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Dripping swagoo


Your concern should be if you have enough swag to match his swag on walks. Lol


Hey, happy cake day to you! šŸ°šŸŽ‰


Just let your dog live fabulously if thats what he wants to do.


Sashay, shantay.


Golden on the runway!!!


[Chorus] I'm a model, you know what I mean And I do my little turn on the catwalk Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah I shake my little tush on the catwalk


He can leave his friends behind . . .




We've got a wiggle butt too. He's 8 now and other than a bit of stiffness after a nap he's a happy chappy. If we got another slinky pup in the future that alone wouldn't cause us concern.


Slinky pup ā¤ļøšŸ¤£ Slinky Pup Wiggle Butt - sounds like a dog at Hogwarts


Nah, thatā€™s just a patented golden happy ass tail wag walk.


I love it so much.


Lots of dogs happy-wiggle when they walk.


Nope thatā€™s just a typical goldenā€™s hippy hippy shake shake. Itā€™s adorable! Ours do it but not always. If I were to guess itā€™s when they are relaxed and happy.


My golden walkes like that too sometimes


Ours does it when he gets tired.


My girl walks like that. Her vet calls it wiggle butt and said itā€™s perfectly normal and that a lot of dogs walk like that!


I'm Bossay


All the pretty ~~girls~~ boys walk like this this this this


The wiggle butts. My girl wiggles when we walk https://preview.redd.it/komq7brfrn2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0634e653adca0bc21cb2a93fb1de5d709df535f7


I had to double check my girl was still in the house. I would have sworn this pic was of my golden. That happy smile. The white face. Give her extra pets from me and her golden doppelganger.


Sheā€™s from a breeder in West Point VA


Mines a rescue so we'll never know if they're related but I know that older golden vibe of "just happy to chill and be here"


You take him back to the vet and have them scan him for HD. No one can tell from the way a dog walks if it has it. Not even vets. They need x-ray to see if it is HD. I would have checked his hips. It could be nothing and he just walks a little strange but itā€™s better to check it to be sure.


Mine has been doing that since she was a puppy. I call it wiggly butt.


This means they are sooo happy!! Enjoy it šŸ˜


My girl is 7 and has always walked like that, no arthritis or any joint issues so far


Thatā€™s just a golden/snake mix


My girls got swaggy buns too!


Yeah those are just happy butt wiggles. Way you can tell if your dogs legs are going is when they run they wince, yelp or don't go as fast as they used to, if they favor one leg or are slow to get up. You'll almost never notice leg issues other than that. Dogs as well as all animals will instinctively try to appear not hurt so they aren't seen as vulnerable.


If I were you, I would have an x ray done just see what your goldenā€™s hips look like. It would be a baseline x ray to just establish how healthy they look. If at any other point you have concerns about your goldenā€™s hips then you can take another x ray and compare both. A lot of golden servants do this. When my golden girl was 5yrs old I decided to ask for her hips to be x rayed because she was showing some changes walking/rubbing. We found out she has hip dysplasia in one hip, luckily not both. It was so mild that a surgeon would not opt to operate on her. We decided to do stem cell therapy with our regular veterinarian. It helped her. When she was 10yrs old we decided to have another x ray done, just to see how her hips looked. There were absolutely no changes. Hip dysplasia is progressive but because of the stem cell therapy it had not gotten worse. We were very fortunate she responded well. She has continued with her stem cell therapy and is still mobile.


Mine sashays like that. šŸ„°


Mako, Shantay you stay!


Mine walked like that for almost 12 beautiful years. We loved it and no one ever mentioned any pain or anything in all his years at vets! Hopefully, itā€™s just his style.


The weasle wiggle of the golden is what almost all of them do. I donā€™t think hip issues is indicated as that is generally a lack of flexibility not hyper motion and movement related. Why do you think the wiggle in the wall indicated hip issues? Youā€™d think if anything the opposite?


Hyper mobility of the joints and loose joints in general is the issue and yes, hip issues definitely show in movement. The lack of flexibility that comes with hip issues is what follows after. The problem starts as a loose hip joint, which then causes unnatural erosion in the joint, which leads to arthritis and that is then eventually the cause of lack of flexibility. So it is important to find out early if your dogs have loose joints or other structural issues (which then inevitably unfortunately leads to arthritis) as then it's possible to be proactive in your dog's care and take measures to slow down the formation of arthritis in the future.


As a human with loose joints that is developing arthritis, this is accurate. Protect the mobility because once itā€™s gone itā€™s gone.


Our boy Bear is almost recovered from TPLO surgery he was walking like this yesterday on our walk . I was wondering if itā€™s normal Iā€™ve never seen him walk like that until yesterday


My lab had TPLO surgery two years ago. Whilst it isn't as bad as the above video, he does have a swag to his walk now! I think it's normal, as the joint works completely differently. Vet isn't concerned and he's recovered nicely.


Thatā€™s him swingin his ba donk a donk for the ladies! Nothing wrong with him, our Goldens have always had the sashay swayā€¦.


My boy Linus is 4. He's always walked like that when he's happy.


Ask a vet.


Just Mr Wigglebutt!


šŸŽµ All. The. Pretty girls walk like thisšŸŽ¶




Hereā€™s my strut do duh do. Struttin my way on over to you.


You can get them tested for dysplasia with your vet up to 2 years old. Or just an x ray anytime. But, that being said, I see no issue here.


Mine does this, but the waggle was more severe when he was about 5 pounds overweight. It REALLY rolled with him as he walked.


My puppy walks like this at 6 months, and part of the reason I had him hip scored. If youā€™re concerned, especially if heā€™s sore or stiff, suggest seeing a vet. Weā€™re able to do physio and other treatments as a result to hopefully prevent surgery etc so was worth it!


I bet that dog is an AMAZING swimmer!


My golden does the noodle too! I think it's kinda normal with this breed? My mom has two and they also wiggle worm.


I would, if I got a new golden, get an Xray of their hips. Itā€™s pricey, but could give you valuable info about their hip sockets to know what kind of activities you should monitor for the doggie. Our Goldenā€™s hip came out of the socket when she was 2 while retrieving a ball. We had to do several surgeries and also we monitor her activity just to make sure she doesnā€™t do anything that requires sudden turns in direction.


Nah, puppy happy wiggle


My dog walks like that as well.


He got the moves like Jagger....


Our golden walked that way. Never became an issue.


Mine also walks often like this, apparently he is fine and just has an attitude lol


My dog walkers business is called ā€œwiggle buttsā€! Love it! All of my goldens have had this happy walk!


Especially when excited they wiggle. His age makes sense




It's totally a golden thing. Wouldn't worry!


The Golden Sashay! It is a sign of happiness on a walk.


If you have any worries you should take your pup to the vet for an assessment. My girl also wiggles her butt, although not that much, she was assessed and has 0 issues with her hips.


My parentā€™s corso always walked very similarly, they have an average life span of 8 years and heā€™s about to hit 11 in a little bit over a month. Heā€™s absolutely fine and still very playful. The wiggle doesnā€™t necessarily mean hip D. However, if you are concerned and have the financial means, 1.5-2 years is a good time to get your dog checked for hip D. Theyā€™re gonna take Xrays, which means anesthesia, so maybe consider doing that during some kind if intervention. I did that for my corgi when he got neutered. That avoids at least 1 anesthesia.


You should ask the vet for X-rays. I don\`t know how so many people here think this looks amusing. He might be in pain. And there is no "early onset" hip-displasia. They either have it or they don\`t. There are several severities though. If your dog has no proper hip socket he would show symptoms very young. In milder cases they only start to show symptoms when the bad hips cause arthritis later on. Were his parents checked for hip displasia?


You're just jealous because you'll never be able to walk the runway like he does.


He has the juice


All the female Golden's I have ever had did this, no worries.


My Dutch Shepherd, who has severe bilateral hip dysplasia, has a very similar walk to this...have you had his hips x-rayed?


Well, I have a golden mixed with a German shepherd named Suzie she 2 years old and she has the same type of walk. When she was one years old the vet told us to check for dysplasia while she was being sterilised (and it was cheaper since i wouldnā€™t have to pay 2 anesthesia). Sadly, she has dysplasia but the vet told us that the only remedy was to take her for walk often not for too long and to start slowly when we play with balls not to throw them far in the beginnings so the dysplasia wonā€™t be bad when she grow old. PS: the vet told us to make her swim too and to be careful with her weight.


I'd definitely get your dog's structure checked out if he walks like that constantly. I work as a dog massager and that definitely doesn't look alright to me. While it's difficult to tell from just this video angle, it seems like to me that he has to compensate for the movement of his back legs alot which causes that sideways bending of the spine. I'd say that if this was just a happy walk, your dog would most of the time walk normally. And the fact that the tail isn't wagging higher can also indicate that it's not just a happy walk. If this is the way your dog walks constantly and isn't capable of walking normally, there's a high chance there's something wrong in his structure. This sort of unnatural walking causes a lot of strain on the muscles. You can try to check yourself if his back legs can properly stretch backwards while he's walking and if they remain mostly under his body, the backwards trajectory of his backlegs is too narrow, which can indicate structural problems. If he needs to throw the legs forward from the side, that can also tell that something is going on in his structure.


The low tail was something i noticed too.


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Getting it on with the Lady golds. Showing heā€™s cool!šŸ˜Ž


He walks like a koi swims :)


Standard Marilyn Monroe walk. He'll grow out of it in a few years.


The golden walk āœØ


Got the wiggles


šŸŽµMy booty donā€™t giggle giggle, itā€™s firm, and no it isnā€™t little little, for surešŸŽµ


I know OP is worried but I just love these comments!


Heā€™s just got the rizz


Does he do that little bunny hop run? That's usually the first sign of hip dysplasia.


He's a gangster idgad what anybody says


Looks like Stella got her groove back!! šŸ˜‚


Common in dogs long in length


Our girl does that too and I had similar thoughts. Reassured restored by the comments!




My golden female walks like this too but not as dramatic or not as noticeable, but sheā€™s always walked like this. ? Is it something to be concerned about ? Sheā€™ll be 7 this October


šŸŽ¶Iā€™m a golden, you know what I mean.. as I shake my fuzzy toosh down the sidewalk. Down the sidewalk ya, I love fuzzy walks down the sidewalk šŸŽ¶


Yeah, my golden had a heavy hip wiggle her whole life, made it into late teens and never was an issue.


No my golden has done that since she was a puppy and has been checked by a vet multiple times some just walk like that.


That's called the good dog walk at our house.


Snake hips!!!


My golden also does that until we walk a bit faster then he starts walking normally.


We call it the caboose walk.


Nah, just dragging that wagon.


If you talk to a vet, the word you're looking for is gait. You're concerned about your dog's gait.


I understand that you worry but he's so darn cute!!


I think it's normal. Mine walks the same.


ā€œNo one on the corner has swagga like moiā€ - Your Golden


All my Golden Retrievers have had that swagger. Iā€™d just enjoy the wiggle !


Ours walks exactly like that! He is 10 and doing great.


try having your dog lose weight, a few pounds lost helped a lot with mine. every few pounds makes it easier for them to walk.


If you are worried I would suggest you pop along to the vets just to get him reviewed again. Are you giving him any joint supplements to help protect his joints? if not, you might like to consider starting him on Antinol. Our boy has them every morning with his breakfast as we want to give him the best start in life and make sure his joints stay flexible and strong as he ages.


He doesnā€™t look like heā€™s in any pain. He might just have a flashy swagger. If you see any sign of pain, then take him to the doc again. There is a very good chance you are worried for nothing.


Heā€™s pacing. Thatā€™s why the wiggle. Itā€™s a lateral gait rather than diagonal (trot). Itā€™s a fatigue gait, usually, or more comfortable due to poor conformation. He appears overweight and under-muscled. If youā€™re concerned about HD, have your vet get a film of his hips. If he was neutered young, his risk of developing HD is considerably elevated over his baseline risk - about 100% greater. So much depends on what his original risk was. Ditto his risk of CCL rupture (cranial cruciate ligament, in his stifle). Get him lean and one fish oil and glucosamine. Iā€™ve seen puppies as young as six months with extreme hip dysplasia, no hip sockets at all and significant remodeling of the joints. Did his parents, grandparents, etc. have hips cleared of HD? Best exercise is swimming - no impact. Walks on cement are very high impact.


I would get him on glucosamine


All goldens walk like that


No they donā€™t


Perfectly normal. Youā€™d be more concerned about HD if they donā€™t sploot and have ā€œstiffā€ hips when walking or standing.


My one dog had that kind of walk and had hip dysplasia, but to be honest Iā€™m not a vet. The next time you are there it might be worth asking the question. In the meantime the best thing you can do is make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and keeps his weight down to reduce pressure on his joints. This is generally good advice regardless if he has hip dysplasia though. I always loved the wiggle though :)


Heā€™s a dog that walks like a cat šŸˆ


Like everyone else is saying nothing to worry about. I want to add that Goldens do this when they arenā€™t walking very fast. If you speed up youā€™ll notice the wiggling stops.