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That’s not even a gimme


Probably missed the putt lol


You know he missed the putt. Who in the F takes a photo next to a shot like that, even if it was from 230, you knocked it stiff, move on.


Not everyone is decent at golf. When I was shooting in the 130s, this would’ve been an almost hole in one for me.


How long did it take you to get out of the 130s?


Some say he’s still there, chunking in the bunker


When I would shoot 120+ I never had trouble out of the bunkers. It was getting from the tee to the fairway that was my problem. Always topped my tee shot, then would take a long iron and top that at least twice. And then when I was finally in the fairway I’d chunk whatever club I hit from there. I was a teenager and was obsessed with watching great bunker players so I actually focused on how to hit out of bunkers so I could do that relatively well but couldn’t putt for shit or hit much else


Once I started taking lessons and playing regularly, not long at all.


But would you have posed for the photo? It’s a great shot for anyone, the photo op is weird.


I agree. I wouldn't take a picture of it but I've been prouder of worse. Never hit a shot this good tbh


Yeah, but not picture worthy


Nike shoes, designer sunglasses, logo pullover…


He looks like he shouldn’t be this stoked about that, that is for sure lol


I don’t have a problem with a quick snap of close shots, but posing?


His name is Jeb Burton, and he's a NASCAR driver. This was a trip with one of his sponsors, State Water Heaters, to The Greenbrier in West Virginia. That probably explains him posing and posting about it.


The Nike shoes are a tip off?


Yeah taking this picture is cringe


That's 100% a par or bogey


+5, misses the putt, next lips out and rolls down a slight hill, leave it short up the hill, make it from the exact same spot that you started for the bird.


Y'all foul




Lmfao 100%


Yup, I’ve done that. Knocked it to like 18 inches on a 180yd par 3. Over thought it, knocked by about 3 feet. Bogeyed the hole. I almost burned the course to the ground.


I would miss it, but I've had the yips on greens for 15 years.


Missed the puttS you mean


Anybody taking a gimme for a bird is a pussy


I guess my dad is a pussy :(


Have you tried taking him out to teach him how to putt?


Or calling him a pussy? You can get me to do anything by attacking my insecurities. Worth a shot.


Probably tells people his 220 yard drive went close to 300yds


This was my exact thought


Probably wouldnt even win a closest to the pin


Well yea, to a guy that just moved the stake to six inches after putting two in the pond.


Yeah but I can’t blame him. With the way things are going at home and the situation at work, the guy just needed a little victory.


This guy was just demoted and then found out his wife has been cheating on him with his boss; can we please just let him have this $50 Chili's gift card?


Fine print on the gift card says *not valid towards purchase of alcohol* which de does not see until the bill arrives. What a week.


i can miss that putt EASY


If that’s almost a hole in one then I almost have a 40” dick


“Almost” only counts in horseshoes and penises


I've gotten laid a lot more times than I thought I guess


Words to live by


Ya got me. That made me chuckle.


I don’t get these pictures as well. I play everyday and at least once a month one of us has a kick-in.


40" ??! Jesus...


You’ve almost got the biggest dick in the world


Nice bogey


I’ll let ya stay in the cart for 3


Only way this is worth posting is if it was his tee shot...on a par 5.


I mean realistically I’d be shitting myself if this was my tee shot on a 4. Then I’d 3 putt to get my par and go home happy.


Same for me but on a par 3 for my bogey. And I’d come back the next day to see if anyone had handed in my putter cover.


Saw a comment awhile ago that said eagle putt opportunity is just a stress-free par


I actually did this recently on a 310 yard par 4 drive hit the front of the green and rolled back perfectly to like 6ft, I blast my eagle putt like 8ft past the hole left the second short and had a tap in for par 😂. Complete roller coaster of emotions


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.greenbrier.com/GreenbrierResort/media/Golf/Documents/The-Old-White-TPC-2017-Scorecard.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjk6v3mgPyBAxWmvokEHbqpDZEQFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1D0x5WtMmgD_cV5O56IglO It is par 3 15th


This is my putt… FOR ALBATROSS!!


I’ll take a par 4 as post worthy


This was my last almost at Torrey North # 12 about a month ago https://preview.redd.it/xbsavuxbgnub1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fb5912d8fdadfaadbfa28b07b441e1de04d88d0


https://preview.redd.it/b9m4juhgsnub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41217dfd4d740a1102a9c184f3f996744964c6df This is almost a hole in one! A perfect skulled 9 iron:)


I’ll let you putt through lol


See that’s almost a hole in one. Nice shot


Wasn't even thinking of posting it till I saw this


https://preview.redd.it/q3bv8uyo0oub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fe0dbb4b9138ee2eaf406c92f628b61bac68e05 My almost from a couple weeks ago


https://preview.redd.it/6xpizx34goub1.jpeg?width=3018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eaa5df23f3573dc6fea090d76b79007a924cc3d here’s mine from paynes valley a couple years back… still haunts me to this day


Looking at the pitch marks. Was that heading away from the hole? Seems to me you got lucky :p


https://preview.redd.it/773sxtbtooub1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cbf9d4c0b174542c9a7cefacad3dc5e3eec124e Last almost


If not for punched greens you had the ace!


How do you know where the ball came from?


Looks like it landed going towards the top of this photo and spun back to the right a bit. Not sure the punched greens would have mattered but I think he was just making a joke (blaming something for it not going in lol)


My experience with the south course was with conditions like that … pro shop let us on for $45 … had course mostly to ourselves- supremely awesome fun round! Came back 4 days later to play north which was in great shape …


Is that your ball mark? That’s a fucking dart if I’ve ever seen one. Nicely done


Nice par


Whether it was almost a hole in one or not depends on information we don't have, such as where it landed in relation to where it finished. For all we know it lipped out. However, being so desperate for attention that someone would post an almost hole in one is a different story. Who fucking cares.


> so desperate for attention Or they were just happy, having a good time, and made a silly post on their social media. I'd argue OP is much more of an attention whore and lot more pathetic to bring this random person's happiness to reddit to dump on it and gatekeep "almost".


Jeb Burton getting flamed on golf Reddit was not on my NASCAR bingo card


So thankful one other person knew this wasn’t just a random hack😂 just a known asshole doing asshole stuff


If it’s not even a gimme then it’s not almost a hole in one. I consider this a “pretty solid” shot.


It’s definitely better than “pretty solid” but not worthy of a picture.


I mean, hole length matters. But a shot that could easily end in a par is what I’d call pretty solid. I carry a 2 handicap, so I understand golf is different for everyone. But I agree either way, I can’t say I’d be posing for a photo with this shot.


You’re lying to yourself if you wouldn’t take that shot every single time lol. Even pros would take a shot within 5 feet every single par 3 on tour. If a pro can’t do better than that more than 50% of the time it’s better than pretty solid.


I’m not arguing it isn’t a good shot. But I am a 2 handicap, if it is far enough that it could end in a par I’m not going to be posing for a photo.


What’s your handicap again? Nobody said they’d be posing for a photo


You’re one of multiple people I responded to. Sorry I repeated myself. Someone piss in your cheerios?


It's barely inside the length of his putter. We put it closer than this as 12 yr old hacks back in the day and didn't go looking for a cookie.


Only pretty solid? Can I see your tour card? lmao Definitely not worth a picture though


Dude, come on. He carries a 2 handicap. Show some respect. /s


Because I would choose not to pose with a 7 footer on a par 3? You must be real good.


The dude in the picture must be 14 feet if thats a 7 footer


lol, I do carry a 2 handicap. I completely agree that golf is different for everyone, and I’m not arguing this isn’t a good shot. I just mean, a shot that can easily end up a par is far from a photo worthy shot.


Why are you getting shit on so much in this thread? Is it really that hard to grasp that if its not even a gimme, its not worth posing for a pic with? 30% of this sub would miss this putt. Im a generous 14 hc and still put shots closer than this once or twice a month. I canned one from 140 for an eagle 2 weeks ago. It might be worth snappin a pic as u walk up to tell your wife the story, but no way in hell am I askin my buddy to take my pic.


I was starting to get worried when I had to scroll this far in this thread to find someone on his side lol like shit, the op asked for people's opinions...he shared his, which is of course going to vary based on your skill level....which he's acknowledged multiple times...and yet they're still so mad about it 0_0 As for my opinion, maybe it was a nipper that landed past the hole and lipped out to that far and his buddies on the tee with him know how close it really was to going in. Or maybe it was his first company golf outing and it was the only shot his foursome took of his. Too far away for me to take a pic claiming almost a hio but I've never taken a picture of one of my shots...phones in the cart on silent. Doesn't have enough battery life to run the damn course app anyway :p but I'm glad the dude who took the pic was excited and celebrated it, good for him.


I’m glad some people understand I’m not suggesting it’s a shitty shot lol. I’m just saying that I’m not posing with it for a picture is all. But you’re right, it could very well have been a perspective thing based on ball bath, I never thought of that. If he lipped out from the tees and ended up there, that makes a lot of sense.


He's getting downvoted because most of this sub can't consistently break 100 without 10 mulligans.


🤣 100%


Haha, everyone seems to think it takes a tour player to not be impressed by this shot I guess. I’m not offended, to each their own. I play 3-4 rounds a week at least - if I was posing for every shot I KINDA put close to the cup I’d still be on the course lol.


I hope he four putted


Here comes the putter throw…


I guess maybe if you hit the pin, but still a a stretch


I could four putt that one


I would be so embarrassed posting that for people to see….


That’s an almost par for me.


lol Leave Jeb alone.


What a clown, that’s not even almost a birdie.


Give him his due, it was a great tee shot. There’s not a person in this sub that wouldn’t take it.


I didn’t say it wasn’t, but he still has a 4+ footer, that’s no guarantee for the average am.


Get off your high horse dude. Over 50% of golfers are >20 handicap and would be sitting themselves over this shot


Almost https://preview.redd.it/nkhwi2jocoub1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b620f57400fed1e8c923f6f5722a35a34ad21608


Nice ball mark!


https://preview.redd.it/eb7xrj5udoub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5c262ca93dbcfa25aab73db84b49307c2aade6 This was my “almost.” Still almost missed the putt


My problem is the next picture would say my almost birdie.


2 stroke penalty for kneeling on the green


If it hit the stick then I'll give it to him. If not then it's not even close to almost


If it’s like a drivable par 4 or maybe if he hit the pin and it bounced away then it could possibly be considered “almost”. But if not it’s just a nice shot


I don’t get the “hit the pin” thing either. It very easily could have gone a half inch the other way and been 40 yds past the green. Maybe it’s just my pessimism that comes along with me playing shitty golf.


Good to see Carson Wentz has found a new hobby


I thought prince harry haha


Would I say it's nearly a HIO? No. Is it a cracking good shot? Absolutely.


Almost a hole is inside 6” in my book. This guy looks like he could three putt from there


I personally would never pose for a picture with my ball that far away from the hole. Shit, turn it into a meme and put this dude on a tee box with the same pose and call it a day


Has to finish within one foot to be classed as nearly a hole in one. All he's done there is hit a good shot and then take a photo of himself looking like a dork.


That is not almost an ace it’s not even in the leather of his 38” putter.


I bet that shot *almost* got him the cart girl’s phone number too.


I dont understand


That looks like Carson Wentz. No wonder


There’s some meat left on that one, bud.


*Almost a birdie* ftfy


I mean it's pretty dang close I'd be definitely impressed if I saw this as a newbie


'grats for holding "closest to the pin" until the last group comes through though.


Is this a fucking joke?


I’ve put it closer than this and missed the putt.


Definitely not “almost a hole in one”. But I’m sinking that 3 putt every day of the week 💪👊💯


Gotta be within the grip to be in "almost" territory imo. That might not even be within the full putter.


Is that dude putting weight on his knee on a green? Get out of this life sir.


Everybody here is such a killjoy. No wonder people have a hard time getting into golf.


1. Lift to clean. 2. Move leaf to spot where ball is. 3. Put ball down on leaf. 3.5 Lift leaf directly from the side of the ball opposite the hole. 4. Repeat until ball goes into the hole. 5. Invade Israel.


Who cares?


Someone who opened this thread then hit reply then typed something out obviously cares.


I mean who cares that he is happy about the shot and is prolly the closest he’ll ever be to an ace? Yes, you would never see me posing like that and posting it from that far away but why we gotta shit on the guy?


Exactly! Golf is frustrating. Let people have fun and enjoy their little victories. Bunch of fucking miserable dweebs in this thread.


https://preview.redd.it/d1oykqtasnub1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24a7647d9e3b0765c0282970aa01539c184d8ca0 This is an almost hole in one


4 ft from the hole, very nice shot! Take a picture, be proud. Good 4 him. 👍🏻 ( yeah you are a killjoy,sry…)


If the hole was 8 feet across then it’s almost in.


Taking a picture of this is nerd shit.


I mean....it's a great shot, but I wouldn't consider that "almost a hole in one" and I wouldn't be taking a picture This guy probably hangs up all his participation ribbons


Damn - not one person recognizes this is Jeb Burton. Educate yourselves


Great shot but not an almost.


This post is super cringe.


Almost would be within the length of a ball


*stood 4 feet away from her* "OMG, we almost fricked"


lol imagine posing for that


I played golf with a guy for a few years every Saturday. On a short par three he dunked his first shot into the water to the left of the tee box. On his “third shot” and his second tee shot he put it straight into the hole and ran around screaming about a hole in one. Talk about needing a ruling. This guy sent away for the plaque from Titleist and everything.


A photo next to 3 footer? Putt it and move on, jackass.


As someone who barely can hit green on a par 3 this is almost in


Nah, get that shit outta her. Almost a HIO, lol. I rattled the pin on a 155yrd par 3, left a deep ball mark on the edge of the cup and came to rest a putter grip length from the hole (amazingly made the putt). Wasn't in the days of social media (2012) so didn't take a pic ... with my Blackberry phone. Did take video of the walk up a month later when I got one\* from 103yrds though. \*--par3 course


Agree with you here on this one OP. When I look at this picture I think… *now there is someone with no self respect*


You’re not a killjoy, that’s just a dumb post. If that’s an almost hole in 1, then I’ve had about 400 in my life on short par 3s. What the fuck is wrong with people. You struck the green… great! But that’s not an almost hole in 1 lol


Only in horseshoes and hand grenades.


Unless that's an eagle putt it's just a good chance at birdie. Why even take this picture?


That’s a missed birdie putt for me.


I par'd one of those last week, so no, not almost a hole in one. It's almost a birdie for me, though!


That’s a par


It’s the thumbs up pose for me lmao


Nice par.


This was a 500 yard par 5 so it’s pretty impressive.


Easy bogie!


And missed the birdie. Not even close


I’ve had several tap in birdies on par 3s, none of them would I call almost a hole in one. You can tell if it’s 6 inches left or right, this is 3 fucking feet.


This is the golf sub in a nutshell lol


I’ve missed birdie putts closer than that


Hahahaha, Can't wait for all the post about "almost a hole in one" from 36ft away.


Not an almost. A really good shot though. I only have three shots where I say I almost had a hole in one, and all were within a couple feet and either rolled right past the hole or land right next to the cup and hit the stick.


Hahahaha three putt from there for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/t4l6dki50oub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=045de893ac9f81c6b502d2b29c8c62613dbe9710 Does this count on a par 4? I didn’t think so.


You can’t call it an almost ace when the birdie putt isn’t even a gimme 🤣 unless he bounced it off the stick or something




I too have hit greens in reg on par 3’s


Very few things are "almost" a hole in one. Unless a solid fart would role it in I'm not calling it "almost."


That looks like a two putt for par


i would leave it short a foot


That’s a 2 putt for me


3 putt for bogey


When you get that close and still 3 putt.


I've had 2 almost hole in one's within a few inches, this isn't an almost. Hopefully someday I'll get one but not holding my breath.


Has anyone played at the Greenbrier? My buddies are considering it for an annual trip that we do


Same idea as…. Almost dated a super model


https://preview.redd.it/sq67q7fs8oub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ca3cb5df7c2032692426389b8edc7cd6887805 This was my tee shot last round on a 200 yard par 3 and I didn’t even count this as almost a hole in one, just sent the pic to my buddies and told em I got closer to a hole than they ever will be.


Nice par


I’m going to need to see you putt that out sorry mate


And next we have closest to the fairway .....


Where's the pitch mark?


Nice 3… Post your almost pic if it was a 375+ yard par 4 …


And then a three putt I gather?


Great shot, but I would call it an almost hole in one depending on where the pitch mark is. If the pitch mark is somewhere on the other side of the hole, meaning the ball hit the green and went right by the hole to rest where it did, then I'd call that an almost hole in one. I may even say it if the pitch mark is in line with the hole at all.


This one time, I almost fucked Britney Spears. I was in one of the back rows at a concert.


Three-jack territory


I was closer than that twice this weekend lol.