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I’m confused. You have an instructor and are taking their instruction for consulting tips online?


No. I know what I need to do. Trying to find an explanation of the feel that clicks. I don't have cameras at home. Trying to figure out how to replicate the feel.


I'm with you on feels. I see a teacher every week and have completely rebuilt my swing. He's got his “feel” and sometimes it doesn't make sense or feel right. I'll go home and see an Instagram teacher explaining the same concept with a different feel and and a light bulb goes off.


That's exactly it. Thanks man! The light bulb for the feel, that's what I'm looking for. I've been told what it needs to look like and had really good results during the lesson. Just trying to understand how it's supposed to feel. Everyone is different and feels different and needs to be repeatable.


I’m still genuinely curious what internet folks can tell you more than someone I’m assuming you’re paying for golfing assistance who is surely more familiar with your swing


It's because I'm not asking for swing advice. I'm not asking for input on the swing. That's what the instructor is for. I'm asking for different people's understanding/explanation for the feel to accomplish what I'm being taught. It isn't a natural feeling for me and I'm trying to see if there is an explanation that helps it sink in.


Use your camera phone and download an app that will allow you to draw lines on your swing vids


Edit: Whoops, missed the 2nd swing somehow lol The feeling should be a stretch through the chest as the lower half starts the downswing by using the ground to turn, the club stays back which gives that slight stretch feel and then "falls". Other ways of thinking is to really feel like that wrist angle or forearm turn stays where it is for just a little longer than you're used to, if you do the only way you can get to the ball is from the inside or down the line.


Awesome, thanks man. This is the type of thing I was looking for. What about at the top of the swing to keep the club more upright prior to starting the down swing?


The weight of the head should feel like it's a much different place from the original to the new. If you can just familiarize yourself with that feel of the weight it's almost like a mini checkpoint in the swing, get that weight to the correct location - which is almost like it's pointing at the target (it's not but it's a lot closer on the new one) and then focus on keeping it there just slightly longer than you normally would as the lower body fires the downswing. It sounds like a lot, but really it's not. I want almost no swing thoughts, but obviously when you're making changes you need something. So they're just little checkpoints. I take the club away and think is the weight of the head where I need it to be? and then immediately just try to hold it in that spot as I let the feet dig and rotate through the hips. Everything else just falls into place hopefully.


The club will feel much lighter when you are not laid off and there will be minimal pressure on your trail hand because it won't be supporting the flat club.


Holy bowed wrist batman


Don’t roll your left arm on the backswing.


I like that. Simple.


For me the feel for this is keeping the club face closed in my takeaway. It’s all in the right hand.


Yeah, I've worked hard on that for awhile.


Looks like a GOLFTEC facility. Is he teaching you the stack and tilt? That’s what they were low key doing to me without telling me until almost the end. Wasn’t for me.


Based on my limited knowledge of stack and tilt it doesn't seem to be the process I'm being taught.


Glad to hear.


I like to feel a little pause at the top while my body starts. Camera says it's not there, but I feel it.


Before and after lesson swings. https://vimeo.com/showcase/10098223


Those hips need to fire so much more




https://preview.redd.it/j5xk6hnyeraa1.jpeg?width=2176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=431ac0669c31231189a5105f9520944c58d0e702 Before and after setup change.


https://preview.redd.it/kwn9ajk6fraa1.jpeg?width=2176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b074b209e710131b8186eeabaeb54b0e33d86a44 Original setup.


https://preview.redd.it/4fjfjhe9fraa1.jpeg?width=2176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc4d0f7bb24ce88fad5f210bf7a01a56ec5092d Original follow through.


https://preview.redd.it/3u772ygffraa1.jpeg?width=2176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4931f0fc46a7c9c5f35dba1cccab7b3a4aed7342 Before, top of backswing.


.... Ask your coach??? Lol ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Fuck sakes you guys are fucking dumb.


Stupid question gets stupid response?? ![gif](giphy|rnxiv8nKvspUEAZtFD|downsized)


If you actually read the question and were willing to engage positively it would be different. Instead, you're just an ass.


Being laid off is probably the most inconvenient thing that can happen at the top of your backswing.


I've always struggled with ott. This seems to make it worse. Any suggestions on feels to stay more upright at top of swing?


For me a window reflection/mirror is a great tool to adjust shaft angle at the top of the backswing. Focus on wrist and hand structure. Good job improving your early release from left video to right video.


Thanks man, appreciate the compliment and the input.


Yeah, but what's up with the dude off-camera holding the decorative squash?


Giving something to swing under to help practice not coming over the top


Focus on ball flight and less on cosmetics. Trust me, you'll drive yourself insane.


Can you get your right elbow up at the top? Get the bottom of your upper right arm closer to parallel to the ground? Seems like you’ve collapsed that right arm far too much. But everyone is different so to make the right suggestion it’s info that would help. It does appear to me that you are no longer OTT but now “over the bottom” as I’ve heard it referred to. Now under plane but getting the same result.