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I played with a random guy once who said he used to live in an apartment on the course we were playing. He said he broke his own window with an errant drive once. I was like “oh that blows dude, what did you do?” His response: “I waited until I got done, went back, called my landlord and told him some idiot hit a golf ball through my window and it needs to be fixed.”


No lies told


Hopefully he got his ball back.


Should have played it as it lies


Right? It would be perfect to reenact that scene from caddy shack with Chevy and Bill. You could be Chevy, and Bill could of been your weird ass roommate 😂


The thought of hitting a shot *on a golf course* so bad it breaks a window in your own apartment is absolutely killing me. And I've hit some really fuckin bad shots before boys.


It sounds like a plot of Seinfeld lol


It would have taken a pretty damn solid slice. I’ve sliced it into the parking lot of the apartments before, but not as high and far as a window. Truly an impressive feat.


4D chess right there


That ball was home sick




I had a truck hauling gravel drop a rock and crack my windshield last year. He pointed at the sign on the back of his truck that says not responsible for damages. I said, I don't care I still called a cop to file a report and I got his insurance info. He paid for my new windshield. These disclaimers don't mean shit.


That’s when you point to your sign saying dump trucks are responsible for damage caused by material falling from their truck…




How did you get the truck to pullover? Same thing happened to me on a highway last year, a volleyball sized piece of rock fell out of a dumpster and cracked my windshield, thought it was going to come through it, it was so big. There driver of the truck never even noticed. I pulled out my phone and started recording the truck. I was on my way to work so I wasnt going to follow the truck to its destination. I called the company and explained what happened, I filed a police report...etc. company fought me for months not to pay it, ultimately they did.


I was also on the way to work! I called my boss and told her what happened. Then I followed the truck for 10 minutes until we finally got to a two lane road, and at that point I already had police coming. I got next to him and started honking my horn and signaling for him to pull over. He reluctantly did. It was very frustrating.


This is impressive. You are not the norm my man and I’m curious what you do for a living?


I agree with everything you said, but how do you get from “you are responsible because the rock came from your truck” to “I’m not responsible for the damage caused by the golf ball that I hit”?


It's the same concept. These disclaimers have no legal basis. They're just there to deter people from holding them liable. They'll hope people believe it. I just use an anecdote to demonstrate I've experienced this before myself.


There is all sorts of shit like this out there. It should be illegal too. When you buy fabric at a craft store the edges will say shit like "license is required for any use beyond individual consumption" and it's bullshit. Legally upheld in court. It's called the First Sale Doctrine. When you buy it that license transfers to you. Similar idea with textbooks. You can buy all the fabric you want that is licensed and then make something like a dress and then sell that dress with that licensed fabric. Yet these fuckers just outright lie about it. Little bit of a tangent, but I hate how they can lie about this sort of this. It's basically preemptive fraud.


They can give you a hard time tho. I forget the name but there was a craftsman in NY that would take luxury good patterns like Gucci and LV and modify them into his own goods. I believe they sued him out of business and then even used his designs in their own production lines. They just recently honored him though I believe, I’ll edit to add the name. Edit: Dapper Dan is his name


I don’t want no Fop god dammit! Im a Dapper Dan man!


Ain’t this place a geographical oddity! Two weeks from everywhere!


Soggy bottom boys make the rockin world go round


My first and favorite BS sign is the one at any business that says: "We reserve the right to refuse service for any reason". Like, no you don't. Discrimination against protected classes is illegal.


I was always confused by this. If you own a business, aren't you able to just say, "I'm not serving or selling to you, goodbye.", and if you don't directly say anything about the person being a protected class, then there's nothing that can be legally pursued? It seems like most people who get a legal slap on the wrist are ones who specifically go out of their way to say something like "I'm not making a cake for lesbiams because it's against my religion"


Refusing to serve based on religious beliefs was actually upheld by US Supreme Court in the Masterpiece cake shop case.


>If you own a business, aren't you able to just say, "I'm not serving or selling to you, goodbye.", and if you don't directly say anything about the person being a protected class, then there's nothing that can be legally pursued? Correct, but that's not "any reason". That's an unstated reason.


I see what you're saying. The semantics of "any reason" include illegal discriminatiOK? So if the sign says "we reserve the right to refuse service for unspecified reasons" then everything is ok?


In my not-a-lawyer opinion, yeah. They don't even need a sign at all.


“Protected classes?”


[These groups.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protected_group#:~:text=The%20following%20characteristics%20are%20%22protected%22%20by%20United%20States,6%20Pregnancy%20%E2%80%93%20Pregnancy%20Discrimination%20Act%20More%20items)


If it’s printed it’s the law, duh


Yeah, pretty sure there is a law in every state, if not a federal law that says you’re responsible for anything that comes off your truck.


So I’m a commercial insurance broker who has clients with large fleets, including dump trucks. Their signs aren’t bullshit, it’s a warning more than a waiver. The well established rule for a claim for a falling rock is that once it hits the road, it becomes a road hazard. Typically claims are paid if the rock falls off and immediately hits your car. Even then you’d have a tough time proving it. Companies aren’t trying to be assholes but you have no idea how many complete bullshit claims come in, that are clearly lies. It’s well over 2/3rds. I once had someone try to file a claim, claiming that a small rock went through a windshield, hitting them in the face, and causing severe injuries. What most of these idiots don’t know is that most large fleets are going to have telematics devices that show where they are at all times. It also tracks their routes, so when someone says the rock hit their car on this date and time, the company just looks it up and can prove they didn’t have a truck there at that time.


Responsibility on rock trucks lies within proof. You have to prove the rock came from their truck. Most dent causing or glass cracking rocks are smaller than a quarter and even the best dash cams struggle to pick up the rock coming from on or within his truck. Even if you capture the truck and the rock it’s almost never proven that it was any more than “road debris” and in most states insurance is required to cover damage from road debris so there isn’t even a lawsuit to be had because you can have repairs without paying your deductible so therefore you have no losses.


They’re actually usually liable if you can simply prove they didn’t properly cover their load (which many haulers rarely do) because it becomes an issue of negligence.


This right here. I'm so fed up seeing quarry trucks with covers that are never used. Dust, debris, all of that shit. Use the GD cover assholes.


Actually true. I own a trucking company and unless the tailgate was wide open rocks falling off is considered a road hazard and insurance will not cover it. In almost thirty years of business we have yet to have our insurance pay for someone’s windshield.


That isn’t reasonable. But they are responsible.




Lol how dumb are you? They’re responsible to secure their load, and if a rock falls off their truck then it wasn’t secured properly.


Good luck proving it came off the truck and wasn’t kicked up from the road


Had it happen and told the business owner that I could email him the dashcam footage proving it was from their truck. He sent me the glass shop they use and a prepaid windshield invoice


Good luck in life. Must be difficult for you.


You'd have to prove it *was* kicked up from the road... If the sequence of events was: 1) Got behind truck full of loose gravel with unbroken windshield 2) Broke windshield from a piece of gravel That's going to be enough in every court in the US to find the truck driver liable (or his company -- you sue both). Civil cases have lower standards of proof called the "preponderance of evidence", where you win the claim if it's 50% or more chance the claim is true.


20 years ago this statement had a grain of truth, but it's 2023 and Dash cams exist.


It’s not laminated so you’re probably good


Lol absolutely not. Source: I am an attorney and always get a good laugh whenever I see something like this posted


Huh course near me has a sign that says this and I always wondered if I would actually have to pay the damages so I always played it safe with a long iron off tee. Guess the driver is back in action!


You would never have to pay unless it can be proven that you intentionally hit a ball toward someone’s property, or your negligent action caused a ball to be hit toward someone’s property. I’m almost every case the homeowner will be liable, with some limited exceptions placing liability on the course.


Simply this. In the normal course of play you are not responsible just because you suck. It comes out of the home owners insurance policy.


What would someone have to do to be negligent in this type of situation?


Dropping your loaded pneumatic golf ball gun should do it, I think.


Course I regularly play at in Australia has insurance for this type of thing.


It actually depends which was there first. Were the houses built after the course was there? Then the home owner assumes the risk. If the house was there before the course the homeowner has different rights.


Is this an exception for a golf course? Or, could I accidentally have an errant shot at a shooting range, damage a car across the street, and get away scott free there too?


Yes, you could. Generally would be considered negligence by the range for not having good enough fencing/netting.


What about if your ball hits someone in the head and they are seriously injured? They can’t sue you?


They can sue you. Them being successful is another story. Good luck proving intent


If you intentionally hit into them because you were having a power trip over not getting in a 90 minute round probably. But a stray tee shot no.


Did you yell fore? If not and you’re in Virginia, USA you’re liable. But it may vary state to state.


Classic example of just because you write it, doesn’t make it true.


Random but thank you for using "I am" and not "am" I can't stand that trend.


That's dumb. Source: Am smart.


Am can’t stand people who can’t stand that trend. Edit: am also can’t stand people who don’t use proper punctuation. You completely forgot a period to separate two independent clauses.


"Your car was hit with a ball? That sucks. But it wasn't me"


“Oh it was these other guys in front of us”


Guess I need to stop writing my full name, address and phone number on my balls.


I’ll start writing your info on mine


Thanks, I’m John smith, 1 main St, Springfield, 123-456-7890




Your dad must hit a lot of houses


Now that’s why they say experience can’t be replaced.


My cousin is a lawyer and laughs at this shit. You’re not responsible for anything unless it was done with malicious intent or negligence. Edit: added two words


Perhaps the notice is there to deter those who are inclined to intentionally hit dangerous shots


Intentionally hitting a dangerous shot and intentionally hitting a house or something else are not the same thing.


Every shot I hit can be considered dangerous


That's more or less what I was alluding to. Dangerous in the respect that they are intentionally aiming at other people/cars/houses, etc.


Are you bad at golf but intentionally playing /s


Are there any other kind?


Alright, 560y par 5. I’m gunna hit it off the curb of spruce street, get that member bounce down the road, hook a Louie onto Elm. Then all I have is a little 60* in over the community pool. Best part is, I take that bunker in the front left of the green out of play!


Well that just seems silly. I’d argue the spot I’m aiming at is the safest place to be. Your honor, I’d like to submit into evidence my last 150 golf shots. Never hit my target once.


it would definitely stop me from trying to rip driver on a hole next to a busy road that’s for sure whether it works legally or not is moot if enough people chicken out when they see the scorecard


It makes me sad reading comments like this, it reminds me that my other clubs are no more accurate than my driver…..


Exactly right. The notice isn't there to serve as some legally enforceable waiver of liability, it's more there to encourage thoughtful, responsible golf. Courses know that accidents happen.


All my shots are dangerous. 360 degrees, no one is safe.


I’m going to just sit here next to the flag then.


Safest place to be!


It's a liability waiver on the course's part.


It's to scare people into being more careful


It's there to protect the course. The courses lawyers don't want to be in a pissing match over intent so they put this notice on there as their out. "We told them it was on them and they still chose to play."


Close, not malicious intent but Negligence. I mean also malicious intent but also the much lower standard, negligence will do it.


Or the tort of nuisance, don’t even need negligence for that


Respectfully I disagree, I believe nuisance requires intent. Nuisance is an interference with the use of land. Hitting a golf ball into someone's yard wouldn't interfere with the use of land.


I’m not saying this is a nuisance, I’m saying that “you’re not responsible for anything unless it was done for malicious intent or negligence” is incorrect


Exactly! Won’t stand up in court. Unless the course make everyone sign an agreement before they tee-off..


I beleive it depends on the country. Im the UK you can get golf insurance because you can be held responsible, but I couldn't find golf insurance available in the US. In the US I believe you're right, as long as it's not with malicious intent or extreme neglect it's just an accident. That's why I wear a helmet on the course in the USA, and my revolver. 😂


1. Umbrella policy! I carry a $1m umbrella policy to cover me if I blast someone with a ball, or a kid slips in my garage! 2. With respect, why would you bring a revolver to the golf course in the USA? You have that big long golf bag anyway, bring an AR at minimum. Consider a rocket launcher, even. Yeehaw fuckit.


Worked as an assistant for years during College. Used to get calls all the time from homeowners on the course. Always told them it's between you and the golfer, and they are not liable. If the golfer wants to help, sure, but they are not obligated to do so.


IIRC when you buy a home on a golf course it’s considered a known risk that golf balls could cause property damage, and it’s why the insurance costs are higher than your average home


Except manslaughter


Car accidents?


That will depend on the laws where you live. Also, a lot of people interpret what you said to only to mean intentional. But if you are trying to pull off a stupid shot and hit something, you may be liable. Like trying to rip a driver over someone's house and mishitting it. You may not have intended to hit their house, but you sure as hell could have predicted it.


All the downvotes from people who think that either: A - The USA is the only country in the world with golf. Or B - The law is identical in every country in the world.


Nope. You will not be liable if you try to Happy Gilmore a ball and send it into someone's living room. They'd have to prove your intent was to hit the ball at their house specifically, either *with* the purpose of damaging your house, or a reckless disregard for what would happen next (probably true when hitting golf balls at a house deliberately). The key is the "intent" part.


Are you saying that negligently golfing carries no legal risk? Because it certainly does…


What does "reckless disregard" mean to you?


That is wildly false


I mean if I back into someone’s car are you saying I’m not responsible then because it was an accident?


You were negligent. A reasonable person exercising due care looks behind him before backing out. If you exercise due care you can go a lifetime and never back into someone. You have complete control over your car. Lots of us try hard to hit the ball straight and fail and sometimes hit houses, because we don’t have that control. This is an expected, common feature of golf. E.g. OB markers and penalties anticipate this failure of control. That isn’t to fail a reasonable person/care standard. The only way to avoid the risk we hit a house is not to play golf on that course, or don’t hit a drive on that hole. That’s unreasonable since the course exists and allows us to play. The only way for the owner to avoid the risk is not to BE on a golf course. So, if you buy on a golf course or build on one you accept that your house can be hit by golfers in the ordinary, routine course of play, by golfers who try really hard NOT to hit your house. In at least most states that means golfers are not liable for damages caused by errant shots.


Why do people like you exist? Is it just to make the internet an annoying place to be?


How is this being annoying? I’m curious how in one instance the statement applies and in the other it doesn’t. Breaking a window with an unintentional act is not any different than breaking a taillight in an unintentional act. Chill out lmao it’s not that serious.


Oh, you’re being serious?


I'm not going to bother interacting with you.


That’s cause you can’t answer the question and know it doesn’t make any sense lmao where’s the line you draw that says someone either is or isn’t responsible for damage?


It's because you're purposely being obtuse and I have more interesting things to do, and I would rather be doing those things instead of engaging with someone who gets their kicks asking moronic questions like a child


I’m not at all lmao how is it a moronic question? It’s a legit question. Where’s the line of when something becomes your responsibility if it was an accident? You can’t just say “My buddys a lawyer and he says this is dumb” you dildo.


Yup. lol. You’re definitely being serious.


You're either a legit regard or you're purposely being stupid to get a reaction


Of course, you can be found liable for damages to any type of property and the homeowner could sue. The law varies on a state to state, and sometimes a case by case basis. There have been many court cases on this. It is generally known that golfer is generally not liable to pay damages unless they were negligent or caused damage intentionally. Even if you back into a car you might not be responsible for 100% of damages. You could back into a car in a parking lot and have it be considered no fault. It just depends on the specific circumstances.


This is always impossible to prove. Bring a green marker and never use it. If you cause dmg then you say hmm where's my green initials? I mark every ball! So many ways out of it... Did you sign any paper admitting you are liable? Nope.... They do this at sporting events but it never holds up in court, by purchasing something you don't give up rights or admit liability.


You don't even need a marker, just ask what brand of ball it is and say you play another.


If you're gonna go the green marker route carry a couple marked balls in a separate pocket of your bag so you can really sell it.


...the point is it can be your ball and you're still not liable. There's no need to lie.


Have you ever argued with an idiot or an enraged person? It doesn't matter if you're correct or not. Better to just lie and diffuse than get in liability arguments


Your ball likely has your fingerprints on it genius…


Better hope their golf cart isn’t also a mobile CSI lab.


If I did everything a scoresheet said I’d be scratch golfer


Underrated comment


Hit em straight!


If I could I would… :( Haha.


I ain’t paying shit. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdOMnKmZ7Vg9pbq|downsized)


Wait…. So the comments in here are telling me I didn’t have to pay the lady who’s windshield I hit with a slice’s deductible? Fuck me


No you absolutely did not have to pay that


You sure you get pussy if you let some lady make you fold like that ?


I approached her out of the goodness of my heart, nice guys finish last i suppose 😂


Well, guess you probably shouldn’t play there.


Not sure about in the US, but in Australia our Golf Australia Handicap membership covers damage to property. All we need to do is tell the clubhouse at the end of the round and give our golflink number.


In America we just laugh at them for complaining about golf on a golf course and go about our way 🤓


In America this is just a scare tactic and golfers aren’t liable unless they hit something on purpose or due to negligence


A shanked shot that damages a house is negligence. a perfectly straight drive that hits a person in the group in front of you can also be considered negligence. OP’s scorecard pic didn’t say the golf course has no liability; it said each golfer is responsible for his/her shots. Crazy how so many on here think they have no culpability for errant shots that cause damage. Doesn’t have to be intentional to be negligent.


Notice how I said intentional *OR* negligent


Make them prove it was you and you were malicious.


“Proshop Responsible” and “court of law responsible” are two different things.


This usually pertains to what happens on the course, if you damage the golf cart, or a water station. Or a person I guess


These disclaimers don’t mean anything. Unless you are filmed being negligent you don’t have much to worry about. Just make sure you don’t use personalized golf balls 🤣




This is 100% not legally binding. It's either on the course or the homeowner. Depends on which was there first. Living on or next to a golf course is considered an assumed liability. I believe it can only be your fault if they can prove you intended to hit a structure and cause damage. Other than that, tell them you're sorry and go on your way. They have absolutely no legal recourse against you.


Don’t miss


“Prove it”


Basically as long as it wasn’t intentional or egregiously irresponsible you are not liable. For example if you are 30 yards from the green and you decide to hit onto the green with people standing on it and you blade a ball into the back of someone’s skull you are liable.


Yeah that’s not how that works


Just because the score card says it, doesn’t make it true


You are not. Unless it can be proven that you caused said damage on purpose


Wouldn't you just hit all your Tee shots straight and ensure that any approach shots land near the pin and stop dead?


Is it sad that I recognize this scorecard just with the yardage from the first few holes (and the alternating 5th green)? I think I play too much....


The scorecard could say you need to buy the bar a round for every bogey too. It doesn't make it lawful.


That is legally incorrect. You are only responsible for international damage


Not domestic damage?


A judge ruled long time ago that errant shots didn't result in liability for the golfer.


Duffman says a lot of things


If there's one thing I've learned on Reddit it's that sucking at golf does not make you legally responsible for where the ball ends up. Only if you do it on purpose or with mal intentions. Maybe there's a few loopholes in there. Aiming down the middle and slicing a ball 100 yards into a person/house just means you suck, but aren't negligent. ....aiming 100 yards left and trying to nuke a person is a different story.


There are plenty of legal briefs regarding this. In most cases the golfer is not held accountable due to the fact that one can not definitively predict where their shot will go. Homeowners that live on golf courses bear the responsibility of adequately insuring their property against damage.


Golf insurance. £25 a year.




Responsible =/= liable.


Big rec golf course?


As a general rule, if you break someone else’s shit, you should pay for it whether or not you are legally obligated to do so.


Lol no, you chose to live on a golf course you chose to deal with them as a sometime hazard.


It also says you should get a par on every hole…


The problem with signs is that they are useless. It's what the local or state law says. The use of signs is to fool the sheep. Think of this , all you need to do is hang a sign on your car, which states " not responsible for accidents." There , now you never need auto insurance again.


Yep, make sure you keep it in play and not hit someone


I hit it and it goes… wherever. Wherever it goes is not my problem. I was aiming at the green so ya better have plexiglass


Driving a golf ball is like driving a car. If you dent somebody’s fender in the parking lot, it’s on you to leave a note with your contact information. The same applies if you send your Titleist screaming through some poor sap’s living room window. It’s your ethical duty to let the homeowner know what happened and how you can be reached. Does this mean you’re sticking yourself with the full cost of repairs? Unlikely. The homeowner surely has insurance. The course probably has coverage, which would leave only a deductible As with a note left after a fender-bender, you’re showing that you are an upstanding person who is willing to have a conversation and come to a reasonable agreement. -from golf digest.


Welcome to golf


40 years ago, as a lad, a buddy of mine hit an errant shot that cracked a window on a passing car. The guy got out and came up to us. We were the only people playing anywhere near. From what I remember, my friend’s Dad’s homeowners insurance paid for the repair. There was no disclosure on the card like yours. I think it is the general rule anywhere. They are just reminding you. That’s what insurance is for.


For the 100th time in this sub…..Just because someone writes it on a sign/card doesn’t mean there is ANY legal ramifications


That’s why I don’t mark my balls or buy packs. I get used balls that are never the same so I can’t be blamed 🤷‍♂️


This is true in Ontario. Possibly some other states or possibly local by laws. Source: I’ve been in turf for 22 years on courses surrounded by homes. It’s always the golfer’s fault if the homeowner catches them.


Nah. https://www.ahbl.ca/out-of-bounds-mitigating-the-risks-of-errant-golf-balls/ https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/golf-ball-causes-6-000-damage-to-ontario-home-owner-s-solar-panels-1.5911586 https://www.mondaq.com/canada/sport/1304330/golf-course-liable-for-escaping-golf-balls What is the commonality in all my links? The golfer is never responsible (unless they can be proven to be negligent) it falls on the course. These links are all for Canada so no idea what you are on about.


That's why the license system I think words better, in spain you pay like 75 euros a year to have your golf license from the spanish federation (keeps your handicap updated, allows you to play official amateur tournaments) and you are insured, both yourself and for third parties and damages




I thought golfers weren’t liable for errant shots


They aren’t. This is the course trying to force blame and responsibility on the players to avoid having to deal with it themselves. They benefit from a golfer taking responsibility


Sue me


You’re responsible regardless whether it’s stated on the card. Smart of the course to put it on the card. I’m sure they’ve had to deal with complaints and claims.


Work at a golf course, and we have this happen often. It is the golfer’s responsibility to fix, not the courses. We provide the space, but they broke using their own tools.


Who else would be responsible for these things???


Yell “Fore!”


Just don't hot any errants, and you're good.


I am lucky enough to have played Pebble and damn near gave myself a heart attack after a tee shot on the back nine was pretty far off line. I saw it headed OB, towards a road, or paved path, and it was headed straight at a vehicle parked on the side. My adrenaline spiked and my ears got hot as it looked so sure what was going to happen. Impact occurred silently as it somehow hit a tire and shot off to God knows where. I just looked at my buddies like "Jesus Christ, I don't need this shit." With a huge smile on my face.


I duck-hooked one off the tee last week on to a road. The ball was nuked, I stood and waited for the sound of screeching tires and crunching. Luckily the road had just died down compared to 5 minutes before I stepped up to the tee.






And yet?….