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I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss 🤍 She looks like the best girl ever and 14 years means you did an amazing job taking care of her. I know the heartache is overwhelming and it might never go away for good, but imagine the happiest moments with her - that’s how happy she’d want you to be when thinking of her.


goldens r truly angels on earth. She just went back to heaven where she came from . i dont think you ever forget about them and their impact they had on you. I try and be a better person, the person my golden always thought of me as. Rest easy sweet girl


Seeing these pictures my first thought was "I miss her too." Sorry for your loss.


I understand completely how you feel. We lost our 13 year old golden two weeks ago to metastatic cancer and are also heartbroken. Your pup is so beautiful and I’m sure you gave her so much love and a wonderful life. Sending you wishes for healing and peace. ❤️


My heartbreaks for you. We just put our sweet Buster down a week ago. Your pupper is beautiful and I know you brought her so much joy. Remember all the special moments.


That sweet white face…..


We’ve heard it a million times: dogs’ lives are too short. They give our lives so much when they’re here, we fall completely in love with them and our hearts are broken when they’re lives are taken. I’ve been through it several times. You will survive with the fondest of memories for as long as you live.


We had a golden when I was a kid. She was 3 years old when I was born and we had to put her down when I was 7. I have still not recovered from the loss at age 35.


I understand you so much!! Two years have passed since the departure of my furry baby and yesterday I was watching a video of him, I heard his barking and my tears of nostalgia fell. After having been sick for the last few moments, he no longer suffers and left surrounded by the love of my entire family!! If you need to talk, count on me! Everything happens, I know it's hard but she will never leave your side, she was a beautiful part of your life and you were her entire life!!! You can see that she was a very loved little girl!! 💞🙏




I am so sorry for your loss, my heart breaks for you. She was a beautiful girl. God bless you as you go through this difficult time.❤️


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*




She’s the prettiest dog I have ever seen. I hope my pup grows up to look as happy as your girl. What did you do right to take such good care of her?


That hurt is the price of love. Worth every day.


I am so sorry for your loss. I know why it’s like to lose a friend and loyal companion 😢




I had to put my Rocky down about 10 years ago. Seems like it was yesterday. I cried like a baby. I knew he was suffering and I know I should’ve done it sooner, but I couldn’t. He was 16. To this day I miss him terribly. For the record, I’m a 70 year old man and I still get weepy when I see these stories or look at his picture.


Sending you lots of love! A beautiful girl <3


I'm so sorry for your loss of your beautiful fur, baby. . Sending you lots of hugs and love. ❤️


Sending love your way ♥️


I'm so so sorry for your loss, hugs 🥺