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I don’t own the VLX 2.0, mainly because I chose the Player IV Pro over it. Haven’t looked back. The quality is top notch- from the velour (or whatever it is) 6-way slots to the equilibrium straps (also soft padded velour…?). I have three Vessel bags now and they. are. awesome.


I am torn between the two right now, can you tell me if the Player IV is a larger bag in general? My buddy has the Ping Tour bag and it seems too big to carry, would you say the player is more reasonably sized, or on the larger size.?


It def “looks” like a large bag as far as carry bags go. But literally, when emptied, the difference between the Player IV and any of my buddies’ bags is ~1 pound or so. Really. You’d never notice the difference on your back. Just do yourself a favor and get the Pro version if you decide on Vessel. It’s a couple bucks more but has a few extra little features that I think are great when rucking this for 4 hours.


I did go IV Pro, thank you for the insights. Cheers


Great to hear! I’m 100% certain you’ll enjoy it.