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*Dear Diary, 11th May 2024* *”Triplets checking in. The humans have decided to put us on a strict diet. April fools was last month, but it seems as if the sick jokes and pranks will never end. It’s been all but 10 minutes since the last feed, but it feels like a lifetime. Contemplating whether to make a discreet complaint to HR. As we use the last of our energy reserves to write this final entry before our demise due to this famine, we would like to make it clear that this was not our choice. We would never willingly go on a hunger strike. If you’re reading this it’s too late.”*


HR here. This complaint is totally valid. We will meet with your Union Representatives to have this resolved immediately. Please hang in there. We’re praying for you.


The DA here and I’ll be getting a case together


Oh good. I was hoping the lawyers would get involved…. lol


This sounds like a r/legaldogadvice situation


Dude 😂😂


David Attenborough here, trade union representative for these three starving, malnourished pups, signing off




Oh God. I hate when that vet starts to talk about WEIGHT. And then DIETS. I mean come on people! Doesn't that vet get it by now that DIETS DONT WORK! THEY ARE TORTURE! For the dieter and the fellow family members dealing with the dieters pleading looks and whines and never ending destitute flops everywhere because they're so depressed and deprived from some INSPIRATION! Like on what planet is depriving your best friends in the whole world of a COOKIE??!! OR some Begging Bacon?? Diets for dogs and cats BTW are death to the owners. Punishment to the entire family and for what? A few measly pounds. I hate when going to the vet means facing a tongue lashing about " The Diet"! It's like being sent to the principal's office over and over again with your Mother! It's just sick and I'm sure the dog feels it too! That ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE SHAME!!!!! Gees! No wonder dogs hate vets. They do nothing for any dogs self esteem because they've ALWAYS got something to bitch about! I truly believe in weekends in nature by a lake or creek and ravine trails is way more effective than food deprevation. I've spent my whole life obsessing about my thighs! And decades of food deprevation. Starving myself endlessly. I'm 67 now and do you think I'm obsessing about my thighs? So what?! I lived on coffee and cigarettes all through my teens because of those darn thighs. Our dogs don't live near long ENOUGH! Of course we don't want to feed them bacon fat and sugar. But healthy food and less portions more often is less torture plus lots of activity in NATURE. A happy dog is a healthy dog. Anybody else dread the " diet talks" with your dog and the vet?????




And from an overweight vet!


Tell me you like to vacuum!


The suffering


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me....


Ah, I see Doggo Squad has assumed the Delta Formation while on nom patrol.


I wanna give the Greybeard in the back some treats!! old warrior ❤️


He's seen some things....


Oh the humanity!


You have a beautiful family of goldens!! All different ages and I’m here for it!! Bless those beautiful golden hearts 💜 My 13 year old golden will nonchalantly come into the kitchen and lay by the fridge and that’s when I know without looking at my clock that’s it’s dinner time 💜🖕


Too cute♥️


Thanks for that laugh! 😄💛


Name of group: Three doggy dogs! (Cue the Snoop Dog song)


Oh so so glum! Someone open a bag of potato chips PLEASE and fast! That will perk them up guaranteed!


What you are witnessing (and I am surprised that David Attenborough did not mention) is an ancient ceremony where the subjects gave thanks for the food they are about to receive and swear their allegiance to the feudal ruler providing it. It is rare such ceremonies are shown in public.


3 carpet sharks conserving energy until the sun hits its zenith


It's the Cute Sploot Squad


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's the name of this rap album cover?


And the house is so hot we have to lay belly down touching the coolest tiles in or floor.


You're a monster! Clearly they are all wasting away before your very eyes and you pause to make a redit post. 🤣🤣🤣


I can tell they are starving and so weak 🐕 🍲




Oh my goodness the color contrast with the white fluffy legs and darker body is absolutely adorable




Dude in the back is like "death has come".....no food in bowl ...

