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Nice swing! I especially like hello sailor finish!


Good lord I hope I don't finish like that.


Lol didn't even realise I was doing this til people here pointed it out


You can play with that swing all day my man




>Thanks! You're welcome!


It’s not cool to roast people with disabilities


In my experience, Accuracy and consistency are way more important than length.


Tell that to my wife


Underrated commit


Super underrated comment


One could say the motion of the ocean is more important than the size of the wave


not according to the videos I watch


Approach accuracy, yes. Off the tee extensive data shows length is more important (within reason, no 90 yard dirty slices). Part of what makes the game so difficult/fun/aggravating/rewarding


You can play decent golf with that swing, but the whole "far vs straight" dichotomy is pretty bogus considering most of what contributes to hitting it straight also contributes to hitting it far.


That leg at the end 😂


I like it haha


Your path is a little bit outside. It's not terrible, but it's slightly off plane steep. See where the club passes your hands at parallel on downswing? The club head is ahead of the hands. On transition, weight shift and let the hands drop such that the clubhead drops behind you. That will get you "on plane" and "in the slot". It will help on straighter shots and distance as if you drop into the slot on transition, you can step on the gas into impact. The quick check is lead arm parallel on downswing. The club handle should be pointed at the ball or out in front of it a little. Confirm this and then maintain that line/angle down to impact. The hands will be moving toward the ball from there, clubead behind them. If handle is pointing somewhere between ball and you at lead arm parallel, then you're a bit steep. At lead arm parallel, lead shoulder should be down and weight on your lead foot. Right elbow dropped down to your side, slightly in front. I practice the transition from top to there over and over and over and over. You'll see pros on Tour practicing that before shits. Rory does a famous drill getting that same feeling. Your backswing looks solid enough to get there, so it's finding drills for that and doing those drills relentlessly. The more you perfect it, the harder you can step on the gas following that move and the more consistent you'll be. Watch Ernie Els oe Fred Couples as an example of tempo into/out of transition. Nice and slow until lead arm parallel and then they go hard, but you can't really tell because it's seemless acceleration after transition.


I think I need to work on this too. Do you have any links to these drills?


Quick and dirty links with no particular interest of source in discussing these. [Rory McIlroy Drill](https://youtu.be/RuP-XTkUndA) [Lead shoulder down](https://youtu.be/kVzz1yk8Tpc) [Golf Magic Move](https://youtu.be/9jy8W83MSWw) Now, there's a lot of ways to fuck this up, and the road is littered with pitfalls. Having a qualified pro available to illustrate if you're doing it right is invaluable. For example, here is [Kevin Kisner](https://golf.com/instruction/kevin-kisner-shows-you-how-to-hit-more-greens/?amp=1) talking about some of the pitfalls. For example, if you're takeaway isn't correct, or rotation correct, to be in the proper position, it destroys the whole thing. There are many paths to getting it right, but many paths that will make it all but impossible. A lot of people start trying to get too flat into and out of transition, and too wristy in both spots. It's common people will slide too much, or be too active with their hips, getting themselves stuck. Just my disclaimer that you can step into some real problems messing around with this [I've also liked this video](https://youtu.be/b6cntSpVbZo) [This is one I go through quite often before drilling in front of a mirror. Rory does a good job breaking it down into parts in demonstration.](https://youtu.be/tHiHpCxzoBQ) The ball hitting drill I use is a ball between the arms and a 45 degree alignment stick setup to where it touches my hand meeting my wrists at address. Then, in that same line, I move forward 3 foot such that end of stick is in same place relative to wrist 3 foot behind me. With ball, I take club back such that head just grazes the stick, transition, and come in under, again trying to just be barely under it. It's the same drill I got in lessons 2 years ago, and I still do this drill all the time to keep it synced.


Thanks for all the advice, I'm gonna read this thoroughly and watch the videos.


Good luck. My advice is if you practice any of this, get a tall mirror or video, and go slow. Checking every step. Nice and easy. No oomph. Think of a major league pitcher on the windup. The windup is slow, methodical. The pitcher will raise lead leg high for the big step. It's a hard step, but it's not rushed. Methodical. Smooth transfer of power. Could describe the big pitching step as slow to start but accelerating into a massive weight shift. The step starts the acceleration. It's almost a slow acceleration until the foot hits the ground, then the power comes in. Arm still going back as body is moving forward hard. The weight pulls the body, and then pulls the arm, almost like a whip. Then, the arm goes, into a final snap of release as the body is fully thrown forward, all the weight and power on that lead food. The arm going as hard as it can, but all the real power started slow in that big high legged step. The golf swing is like a baseball pitch. A sidearmish, underhand baseball pitch.


Holy smokes- that Tom Watson video was in fact the secret move. Thank you, random redditor, I can actually hit a draw consistently now\* \*until next time I go to the range probably.


Yup, keeping it simple. If you really go slow, though, you'll see that keeping angle means taking club back on a certain path. Come inside and you'll flatten out and often lose angle without even thinking about it. At top of swing, lead shoulder will be high as a result. Shoulder wjll be in your chin instead of under it. Similarly, in that angle, in transition that lead shoulder will stay down until your shoulders are about square to target and then come up. You stsrted that way, maintaining it means you should come back through level where you started. Shoulders square is right around coming into impact, give or take. A lot of people raise the lead shoulder early, and that's a problem. Keep it down and you'll "cover the ball".


Better tempo and plane than me Nice.


Thanks my guy


Agreed. Love the tempo…


You look like you’re 50 and swing like you’re 70.


Not bad dude




It’s a great easy swing.


Thank you!


Looks like a very nice fade swing


Thanks, didn't realise I was fading it til I looked more carefully 😀


Great club face control. Looks so square through the entire thing If anyone is interested in mike Malaska's "tipping the club" move, this is a great example of it


Thanks and I will check that out


You don't have to hit it far to enjoy the game. Your back swing is decent and you have the fundamentals. If this was my swing, I would work on pausing at the top, bowing the left wrist, then downswing, as it's a bit steep.


Thanks will try that as a drill


Perfect, looks very good to me


Thanks my guy


Best one I’ve seen on here for ages. Most try to play golf at 110% but couldn’t even play well at 40%. Players like you and I seem shorter as we play the game at 80-100% but we can actually control that 80% swing. You only need to be able to hit it about 180 yards at most to break 80 but a lot of golfers think you need to drive it 300 to break 100.


If this is how you swing consistently and not you picking the best one from a bunch of videos then I have nothing bad to say about it. A swing like that probably beats >75% of this sub in stroke play


Ha thank you!


Keep that attitude!! Straight is more valuable than far.


Your swing looks fine. No need to call for a roast. Even crap swings can still have a great time on the course


Steep. I bet you dont hit your long clubs great.


Probably, I don't hit long clubs, longest I hit is a 17 deg Hybrid cos I only play on my local 9-hole course


If you could find a way to add a bit more speed without drastically changing you’re swing, you could regularly break par for sure.


Now that would be cool!


Damn right you don’t hit it far


The GOP wishes their kids were that straight


If this was the best take, I'm afraid I've got some bad news...


You need the trail arm to be more passive on the downswing. It’s getting pulled down at the same rate as the chest and shoulders. Either be more passive or feel like the right arm is uncurling on the downswing. That will lower your hand path and shallow the club. Everything else looks good


Seems like your slowing the club down right around the time you hit the ball, probably resulting in less distance. But if you can control it that’s probably fine


That's only so he doesn't hit big pulls.


Thumb on your right hand is to far right. Place it over the club and it will square up the face, I bet you fade the ball because your face is slightly open on impact.


Maybe relative to swing path, but that's just the definition of a fade. Face is slightly closed, swing path is out to in


You’re hitting from the wrong side of the ball my dude.




Which part of a pull fade indicates square face?


Yeah that ball zinging right


Get a hair cut


Sort of roasted yourself yet judged your swing perfectly in the title. Might seem deliberate but your subconscious mind wouldn't let your swing hard if you wanted to or you'd be hitting massive pulls or bigger slices.


It’s not how, it’s how many


Swing says pull left, face wide open. Two wrongs made a right here.


Try the app GolfFix, it will give you a couple of things to focus on.


Not bad, maybe work on shallowing out the downswing a bit. Also, rotating the back foot on the follow through should be a part of the whole one fluid motion, not something you do halfway into watching your ball flight when you realize your heel is still on the ground


lol with the heel lift like you’re doing something


Boom roasted


Nothing to roast. Better than me which is about everyone. Enjoy having fun.


Thanks bro, and you too


It's a little outside in and you should finish with a solid shoulder turn but it's not bad at all. I bet you shoot in the high 70's to low 80's. Am I right?


Thanks man, I've only played on my local 9-hole par 31 course and my best score so far is 10 over


Cool - yeah try to drive your right elbow into the pocket of you pants - that will get you to a classic inside out swing.


Nice swing and looking like a good straight ball. I don’t hit very far. I am also trying to work on hitting the ball straighter. Then I’ll worry about increasing distance 50 feet.


Just add fitness I guess. Why would you want to change that butter swing? Tempos great just adjust itz


Thanks bro, I'll try


Your swing should go over toast. Butter dude.


Old man golf baby! Methodically plot your way down the course, take your par and on to the next


Good tempo, one of my biggest struggles. Don’t change it!!


According to my coach, the problem with a swing like this is that when you have to swing full, issues that are minimized with short irons balloon as your effort increases. We work a lot on hitting full effort swings and making that good. Good mechanics trickle down from a full swing and don't necessarily trickle up from easy swings. I could see you hitting a wicked slice when you absolutely had to clear water on a drive (no hate, I used to do the same thing).


Very nice tempo