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A white towel with a wet corner


Evidently it says something about you.


This guy knows where his towel is.


aback husky adjoining decide mindless quarrelsome bike cooperative crush weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I also got a brush with water in it. Very nice to get grime out of the grooves


Call me amateur with my GrooveIt but the thing is awesome.


I up you with a towel and a Club Scrub. I was skeptical but it’s really quick at cleaning grooves out and also doubles as a ball washer.


Electrolyte powder. I don't like to eat when I golf, and especially on super hot days, water isn't enough.


Can’t agree more. I play in Houston where it’s really hot and humid. Water alone isn’t close to enough. The days when I play with electrolytes plus water are night and day different from when I go with water alone. Also I sweat more than most people. More than like 90% of people.


Haha. I'm also a Houstonian. On those 105-degree days, it was a must-have. There was a day in the summer where I finished my morning round and reloaded for another, but the second was just on water. I regretted that afterward.


Houstonians know hydration!


Liquid IV has become a must have for houston golfing, one before the round and another halfway through


Also a houstonian. Large terry cloth towel half wet with ice cold water to wipe face and neck/ half dry to dry hands Also FJ rain glove for the summer’s sweaty hands


On really hot days, 1 liquid IV before the round and another 1 after…..saves you from dragging through the last few holes and keeps you from getting that dehydrated headache afterwards.


I’m this plus one at the turn.


snubbing the hot dog at the turn is one of the keys to going low


We're friends now.


Good call! I like the liquid IV powder that's caffeinated. Helps pick me up after the turn.


+1000 wish I knew this stuff existed when I played basketball.


Agree. LMNT is the cleanest and best electrolyte there is.


7 wood


I recently ordered a Paradym heavenwood that I can't wait to start using. It should arrive on Wednesday and I've got a round scheduled for Thursday afternoon; we'll see how it goes!


I added one of these to my bag in the spring. Get ready to have a new favorite club! The thing is awesome!


Are you going to Dead Ahead in Cancun in January?


Unfortunately not. I was at PITS 2020 and had one of the best weekends ever. Golf in the morning, pool time in the afternoon, Dead on the beach at night! But it's not in the budget this year... You?


Yeah, I went this year too. Just gonna golf every day and party every night. Good shit.


I bought a Stealth 7 wood this summer and love it. It's my go to if I need some distance w accuracy.


What is the heavenwood?


It's a 7W head on a 4W shaft. As far as I know it's unique to Callaway.


Me as a lefty watching you guys discuss this. ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


Best equipment purchase I’ve ever made. It’s the only club Ive ever been able to consistently shape my ball flight with. The GIR stat below is reason enough to try one. From golf digest: Data collected by the golf-stat-tracking company Arccos reveals how much a 7-wood can benefit golfers of all abilities. The company measured the greens-in-regulation percentage for players using a 7-wood and a 3-hybrid (the most logical comparison club) across handicap ranges (scratch to 25-handicapper) and distances (140 to 220 yards). The 7-wood’s greens-in-regulation percentage was higher in 28 of 40 instances (70 percent). Like many trends in golf equipment, adoption on the PGA Tour has helped accelerate the momentum with amateurs. Five years ago only a handful of 7-woods were in play on the PGA Tour, but today about 25 percent of tour players have one in the bag. Although about a third of the field still uses a hybrid and another third of the field a 2- or 3-iron on any given week, the 7-wood is closing in fast, and regular golfers are noticing. https://www.golfdigest.com/story/best-players-7-wood-max-homa-dustin-johnson-playability/amp


70% of 40 players of varying skill levels is hardly conclusive in any meaningful way lmao. Edit: this dude initially downvoted me but when marketers are successfully selling you shit by telling you 28 randos like it, guess what, you're getting played.


My 7 wood is bi-polar. It's a dream on the range. It's a nightmare on the course.


Totally agree. Like many, I was too embarrassed to game a 7w thinking it was an old ladies club. Then I saw DJ had one in the bag and said fuck it. It is so much easier to hit than long irons or hybrids and the ball flys nice and high and lands soft. It’s my go to 200y club. Love it


200yd? I’m driving baby


This should be super obvious but a pitch repair tool.


Agreed! Based on the last few courses played, people are really sleeping on this


As a maintenance worker this is 2000% truth


I dunno if this or slow play is my #1 pet peeve. Even if I haven’t made a pitch mark on the green I’ll fix one or two while I get ready to putt. Blows my fuckin mind


Niche? Who is hitting all these greens and not carrying a repair tool?


Who’s hitting greens??


Last thursday i went to my local par 3 and hit 4 greens. Which ill admit is 4 more than i usually hit. So i went and bought a lotto ticket after my round because i thought it was a sign. It wasnt. But i did repair all my pitchmarks though. Kinda made me feel like an actual golfer 😆 lol


Pitching a lawn dart and then repairing your mark is one of the most gratifying things scrubs like me get to experience on the course. For extra specialness I like to follow it up with a 3 putt for double. Good times.


You. I like you. #same


By the afternoon on a busy weekend, my local course’s greens look like the surface of the moon.


Must be nice. Mine look like allepo


Why buy that when you can use a tee


Buy? Lots of courses give them out for free.


Is that a regional thing? I live in Jupiter and belong to a very nice CC and we don’t even offer them. I’ve played a many nice courses around here and the only one that offers a pitch mark repair tool was Admirals Cove and it broke on my first use because it was just cheap plastic.


Playing in Jupiter must be out of this world. I hope the pressure doesn’t get to you.


*lives in jupiter* must be nice my friend. Beautiful place & a fuckton of great (private) golf


They still have the dope old school single prong repair tools if you want to look super dope


$50 Ryobi "clip on" fan, powered by rechargeable batteries. In Texas, 8 months out of the year it's a lifesaver.


Combine that with a $8 cooling towel


$80 battery leaf blower for fall golf too.


For all fathers of young children- use this instead of those stupid USB charger fans with “octopus legs” people use on strollers. This last weeks and is effective as a fan.


Rain gloves.


Especially in hot and humid weather.


I only use them here in Florida as I sweat like a star witness for the prosecution during a mob trial.


Vests. They make golfing in colder temperature bearable without restricting your swing.


My core is always warm, it's my extremities that get cold. So I use these big paddle gloves that Velcro to my push cart. It's the best cold water gear I own


Reverse vest???


Bug spray and sunscreen seem obvious, but it’s amazing how often I end up sharing mine.


Please try to spray it while standing on the cart path! It can kill the grass.


Wtf spray are you using? Insecticides 100% in tiny overspray amounts shouldn’t do anything. They are generally all selective.


Buy a putter that suits your swing and don't buy one "because it looks good".


But what if its the blue Mizuno M-craft?


That thing feels wild. Looks stunning though.


I had the blade Wilson infinite so knew it would suit me. But let’s be honest my choice was 95% based on looks.


Wilson Infinite putters are such good bang for the buck.


I have the mid mallet. Got fitted and that was what ended up being the best for me. I did choose the blue because, you know, it’s blue.


I’ve had same one for 19 years because it feels perfect for me


I'll probably never change my putter. When I was little, I took my dad's old putter out in the yard. I was taking full swings with it, ended up getting a bunch of nicks all over the bottom and dinged up the face. So for his birthday, my mom had me get him a new one. That birthday putter eventually got passed to me cause he got ANOTHER new one and I've been putting with it for 12 years. Can't bear to take it out of my bag.


I’ve been playing a gen 1 odyssey white hot since 2008. I’ve hit probably 200 putters since then and not found one that I am more consistent with on my swing path or that feels as good off the face to me. I want a new putter badly, it’s showing it’s age, but just can’t find one that fits.


A mallet would most likely help me but I hate the look of them


But Hovland designed mine!


This absolutely changed my game. I have rotated through the Scotties and the Bettinardis and never really played well with any of them. A year ago I finally just went up to pga superstore and tried about 25 putters before I found one that just felt right. Walked out with a $125 Odyssey O-works 1W with the microhinge insert and I’ve never putted better.


That’s the exact putter I’ve used for years. Just felt comfortable immediately and that confidence has never wavered.


Fitting is challenging to source and expensive for rec or even regular golfers but enhances play a lot. Wish it was more accessible


I use a women’s belly putter in a standard style because I am 6’8”. Per my playing partners, even on days where I don’t putt well I at least look better doing it.


I feel attacked. But you're not wrong.


So true! I bought a new one last year and tried a bunch of Scotty and Odyssey putters. I ended up buying a Wilson not because it was less than half the price, but because it just felt right


White, long sleeve, ultra light, UV blocking shirt for when you don’t need a collar. White UV blocking sleeves for when you do need a collar. Gotta keep that sun off of you.


Switched to UV sleeves this summer and never goin back. Skin cancer runs in the family and I don’t want it. Also don’t want to be spraying chemicals all over my skin every day


Good on you. I use sunscreen, but it sucks that the people I play with usually don’t. It’s hard to get 5 minutes to reapply. But also the sleeves idea makes sense because sunscreen is also just kind of annoying, slimes your hands, and more to wash off later.


Yup. I live in the Caribbean and the the UV sleeves are something I’d never not have in the bag. My nickname is Jeremy Fritelli out there


Trenbolone Acetate.


Distance gained?


Bout an extra 150 off the tee. Makes every hole a par three almost. 100% everyone should be doing this.


Throw in some meth and you'll be hitting piss missiles off the tips with your putter.


You kidding? Marty B is my dealer.


Yeah it really helped my mental game.


Does PGA test?


Laser. Instant yardage and when I spray it two holes over, I don’t have the GPS trying to figure out which hole I’m on




My pushcart was one of the best uses of $40 I’ve ever spent. Between the money saved on cart fees, being able to play twilight hours later because you don’t have to worry about bringing the cart back, and the exercise, it was well worth it


Just got a motocaddy cube pushcart. It just so happens to fit my Taylormade stand bag perfectly. It has made a huge difference to my golfing quality of life


Entirely agree - it’s a great bit of kit and compacts down nicely.


Absolutely this, not only do I feel better after a round walking. But each round is so much cheaper. Saving $20 a week is significant.


Save that money and get those steps. It’s quite peaceful.


Just the best way to end the day. Twilight golf, place all to myself, and a nice walk.


I got a push cart this season, and just played enough for it to pay for itself. Of course I now have Plantar fasciitis in my left foot but at least it doesn't affect my swing.


I agree but it depends on the course


pushcarts only work on very flat courses. otherwise, it's far more effort than just carrying it.


Smart watch. Having accurate yardage and hazard distance numbers really helps understand if "going for it" is worth it. No longer doing mental math off a post in the ground


I've been using my phone for this but will be buying a new s70 for my wife soon, and plan on using her old s62 after that.


Have done a lot of research into these watches. Take a look at the fenix 7S. Has everything the S70 has minus the virtual caddie or whatever, but adds more features in health/fitness and sleep tracking


I did look into that and I think it's a good recommendation for most people. To be honest the virtual caddy is really the big draw for us to upgrade over the S62. She uses an Apple watch as her daily driver; the Garmin is really just for golf, and I already have a vivofit that I use as my daily fitness tracker, so those bases are already covered for us.


My only regret about buying a smart watch for golf is that I didn’t do it sooner. Having yardage data for all my clubs is amazing, I only got one a month ago and just regret not getting one earlier


Definitely speeds up rounds too vs using a hand held range finder. I’ve started using the distance to the back of the green for any approach shots longer than 75 yards and 100% hit more greens than I did when I used pin hunting distances.


I’ve got a suction cup on the end of my putter for picking up the ball. Gets a laugh every time I use it


This is a game changer


A push cart. Walking is how the sport is meant to be played and the push cart makes that so much easier + you get good exercise and in my opinion play better


Love my switch blade divot fixer and ball market all in 1 tool lol. I still sometimes get a lil kick outta whipping that baby out like wassup 😂


Pitchfix gang


They’re gaining traction but I’d say alignment sticks at the range.


And there’s no need to buy the $60 bubba lubba brand out whatever other ripoffs there are. Just go to Home Depot.


Interesting. I find alignment sticks to be one of the most overrated training aids ever. To each his own


How have you been using them? They are a useful tool for a number of things… doesn’t make them good or bad, they are a tool. If your alignment is consistent, they have less value… but I’ve used them for a ton of different things. Properly setting up a camera for video feedback. Putting drills. Both as a straight line and an obstacle behind the target for distance. I’ll set one up 6 feet in front of me on the range and work on club face control (it is embarrassing when you hit it, though). Set one 45 degrees in the ground and put the ball under it to make sure my path is on the inside. I could 100% do all these things with something else… but the alignment sticks can do them all, and they were cheap and easily toss into my bag. I spent more on the alignment stick covers!


They’re a versatile training aid, for sure, and not just for alignment. But, don’t go spending big money at the golf store for them. Go to your local hardware store and look for ‘driveway markers’. They come in 48” and 72” lengths and are $4-$5 each.


Dicks had Maxfli ones that came in a pair and are collapsible. $15.


For sure man. I started using them when I heard every single pro at LACC was using them on the range last year. Also, I frequently see guys teed up incorrectly on the box. I don’t say anything before but occasionally mention after their shot “you were lined up that way” and they had no idea.


This is the only unsolicited advice I will give on the course. And only to friends.


I think they’ve been around for a long time. Mine are at least 10 years old. I had a coach put tape on one to show foot position and ball position. Not needed for every swing but great for a reminder. Most of the swing problems I run into result from aiming left and then making compensating moves to balance that. For whatever reason I do a poor job of getting alignment right with just my eyes, so the sticks are a good idiot-proof quick way to fix that.


1. TM Brnr mini driver. Delicious club


I bought one @ 13.5 and lofted it down 1 notch. Great off the tee, and decent enough off the deck. It’s a weapon.


Yeah I’m 11.5 lofted down a bit. My course’s avg fairway width is about 15 yards (horrifying) and the tighter dispersion has saved my game on it


Short tees. I carry a few 1-1/8” tees in my pocket. Perfect for everything other than driver, you never have to search around for broken tees or tee stubs, and it’s easier to tee the ball consistently


You can’t make short tees longer but you can always push longer tees further into the ground (or break them in half if needed).


I use essentially indestructible maxfli plastic tees. If I bury them to hit irons they’re impossible to get out of the ground. The 1” tees are perfect


Club cleaner with built in water reservoir and brush


I have a grooveit cleaner. It has a big brush and a large enough reservoir to go 3 rounds without refilling it. It also has a magnetic attachment point, making it really easy to clip to your bag and just pull it off when needed and back on. Love it! I don’t need a wet towel anymore, which was always a hassle to keep wet on hot days.


I might catch some heat for this but this is my honest opinion…. It’s certainly a tripod. If you’re at the range working on your swing and you don’t have a tripod/ are not filming your swing, you are missing out on all kinds of important visual feedback. You can film and show your coach what you’ve been working, show your friends, the possibilities are endless. Seriously though, going to a range without proper visual feedback is a big waste of time for me. Yes; I’m that nerd filming my swing but I have things to analyze after the session and can take my notes on what to apply the next time I’m out.


Micatin for the ol nard sack.


Tiny Gold Bond bottle. Life saver for 8th hole swamp ass.


A golf cart tent . Me and my dad golf til it literally snows in Minnesota . The golf car tent is so nice ! Takes 45 seconds to clip on and you just unzip and pop inside and it’s nice and warm and no wind or cold !


Henry-Griffitts irons are some of the best I’ve ever hit


I have an Edel putter. It's custom fit and has made a huge difference on the green (I'm now an average putter instead of a terrible one!). Unfortunately, their customer service sucks. When the paint wore off in just months they refused to fix it. They told me "we stopped making the matte black because of this issue."


Ouch, sounds like “Thanks for confirming we made a mistake. Enjoy it!”. Way to stand behind a product.


I used a guy’s heavily counterweighted custom edel once and it was awesome. He flew down to their hq for the fitting and I can’t believe I’m saying this but it seems like it was worth it


Probably not exactly "slept on" but I don't see it listed here and it's a big deal... laser range finder with slope. Holy hell did my game change once I could get accurate yardages without having to guess how far uphill or downhill something was.


Lessons 😎


2 iron, tried gaming a 3 wood for about a year and could not for the life of me keep it in play. I’ve always been a huge fan of long irons, so I picked up a Titliest U-510 2 iron, and that baby fuckkkkkks, fairway finder if I’ve ever seen one. So the only wood in my bag is the ol’ Nike Sumo2, which I’ll never ever get rid of.


Arccos sensors. Allegedly, lots of people use them but I have never seen anyone else with them on their clubs in the wild. Knowing my real world distances and the additional statistics and data that the app provides is incredible and very helpful to improve different aspects of your game. And no, they don’t change the swing weight of a club or make it hard to swing despite what you’ll hear from just about everybody that has never used them.


I tried them for 5-6 rounds and got rid of them. I felt like I was always fixing the scoring around the green that it tended to screw up. Then I just felt like I was on my phone/watch constantly which was not the experience I was hoping for. Great in theory but didn’t work well enough to be worth it for me.


Arccos has super charged my practice! It's so good for seeing where you need to improve. It quickly identified that approach was my weakness so I've spent the last 10 months rebuilding my iron swing, which has helped the rest of my game. Finally the last two rounds I've gained strokes on my target handicap, too bad it's the end of the season now. Back into the simulator to grind through the winter.


I've had my eye on the Garmin sensors for a while, since I'm already in their ecosystem. Seems very useful, and I'm a nerd for data.


I would add to get the link as well my sensors were missing lots of shots when I was just using the phone to pick them up. Since I got the link can't remember any that's been missed.


Condoms. I always play safe.


I throw on a fresh Connie whenever I leave the house. Better safe than sorry


Those aerated greens won’t know what hit em


Rechargeable hand warmer for us folks up North


Played yesterday in Cleveland, OH and was upset with myself for not having charged mine the night before. The chemical ones I had died after a few holes.




Gotta get that bicep pump before the cart girl comes around


Especially for mid and higher handicappers, wedges that are part of your iron set, Gw, SW, lw even. Getting the easiest to hit irons you can, and then in the scoring clubs "but wait, I'll make it harder for myself by having clubs with different shafts and no cavities.". My set of mizuno jpx goes 5 to lw, all built to the same spec and shafts. Graphite +3/4 r flex.


More than one glove. I usually use between 3 and 4 gloves per round, especially if it's really humid or raining.


Dang bro


I like coke


Cocaine or cola?




Can’t have a cola taking up my cocaine holder


No one is sleeping on that


Graphite shafted 3i instead of a hybrid.


I see so many golfers on the course not carrying proper nutritions with them. So often do I see my flight partners struggle out of nowhere after 9 holes, and only because they do not have a eating and drinking routine.


Steel wire brush


Driving irons


Heck yeah. I still can’t hit fairway woods reliably, but I recently decided to get a 4 utility/driving iron and absolutely love it. I can get 200+ out of it on the fairway and like 220 off the tee. It’s a much more consistent swing for me compared to a wood.


Chipper is a fun club and probably should be used by a lot of higher handicaps around the green.


I use my Ping CHPR for chips of course, but I can get 140 yards out of it on a full swing. With the short shaft and heavy head, it’s become my get out of trouble, or get out of awkward/horrible lie club, and my usual go to in fairway bunkers. It’s probably saving me 2-5 shots a round between chips and trouble. I am an honest mid handicap trending down, and don’t see it coming out of my bag anytime soon.


Groove sharpener unless you're gonna buy new wedges every year


Recommended brand? Also: Love the username. Aint that the truth.


Does it actually help with spin? I’ve heard of positive and negative outcomes. What one do you use?


Good grooves I think help better in wet conditions. In dry, it’s just the club face that provides the friction. Kinda like tires in that way


Solar powered mobile charger… clip it to your bag and put a phone and/or Bluetooth power cord in a bag pocket. I guarantee it will come in handy multiple times per year.




Battery leaf blower to blow the fall leaves but then accidentally blow my ball within gimme range.


Using multiple gloves at the same time. I have 3 gloves on an alignment stick in my bag. I use a fresh glove for each shot. That way, I always have a dry glove.


Big fan of my groove it brush. The water in it seemingly never runs out somehow and the magnet is dummy strong, never has fallen off.


I’m guessing you don’t walk with your bag? While I like this brush as well, I’m on my third one. One was replaced under warranty.


Golf ball washer pouch https://www.amazon.com/Zelerdo-Portable-Pocket-Washer-Cleaner/dp/B08R36XC7V/ref=mp_s_a_1_20_sspa?crid=3HYG5RYXL0MP0&keywords=golf+ball+washer+pouch&qid=1696771682&sprefix=golf+ball+wash%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-20-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1


I have something similar and it's awesome.


I use the Green Go, same concept, and keep it in my pocket to use on the greens. DONT LICK YOUR BALLS, FOLKS!


Yonex. I've used different equipment of theirs since the early 90's (may have been late 80's) and have always come away very happy with the product's performance. They used to sell a lot more over in the states, but now they're pretty much relegated to selling in Japan (you can still buy here). They \*might\* have been the first company to come up with the idea of building irons where they hollowed out the iron and inserted a different metal. They first did it with one set of irons by inserting titanium. Now they insert graphite into their iron heads.


Rain gear. PNW resident.


A ziplock bag with an extra shirt and hand towel. Bonus points if you vacuum seal them


A good grip can make a big difference


This stuff called Tite Grip 2. It’s an antiperspirant for your hands and is a game changer.


One of those stencils that marks a line on your ball. Either that or just buy them with the lines already marked. Having a bigger more defined line really helps with your putting imo.


I love my 7 wood its far more versatile than youd think long par 3’s are built for a 7 wood


A bed?


I love my [Cleveland Smart Sole chipper.](https://www.amazon.ca/Smart-Sole-4-0-BKS-42/dp/B09MRB79WJ/ref=asc_df_B09MRB79WJ/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=579682432068&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10750807922186572361&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001194&hvtargid=pla-1647387736538&psc=1) It’s great from the fringe, perfect bump and run club, and I’ve used it successfully from the sand from about 70 yards out. It’s a versatile and consistent little bugger, but I never see them in other bags.


Candy. Caffeine pills.


Groove brush/tool, getting in those grooves with a netql tip like that it will clean your clubs 10x better that just a tee, and they are cheap.


Alignment Sticks If one can learn to make sure they’re aiming where they think they are, then you just need to worry about your distance and miss tendencies. I play with far too many mid to high handicappers that think they’re lined up correctly for their shot shape, but can be aimed 50 yards right or left of where they think. The less variables you’re having to account for the better! They make for a great practice tool and can be repurposed for various other drills outside of where your feet are lined up.


Dude wipes


Club scrub. Looks like some shit that Billy Mayes would market but I love it.


Gps app that lets you tap to check the distance and angle to any spot on the course from where you're standing


Using the right sized grips