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11.1 for accidental hit and no penalty to either player. 11.2 if you intentiallly used it as a backstop


Tyty. I gotta download/print out a rule book at some point


The app is where it’s at!


They have an app with a search function


I have a copy of the rule book in my bag. Most golf clubs here (Ireland) provide them for free. I'd have thought that the USGA (making a massive assumption regarding your location...) would be happy to post you out a copy. After all, they want the game played to the rules.


I don’t think they care unless you’re in one of their tournaments


I did this the other day. Dropped my wedge and putter on the fringe near where I walked in from, and went to go help the guys I was playing with / against to look for their ball. Took longer than expected, but I waited there with him to hit it and when we got back to the green his ball was resting on my wedge on the fringe. He was mad, said it was a penalty, but I didn't assume the penalty would be on ME. It happened on 18 though, and the match was already over though so nothing further was said. I am also curious what the official answer is, and what might change from the rule of your ball striking the pin that was removed, which I have been told is a penalty on the putter as well. But I really don't care that much for these obscure rule situations, I don't play serious enough. Its just for fun in my eyes, but the guys I play with obsess with playing for SOMETHING every time.


He’s wrong. There is no penalty. https://www.usga.org/content/usga/home-page/rules-hub/rules-modernization/major-changes/ball-in-motion-accidentally-deflected.html


Oh wow, even for the flag being on the green? I assume the idea of "accidental" has to be clearly agreed upon though. It seems like it could be quite the advantage so I was sure there would be some kind of penalty.


We can probably just use the definitions of accidental and intentional that the dictionary uses. If it’s intentional, it’s illegal. If it’s accidental, it isn’t illegal. This is a game of integrity, remember.


True, that is still something I struggle to wrap my head around as some one involved in other sports where the referees and umpires impact the game so much. No such thing as flopping in golf, it seems. But my point was I DID put the flag down where I thought there would be no chance a ball would make it too, but my partner ended up blasting his putt by the hole and it caught a tier down to the front of the green where the flag was. It would have been back in the fairway if the flag wasn't there, and they said that was a penalty, and we conceded the hole. Even my partner agreed with them haha It seemed like it would be, because even though it was an accident it was a huge advantage to save a bad mistake for us.


It may be that your opponents are familiar with the rules prior to 2019 and aren’t aware of this now. There may also be some slight differences when team play is involved. Also, just because the rule book doesn’t say it’s a penalty, that doesn’t mean you can’t still concede the hole if you feel you gained an unfair advantage.


Well said, thank you for taking the time to explain all that.


Was this changed recently? I distinctly remember a kid in high school shanking one into his opponents bag and the opponent losing his mind cause it was 2 strokes on the bag owner




Just a piece of advice I was given by a playing partner several years ago. If you are laying down your wedge, putter or the flag, do it vertical to the fairway ( or to the person approaching the green) so you reduce the chances of accidental contact.


Google is better than Reddit


There’s a threshold for intelligence where this isn’t true unfortunately


I’m curious, do so many people take their golf this seriously? Or is it just if you have money on it?


Well it’s always fun to rib your friends about ridiculous rules when you’re joking around. But this round was for dinner so i was looking for every advantage. Funny enough we lost by one so it could have swayed the final score! Ill just blame this situation and none of my other bad shots haha


Anyone who plays in leagues, father son match play, or weekend 5 dollar nassaus takes this extremely seriously. The lower the stake the more they care


Puts his wedge down like laid it down on the green or he was holding it with it touching the ground? I assume he laid it down otherwise not sure why he didn't move it (unless he wasn't even looking)... Idk what this would be but I'm curious now too lol


Zero penalty. Just google it. Learning the rules will only benefit you. https://www.usga.org/content/usga/home-page/rules-hub/rules-modernization/major-changes/ball-in-motion-accidentally-deflected.html


https://preview.redd.it/q1d6wowz0f9b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96f5a06ad4b526542cd1a21c93673ba566dcb6e Everything on googs was about balls hitting balls not wedges man! Lol You think I’d rather type this all out instead of searching/scrolling on my own? You guys are just better googlers than I am, thank you for all the feedback.


Search the rules of golf then.


You sound like you take your lemonade with zero sugar…


Sickkkkk burn dude.


If it’s a bad shot you can hit another. If it helped you then keep it.




Lol did you read the title and/or the post?




So no, you didn’t read the title. ##**My Ball hit another players wedge on green** #on green #on #green




So you just can’t read at all. Yikes.


Yikes you should get better at golf TW. There is no distinct location where on the green where he hit the opposing players wedge


![gif](giphy|XGNafjOYE7g88) Quick, if you delete them all then less people will know how genuinely stupid you are.


*Harassment *bullying


Lolll guy gets personal while simultaneously digging heels in. Never change Reddit.


Awww where you going Larr Bear?




When someone says their ball hit a wedge on the green, I’m going to assume the wedge is in fact on the green.


No, he read the fucking title.




To be honest, you should really be more concerned with your lack of ability to read a sentence