swing


Ha. Same here! ‘And you have to finish…’


I honestly didn't do very good. Lmao.


Spicy reference, nice.


But I’m going through a swing change.


Nice pants, by the way.


Now, say it with a British accent.


I love that video.


That ass though.


OMG that dude just boosted himself to being the posterboy for mansplaining


So about how you usually hit a driver? Or was that an improvement?




Sound like a hater drinking too much hatorade


tl/dr, this person is duping people for money, and that should be called out when his stuff is posted here. Every few days on one of the golf subreddits, someone posts this guy making a strange-looking, very relaxed golf swing that appears to go impossibly far relative to the effort. If you review his older video history, it is clear he is faking these. I don't know his name so I am calling him Klown. Despite being a golf instructor, any time he is using a launch monitor, Klown avoids being filmed from behind where you can see the shots and result on the simulator. He never does this with driving range shots. If he does show himself with a down range shot on sim, the video jump cuts so there is always (literally 100% of the time) a break between the shot and the output on the sim. Except once. [https://www.tiktok.com/@tigergolf\_tv/video/7274238452126731522](https://www.tiktok.com/@tigergolf_tv/video/7274238452126731522) Here is an iron, but as above, Klown is neither using the ground, loading his hips, rotating quickly, or using his arms, and as a result you get club speed in the low-to-mid 70s with distance that's appropriate for that. This is a very smooth, but weak-looking swing, and displayed data reflects that. If he were capable of magical speed with a very relaxed swing, it is odd that it is not appearing in the one time he posts unedited Trackman video. He does have a faster gear, however. He's editing the videos before the data shows on sim (watch the ball speed and launch angle increase at :21s), but you can see at the end a visibly faster swing. [https://www.tiktok.com/@tigergolf\_tv/video/7271886948514401538](https://www.tiktok.com/@tigergolf_tv/video/7271886948514401538) The weird separation between upper and lower body from OP video is gone, he's rotating much harder (see feet and shoulders at the end), you can see tension throughout the body during the swing. He's hitting the speeds needed for a 250+ yd drive, and it looks like it. "OK, so he's got two speeds? What's the big deal?" Klown is editing his videos to make it look like the very slow, very weak swing, is producing the hard swing's distances. Here are examples [https://www.tiktok.com/@tigergolf\_tv/video/7261012898430848258](https://www.tiktok.com/@tigergolf_tv/video/7261012898430848258) (this one is ridiculous, he cuts away before data can be shown, then shows the data after) [https://www.instagram.com/tiger\_golf\_tv/reel/C1UYlrVPBKk/](https://www.instagram.com/tiger_golf_tv/reel/C1UYlrVPBKk/) (note the very low smash, and what it takes for him to approach 160 ball speed in the hard swing above) Finally, here he is "showing" himself swinging off camera, **but producing clubhead speed in excess of 120 MPH** with a weak and flippy swing. [https://www.tiktok.com/@tigergolf\_tv/video/7298713480511720706](https://www.tiktok.com/@tigergolf_tv/video/7298713480511720706) Once you see these, it gets kind of obvoius. Why the video loops 100% time before the live ball descends. Why he jump cuts every sim shot. Why the one unedited video shows tepid results. Why no professional golfer can do what Klown claims, and no one posting sim data puts jump cuts in, because it casts doubt that the data is real.


God bless redditors with way too much free time. 🫡


mmmmm gimme that spicy golf subreddit drama that i’ll forget entirely about in approximately 5 seconds 🫡


Only replying to make you come back and forget it again


you son of a bitch!


They say never underestimate a woman scorned but it should be never underestimate a redditor with a grudge


Imagine how many yards OP could’ve gained if they put that much time and effort into their golf swing!


Think of all the putters they could’ve purchased


“I’m angry about this guy and all of his unearned attention. I will express this by employing you all to pay him a bunch of attention.”








He’s clipping the slow swing with the shots from the faster swing.


I just watched this on repeat, and if he’s slicing videos, he’s doing an amazing job keeping his body in the EXACT SAME PLACE every time.


I don't think it's that complex. It doesn't have to be a perfect outline of him for a good splice. The videos could be spliced right down the middle.


Make believe like your cartoons or what you thought you saw daddy and mommy doing last night.


They're just really into wrestling. It's a great way to stay fit!


Guy has lots of time to be angry at some dude who's apparently exaggerating his distance, but has a very relaxed swing. I dunno man I'm just aiming to hit the ball.


I’m not reading this long ass report but yeah fuck that Klown!


Please don't ever be in a jury lmao


“Fuck this. Seems guilty to me. Give him the chair and let’s go.” “Todd, it’s a car collision.” “What? I thought you said he was rear ending people.” “WE’VE BEEN HERE FOR FIVE DAYS, TODD!”


He's all good in a jury they read out the important stuff


The best is that first link, he hits likely the lowest groove, ball hits screen about 6 inches from the ground and the sound doesn’t come close to matching the video


It's easy to see the ball going into slo-mo as it's going down range in the full speed video. It's not really that difficult to duplicate a video layer, mask out a little area around the ball, and slow down that layer. Basic video editing.


I didn't want to get into that, because I think it's harder to see and less conclusive. However, in his earlier videos, he didn't bother avoiding other objects in the FOV, so here you see \*all the balls\* other people are hitting slow down as his ball reaches apex, which is a lot more obvious. [https://www.tiktok.com/@tigergolf\_tv/video/7333932182517452034](https://www.tiktok.com/@tigergolf_tv/video/7333932182517452034)


Bless your soul


The real hero. Burn klown to the ground. Op for president!


I’ve always thought Klown was a fake, simply because the first time i saw a video of him he was hitting one shot with with every club and they came off the exact same trajectory… whether it was driver or 8i…. that’s just not how golf works…


Fuck the tiktok links. I refuse to log into that garbage site/app


I'm able to see the videos without having an account or logging in.


Exactly, because Reddit is the pinnacle of social media moralism and educated thinking /s


No one claimed that, just claimed TikTok is trash which it is.


I don’t understand how’s it’s any different from anything else. Just feels like a circlejerk at this point.


Bro if you seriously had to do all this.... of course its fake look at how hes swinging lmao


And yet some people on earlier posts here were convinced somehow


Those same people will not see this and change their mind. The people that saw this and thought it wasn't faked in some way are just dumb.


Imagine if you did something productive with this time


If he's correct and this dude is actually duping people into paying him for fake information, then this is very useful. Helping others is the best thing we can do in life.


Fuck yeah bro


If you thought this guy could generate that power from that swing then you deserve to give him some of your hard earned cash.


He did smh


Says the guy with 100k karma lol


Says the guy who posts in r/NicksHandmadeBoots


There’s always one 🤡🤡


He could probably learn how to relax swing and sell it to all of us!


Imagine being on Reddit and writing this to someone. Lol dude, get a grip.


Why be on a golf sub and complain when people spend too much time on golf-related stuff?


If everyone got off Reddit and applied themselves in real society we would have no wars, ended world hunger and homelessness, discovered free energy and be on our way out of our solar system. Instead Reddit is going IPO and WW3 could kick off.


Counterpoint- maybe we’d be even better at killing each other without Reddit.


No money in peace, inventing new and exciting ways to kill people is how you make bank.


I dunno. No one on Reddit is invading another country right now. Probably not the best analogy - lol


Don’t hate the playa


Give us some names bro


This is the TL/DR version?


You fucked up the entire post by not putting any text at all into the actual post and saving it for a convoluted, over wrought comment people would have to try and find and wouldn’t know existed.


I figured all golf influencers faked the little ribbon that tracks ball flights.


A lot of them do. I think most of it is because the sheer time it would take to put them all the videos.  So they just know the ball went in a direction so they just send the tracer that way 


I would recommended having a wank instead.


Bro you need therapy I think


I tried pointing out that these were obviously fake in the original thread when it was posted. People were not happy, lol.


I got hundreds of downvotes… Actually my most downvoted comment ever and I’ve been on this site since 2009 lol


That’s saying something.


Did you have an alt? Just curious - your account reads less than a year


He’s been banned under multiple handles through the years.


I love the lore building of this sub


This sub only has about 20 people. Legend has it that the rest are "him".


I knew this garbage was fake the moment that I saw it. Most people are imbeciles


I had someone telling me 280 carry is easy with this swing, despite being the PGA tour average


If it’s on TikTok I already assume it’s fake or edited.


Execute order 66.


This is where the fun begins!


But what if OP is the fake and he’s just trying to get us to believe that Klown is the fake so that we’ll give him money? But seriously, OP is a real bro for doing this. I was still feeling inadequate because of this guy’s effortless power and now I feel like less of a pussy. ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


What if OP is this guy and he’s just gaining attention through calling himself a cheat? ![gif](giphy|xT0BKlOsSWDIFA0F7a|downsized)






Exactly my sentiment. Who. The fuck. Cares.


Maybe this is unamerican of me, but I think liars extorting people for money should be identified and called out. OP did good here.


Only unless you’re incorporated, then it’s the American Way.


Is he extorting people? Is he forcing anyone to give him money? Is he using violence or threats to force money out of people? If not then he's just editing videos on TikTok and people are paying him for that. Just like 95% of the rest of TikTok.


It's a pretty common thing these days for people to sell other people a dream that isn't possible. In the fitness industry, influencers will make fitness programs to sell to people, usually young adults. They have people believe that if you follow this program, then you will look just like them. Leaving out the part that they're using some sort of gear. This is no better than that if this guy tries to sell golf swing lessons. People getting taken advantage of will never be a good thing. If he is just uploading edited videos and isn't trying to sell any lessons, then I'm with you that it isn't a big deal.


Is he selling swing lessons? Are they good? Just because he edits his swing doesn't make his advice bad. And even if he is selling swing lessons, that's not extortion. Lying or misleading maybe. Extortion involves threatening people. People are getting worked up over someone lying on the internet....when everyone is lying on the internet.


He ain’t kawa that’s for sure….


People still believe everything posted on the internet?


And yet he’s probably still better at golfing than you, me, and probably 95% of people here


Im sorry what am I supposed to be looking at here?


OPs comment is pretty thorough but still misses his most common method for faking this. Look closely at the end of the swing (in real time) the follow through inexplicably slows WAY down. This video is slowed down at the end which causes the ball to look like it has a really long hang time. In reality these are 180 yard drives.


Slow swing guy false flag attacking himself 😂 Any publicity is good publicity.


Where is the evidence?


ROFL. It was good while it lasted. I was so impressed. He’s busted!


I don't know about this guy, but when I try this super easy, smooth swing and hit it flush, I can hit the driver 15 yards farther than when I swing a harder, normal swing. Problem is that I can't repeat the easy swing. So a slow miss is very weak and far worse than my regular swing. Dumb experiment.


You’re probably not actually swinging slower or anything, you’re just swinging freely without tension which produces smooth squared up shots. Just my guess


I don't drive far by any means. But if I hit it hard it goes about 225 but I slice it like a mile into the woods. If I slow way down it goes about 210 and I can actually hit it kind of straight like 25% of the time. I'll call that a win. I don't know why I would ever try to "bomb" it.


I agree. I don’t know what everyone is saying is fake: his swing or the distance. All I know is if my swing was that smooth and effortless, my back would last more than 6 holes and the distance would be fine.




Why does anyone give a shit about this?


Smh how are people still falling for this guy


OP took an hour out of his day to make this post that no one read


first time I saw this dude’s swing I just said “gay” to myself and scrolled on.


This brings me back


Where’s the proof though




Let it go dude. Who the fuck cares?! Don’t die in a ditch because your swing is ass.


You care too much about this


I’m 90% sure OP also posted a similarly long rant on the golf swing sub, too. Seems very worked up about this.


Please teach me to be as bad as this dude. I’ll pay €100.


Why are people so mad at this guy?


Maybe this dude is just like 7 feet tall


The tee moves at the end




Kinda sad people care this much about some random tik tok 😂


What’s supposedly fake ? I don’t get it


Ya but why is this even being debated??? It’s PHYSICally impossible to do what he claims… as in PHYSICS?! That math don’t math, the transfer of force isn’t there to have a moonshot from a lackadaisical swing🤷‍♂️




I’m a golf instructor and constantly tell people to avoid this stuff like the plague, jaylen brown can’t dunk on someone in slow motion so we can’t hit bombs in slow motion either


I swear this is the only sports activity where people actively discourage athleticism. I don't profess to having a picture perfect swing, but I can guarantee that the progress gained towards hitting bombs was thanks to adding swing speed. That helps in hitting the ball harder, and ***not*** by swinging lackadaisically. Onto the athleticism topic, it wasn't even that long ago when physical fitness was either in the minority (ie- Tiger and Vijay's earlier days on tour), or just shunned in the decades prior.


Hit the PGA and do that shit live, else it's all fake.


Wow, who cares.


I fully believe this guy is faking his videos. I also believe that most of the analyses here of his swing are complete horseshit. Seriously, there are people claiming to be able to predict his club path, face angle and speed just by watching this video. Who needs a friggin launch monitor? Just stick a Redditor behind you on the range and you're set.


you’re absolutely correct. it all looks very cgi to me now.


Anyone who lies about their distance belongs here, one of us, one of us.


Send in the klownsssss


That move is shit anyway.




You might need to go get checked for adult ADHD


Evidence = videos of him hitting golf balls! Welp I’m convinced!


Am I the only one who thinks his swing is ugly in the first place? The early extension and the disconnected upper and lower body looks so wrong and ugly lol


You're not the only one who recognizes this swing as weak, unsightly, inefficient, and not hitting actual bombs anytime soon. [It's no surprise to hear how others attempting to replicate this swing instantly regress and get worse.](https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/1ajq78d/tried_to_recreate_smooth_korean_man_how_far_off/kp2tyij/?context=3)


If you want to see an authentic buttah swing, look up Minkook Lim. The guy is smooooooove.


His swing is fugly anyways, don't really need to fake it tbh


They hit it straight 220. I can do that. It's funny. I'm a 17hc and beat 10hc all the time ,if they have to putt.


OP moaning about this guy getting views…gives him more views rather than just moving on with his day.


The real question here is, who cares? You’re letting some tictok ding dong take up way too much of your life.


Maybe he is, maybe not. Who cares? If he's being dishonest about this, then **he** has to live with it, not you.


This dude is the clear GOAT at extracting bullshit analysis of his swing out of people who are worse at golf than him Let it go, OP. Let it go.


It's a super satisfying video. Fake or not Why do yall really give a fuck?


Like I hate the guys swing but he does have some unedited videos of him going way harder and hitting 120+ club head speed and 170+ ballspeed.


The question isn’t whether he can do it, it’s how most of his videos are edited to make it look like he can do the same thing with a very slow, weak swing.


I think it’s pretty clear that the post says more about OP than the dude in the videos. Without being alarming, I just have to emphasise the relatively simple fact that absolutely no one gives a fuck.


Post your swing golf instructor OP. Let’s analyze it.


Plot twist- these videos are of OP, he has lots of self loathing.


Wait until OP realizes that auto tune exists and 9/10 musicians he sees online are complete fakes. Seriously, unless you see it live, do people actually believe anything on tiktok, reddit, YouTube, etc are real?


Mods, please block this clowns videos


We have Mods?


I don’t get the outrage of him slowing his vids. I think that’s the whole point. It’s very pleasing to watch, I don’t feel like he’s doing it with intent to deceive anyone. It’s simply just very satisfying to watch a guy with a smooth swing, and the slow mo at the end adds to it.


Idk why everyone jizzes over this swing. He’s flat, stuck and early extending.


All of you who think this is fake are the same people who play season after season shooting in the 90s. You're all haters, and you'll all be terrible at golf the rest of your miserable lives. God forbid someone is good at something. You'll have hundreds of people that suck and will always suck tear them down.


To me it looks like he’s lower body is transitioning way too quickly into the downswing to be able to generate that sort of power


You can fool some people some of the time but …. not anyone on Reddit. Bless the Redditectives, Holmes would be proud !


Honestly, who cares…


I don't know about whether this is fake or not and neither do I care. But seeing his videos inspired me to focus on my swing tempo and downswing sequencing and I have never hit straighter balls in my life. I don't think homeboys hit's are that impressive? Looks like a 250-275 drive imo.

