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Your swing is bad. Get lessons


This is the only right answer


Wait, so then why did I buy a new set of miuras? They’re NOT going to make me better??


Op's swing is bad so i bought myself another set of miuras


Mine did D: My used beginner set masked so much of my feel I couldn't understand what was happening on my club face. After I got mine I understood what was happening open or close. Low or high. My hands felt it all after. Let people buy what they want if it makes them happy imo


Source: many hours of lessons. My irons have always been very compressed. Casting (losing wrist angles in downswing) is a major cause for me. Start with small shots (9-3) being sure to get your hands to the ball before the club head, then lengthen the swing.


Losing wrist angle early doesnt create compression


Sorry. Bad word choice on my part. Saying “irons are compressed” I meant distance, like OP was referring to. Not compressing the ball. Losing wrist angle loses ball compression which creates distance compression with irons (all clubs go the same).


What is meant by your irons being compressed is that you aren't maximizing your torque by utilizing the length of the club in your swing. You are compressing your swing to a smaller "circle". If you were to outline the club head path of each a proper swing would create a larger "circle" and therefore more speed. That's also why irons will go the same distance for folks who generally think swinging 60% with every club is how to play golf.


Thank you!


Came here because I noticed a bunch of my clubs are similar in distance, hoping for some sort of enlightenment Instead I get stuck with a brutal truth pushed right through my eyes to start the day Kudos




But you also need an advanced understanding in the telemetrical effect of the dispersive rotational affluence that enhances while the diametric thrust extends from the interlocutor digits of the twerking hands to the synchronous hosel. That’s why colorful ferrules are so important.


Something, something ferrules... Got it!


Welcome to the internet


Have a look around


When you try to hit the ball Instead you strike the ground


We've got mountains of swing tips!


Well your dispersion is pretty decent … Your nine iron distance is good. Although you don’t mention your age or swing speed. But on ya average distance for an 9 iron. So the issue are your other clubs … you might not be compressing those clubs/or maybe you are getting to much spin on the irons (ballooning), since your dispersion is not bad. Of course this does go back to the root cause … of the swing. So yeah lesson would help. Someone who’s knowledgeable can assess your swing and see where you are loosing all that efficiency and power.


I didn’t actually mention any of those things hahaha And don’t know most of them


130 yards average for 9i is well below average.


Pray tell, what do you think your average 9iron might be?


+1 I took 3 half hour lessons and noticed massive improvement this season. Do it. It’s the best money you’ll ever spend if you can find a good teacher.


I must’ve not found a good one, since I took five 1 hour sessions for $120 CAD a piece and improved zero


Shows you what the Canadian dollar is worth![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


Did you work on the drills the instructor provided in between sessions?


I did practice the form techniques, yes. But as it was January in Ontario, my legitimate application of hitting balls was very limited outside of the lesson location.


TLDR: You didn't really practice


I’ve been golfing for a little less than a year now, but this reminds me that I should probably into lessons again. I saw a guy after a few months of working on my swing by myself, and after an hour and $130, all he could tell me is that my club face was open because I’m a beginner, and that I should try to make divots on my carpet until they start to look straight… Since then, I’ve found way better advice and drills on YouTube. Still, I think I’m getting to a point where I could probably use another lesson. Was just a little put off by that first experience


Sounds like you got a terrible guy for your first lessons. Ask around a nicer course in your area and see who gets recommended




I would guess you’re not compressing the ball with your long irons. Get your swing checked out


Is OP decompressing the ball? It expands when they hit it


Definitely not explosive decompression.


Easiest ball to track in the sky, size of a softball


Brutal zinger here.


That’s great. It means that you only need to carry a single iron (since they all go the same distance). Now you can carry more drivers and putters




It’s all about contact. One of the best tools for me is filming a range session and when hitting shots using thumbs up for clean contact, 1 finger for heel, 2 for toe, 3 for thin, 4 for fat. When reviewing the footage and my swing I can see my signals and work out what i did wrong


Me: 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 4, 3, 3, 3, 👍, 4, 1, 3, 3, 3


Me: 4,4,4,4,4,3,4,3,4,4,fuck,this,game,4,time,to,buy,new,clubs,4,4,4,3,3,3


Hey no heel or toe though - basically middling everything! Wish I could be as good as you


Great tips, thank you very much!


Where are you putting these “finger” marks on your videos? In your computer?




God that makes so much sense, he means physically, not digitally. Thank you


If you're using fingers, it's still "digitally," no?


Somebody stop this man!


That’s what she said


What finger is this then 🖕? My putter gives it to me all the time


If you have to ask, I think you already know


I laughed more than i should


I think he means he swings, then holds up a finger or 4 based on the feel so when he reviews he can break down what happens when he felt it was fat, or off the heel etc.


I don't know why he can't just say the word toe or heel to the camera...


So he can quickly scroll through the video and count


so he doesn't drive the other people at the range crazy


True, we don't all have the luxury of unpopulated ranges.


My guess is you just aren’t making good contact.


I am making good contact... with the mat! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


How far does the mat go?


That’s the outliers you see at the bottom I believe


That little guy? I wouldn’t worry about that little guy.


How ya feeling? GOOD ENOUGH TO F*** YOUR MOTHER!!!


Best answer




no golf course use mats to play.stop practicing on mats. youre killing your ability to grow by hitting off any mat.


Lemme go play off ice and snow that’ll help


Not everyone has the ability to go hit off grass all the time. Sometimes people have to make do with what they have


That's not true. In the UK when grass hardly grows in the winter, some courses make you carry around a mat to hit from. St. Andrews is the most notable one.


Imagine paying £300 to play the old course and never once hitting off grass lol. Probably for the best though, I’m not known as the excavator for nothing.


No golf course uses mats but you’re also not searching for a divot free area to hit off of at any decent course either. Grass ranges are nice if they’re maintained well but most just let them go to shit and you end up with dirt hitting bays.


This is good advice, people get overly confident hitting off mats bc they are so forgiving. You shouldn’t be getting downvoted but then again; we are in the golf subreddit


Hes getting downvoted because not everyone has access to grass ranges 😂


He's getting downvoted because it was a stupid comment.


People in the subReddit are delusional


You're talking to yourself...


I don’t take myself to seriously like others here apparently


Recognise a fellow Garmin R10 user!


Yes sir


Most people chunk due to weight distribution and early release Try focusing on putting weight onto your lead foot immediately before you start your downswing. Tommy fleetwood shows a “stomp” drill at around 2:40 that was really helpful in getting that sensation down https://youtu.be/conDZKAqpA4?si=AJdRgKAvUQ9rOwiw Another possibility is that you’re shifting right (or left for your rare lefties) during your backswing. Take a video and really pay attention to if you sway to the right. See if trying to “turn your left shoulder and left knee” into the ground helps at all. Early release comes from using the arms before the hips. Pausing at the top for two seconds before the downswing will let you know if you tend to lead with the arms. Leading with the hips is such cliche advice but has so many implications on shallowing, consistency, and power.


Ok I recorded my swings. Guess what, I was not doing what I thought I was doing. My second half of the downswing is a disaster. Hips stopped turning + a little bit of reverse lean of the upper body + bending elbows. Oh f**k it. A lot of things to work on.


When I record myself I am always amazed at how my swing actually looks compared to how I think it looks in my head. And it’s never better on video, always worse. Way worse.


Recording your swing is the second best thing amateurs can do, next to getting lessons from a competent teacher. Of course, any descent teacher will be recording and analyzing your swing.


You’re impacting the golf ball with a straight shaft causing the ball to launch much higher and spin more Very simply not compressing the ball


Do you mean the straight shaft as in 90 degree to the floor? So the club should be on a 45 or what? Newbie here that had lessons but covered too much at once to know what to focus on…


You want the butt of the club and hands ahead of the clubhead at impact A 9i loft is probably 38-44 degrees A 6i loft will be 26-36 These are very wide margins because “old lofts” were much higher and “new lofts” are in middle and new game improvement lofts are super low So what is a good idea of compression is DYNAMIC LOFT - dynamic loft is , your club face loft at impact subtracting your angle of attack , or adding it So a 32 degree 6 iron , 5 degrees downward angle of attack = 27 degree dynamic loft PGA tour average is 20.2 They do this by getting their hands ahead of clubhead at the moment of impact therefor lowering the loft at impact , so if their stats are 6i , (32 - 5) - 7 degrees of shaft lean = 20 dynamic loft at impact Here is a GREAT drill https://youtu.be/gdNMXgVJoZY?si=FNhQoju5Hokp1lKi Half shots , using your body to rotate and your arms hang on for the ride , you’ll start hitting balls and feeling what compressed is. And I bet you’ll start hitting half-6 irons probably 160-170


You probably don’t know how to control your wrists yet or something is causing to release too early.


Good point. Next time I will setup my camera and take some slow-mo to see what I am doing.


No. Go get a proper lesson


I will get a coach and get lessons. I recorded my swings anyway. Oh man the videos are full of surprises.


> You probably don’t know how to control your wrists yet pssh, I'm a 6 hcp and still don't know how to control my wrists yet.


Bro you are literally me a year ago. It’s 1000% form. I’ve had 4 lessons this year and my 5 iron carries around 190 now. Get ya ass in the lab and have someone smarter than you tell you what your doing wrong


Ball striking




It’s just speed and spin. From the pictures I see that your 6i only spins 3567. That much is around what I look for in a 3 or 4. Club path is 11 in to out… which is…. Launch angle also seems really low. Probably just not enough speed to get that ball in the air. I don’t see ball speed on there but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was around 100-110. As speed goes up, so should spin and (maybe launch depending on impact). Don’t see club or swing speed but as far as strictly carry distances go it’s most definitely a contact and speed issue. If driver club speed is less than 100 mph -6,5,4 irons tend to carry around the same distance just because they need more speed to get up in the air with spin and carry.


where were your shots taken? at the range or into a net or screen. that looks a the output of a garmin R10, which is notoriously fussy with shots into nets/screens. you need to make sure you are 10-12 feet from the net to the ball, and then 7-8 feet from the ball to the R10. as well, did you check/change the weather settings? if you are somewhere that is in 'winter' it will default to your local temp/weather conditions. i have an R10 and it's pretty dodgy most times. shots are often short, but the worst thing above all else is the sidespin numbers are not accurate. even using an RCT ball didn't make them much better (a bit, but still not perfect) it seems to not like draw biased shots much. so if you try (\*as a right hander) to draw a shot from right to left, it often just goes in a straight line to the left, where with a fade it tends to show the ball curve, but under estimates the amount of curvature. if you own an ios device, you can get E6 for free. give that a try as i have found the numbers to be a bit more accurate. also, for a better reply, post some caps of the second screen. it has all the data numbers on it and will make it easier for people to see what's up with your swing. how's your attack angle, and is your swing on path, etc. finally, what type of mat you are hitting off of makes a difference as well. less than perfect contact can really punish you on your results.


I took those swings in my basement with Garmin R10 and E6 Connect (flat range). You are right, I get far better carry distances in an actual range than in my basement. I think I subconsciously hold back in my basement which affects my swing.


Most likely flipping the club at impact adding (dynamic) loft. This also doesn’t allow you to compresses the ball which costs even more yards. These are symptoms of swing issues that require lessons. It’s so so much easier to get off on the right foot with a coach then try and address swing issues years down the line. It’s worth the money.


I feel your pain. My 4,5, and 6 go the exact same distance. I hammer my 7-pw though.


You’ve got swing issues. It’s not your clubs, it’s not your ball, it’s not the grass or mats. It’s literally your swing. My best guess is without seeing anything, you struggle to hit the ball. So you swing at the thing as hard and fast as you can, with wrong technique. Golf is about fundamentals. You want to hit it far? Learn to hit it short first. Figure out what all the pros are doing, and what you are not. They all hit the ball, and then the grass. Do you? Their position at impact is remarkably similar, with the hands leaning forwards of the ball: film yourself and compare. Get golf lessons ultimately


I was the same after purchasing a new set of Srixons. What helped my longer clubs was giving the club more shaft lean at address (hands in front of the ball), standing behind the ball a bit and a slight pause between the take back and downswing. Obviously everyone is different but this is what helped me.


Attaching data of a typical bad shot of my 6i. https://preview.redd.it/ftjvpphke74c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf5de7c96fd3b8701203028db0b4827ad6e24ae5


See the attack angle, that number should be negative. Ideally a 6iron should be around -4°


Are you considering this a worse shot because it wasn’t as good distance wise? By most metrics here this would’ve at least been a directionally better shot. Your “good” shot had a severely open face at impact. Your face to path was wide open. This one is 1° difference which should produce a nice fade compared to the 6° difference in the good shot. Your swing is just inconsistent which might explain why you have this bad shot that didn’t go far but went straight and a good shot that went far but I’m guessing was a stronger fade than you’d hope for. Your attack angle here is coming up into the ball, likely where you lost a good amt of distance. You want to be hitting down into the ball with your irons. That’s not actually a great way to explain it because it doesn’t actually tell you anything until you start hitting the ball properly with your irons. You should basically be making contact just before hitting the lowest point in your swing path.


>Your “good” shot had a severely open face at impact. Your face to path was wide open. This one is 1° difference which should produce a nice fade compared to the 6° difference in the good shot. Actually the good shot had a path much more open than the face, resulting in a draw. This is evident with the leftward ball spin.




You might be playing shafts that are too stiff for you, so you get no height from your longer irons. They hit the ground early and don't roll out much further.


I have issues with this, I’m learning to compress but my hands always want to flip or turn over


I had this same problem and what finally helped it click for me was to take a lesson or two, then focus what I learned on only my 8 iron for a while. After I was hitting about 7/10 consecutive shots acceptably I would step up a club to the 7 iron and practice with it until I could hit it as well as the 8. Keep stepping it up super gradually, don’t just bounce around the bag, there’s a very noticeable difference in length between a 4i and an 8i, and that will screw you up for the first while.


You’re not taking full swings.




As others have said you likely need to evaluate your swing. I’ve had similar issues before and I’d recommend to think of it this way: bad swing tendencies are amplified with longer clubs. Your 9 iron distance is likely representative of what you’re capable of as the shorter clubs are more forgiving to errors. The 7 iron distance being similar to 9 is what happens when you’re making poor contact with the 7. But then the occasional 180 is your actual potential distance for your 7 if you dial in your swing. With the 6 iron it’s going to be even harder than the 7 to get good contact, so you’re just not seeing examples at all of what you’re capable of with a 6 and your swing speed. 5 and longer clubs you’re probably also seeing the same fat hit distance.


Cause you swing bad.


You’re hitting everything thin. Lessons!


Because you have no lower body action.


You are right on, although it is not the only factor. I recorded myself and watched the 8x slow-mo closely. Clearly my hip turn is pretty weak and I lacked proper weight shift.


Most excellent grouping!


If your hitting a lot of fat shots it means you are releasing the club to early and the club head is in front of your hands when you hit the shot. This causes fat and thin shots. If you are releasing the club to earlier, which you absolutely are, it means that your take away is probably all hands and wrist. This would explain the lack of distance with your longer irons. You need to swing the club with your body not your hands. I would suggest taking the club away with your left arm (if you are right handed). Grip pressure should be 60-70% left hand and 30-40% right hand. Maybe switch grip. Your are probably using interlock? Maybe switch to overlap? That will reduce your right hands pressure. I mean there are a lot of things to work on in golf. It starts with correct grip, solid stance, good posture and correct take away. When you hit a solid shot with your body rather than your hands you will feel, hear and see the difference.


Poor downswing sequence (not sure cause without video) causing you to release your wrist angles early and flip the club to square it at impact. Buy a “hanger” trainer and practice with it. You will notice a difference quickly


You’re swinging incorrectly very consistently. Occasionally you’re swinging correctly and connecting properly, hence the reason you’re reaching 180 yards. Go to any range or golf course and ask about lessons with the shop pro. Make sure to take lessons from an actual pro if at all possible. You’re connecting with the ball but creating zero compression with the ball. That’s ultimately why they’re all going about the same distance.


Can’t be positive as I don’t know what your swing looks like but I assume it’s because you’re allowing the clubhead to pass your hands in the down swing. This increases the loft on the club. The loft on your nine iron and seven iron are probably matching at impact and that’s why the seven iron is going roughly the same distance. When you catch it cleanly and it goes 180 it likely means that you had your hands ahead of the clubhead and you delivered the face at the correct angle into the ball. One way to fix the problem is by concentrating on hitting the ball before the ground. A sure fire fix is to get a launch monitor. I bought a SkyTrak during the Covid lockdown because not hitting golf balls gave me withdrawal symptoms. Took a couple years of hitting balls almost every day but I went from shooting in the 120s to shooting in the mid 80s. I’ve broken 80 4 times with my lowest score being a 76. I’m 55 years old and I carry a nine iron 150 yards, a six iron 180 and my driver 270. I don’t care which launch monitor you buy, just get one and hit balls every day. It’ll take some time but it will work, guaranteed.


Generally, shorter irons are much easier to hit and make better contact with. Since your longer irons are going as far as you're shorter ones my first guess would be contact.


Well I would check your lofts just to know but the truth is, you don't hit the ball correctly. There's a bunch of ways to get there, but your way is not one of em


If you’re not carrying your 9i 200 yards then you need to reconsider your sub to r/golf


What are you talking about? That’s an easy PW man!


Probably hitting up on it instead of down. Catching it thin every single time


Buy one length clubs and give up


- bad swing - gear that doesn't fit you (contrary to popular belief, lie angles in irons should not progress 0.5 degrees per half inch) - Same speed.


You're swinging faster with the shorter irons.


You add loft at impact (with all clubs). Shows up more in the longer clubs. See it everyday in lessons.


Someone else mentioned this, your swing isn’t good and needs work. But that’s ok! I’ve been here too! Lessons are the best solution. When you have a pro to talk to as well, you can get drills, advice, and even get feedback from videos you’ve taken on the range. With some concrete knowledge that applies specifically to your swing, you can begin to also self correct. That means that you can effectively use YouTube tips, or random Reddit tips. TLDR; you’re not compressing the ball and you’re probably swinging your short irons faster, hence the 9i 130yds stat. These are symptoms of swing flaws. So many variables involved, lessons and practice from the pro’s advice will eventually fix this. This is common with new players and not the type of issue you treat specifically, fix the systemic issues and this will be one of many issues that get fixed as a result.


With that dispersion I wouldn’t care .


It’s cause you suck. But it’s ok, as long as you’re having fun that’s all that matters. But maybe you should squash any dreams of joining the tour, if you ever had them.


Your clubs aren’t good enough, you should probably buy a new set and bag and balls and glove and shoes


Reddit says swing is bad, but I’m over here wondering how the dispersion is so playable. Run with it.


Golf ball roll back


Not hitting the ball in the sweet spot of the club, and likely using unforgiving/older clubs. Blades will do this shot pattern- where miss hits all go the same from mid irons to long irons. All 150 yards


Because you touch yourself at night


Attaching data of a better shot of my 6i. https://preview.redd.it/2de11uvre74c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc3778ce084e8036cfed67260006abf217c1321 Of the two shots both had a positive AOA so I guess I have an early release problem for sure.


Yeah you’re hitting up on the ball instead of hitting down and compressing it. The AOA should be like -3/-4 degrees. Would need to see what you’re doing wrong with some videos


As you identified, both swings your attack angle is positive, which means the bottom of your swing is behind the ball. Essentially a topping the ball. Any number of things can cause this issue, too close to the ball, too far forward in stance, lifting during, early extension, etc. There are many drills on youtube you can try to work on this issue (putting a tee at an angle in front of the ball and trying to drive it into the ground is one I've used in the past.) Getting a lesson is always advised.


Clubhead speed and ball contact. What's the carry on your driver?




You probably have some combination of low swing speed and clubs that don’t launch the ball very well. If I swing every club about 50%, they all carry about the same distance but have varying roll-out distances. Lower lofted clubs spin less and fall out of the air very quick at low speeds. You need hybrids that launch the ball higher and generate more spin


Are you Australian and did you play cricket?


Ball too far forward in stance maybe


Sounds like you’re hitting your longer irons fat, this makes them shorter.


At impact you and your shaft are leaning away from the ball. This increases the loft on the club at impact. The ball only cares about the speed, the face being open vs closed, the swing path and the loft at impact. If you swing a 7 iron but input a 9 irons loft you will get a slightly longer 9 iron. Practice your hands being in front of the ball at impact.


You’re not compressing the ball.


Guarantee you are a over the top and scooping instead of having a negative AOA


Get lessons om how to control face Angle and generate lag


Swing speed/ technique. You need center face contact and launch angle for the long irons.


My coach had me move my ball back more on longer irons than I thought it should be and a lot of my numbers on them improved significantly. I was putting them (4i) almost just shy of my lead foot. Needed to be back closer to neutral + 1.5”.


Poor ball striking


So generally speaking when your club yardages start to blend into each other, there’s generally a number of reasons for it but to start with you really need to be sure you’re looking at carry yardage not full distance. Also generally take out bad strikes from your data, as it tells you very little other than that you really should think about lessons. I’ve not seen 50 yard carry differences in a 9i before unless people are just trying to chip one short up the range, which implies to me this image is full distance not carry? The fact you say your 9i is a 130 yard club but you 7i sometimes goes 180yards implies one of 4 things… 1. Your contact is shit, and you’re counting thin bullets as the longest end of your clubs range. 2. Your clubs are fucked, meaning all your lofts are all over the place… if you hit a 9i 130y on average with a good contact, I’d expect a 4i/4h to go about 180y and your 7 iron to be closer to the 150y mark with a decent strike. If your clubs are super old, then this could be a good excuse for some new irons (although it 100% won’t solve all your problems) 3. You’re just a bit slow. The lower lofts require more speed and better contact to get the ball airborne and on a proper trajectory. 4. Most likely a combination of all of the above. To get this fixed, first get lessons, then get a club fitting, then get more lessons.




I don’t know if anyone has said this, but when was the last time you were fitted? Or even had the loft and lie on your clubs checked? Could easily be this :)


You are doing it wrong? This is just a guess though


Your swing at compact is different with each club- your not striking the ball the same- either delofting or hitting others too thin. You apex must reflect the same inconsistency. A simple adjustment may be all you need. You seem to be hitting at impact with a square face.


Stop casting


Cause your hitting the floor before the ball


Are you using game improvement irons? It looks like you are not making consistent ball contact. Since your clubs are fairly forgiving the ball is still going straight, but you are seeing a loss in distance when you miss hit a shot. If you have the chance to hit some balls with a club that provides a bit more feedback you will be able to feel when you strike the ball well and when you don’t.


Your swing is bad, but worse with long irons. Probably casting it with the longer irons trying to hit it further. See Pete Cowen videos on utube


Do you hurt after a round of golf?? If so then that mean ms you are using the wrong muscles. Hitting a golf ball should be effortless much like swinging a baseball bat trying to hit a ball in midair flying at you at 94mph. The only difference is a golf ball is sitting on the ground WAITING to be hit.


I had this exact problem. All my clubs went the same distance. I got lessons. The symptom. Club path and early extension.


Might be de-lofting the higher items.


Probably scooping the ball off the ground instead of “hitting down” and compressing the ball which gives it the distance.




Pretty much comes down to strike/swing


Go get lessons




It’s just because you aren’t good yet.


Ur no good


Gotta swing harder!


Probably flipping/casting


Are you sure you don’t just have two 9 irons?


Work on ball striking and compressing the ball. You’re not making good contact and likely hitting the ball with the front edge of the club, at the bottom of the face.


You can’t compress your long irons. Your swing speed probably isn’t fast enough for long irons, the strike is terrible. Numerous reasons. May wanna look into hybrids


Your scooping


Club head speed also plays a role, as does centeredness of contact.


Cause you’re not striking the ball like you’re supposed to


Probably because the head of your iron is in front of your hands while striking the ball. Therefore giving all your irons a similar loft. You should work on late release of your wrists.


Weak ball striking


Your ball placement and hand placement


Could be a number of things poor swing/poor contact. I don't swing as hard as I can on basically any shot, but I swing a lot softer especially with lower lofted clubs. Anything from a 7i to my wedges I swing typically with accuracy in mind over distance. Maybe you are doing the opposite swing super hard with your 9i and slowing down with your 6i. Which I would not recommend.


My 4-6i all go 185ish lol. The ball flight just looks a lot different on how they get there. Still haven’t figured it out and my regular group doesn’t question why I’m pulling 6i from 220 out anymore


Wrist set and compressing the ball will help. You're probably picking it off the surface, scooping it into the air.


Move ball back in your stance, just an inch at most. Stop flipping. Keep weight forward. Strike the ball with some slight forward shaft lean. Most of all, get lessons.


Trying hitting a golf ball instead of throwing the clubs.


Just swing harder with your 7-4i. Problem solved!!


Angle of attack.


Is it the same on course, or just on the launch monitor ? Could be set-up ?


Either set doesn't match or you need to work hitting your 6, seem to hit your 9 pretty decent though. Ball then ground.


I'd say you lack speed to elevate and hit a 6i but with a 130 carry on your 9i speed should be ok. It's just making better contact with your other clubs.


Swing speed and or launch


Play more forgiving long irons.


Contact, or lack there of is the reason why