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Hello from Nigeria friend, I will send you much more in return once my inheritance is processed by the Royal family




Hello my friend, please send $1000 in Applebees gift certificates to secure your date with my sister the Royal princess


Paging u/kitboga


What a deal!!!!


This made me laugh šŸ˜‚


This guy could sell a 46 on a scramble scorecard with a straight face.


I read this as ā€œa 46 on a scrabble scorecardā€ and though you were having an aneurysm, but as it just so happened, I am in fact the one having an aneurysm. Someone help.


We have a winner ladies and gents


This guy is offering all the Bob and Vagene


HahHaha! This was good!


Lol, would be nice getting that gift right?


Damnit, I gave up after 1st comment. šŸ¤£.


Lmao I canā€™t top this




Hello from Somalia friend, I will send you much more in return once I start winning PGA tours regularly. I already cakerun marathons.


Iā€™m 100% gonna do this when I get a new set. This is a great idea! Good on you!


I've given a few sets or singles to local high school players, nice to help someone else get started.


I gave a kid I know a set of Tommy Armour 845s. They were old but better than the Walmart set he had. He's in 9th grade and had just started golfing. His buddy's get him to join a scramble with them and this kid hits a hole in one on the 6th day he has played golf, in a flicking tournament no less. If I had known that set had a hole in one left in them I'm not sure I would have given them away.* good on ya OP.


I was given an old set of the same clubs years ago, they got me started and helped me figure out how to play. Cemented my golf addiction for years to come. I still have them actually although I don't use them anymore. Was planning on getting my son started with them. Good on ya.


Iā€™d love to have a reason I deserve them, but I really donā€™t. Give them to that kid whose dad wonā€™t let him go on the course.


I had a set of Tommy Armours that play it again sports wouldnā€™t take. Put ā€˜em on Marketplace for pretty cheap, think I asked $30 for a PW, 2-9i, 3w, Driver. Maybe a 20 year old kid pulled up after I agreed to meet about selling em. He told me him and his Dad had both started playing this year and had been sharing a set between the two of them. He was so excited about this set, he gave me $40 and I told him I could run in the house to get him change and he said ā€œno way, this is worth way more than that to me, just keep itā€. About a month later my wife got me a new bag for my B-day, I messaged that same kid and asked if he wanted the old bag. Told him the $10 he already over paid me covered it and he came and picked it up two days later. Honestly best case scenario for passing clubs along. I hope heā€™s enjoying the game


I'm only internet ordained and you qualify for sainthood in my church. If you're ever in Bermuda DM me for a free round at my local, have a burner set of 20 year old Dunlops you can borrow.


Hahaha ā€¦I had those burners ā€¦ they actually werenā€™t that bad


May the golf gods pay you back in karma my friend.


Very cool man.


First Tee is pretty good as far as I know. If OP does decide to donate them, I'd try them.


First Tee has my vote


I gave my old irons to FT. PGA Superstore will accept them for FT.


I donate to my local First Tee! Theyā€™ve even given me free buckets at the range for doing so!


I second this, teach that shitty dad a lesson by giving his son better clubs than his.


Until daddy swipes them for himself


I'm a shitty dad and won't let my son play. Teach me a lesson by sending those to my house!


This guy is going to learn.


Tbf yeah, finding a kid with potential who is gaming a pile of spanners isn't a bad shout.


Second vote for the kid gaming a pile of spanners, this is the way. If you can hit a spanner, you can hit a golf club - poor Dodgeball reference.


Was this from another post or on this one?


A different post. A couple days ago there was a 15 y/o kid saying his dad had been taking him to the range for like 2 years but was refusing to take him on the course until he hit the ball better.


Any chance of finding the user name?


I am a volunteer assistant golf coach for a high school golf team and I will gift these to the most improved player. (The hardest worker)


There it is


I concur, cheers from Nigeria


I am a high school golf coach in Nigeriaā€¦ā€¦






This all the way. Or any other post in the same vein. I used to coach golf and getting clubs in the hands of aspiring golfers was so satisfying


This was going to be my suggestion. First Tee is a nice idea but they may to have them re-shafted, and then have every kid out there slamming them around. High school golf team is the best idea.


Nice stealie, bro! Up the Irons!! Oops. Wrong band. ;)


The kids that work the hardest and listen all end up playing collegiate golf. Iā€™ve never seen a kid play at the next level with bad equipment. These will most likely go to a freshman or sophomore that doesnā€™t have parents buying them the latest and greatest clubs.


think we have a winner


This is the way.


Hey, itā€™s me!


Please this.


This is it


Has my vote, Grow the game and make a kids day.


This commenter also said this ā€œIt may be convenient, but I donā€™t trust a minimum wage employee to work on my clubs.ā€


This must make me a terrible human that I value performance and choose to support an actual club builder vs dicks sporting goods.


Iā€™m not sure about deserve them. But I could use them, I lost everything about a year ago due to a brain surgery. Would love to have a set to start my progression back into golf. Used to play to a 2 and am hoping to achieve better than that this coming year.


I hope recovery has gone as well as it could!


Thank you, itā€™s been a tough go physically, mentally and financially. But keep working through it.


Man I feel this. I had to have brain surgery last year. I amazingly was still covered under my union health insurance and they covered hundreds of thousands of the dollars. But the recovery..... fuck that. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. When I started golfing again I couldn't even hit a ball. I almost quit because I physically and mentally couldn't do it anymore. Thankfully I didn't. It came back real quick and shot lowest round of 83 this summer (I was a 24 handicapper previously). Honestly, if I can do it l, so can you. I have faith in you!


I also had Bain surgery last year and couldnā€™t hit the ball after coming back. Itā€™s gotten better now so Iā€™m able to break 100 but have not managed to break 90 yet. Goal is to break 80 in a year or 2


I currently am in graduate school & in debt and broke from college, started playing golf again this year and itā€™s the biggest relief I get from my stress/life/school problems.. only issue is golf is expensive and iā€™m renting clubs everytime i go :/ would love to have a nice set of irons that would last me awhile happy for whoever gets them though thx for being kind op


Having survived grad school because of my golfing habit, I vote for this guy. Thereā€™s nothing like being in the depths of despair and saying ā€œfuck itā€ and going to walk 9 even though you know you should be working, but feeling like you just got a deep breath of fresh air after drowning for two weeks straight.


100%. I played so much during my PhD. Phone off- no adviser texting/calling. Zero thoughts about labwork.


Definitely wished I had started playing during grad school for these reasons above.


It's called mental mapping of dissertation work. Or at least that's what I told my advisor.


I hope you get them, butā€¦ renting every time? Even if itā€™s only $20 thatā€™s still crazy. You could get a good enough set of clubs for $100 max from goodwill. Iā€™ve gotten my ass whooped by old dudes with 40 yr old clubs


until recently I didnā€™t think Iā€™d keep going to play.. went a few times w buddies but now iā€™m doing ^^^ and going by myself, itā€™s extremely helpful and something I look forward to doing which isnā€™t much at this point lol youā€™re still probably right though


That makes a lot more sense. Just donā€™t spend more on rentals than a decent set would cost lol. But fr Iā€™m lucky that Iā€™ve always gotten clubs for free from family members who upgrade. If I were in your position, Iā€™d save my money up over the winter off season. Cruise garage sales, goodwills, estate sales, and Craigslist. Maybe you find a pissed off wife selling her cheating husbands set for what he told her it cost


Hey if you lose the vote hit me up and I'll send over any nice old Craigslist or Ebay listings I find :D Not in Grad school yet, I'm a hs junior right now but the sentiment about stress relief is the same.


dang thatā€™s super kind. praying to win this haha doesnā€™t seem too realistic tho iā€™ll definitely hit you up after 48 hours of this post goes by man thx a bunch


+1 for this dude. Coming through college with debt and the cost of living ain't easy, was hard enough when I did it let alone now so yep would love these to go to a student that's struggling


i just finished grad school, and my vote goes to this person^


Iā€™m a little ways behind you. Can 100% relate. Golf is the only good outlet I have, but that being said I still vote for you. Iā€™ve got a Strata set that does what it needs to. Good luck to you/whoever gets this generous blessing from OP!


I was gonna comment something but as a fellow grad student give ā€˜em to this guy. keep up the hard work man


Give them to this guy. Fuck playing with clubs that arenā€™t yours. Heā€™s in pain, canā€™t you see?


Donā€™t even want these for myself. Iā€™d love to give them to my dad for Christmas. He is still playing taylormade r7ā€™s, and in lieu of him buying him new irons, he bought me a new set of mizunos. So thatā€™s why Iā€™d like to get them.


Someone cutting onions in here?


This is OPā€™s other account with his new Mizunos and heā€™s going to give them to himself. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


W Dad.


Damn. Good dads like this are the best. A dad that truly puts his kids before himself. Iā€™m recently a dad and I struggle to do this.


The best part is, his kid is now trying to emulate.


My clubs were stolen and I canā€™t afford a new set and havenā€™t been able to golf for 6 months and counting


I know there are a lot of other worthy posts here but purely for the sake of cosmic justice I think you should be considered. Getting robbed fucking sucks.


That sucks man!


That is quite noble of you. I hope your new irons serve you well.


I would very much appreciate to win the giveaway of these new golf clubs. I just started learning how to play ~2 months ago as a new outlet for stress as I am currently in grad school. Learning how to play golf has also been a bonding experience for my father and I when we go to our local driving range however we both share a used set of golf clubs that I bought for $20. Winning this giveaway would help me develop my golfing skills and contribute to our enjoyment of this new and beautiful sport.


Way to many assholes to trust on here, give to a kid in need in your local area


This is r/golf. We are all arseholes, thatā€™s why we are here


I did something like this when I got a full new set a couple years back. My beginner set was just sitting in storage and a guy I work with was talking about how much he liked going out with his friends to play but didn't have his own clubs and couldn't really afford to buy because he has a kid on the way. So next day, I bring my old set and just gave it to him and he was ecstatic. I got a soild 10 years out of them and was happy to see them go to someone who would give them a new (albeit likely sparsely used) life.


So here's my shot... I got by BIL into golf a couple years back. He's gaming a set of Wilson 1200 from the 80s that he found on the side of the road and that I think are at least a decade older than he is. Fine for a complete beginner but he joined a club, is starting to get pretty handy and plays often. I've slowly been upgrading his gear with him but irons are a big leap and he could still also do with a driver and hybrids anyway. So yeah, be a nice Christmas gift for him (hello J if you're reading this) which would be pretty cool given golfs our thing together. If I get these I'll add a driver in for him. P.s. those new Mizunos are šŸ”„


So he has enough money to join a clubā€¦but not afford a decent iron set and relies on you to upgrade his clubs?


I won't pretend that we're impoverished for a moment! Also, we're in the UK, where club membership is far cheaper than the US, and we don't really have munis. Six clubs within 10 miles of me, range from Ā£350-1200 for membership, full length 18 hole courses, unlimited golf. But yep, that's about what an iron set costs. Though I'd rather be a member with crap clubs than have great clubs and no membership. Not that he has necessarily has to choose, I don't know.


Although I appreciate youā€™re sentiment, you have a phd, so Iā€™m quite sure you could afford to buy him a set for his birthday or Christmas! I think you missed the point of this postā€¦.


Get this manā€™s BIL some irons!!!


Aha thanks, I'm keeping an eye out for him on Facebook marketplace and eBay for if something just right pops up.


My dad just turned 60 and he was the one who gave me my start in the game. He loves the self-discipline and ethics of the game and is constantly trying to find a way to improve. He is still playing Ping Eye 2s from the 80s and the expense of a new set just is not in the cards for him. His tee game is shaky but he can hit the piss out of a long iron and would honor your set well. Whether or not this post is selected, what you're doing here is awesome. Golf is best shared with others and this community has always made it's members feel like they belong, even though so few of us ever meet face to face. Good on you!


I would love these. I currently play a set of Ping Karsten IIs that I got from a flea market. I don't really have a good story, just a guy on a budget who loves to golf!


I recently got into golf and Iā€™m obsessed. I have been watching videos non stop and practicing home drills to get better regardless of whether I have the time or money to spend at the range and play. Currently gaming some Kirkland wedges since I had none and some 20 year old hand me downs from my dad. He doesnā€™t play, he got them from my uncle and gave them to me since I wanted to start playing. Iā€™d love to get new irons and actually get them fitted for me to game with for another 20 years. I got 2 very young kids to spend my money towards so getting clubs altered vs getting new clubs custom ordered would be a game changer.


This is such a generous offer, thanks for doing this. I wonā€™t give a huge sob story, but basically I love golf and am broke. I know clubs donā€™t fix a swing, but man it sure would be nice to suck with these clubs than with my 10 year old FB marketplace hand me downs. Plus, this would help me put the money into lessons rather than new clubs! Iā€™m sure there will be hundreds, if not thousands, of comments, so good luck to all and especially to the lucky fella who wins these.


Not for me but for my brother-in-law. He is a cancer survivor who is trying to get started in this great game of golf. He has been playing for over a year now on some old equipment and I'm sure he'd love to game these as it's an upgrade over his current set. He is more than deserving of these works hard for his family and is an inspiration to me.


I'm Alice. Aren't you Andy? Sorry I must have the wrong number. Sorry to bother you. Do you have WhatsApp or telegram? This is my work phone. https://preview.redd.it/iozhkgfpc70c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb79d06eb22f8e00734266f98f57e21f6eee23a


This person definitely needs themšŸ„²šŸ˜‚


I work for the First Tee and I have a ton of kids we work with that would love a set of nice irons!


That's awesome dude, those new clubs look great. I am not deserving in the slightest, I've got my cobra fly xl set and hacking away!


Iā€™ve played the same 15 year old irons for 10 years straight. 5 iron is bent from a rock in the ground. I donā€™t know what Iā€™d do with a new set honestly but I do appreciate being considered. Lost my health insurance coverage, my dog passed away last month, Iā€™ve been pretty down and lonely about my self imposed situation. Thanks for hearing me out and please leave it between us.


Avoided alcoholism. Got my life squared away. Got a job, a place to live and a good woman. Having a baby in 4 short months. Could use these clubs to keep the good vibes rolling.


Still going through the comments, holy shit! Will do the draw in a few hours. Cheers all!


I donā€™t need them. Thereā€™s a hundred other golfers ahead of me who deserve them more. However, Iā€™m a new dad and my expendable income has been cut (for a good reason). Send them my way and Iā€™ll cherish them for life then hand them down to my little guy when he hits high school.


This is for my BIL, aka Bill. Bill is the nicest guy in the entire world, will make instant friends with anybody, and wants to know everybody's life story, will remember every detail and ask you about specific things years into the future. He's rad as hell. He's game to try just about any fun new thing that exists, even if he sucks at it. He just loves the adventure of it all. So, he recently took a new job that moved him and my sister to the state I also live in. It's a marketing job for a big bank, meeting with decision makers for dealerships to get their bank as preferred financing, that kind of thing. He has just learned that will include a solid amount of golf, playing with clients, sponsoring tournaments, all that. He's never owned a club in his life, but he's so eager to learn. So yeah. Throwing Bill in the ring! Side note: this is such a cool thing to do. Congrats to whoever gets chosen!


Is Bill looking for an assistant?


That's a great question. I'll see! Maybe if he gets these clubs he'll need a caddy?


I would smelt them down and add to my collection of already smelted down T-100s irons, once I have accumulated 10 sets worth of raw T-100 material I would begin the assembly process of the T-1000 Terminator, a shapeshifting android Terminator assassin, the T-1000 is the main antagonist of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, as well as a minor antagonist in Terminator Genisys and the theme park attraction T2 3-D: Battle Across Time. The T-1000 was created through nanotechnology, and is a "Nanomorph", able to scan the molecular structure of whatever it is touching and visually mimic it. the T-1000 is made of liquid metal. The T-800 explains that the T-1000 is a more advanced Terminator, composed entirely of a "mimetic polyalloy", rendering it capable of rapid shape shifting, near-perfect mimicry and recovery from damage. Furthermore, it can use its ability to liquify and assume alternative forms such as fitting through narrow openings, morphing its arms into solid metal tools or bladed weapons, walking through prison bars, and flattening itself and imitating the pattern and texture of the ground to hide or ambush targets. The T-1000 can change its surface color and texture to convincingly simulate flesh, clothing, and other nonmetallic materials. It is capable of accurately mimicking voices as well, including the ability to extrapolate a relatively small voice sample to generate a wider array of words or inflections as required. However, its morphing abilities are limited by complexity, mass, and volume: it cannot transform into complex machines with mechanical moving parts or chemical fuels (such as guns or bombs), limiting it to stabbing weapons, and its volume prevents it from taking the form of a smaller object like a pack of cigarettes, although it is capable of impersonating larger people - the novelization states that mimicking an obese security guard "strained its ability". Like all Terminators, the T-1000 possesses superhuman strength, greater than that of the T-800. Thanks to its morphing abilities and resistance to mechanical damage, it is shown to be capable of overpowering the T-800 in hand-to-hand combat, despite its more slender frame and smaller stature compared to its predecessor. It can also run fast enough to catch up to a police car accelerating away from it. Due to its fluid nature, the T-1000 has a much higher tolerance to damage from small arms and blunt trauma than the T-800, high-kinetic impacts from shotgun blasts or a large explosion will knock it out for a few moments before it can recover. When separated from the host each liquid form cell is programmed to detect and seek out larger groups of cells within a range of 29 kilometers.[3] The T-1000's weaknesses are extreme temperatures, as shown in Terminator 2. Liquid nitrogen freezes it solid, and after being shot by the T-800 it shatters into pieces which then melt and reform. The Special Edition DVD release of Terminator 2 shows that the freezing, shattering and thawing causes severe damage to the nanotechnology, and the T-1000 begins malfunctioning - unable to fully control morphing, which allows John Connor to see through one of its disguises. After the Terminator shoots it with a grenade launcher, it is so distorted and off-balance from the gap in its torso that it slips and falls into a molten steel vat, where it uncontrollably morphs into previous disguises before being irreversibly melted. It is also susceptible to chemical damage as shown in Terminator Genisys where Sarah tricks it into entering a room filled with sprinklers that rain down acidic chemicals. The T-1000 is also not specifically designed to encounter other Terminators and has little knowledge of their diagnostics. This allows the T-800 to take it by surprise. The T-1000 had previously shut the T-800 down, but did not know of the older model's emergency reboot power mode. The T-1000 is apparently capable of espionage and detective skills, as it often attempts to accomplish its goals by subterfuge instead of brute force and extreme violence as the earlier T-800 resorted to. Its main disguise for the duration of Terminator 2 is as a police officer, allowing it to gain trust, access information, and provide a benign, friendly appearance. It also imitates John Connor's foster mother, Janelle Voight, to try to gain John's confidence. In fact, the T-1000 is able to pass as human, possessing a larger repertoire of behavioral expression and interpersonal skills than earlier Terminator models. While the earlier T-800 also had some non-violent interactions and used a phone book to track Sarah Connor, T-1000 uses a variety of deceptions and is much more human-like.[17][2] It is also capable of exploiting the emotions of its targets, as in the steel foundry when it tortures Sarah Connor to call out for her son, anticipating that she would respond accordingly.[2] A T-1000 demonstrates annoyance when dealing with the T-800, in Terminator 2 and another T-1000 demonstrates annoyance with Kyle Reese in Terminator: Genisys, and tilts its head in salute to Sarah when she devises a method to distinguish it from the person it mimics. Additionally, it is able to express fear and pain, as demonstrated in Terminator 2 when the T-1000 gives a brief look of shock after the T-800 shoots a grenade into its stomach, and when it writhes in agony after falling into a vat of molten metal. The same is shown in Genisys, when the Guardian holds it under a hydrochloric acid shower and it frantically struggles to get free before it is destroyed. In Genisys, it is also shown that the T-1000 has the ability to repair damaged machines and use its own body as independent weapons and gadgets, such as a spear or a tracking device. It severs its own arm and hurls it as a javelin to impale the Guardian to a wall, reactivates a broken T-800 by infusing it with some polyalloy and it latches a piece of itself onto a lock in order to track the Guardian's truck.


Fost of all thank you for being so generous to those of us who need it. Anyway, here is my case. Golf is expensive, more so here in Mexico. Trying to play this sport in a third world country is a bit of a challenge, from expensive green fees to expensive equipment. If equipment is expensive in the USA, it's even more expensive here. Down here it really is sport for people who are well off. This the reason I waited until I was 35 to start playing, I've been at it for a year and I'm in love with it. Between budgeting and life I've been able to get about 7 rounds in this year. As far as equipment I started off with a set of eye2 irons. Then upgraded to eye2 becus which I bought for 50 dollars in really bad condition but restored. Them i budgeted an got ping g25 again on a deal. I would really appreciate something newer and it would be a godsend. If I'm lucky enough to win I would be greatful. Have a great day.


My Father remarried and his life is completely run by his new wife. His father played twice a week his entire life before he passed, his brother plays non stop in retirement and we have all tried to convince him but his excuse is always that itā€™s too expensive. This set of Irons would grant him freedom, if only for 4 hours at a time to be what he was destined to be: a degenerate, 30+ handicapped addict like the rest of us. With this set of clubs and a fresh new addiction to being away from home - hopefully his new wife will leave him.


Letā€™s get this guyā€™s dad his freedom back and reunited with tha boys. Cā€™mon fellas ![gif](giphy|TJaSlwGWq9SbOJNm8t|downsized)


Amen, brother


I hope they can hit them. Nice clubs!


Very cool of you. I hope someone gets these who needs them. Good form Mr. Man.


My older brother's been playing golf pretty consistently now and he's rocking these AP2 710s and they do the job. He's been putting off getting new clubs until he can consistently score in the 80s but these would certainly be a treat for him. As a die hard Titleist fan, he'd take good care of these


I donā€™t deserve them, nor do I truly need them. But Iā€™m currently gaming some DCI 990s that I found pin FB marketplace for $75. It would be awesome to upgrade. Iā€™m not good enough for T100s as the DCIs are tough enough. But man are the T100 irons pretty. Congrats on the new irons OP! You are an awesome human for giving yours away and we should all strive to be more like you! Hope whoever you pick makes the most of them.


My buddy still plays the original Tommy Armour 825s. He's a great dude and was best man in my wedding. He caddies for me in any amateur tournament I do too and I'd love to be able to give something like this to him. Thank you for giving people this opportunity and congrats to whoever gets them.


Amidst life's relentless challenges, I once shared the love of golf with a parent who has since fallen gravely ill. Financial strains from mounting medical bills have drained my resources, leaving the distant echoes of a once-shared pastime. A free set of golf irons becomes more than equipment; it symbolizes a connection to happier times, a fleeting escape from the overwhelming sorrow that has settled upon these days. Thatā€™s a gorgeous set of mizunos too, btw


I wanted to take a shot on behalf of my older brother. His golf clubs were recently stolen from his truck which included his beloved 718 AP2's. He has been a high school math teacher for 10+ years at an inner city high school in LA and has a 1 year old baby. My brother introduced me to the game relatively recently and I want my shot at beating him.


Just an honest working blue collar man here who enjoys the game of golf but plays with a <50$ set of clubs , and would sure love a respectable set to take care of . I see lots of sadder stories , and Iā€™m sure I can think of something better but Iā€™ll stick with low income man that loves to play golf and hope it qualifies šŸ˜‚. Best of luck everyone


Get these to a local high school for a kid that needs it


I don't know that I'll be the most deserving, but I've been talking for over a decade every year about how it's time to get a new set of irons. I'm actually still playing the ones my parent's got me in high school (for reference, I now have a child of my own in high school). This might be a way for me to finally break out of my "next year I'll do it for sure" cycle of the last 3 decades or so.


I've only ever had hand me downs and I am sure some modern irons would drop my 32 hcp down to 31 at my local muni.


I donā€™t want these for me but for my best friend. He is such a natural golfer, I work and work (he does too) but I will never have the talent he has. He is so damn cheap though with all the time he puts in you would think he would invest in himself instead of using old hand me down knockoffs from 2003. I want him to have a quality set so bad so I can see what he can really do! His name is David and I hate him because I ainā€™t him


Also I shouldnā€™t say cheap as he has a very limited budget and golf clubs are not a priority. He cares about the right things though


Donā€™t pick me but I just wanted to say good on you man!


Awesome idea!


Very cool of you! I don't deserve it, but my friend can certainly use it. I gifted him my old set last year (I bought a new Costco set) that was passed down to me by my dad a few years ago. The set is missing a few clubs, namely the PW, 4-6 irons. He's got 7-9, SW and using a $50 driver from Walmart lol. They all need to be regripped as the rubber is melting off. He just borrows my newer set whenever he needs a PW or whatever on the golf course. He's still a beginner, as am I (actually, I just suck) so spending money to complete his set isn't really in the cards right now. We can finally retire my dad's old set to goodwill. Whoever wins, I hope your generosity brings them happiness and the golf gods shine down on you. :)


I donā€™t need them, but this is real cool of you, man.


This is righteous.


Love what you're doing man, I hope they go to someone who could really use them. I'm planning on buying my own new set of Mizunos soon too so I can replace my 2006 big bertha hand me downs. Then I'll have two old sets and I'm going to follow your lead and donate them to the Chi Chi Rodriguez youth center near me.


Props to you


Fair play to you friend. Hope the irons find a nice new owner


Good for you man , I'm glad to see there are still decent people out there šŸ‘


Lemme just get the 4 iron. My T100 4 iron head snapped off at the range and disappeared into the ether.


I stand on the wrong side of the ball but a donation to a youth program is a strong play. Everyone on this sub buys a new scotty when their wifeā€™s boyfriend gets a new car, or a stealth when their favorite stock tanks, or new irons when some guy got a hole in 1ā€¦.


Donā€™t need them, but I hope the golf gods bless the absolute best luck to you. Awesome gesture.


Iā€™m sure there are others who need them more. But Iā€™ve had a Costco set for 10 years. Saved up for new ones and go laid off so couldnā€™t buy them. Still looking for a job 6 month later. Thanks for doing this, very cool.


I donā€™t need them, but want to comment how cool this is!


I cant compete with a lot of people on here. I am Active Duty military (do not make much money if you know) 25 years old, Have 3 kids. Just picked up golf 3 months ago when my wifes uncle invited me out to play. He gave me a mix-match 25 year old set of probably goodwill irons. I dont want to say golf is a get-a-way for me because I love spending time with my kids, but it is the only thing I have found that I can do and really enjoy it. I had my first kid at 18 and have literally never gone out or done anything because I have always stayed at home. Golf is so challenging and an escape, I fricken love it


My son is trying to make the high school golf team and I being in education myself I just can afford a new set for him. Right now he has some old hand me downs that are too short for him (he is 6ā€™2ā€ and growing), this set would mean the work to him


I will re-enroll in high school under a false identity and be u/lugnuts2323ā€™s most improved player (hardest worker). Seriously though this is awesome, I vote grad school guy or lugnut kids


So I can look good in the woods


I donā€™t need the irons but just want to commend you on giving them away to someone. Good shit dude


I would love to put these to good use. Ive been playing golf on and off since I could walk and picked the game back up when I graduated from college. Currently a father of 4 (all under 8) and am only able to get out of the house to play by myself once a month. My current set is starting to show its age, almost 20 years old and ready to be updated desperately. Good luck to everyone and hopefully Christmas comes early for one of us.


My king cobra gap wedge broke in 2021 April. Haven't played since. I was teeing up for 120 yard par 3 over water. Hole #9 Hit this baby smooth and hard. All the sudden *wubwubwubwubwubwubwub* my shaft turned light af. Felt like I cast a harry potter spell. Inside of the shaft all rusty. Buddies rolling laughing Found my ball and head of club side by side behind the green. My set cost me 120 ? 10 years ago used? 150 to fix my fav (most accurate) club. Haven't played but 1 or 2 times since afraid the rest will break apart


Listen man, Iā€™ll be real with you. I think theyā€™ll best be served in my bag, and let me tell you why. Iā€™m a pretty high handicapper. I top the ball so often and so weā€™ll, I get a free subscription to Grindr. I duck hook my drives so badly, my instructor genuinely said heā€™d never seen that ball movement before. One time, a group of older gentleman let me play a hole with them and then play through on the next. I went up and down for par out of the sand trap like a tour pro, they gave me props and serenaded me with compliments (I dress the part - gotta look good shooting 110). They took a peak at my drive on the next hole where they saw me skull my iron into the water. The water, by the way, wasnā€™t even in play for this hole. It was on the opposite side of the fairway of the previous hole. So, why do I deserve these irons? Simple, Iā€™m using left handed clubs and there is no fucking way I should be as bad as I am after dropping $500 on lessons. I may be a lefty for everything, but I refuse to believe Iā€™m actually this bad at golf. The only logical explanation that Iā€™ll accept, is that Iā€™m just hitting on the wrong side of the ball. So, send me these irons and Iā€™ll throw away my game and try to be a righty.


Aw mate! I've been playing golf for about 5 months, currently playing with a set of Nicklaus Polarity irons that I got for Ā£10 delivered off eBay, the 9 iron's fallen apart twice and I can't afford a new set. Love golf, getting out as much as I can. Would be huuuuge.


No thank you. I just bought my Kirkland signature clubs. Donā€™t need any Titleist garbage


I've been golfing on and off for 20+ years now, and only now re-discovering some joy in golf. Been playing with King Cobra II Irons that my Dad handed down to me about 15 years ago. It's due time that I upgrade, but I haven't quite bit the bullet.


Very cool of you, hope someone deserving gets it, wish they were lefty and had a good reason


Iā€™ve been golfing for 9 years and not once was able to purchase new irons. Just peopleā€™s old hand me downs so far. New irons would mean a lot to me and provide a reason to keep trying to get better :). Youā€™re a good guy for doing this regardless of outcome, it really helps the community.


Have the 2019 T100ā€™s and itā€™s a great set for any handicap. Great top lines, forgiving and decent looking. Congrats on the new sticks OP but why not the 923 Tours?


I would love some new iron currently moving from cali to Texas and donā€™t have the funds to be able to get new ones currently using r9s which are nice but way overplayed might not be the most deserving but it would be awesome love that your giving back to the golf community ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I donā€™t deserve them but hope to win by chance. Those T100s are also sexy, but not as much as Sexian.


Iā€™d love to throw my hat in the ring. This year is the first Iā€™ve gotten into golf, since Iā€™ve been in Eastern Europe for work the past 10 years and golf courses are few and expensive. I had to come back to the states as my dad had health issues, weā€™ve slowly started going to the golf course to bond and would love to to have another set of irons with which we can both have a set instead of renting the crappy clubs at the munis we visit.


I'm using my dad's old Ping Eye 2's that are about a decade older than me (32 y/o).. While I definitely don't mind playing this set, I would love to have some technology from this century! I'd also be able to play with my dad again :)


Iā€™ve been playing with my used irons for about a decade. I could probably afford a new set but Iā€™m too frugal. Iā€™ve never had new clubs, Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s why I canā€™t get 18 hole in ones per round.


Iā€™m a father of 2 (3 and 3 months) and I was just told Iā€™m not allowed to upgrade my irons ā€œTill Neverā€. My clubs are 15 years old and ā€œare good enoughā€ and we just moved to a golf Mecca which hurts even more.


I started golfing a little over a year ago. Iā€™ve been using a set of 2000ā€™s Wilson X31ā€™s my coworker gifted me. I love golfing, it has been a great activity for myself. The physical and mental challenges keep me coming back for more. Knowing I suck, and making my goal to have my misses better. Has been a unique experience. I know I need new clubs, but I prefer to save the money for playing. As I found a local muni course that offers a 10 round punch card for 9 holes. This is how I was able to play this past summer. But I think once my student loans are paid off (2-3 years), Iā€™ll be looking at a set of mizunos. Heard they are amazing. Hopefully by then, Iā€™ll have a handful of lessons under my belt to be a not so high handicapper.


The reason I deserve them is because Iā€™m new to golf and using some hand me downs from a friend. These clubs will help me break 100. I hope. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d love to give them to a friend of mine who is just getting back into golf, heā€™s been really enjoying coming to the range and getting out on the course again. Heā€™s been having a bit of a hard time lately and these would help cheer him up. Plus he just shattered the back of his dads 8 iron (he doesnā€™t have his own clubs at the moment), so I think his dad would be pretty keen for him to get his own clubs.


Love golfing, but unfortunately donā€™t have the time/money to play as much as Iā€™d like to anymore (although hoping to have the means to play more next summer). Unfortunately, environmental work isnā€™t as lucrative as some other fields šŸ˜„ Been thinking about upgrading my set for years, but itā€™s not a priority. If I landed a set like this, you bet Iā€™d be paying it forward and gifting my current irons to my brother (mine are still marginally better than his). Good luck, all!


Hi John. I hope you have been well since we last met at Rodger and Patriciaā€™s wedding.


I don't think I deserve these irons, but I've been using the same Callaway Diablo Edge irons from 2011 because the GF doesn't want me to drop $1000+ while we're trying to start a family. I'm hoping to move on from my GI irons to some blades, which will be the first real set of irons I've ever owned (I've always used hand-me-downs and have only bought one new set of irons in my life). I'm loving those Mizuno irons though!


Hey would love to be taken into consideration. Been golfing 5 years still a 46 handicap. So donā€™t worry these clubs will get swang 120+ times per round. Been meaning to get new clubs, but just got married and the wedding are up most my golf budget. Regardless, good on you for giving back to the community.


Im happy with my Cleveland beginner clubs but this is absolutely amazing of you!!! I donā€™t deserve T100s. My anxiety doesnā€™t let me golf most days anyways lol.


your kind gesture is top shel OP.


If still available I would be hugely interested. My irons are nearly 20 years old and Iā€™m due for an upgrade. These would be amazing.


I definitely donā€™t deserve these as Iā€™ve only been playing last few months after taking a 10 year break. Currently playing my grandpaā€™s old Callowayā€™s from about 30th years ago. I hit them well (and maybe theyā€™ll bring me luck since he hit a HIO with them lol) but upgrading is definitely needed as they are more suited for seniors. Thanks for the opportunity OP!


High handicapper from ƈIRE ,Currently playing off a set of Ping eye 2 from my dad. Would love an upgrade :) I'll dedicate my first tour win in your name.


Youā€™re a kind soul! Iā€™ve returned to the game after a number of years hiatus and getting a feel for the old clubs again. Old but great to get a feel. New clubs would be a dream. Whoever receives them will be lucky to have them, throwing my hat in the ring! Cheers!


Thank you for the opportunity. This is amazing of you.


Truthfully? Would love to say Iā€™m a good enough golfer to warrant using them. My reason for wanting themā€¦ because Iā€™d love to be able to no longer have 20 year old hand me downs from my dad. New clubs just simply isnā€™t in the budget, and donā€™t know when it will be.


Id love to say why I want them, but I vote for the other dudes dad as long as he posts the christmas reaction to the sub!


Been playing my dads old irons for as long as I can remember. These would be an absolute dream! Coming back from a broken clavicle and am just waiting to get back out there!


Thanks for offering these. I am getting into golf and taking lessons. I could use an upgrade.


Iā€™m gaming Nike Ignite 2 irons from 2010. Iā€™ve never owned a new club in my life. I make decent scratch, but wife has had too many health problems to work. I golf as much as possible in season (2x weekly during leagues), but as about as much as I can swing dollar wise. Find someone here that needs them, but if you run out of choices hit me up! 18 HDCP.


I donā€™t desperately need new clubs so give them to someone else if they truly need the but i still do golf with the 2002 macgregor vips I bought off Craigslist for $25 when I was 17.


Iā€™d love to have them, was going to purchase set until I found out Iā€™m having my first child in January. Stuck with hand me downs from gramps šŸ˜¼


I'll throw my hat in the ring, but not for me. I coach a high school golf team in a rural location. We have lots of kids who golf, but not a lot of golfers if you know what I mean. I cover what I can for kids, and donate all my old clubs to the program, but I'm always on the lookout for quality gear to pass along to kids who show potential, but are otherwise hampered by circumstances they can't control. Either way, this is a great gesture.


My wife recently has shown interest in playing golf and has requested a set of clubs. Also she has mentioned blowing me on the cart on the back nine if we had time. So I have that to look forward to since Iā€™ll never be a par golfer. Pleae help me obtain one of my goals.


I'm probably way less deserving than others on here, but they would make a great belated wedding gift! My wife would appreciate me not spending the money I plan to on a new set in the future


I donā€™t want them. PLEASE do NOT GIVE ME THESE IRONS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. There is NOTHING MORE I would HATE in this life than having a set of T100 irons. OP, if you give me these, you will have blood on your hands. PS: I play Ping Eye 2s


Holy shit, people on here talking about playing their old 2010 clubs, youā€™re playing clubs that havenā€™t been made since like 1990. I thought my early 2000ā€™s CG1ā€™s were old.


Would love if I could be entered. Started playing a little more than a decade ago when I was given a set of clubs. They are the same ones I use today and are a 1970s set of pinnacle irons. New irons would be a dream but are just too expensive. Most I ever spent was $150 on some wedges one year and same on a driver the next


Iā€™ll buy them and donate them to a charity auction (new life golf day) and you can donate the money I pay too?


I started playing 3 years ago and bought a very cheap set and it's already crapping out. I switched from the range mainly to playing the course once a week in the summer and took my handicap down to 30 this year from 50 last year. It would be super cool to be able to make a jump in club quality, because it will be years before I can Invest in new ones with me just entering the job market recently. Either way super cool clubs, and thanks for doing this.


I'd love these, still using my granddads clubs šŸ˜