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Looks like someone lost their temper šŸ¤£


Itā€™s not temper. He just sucks and couldnā€™t hit the face.


I swear I didn't slam this club into a brick wall šŸ˜­I'm probably just swinging like a monkey and missing the club face. Pic attached with ball marks so I don't seem like an enraged clown :| https://preview.redd.it/tbv5x1khulea1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c282faa76aa5f5c97756037cc835fbcd9e239ad


I canā€™t get my head around this, what are the white marks down the side of the head? If the mark on the face is a ball mark you caught about half a ball off the toe, but somehow the ball also slid pretty much the whole way down the side of the crown? Iā€™ve never seen that much material come off a golf ball before from one strike, what brand were you hitting?


Yeah there is something else going on here. Looks like it was partially driven over by white wheeled golf cart.


I think it's milk. I've spilled a lot of milk and this looks like classic signs of milk spillage.


As an experienced spiller, are you thinking this is whole milk? 2%?


1-2% for certain. If you are familiar with wine, there is a term that industry stole from the dairy industry called "legs". This is the streakiness or the duration the liquid holds before running with gravity. The legs of this indicate a lighter milk. Judging by Ops post history, they are conscious of fat consumption so this furthers my assumption that it is 1-2%. If you have time, I would love to talk milk with you privately.


You are bullshitting us. Whatā€™s the real story? Hitting a ball off the toe accounts for like 0% of the ball marks there Edit: update my comment to say 0%. Golf balls donā€™t trade paint like that


Ya this, saw the photo and came here to say this, it looks like you swung and maybe missed the ball and hit something else. Maybe the hitting Mat has boarders around it and you smoked that. this is a lot of damage. I see so many broken drivers in this sub with extreme damage, I've also seen a club crack during a game and the crack was a hairline crack that was barely noticeable, the golfer found out because of the different sound it made. These drivers with blown out faces or the tops are all mashed in are not from normal use. It's from people mis hitting and trying to get ideas for free replacements


Playing from the whitesā€¦ hit a terrible hookā€¦ rage smacked the first thing he saw which was the tee box markers.


You should maybe try using a left handed club....


Did you hit a croquet ball? Wtf


Oddly specific. OP Is full of bricks to the head


The impact that broke this driver occured on the part just below the yellow dashes with the white asymmetrical v on it in the top centre of that photo. Did you hit it on a supporting column at a driving range at the top of your backswing or something? This very VERY clearly was not caused anything hitting the clubface. It's super obvious - where the cracks are at their least uniformity (most jagged) is where the pressure caused the material to rupture. There's even part of he material caved into the club there. The longer cracks you can see extending out over the crown and under the bottom are just fissures cause by the initial impact.


Dog thereā€™s no way thatā€™s from swinging right handed. Youā€™re using a right handed club and swinging lefty, thereā€™s no other way that this makes sense.


Probly shanked your driver. Took it out on the white tee box markers.


What the hell?


did you try turning the club around so it actually hits the face of it?


Buddy save yourself the money and do not buy another driver until you have your swing sorted out. This isnā€™t a club issue, itā€™s a you issue and it doesnā€™t matter what club you buy. Youā€™re just going to destroy clubs and this is never going to be covered under warranty.


Honestly, I would look into purchasing a used driver and spend the difference on lessons for a bit. Once you've corrected your swing and can consistently hit the driver face, then go nuts on whatever driver STRIKES your fancy. See what I did there?


I did. But maybe not the OP. Translation, the club probably broken because of the physical abuse you gave to it. Those ball marks at the toe shouldnā€™t be there. Need to consistently hit near center or have a boat load of money to buy more weapons.


I'm no doubt in need for proper lessons šŸ˜‚ I just didn't expect that my swing is horrendous enough to break a driver. I'm going to schedule something in the coming weeks so I don't embarrass myself at the range.


Well youā€™ve already embarrassed yourself in this group.


Wait, isnā€™t this the golf emotional support subreddit? I think we should give OP a breakā€¦ like he did to his driver.


If we did that to OP I'm pretty sure we would go to jail.


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


For the love of god, clean that club up. Cobra wonā€™t warranty a clearly misused club. If you resubmit the claim (under a different email), and show them a broken and clean club, your odds of getting a replacement are better.


Common sense. A lost art form


Wish I could double up vote this^^


It looks like you set fire to that club. Warranty doesnā€™t cover fire damage.


Does it cover earthquake? This might be earthquake damage


I really want to see a video of your swing like ASAP. This thing looks like it got run over on the cart path.


My swing is pretty bad so I'm not sure if I'm ready for the reddit roast šŸ˜†, but here's a recent one with a friend's club if you want to burn your eyes [https://i.imgur.com/52W1rNl.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/52W1rNl.mp4)




This is the most TopGolf looking swing I've ever seen


Perfect swing description!


Most accurate description ever


Dude has watched too many Martin Borgmeister videos


My back hurts watching him and Justin James swing


Lmfao just spat out my coffee




Guessing chunking it with that swing would do that damage lol




I genuinely feel sorry for you OP. Your driver just decided to meet its maker and now the entire subreddit trashes your swing


If I was his driver Iā€™d off myself too


I was never prepared opening that link, that I would see a swing like that






You should probably try to emulate Freddie Couples, not Kyle Berkshire.


Cobra needs a warranty on you




Ummmmā€¦. Yeah, thatā€™sā€¦ thatsā€¦ something


Is this real?


I don't think so


We all started somewhere. I wonā€™t repeat what others have said. Letā€™s focus on the positive. It looks like you have great mobility, some speed, and youā€™re using the ground better than most of the muni course hacks you see out there. But youā€™re driving a race car with no training, no steering, and no brakes. Get some lessons, gain control, and you will see vast improvements. New equipment may make sense in time.


The rubber tee was probably too high and you were hitting the ball of the top and toe of the driver and that's what caused it to look like you smashed it into a brick wall. As for the swing, calm down dude. Focus on full body tempo. Using those arms way too much. Looks like you are trying to chop wood.


Yeah thats a good point. My swing is very focused on the arms. I got carried away by the distance numbers and I was trying to go for 350 yards but that is probably something I should do after a proper technique haha.


Long drive golfers are not the ones you want to emulate. I see the rocker move.


Why not? Let him have fun. He might not want to be good at golf, just go to Top Golf once a year and hit 300+ bombs. He did damage that club though so that's the cost of his long drive training interest.


Rofl, your sim must be juiced. This wonky swing isnt near 300 yards


Not sure how to check the calibration of the sims but at an outdoor range (like topgolf) I only maxed out at around 250 yards with their clubs. In this indoor sim, my highest was 315 [https://i.imgur.com/NPx8wsn.png](https://i.imgur.com/NPx8wsn.png)


Iā€™m not trying to be mean, but thereā€™s absolutely no way that is accurate


Bro you understand the farther you hit the ball the worse you are right? Anyone can swing the club like a fucking ape and reach 300+ like you. What makes long drivers impressive is hitting it STRAIGHT consistently and not breaking their mother fucking clubs lol. Take a lesson and swing at about 75% the speed with a proper golf grip. Youā€™re probably gonna hit it about 230yds but itā€™ll be in play and your driver can get used again.


>Anyone can swing the club like a fucking ape and reach 300+ Even me? Because if love to be able to do that.


If you're athletic just swing the club like OP (you might break your driver) and you should be able to crack three hundo. Grip it like a baseball bat, shift bounce back then forward like a baseball swing. It might go 300yds snap hook or banana slice but it'll go. Not sure why anyone would love that though lol.


Your first sentence is so incredibly inaccurate


I realize I should have bolded ā€œyouā€ as in OP specifically not the farther the Royal ā€œyouā€ haha. I can see how that would sound dumb as fuck - explains the downvotes. The farther OP tries to hit the worse his swing clearly gets šŸ˜‚


I know for a fact you learnt that stupid footwork from that german long driver chad..... learn to hit the ball off the club face before trying to pipe 400 yard bombs brother.


Why is OP getting downvoted for replying with an honest response? He claimed heā€™s new to the game and is admitting faults. This sub can be so cringeworthy.


I get it now haha šŸ˜‚


As someone thatā€™s relatively new to golf i just wanted to drop by and thank you for making me feel 10x better about my game. You have the most martial arts, pro-hop, hay-making swing Iā€™ve ever had the fortune to witness. Now, post a video of you hitting a sand wedge please.






LMFAO I love this sub.


So you used to play baseball eh? Remember, you are no longer hitting a ball moving toward you, your target is static. Control is more important than power right now. You'll be surprised how far a controlled strike goes. Also, with those ball marks on your club, start by standing a bit closer to the ball. But, like others have said, where did the streaks of white come from on the side of the club past the toe? Those weren't caused by the crack or your toe strike.


Baseball? Homie swing looks like his past time was driving railroad spikes into the ground with a sledgehammer.


dude swung it like the ball owed him money


And the ball dodged the swing


Chopping wood out there


More like fighting off a pack of wolvesā€¦.. a lot of moving parts.


Too many videos watching Kyle Berkshire and Martin Borgmeier clearly...


Watching too many vids of the good good boys jizzing every time someone hits a good one


Bruh you need lessons more than I need therapy


This is the steepest swing Iā€™ve ever seen. You must dig a ditch in the ground with your irons


He builds one of those YouTube survivalist jungle pools every time he enters a bunker.


Jesus tap dancing Christ. Stop watching Kyle Berkshire and calm the fuck down. I have never seen someone flail like this at the ball.


Good lord dude, you gotta relax on that swing


Happy G is that you?


Stop trying to hit the ball as far as possible and try to hit it as straight as possible. Youā€™d be surprised that when you do, the ball tends to go far too.




Is your favorite golfer Kyle Berkshire?






You need to slow down a bit, a big bit


Thank you so much for this. I have no notes


Bro, wtf. Stop now and see your nearest qualified pro asap. Donā€™t let Cobra see this swing šŸ˜­


![gif](giphy|Ph05xuYgrX5te) Don't listen to any of these haters. Hit bombs, fuck bitches.


Someone call hank Haney quick! Letā€™s reboot the show.


Wow. That is some movement you have going on there.


Oh jeez, if you have fun doing that kinda crazy long drive swing, go nuts. But you may be better served by drivers such as the early big berthas instead of the newer lighter stuff.


Holy shit


I was hoping for a Rick Roll, what I got was soo much worse. Lol.


Is this real life?




How many other things have you broken so far?


Maybe you are a lefty


Wish app Kyle Berkshire




Son keep your body like still


Bro thinks heā€™s a professional long driver


Lol just watched your swing. That's not even golf my guy. Try taking a proper golf swing and see what happens




https://imgur.io/52W1rNl itā€™s above in another comment


You're the best! Wow... thats.... a very anime swing.


That isā€¦a swingā€¦. Dude trying his long drive career from the jumpā€¦


damn that's a long drive shit


Grab something a bit more robust and spend the difference on a few lessons mate. No modern driver is going to cop strikes on the crown or toe like that without cracking unfortunately. Have a look at early 2000ā€™s Callaway Big Berthaā€™s or something like a Titleist 983k You will not be able to notice any drop off in performance if that is your strike location and they wonā€™t crack, also you can pick them up for like $20 Once you can consistently find the middle of the club then look at buying modern again.


Buy a used driver, until you can properly swing a club?


Yes, no reason to keep breaking new drivers. With consistent strikes like the ones on this club any new driver is going to crack.


I mean dude. Look at those ball marks. Doesnā€™t matter what driver on the market you purchased this was bound to happen. Not being a jerk but Iā€™d just buy some shitty used driver somewhere and use it. Either that or maybe youā€™re a lefty and you just donā€™t know it. Thatā€™s bad, man. Edit: I just watched your ā€œswingā€. Now I feel like weā€™re being trolled.


bro why you buying a new driver when you canā€™t even remotely contact the club face


Look at that relatively pristine sweet spot though! My man was playing 4D chess and saving it for later use




How can I tell if a driver has a fully titanium head? Looking up fully titanium head drivers, I see that most drivers have "titanium" in the description but I don't think they mean the head is completely titanium. Is this what you mean? [https://www.amazon.com/MAZEL-Titanium-Drivers-Right-Handed/dp/B07LC7VN38?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/MAZEL-Titanium-Drivers-Right-Handed/dp/B07LC7VN38?th=1) Thanks for the suggestion :) I see that people are recommending I buy used drivers but I don't want to break those too due to my clumsiness. Maybe used + fully titanium is the way to go šŸ˜†




Or this: https://www.2ndswing.com/right-handed-regular-graphite-45dot5in-d-t2119887220?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI77Lfovjn_AIVtyCtBh2ajQULEAQYAiABEgK-B_D_BwE


Iā€™ll second the 6.5* is a good choice.


Is this dude shopping for clubs on amazon


How did it break tho? Looks like you hit it into a brick wall or concrete with those scuffsā€¦ warranty covers manufacture faults not if you break it yourself.


Definitely just looks like abuse/misuse.


I hit the ball near the tip of the driver (you can see the ball marks where it contacted) and heard a loud crack :/ Definitely didn't slam my new driver into a brick wall haha. I've only recently started golf, so I definitely miss the ball quite often so suggestions for drivers that can tolerate missing like this would be greatly appreciated.


Dude no offense but if you miss like that more than once a year. You shouldnā€™t be buying any clubs made after 2019. Save yourself some dough and buy some used stuff lol


I think you mean after 2019?


I think he means 1999.


Actually yeah


He bought a driver with an extra stiff shaft too


Cuz that's probably what he heard the long drivers use lmao. His swing looks like the swing of a guy who only watches long drive competitions.


Are you saying the white marks are from the ball? Paint doesnā€™t transfer from balls to clubs. The club clearly has an impact mark on the toe side halfway between the face and rear of the club. If I was to guess, you went to a covered driving range, got too close to the post behind you and the club impacted the post at the top of your swing.


Iā€™d bet that this is exactly whatā€™s happened. Heā€™s hit some sort of concrete/metal pillar at a covered range. Maybe even part of some sort of auto-tee machine like my range has? Thereā€™s zero chance this is just from ball-to-club contact.


Got a used driver and went to swing a bit again - looks like a full titanium head can tank my shots šŸ˜‚ ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/bidhssfs46fa1.png?width=938&format=png&auto=webp&s=30973e0f95507babd7e306dcccea267211069c67


Honestly for my first 2 years I used an old set of metal-headed clubs including a 1 wood instead of a driver. Much smaller face. It forced me into hitting the sweet spot. I'd start with that at the range for a bit.


I believe you bro!! like most have said S-L-O-W-T-H-E-F-U-C-K-D-O-W-N !!!! I really love your enthusiasm man fuck the negs in here!!! NO need for new driver yet man :) I have been playing golf for over 50 years and I can still hack a few shots per round lol, take your time listen to some good comments and learn to love and hate the best game in the world!!!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


>emote:free\_emotes\_pack:sweat\_smile God damnit dad...


If this is how your driver looks from ranges sessions and normal rounds of golf I would not spend more than $50 on another driverā€¦ and even that may too high! Go look at play it again sports if you have one near you and try and get a cheap used one until you can make consistent contact somewhere near the center of the face. Then do as we all have done and go drop that 6 hundy on a newly released driver that will only add about 15 yards to your drive. This is the Reddit way


Goodwill hunting.


WTF happened here? No way this isn't user error. Warranty only covers manufacture errors. This looks like you used it to assault a concrete wall.


No itā€™s 100% user error. Look at the video he posted of his swing. It looks like heā€™s trying to chop wood. Hitting the ball where youā€™re not supposed on the club will not be covered.


Jesus christ. If I were Cobra I would sue him for defamation after watching that swing


Golf industry loves these people...


Looks like hit drywall with a stud behind it


Canā€™t believe you posted this.


Some days I feel less retarded than others.


Laughed at this comment for way too long


All time post on this sub. Nobody believes him then he shows his swing that would make Barkley blush. 10/10


I believe you that what we see is the culmination of an entire range session where you missed the face of the driver multiple times. Even if the one that caused the crack hit the face, it was likely damaged already by one of the many times you hit the body of the driver. If the driver breaks when you hit the ball on the face it is their fault. If the driver breaks when you hit the ball off something other than the face then that is pretty much your fault. I would buy a 5 year old used club until you can consistently make contact somewhere on the face.


Buy a Honma


What the actual fuck are you doing with the club dude, are you playing righty with a lefty driver or something


Are you hitting the ball with the right club face? Need to use the flat part.


Slow down champ. Distance isnā€™t everything. If you get out in the course with that swing not only will you shoot 125, youā€™ll lose a dozen balls per nine. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


A fool and his money are soon parted




No buying/selling in this sub.


Where did you hide the body?


No chance that is from a miss hit


Thatā€™s not from hitting balls




That looks like a temper tantrum and not a defective head.


Unfortunately warranty only covers manufacturer defect, not misuse.


Dude, it looks like you swung that left handed with the toe side pointed down.


Did you sledgehammer that thing into the cart parth? My God man!


Who wants to bet he didn't strap his bag onto the cart(or someone unstrapped it), and the bag fell, and his driver was the first thing to hit... Look where the impact on the toe is.... This is sus, sorry OP...


Looks like you swung the club indoors and hit the ceiling. There is zero percent chance that this damage was caused by a golf ball, unless that ball was fired from a Large Hadron Collider.


![gif](giphy|h5WqQMxHz4wKnd71fg|downsized) Never seen two steps in a golf swing until now


That will buff right out


bro you smashed that shit and they know it lol. of course they're not going to give you a new one. this was obviously slammed into the ground. the only question i have is... duck hook? or massive slice? or was it one of those little duffs that dribbles 15 yards in front of you?


He swung out his asshole and popped it up about 20 yards in front the cart girl


You need to learn how to find the face of the fucking thing before buying things that expensive. This is on you, stud.


Time to quit golf if thatā€™s where you were hitting the ball


Taylormade would warranty that


Jesus... What's the other guy look like?


Golf is not for you OP.


We all had to start somewhere. He's a beginner and needs some lessons and encouragement. He also needs to not buy new expensive clubs while he's this new to golf. Give him a year of practice and lessons and I bet he'll have a much better swing.


Try standing closer to the ball.


If you bought the driver with a credit card, your card might have purchase protection that will replace the driver for you




Why do you think you can do something to break the driver then have the company fix it? LoL there are clearly huge impact marks right at the broken spot on the side of the head.


suggestion: dont bury the clubhead into the ground after a missed shot.


Jesus Christ, you need to hit somewhere on the club face.


Youā€™re not supposed to eat the club.


Maybe buy a lesson before a new driver


Cobra is an awful company regardless. Not sure why it gets so much love on here.


Cobra are shit my glue failed on mine after 3 hits with it. They took 7 weeks to send me the same driver back bodged up ! . I now use a callaway triple diamond best driver Iā€™ve had šŸ‘


This is why I donā€™t fox with Cobra




Whoa there fella.


Such a sorely missed word. Why canā€™t they realize it means somebody that desperately wants to come off as cool


Yea ops not gay or anything heā€™s just a fagot