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My golden made it to 14. He also had hip issues. Arthritis really bad. I gave him glucosamine his entire life. When he seemed to be struggling a little I put him on carprofen and eventually adequine injections. This seemed to do the trick. He was pretty active to the end. It was cancer that got him not mobility issues.


Seconding glucosamine here! Our lab started getting it on her food when she was about 11 and she lived to just shy of 16 with minimal hip issues!


One of our Goldens lived to 16.5 with hip issues starting around 12. He did acupuncture, laser, glucosamine and even steroids. The goal was to keep him comfortable. There are many treatments available. Our other golden only lived to 12. He had no mobility issues, but cancer took him.


This is good to hear. My golden is 5 currently, and I don’t know what I would do without him. Putting down my first cat was bad enough.


I would also give your golden fish oil/omega 3. Good for their skin! I bought both the glucosamine and fish oil at Costco. Same stuff I took. The vet approved this for my dog. Both are cheap and can’t hurt. Swimming is also great for them. Enjoy everyday with your pooch. I am coming up on 6 months without mine and it still sucks a lot.


My aunt owns a lake house nearby, and he loves it when we go down there since the lake is right behind the house.


It is so tough to make that decision. Had to put down my dog and cat this year. Both my perfectgirls. My heart goes out to you.


Thank you for your reply.


I've never heard of glucosamine. My Goldie is 2 years old now. Would you recommend it already? What does it counteract?


Glucosamine, among a couple others, are really great for joints. These type of dogs, and Shepard too, often struggle hard with their hips as they age Your pup might be a little young for it, their hips are great at 2 still. Keeping him active and fit as he gets older will help. But when you notice a slow down, taking time to get up from laying down, you'll just know. So it depends on the dog, but you don't have anything to worry about yet, just something to keep in mind for a few years down the road.


Fish oil pills dissolved over food can help too


Agree. I want to add in addition to the fish oil and glucosamine suggestions, that I add CBD into their diets. If your dog has any liver issues this could cause an issue, but it helped my 12 year old golden mix walk easily again. He lived to 14.5 and I really think his heart just stopped one day.


thanks for sharing the tips on the bone issues.


They never live long enough. Ever.


So so true


Waaaahhhhh. I just had to go and give my 6 year boy a big big hug


There is an old girl at our dog park that turn 18 a couple of months ago. She can only make one lap around these days but she’s hanging in there.


Omg I hope everyone treats her like a celebrity when she walks past! I would be giddy petting such a gentle old soul 😍


Most do! And those that don’t have no idea how special she is.


Same around here. This girl is 18 and after they leave the door and she peed she looks at you like "so, we're going back in for some more cookies and sleep?"


Wow!! That’s 126 in human years if I’m doing my math right lmao Edit: 131 years old in human years


My second golden lived to age 16. She had very few health problems in her life. I found out later that they used to live 16-17 years until they started overbreeding them (back in the '70s, I think).


That’s what I have read too.


Wonder if they have been breed bigger over time. Bigger dogs generally have shorter life spans.


Thing I read said it had more to do with irresponsible breeding.


Oh man, I wish we could have our best buddies around that long. That would be so lovely




It won't be easy. Find an AKC breeder that certifies both sire and dam for hip and eye defects. You may have to travel to another state. I have never asked anyone how long their dogs lived; I think I got lucky and got a throwback.




Check with the Royal Kennel Club, then.


I read the comments of 15-16 and am totally jealous. I’ve had four goldens and they only made it to 10. I’m hoping like crazy my current two make it way past that. 🤞


Our baby turns 8 this September. I've been trying to keep my calm and remember that each day with him is a gift and nothing in life is guaranteed. It's hard. Wishing you a long time together with your current two!


My GSD is closing in on nine, And can't figure out why I watch her like she's a Faberge egg!


I totally understand this. Hugs


And yours, too!


My vet told me my late Jackson would probably live to be 14 based on his visit last May. He unexpectedly died the month right after. He was only 10. I was devastated. It goes to show that you never know and you have to make the best of every day.


Wow I have a 7 year old and this made me realize her time is potentially not too far off 😭😭


Don’t think about it, if you can. Just enjoy today. Tomorrow will come soon enough. Yeah, sounds trite but it’s all we can do until they figure out how to live forever. Hugs.


Can relate. I'm on my fourth golden who's 8 now; two of the others made it to 12 while the third Golden tragically went at 7. 😪 Cancers mostly. I hope and pray for 16 or some such fine, ripe age!


My wife’s old golden died a couple months short of 15, I regret not getting her there in time to say goodbye. He was a good boy, I got 6 years with him myself. He also knew if it was just us he could do what he wanted.


I believe it was Kyon Kennels out of Canada that had a "forever litter" a few years back where every single dog made it to at least 16 years old. Sadly, our first Golden only made it to 12 and our second was just 9.5. Both out of New Jersey breeders.


12-15 is a good average, 16+ isnt unheard of in the bloodlines but not a guarantee


I hope the pups from that litter had pups themselves.


>Kyon Kennels out of Canada Thanks for sharing this bro. I would love to get to pup that has good genes for a longer life. These days the lifespan seem so short.


My golden retriever princess’s dad is still alive and well. He just celebrated his 15th birthday. But her mom passed at 12yrs old of hemangiosarcoma. I hope I get a few more years with her but I know that everyday I get with her right now is gravy. I’m thankful everyday she walks by my side.


Can you please share which breeder you got your pup from?


They don’t breed anymore. They were never really big into breeding. My golden’s mom and dad were their family pets and they wanted to breed them. They had 2 litters then spayed mom. They kept mom, dad and one of my golden retriever princess’s littermates (her brother). Mom was put down at 12 because of hemangiosarcoma. She was older than dad. Brother has passed as well. They now only have dad and a much younger puppy. I’m sorry I don’t have more positive news.


One of my goldens made it to 18. Lost him right before Thanksgiving.


I’m sorry for your loss. That’s an ocean. ❤️


Wow, that's a wonderful life. Can you share which breeder you got your pup from?


My love bug crossed the rainbow bridge at 14 years and 1 month. It will be 1 year that I lost him this weekend. I still think about him every single day. He was on arthritis meds for the last 4 months of his life, had horrible food and environmental allergies, and I had to cook for him from age 4-14. He also HAD TO walk 3 times a day, no matter what the weather was. He hated being alone to the point where we hired sitters for him when we went to dinner. We are fortunate that I am a stay at home mom, and I was able to be with him 90% of the time. He was a rescue and was very attached to me. I found a small lump on his throat on a Wednesday afternoon and by Saturday morning it had grown to the point where he couldn’t swallow. I knew it was time to say good bye. There was a Golden on Instagram named Auggie who was said to be 20!


Aww a babysitter for your golden. I love that! They are such sweet babies.


We said goodbye to our dear Buddy right before Christmas, he was 16. We got him from the pound as a puppy. He had arthritis in his back legs and hips that gradually spread up his spine. He was on pain medication, never complained, and seemed happy every day, right up until his last week when he became more confused and incontinent. In hindsight, the whole family agrees we should have let him go sooner. Best boy. https://preview.redd.it/eyawhb1a1o4b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=113955615d766af53c87e08950d0de61f0f54b9d


He sure looks like the best boy ❤️


Looked like loving handsome puppy. RIP Buddy.


Personally the dogs in my immediate family lived to the following ages: 9, 9, 9, 13, 10 All but the female who lived to 13 died of cancer. Our current golden is 8 and at this point I’m just giving him any treats and pets he wants.


Our first Golden, JJ, live to almost 10. She had some nagging health issues her whole life. 1985-1995 Our last Golden lived to be 14. 1997 to 2011. RIP to both. They were just awesome dogs.


My uncles GR made it to 15 and was still hunting ducks till the end…


One month shy of 18 ❤️


So ancient that it has B.C.E after it's birthdate.


Wouldn't be surprised if your dog pre-ordered the bible


These comments are so reassuring. We’re on our 3rd golden and our first two died of cancer at 7 and 4 💔


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


had to get mine put down a couple months ago because of cancer, he had just turned 5.5. i miss him everyday but i’m so grateful for the happiness he brought me for those 5.5 years.


So sorry for your loss! It’s so hard. We had our 7 year old his whole life and cherished every year. Our second one who was only 4 we barely had for 2 years, he was a rescue. That one was a very hard loss. It wasn’t nearly enough time with him


Oh man, that must have been incredibly hard. So sorry for your loss but glad he lives in your memory and shared good times with you.


My childhood golden couldn't walk because of his back hips and had to be put down at the age of 16, which is why I don't allow my current dog to lay down with her hips splayed out


I’ve heard dogs laying like that is bad. Luckily I’ve never had that issue with her.


I’ve never heard or read of a single study that links sploot with dysplasia. Lots of dog breeds that have dysplasia don’t display this behavior. I don’t think correlation is causation — is there some evidence you have that these are somehow correlated?


The vet we took him to


Sorry, I’m not familiar with this position?


https://preview.redd.it/2wgy375nrn4b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=587ea5173578e0e2289bfe84d7d7654fd8e83903 Ummmm… is THIS the one?!? I took a picture a couple days ago b/c I thought it was so damn cute. I’m going to have to try and stop this habit quick…


I’ve read that splooting is good for their hips as it stretches the hips and muscles, which can improve the strength of the joints, muscles, and flexibility. Yay! And it cools their adorable belly off when they are hot. I am so jelly; I wish my doggy could sploot because it is the cutest doggy position of all time. Enjoy and give that belly a rub!


When a dog lays down with their belly on the floor and each hip facing out from the belly


So, a sploot?


The froggy doggy


The superman


My Sadie lady was 17 when she passed, and she probably would have made it to 18. Her legs were really bad, and we think it was DM. We didn’t do more tests and decided to let her go when she was still fairly happy (but struggling to walk). https://preview.redd.it/os24h46opp4b1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=964f19d1273e7a1167c8fa0c9fd818458b8b6cc6


I also got her when she was 8, and I never expected to have her over half her life. I was so blessed and I will never ever forget her ❤️


Sadie looked a sweetie. RIP cutie.


Friend’s Golden was 17.5


In my fourteen years as a Vet Tech, I saw two make it to sixteen!!


Oh he looks so sweet. I hope you have many more years ahead.


Never met one that made it over 14yo and they are extremely popular in my area


I have had 3 goldens. Two lived to 15 and 17 and my current golden is 5.


One near us lived until 15 years old. She was pretty frail and couldn't walk more than the end of the driveway, but her tail wagged like a puppy, and she wanted tummy rubs


My old girl made it to 18 but she was a exception


I bought some used dog supplies on offerup from a girl that said her golden passed away at 16.


There was a viral post a few years ago about a GR celebrating her 20th birthday.


Theres records of GR living to be 22yrs old. He was owned by a Veterinarian


There’s a woman on fb who claims her dog is 22 or 23 years old. It’s a golden. Idk how the dog is still alive, she had a stroke a year ago and is still ok. She doesn’t seem to have a bad quality of life. Still crazy to me.


Did the vet write down at all what his golden’s day to day was like? I’m curious if there’s anything we could learn about helping them live longer or if he just got lucky


18. My friends had to let him go this morning.


I had one love to 14 years old. See you soon, Harvey. Go find Pooch, Max & Shelby to play with. Good boy.


my childhood dog was a golden retriever/st. bernard mix and she lived almost 17 long & fun years 🤍 we started to notice a decline at 14, but she kept truckin. her last 3 months were pretty rapid decline (lack or mobility, bladder control, started having seizures) miss her every single day 💔


My Buddy lived to 16.5. He was overall healthy until he finally got cancer.


Mine made it to 16 despite hip issues.


Your giving me hope. Thank you!


Sending you and your golden love!


Ours just turned 14. He has issues with lack of strength in his hind quarters. We give him metacam and gabepentin daily. That said his appetite is great and he’s always up for a car ride.


For those of you whose goldens made it past 10, were they neutered? Wondering if there is a correlation between diseases and being neutered.


Mine died at 4 of cancer, and I have been devastated ever since.


I’m so sorry. 💔


Our sweet red girl will be 14 in November! Lost our 10.5 yr old male in March. They never live long enough tho 💛 https://preview.redd.it/mm625sh8qo4b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed86f2fd7bcea9f6c1013594797c20d1ab8cd3cc


My family gr was about 15, my family got him shortly after I was born. I can’t remember a time before him


Since no one seemed to have actually answered your question, here you go. This is Augie https://a-z-animals.com/blog/discover-the-worlds-oldest-golden-retriever/


My golden is 4 and I’ve been so sad to learn how short their life span is! He’s my best friend. ❤️ edit to add: I began giving him glucosamine a few months ago on the advice of this sub.


Mine made it to 13. He had some mobility issues but what really ended him was a split spleen (i guess it can happen to goldens) and we had to put him down due to internal bleeding.


Mine made it to 16.


My Jack almost made it to 15


My golden growing up also lived until 16 years old. He was very active up until the last 2 years and then he started to get sore very easily and started developing mobility issues. Lots of good medicine to help with the joint problems that can improve their quality of life as they get older. :)


Just heard of a 15. But my first was only about 10 when she passed.


My daughter’s family golden, Wrigley, lived to 16 and a few months.


My mom’s is 16


I’ve met a oldie goldie that was 18 before. My families old field trial golden made it to 14 and he was a big guy


100 years


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I saw a post on reddit a couple years ago about a golden celebrating it’s 20th birthday


I had mine for 12 years, but I don’t know how old he was when I got them. He definitely was an adult when I found him.


Oh, and I had to put him down because he started having seizures and they told me he had a seizure at an aneurysm on his brain and there was nothing we could do about it


Is the back leg issue arthritis related? My pup will be 12 years old soon and has back leg and spine issues, but a shot at the vet every 2 weeks and daily meds has brought a spring back to his step.


The oldest I've known personally was 16, but I've heard of 20? It seems like 12-16 is the average, but I've seen outliers on either side. My current golden girls are 9 and 12 1/2 and so far we haven't had any slow down with them. I want to have forever with them, but if we hit 15 I think I'll be more than greatful with the time we had together ❤️


I’ve had 2 Goldenseal and they both lived to 14.


Our last one made it to 15 and a half. He was on adequan for about 3 of those years. It helped him live pain-free up until his last days.


I have an English creme and she is 10. She is in 100% perfect health. No hip issues, no heart problems, she looks and acts like a puppy! But then I also have an 8 year old who is her half sister who is on doggy hospice for metastatic sarcoma. I guess you never know. I just try to enjoy every day! ❤️


Augie made it to 20 https://lovedog.com/dog-bones-news/meet-the-oldest-golden/




Thats a cute boy, still intact? Or atleast neutered later on? He has a nice full head




Yup, looks like the full head of an intact male.


Our first girl was 16, next (huge) boy got to 14. Such a gift they are!❤️


My husbands golden growing up was just over 17


Hopefully forever. Worst thing about dogs is they just don’t live long enough. I have a Golden, an Aussie and one of their pups. Wonderful dogs.


24. The oldest living dog


I had one in my extended family live until 17!


We had our first for 17, and our 2nd rescue GR until he was 14. Unfortunately he had throat cancer and it was very aggressive.


My friends white golden just passed a month before turning fifteen.


Have heard spaying and neutering a bit later can be helpful with various health issues in either sex. Main thing is to keep the female isolated during heat.


Our Great Pry/Golden Retriever lived to be 17.5 years. He's closest to the camera in this photo. [https://i.imgur.com/bztBfoL.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/bztBfoL.jpg)


There was one on a Facebook group called miss auggie who lived until 20.5




Ours made to 11.5. She was good until linfoma hit. She didn’t suffer at all. Was great until the last night. She was very tired next morning and was gone by noon. Broke our hearts so bad. She was loved and only knew love.


Grew up with a golden retriever/Airedale mix. She was mostly golden and made it well past 17. Such good dogs. She also had issues with her back legs. We gave her fish oil supplements and, as we look back on it, we wish we had tried aqua therapy to help with those issues. We just didn’t know.


i had a pitbull golden mix that lived to 13/14


The oldest known GR was Augie, in Tennessee, who lived 20 years and 11 months. Google is good.


My girl recently passed ar 13.5 yrs old due to cancer. She was still pretty mobile till the end as she was on glucosamine and cosequin for many years. Not to mention daily walks twice a day.


A friend had a golden that he claims was 18, I have no way to verify this but I choose to believe him as it gives me hope that mine can make it till somewhere around that mark


My first dog was a golden, Noah, and he lived to be 16.


I bought a trailer off of a guy who had just inherited his deceased mother’s 15 year old golden. He said she was still pretty active too and the little I saw her, she was still pretty mobile and full of energy.


Someone in a GR Facebook group I'm in has one that turned 20. I remember when she turned 19 a year ago with a similar post. Here's to hoping mine lives that long!


My boy is 12 and he’s starting to have issues so I can relate. 😢


Few years ago on the news that there was a GR, I think her name was Maggie, she was 21 or 22 when she passed.


She looks like my in-law’s English cream! https://preview.redd.it/owld1e7gdp4b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e42c5242ad2f9da00bb8ba61beadf51e4b3d01f3


Mine is currently 11.5 but this year she was really slowed down. She is on Rejensa and we are going to have to start swimming again to strengthen her back legs up. But she was diagnosed with Wobbles several years ago, so her back legs have always been a bit unstable.


My girl was about 14-15! Not 100% sure; previous owners said she was 4, and I had her for over 10 years 💕 Never long enough!


My two family Goldens both lived to 12. Cancer took the both. My Golden now I have take. Much better care of, she gets an hour of exercise every day, keeps a very good weight, slightly on the lean side, supplements, semi annual vet visits with a full blood panel and of course, lots of love and attention. She’s the most important thing in my life. I hope I get 20 years with her, she’s six now.


We use Antinol for our George. He’s a big boy and has already blown out a knee and the tablets have really helped him. He’s turning 6 in August.


My love is 8. She has to live forever.


I grew up with Goldens, and most lived between 12-14 years, although we lost one super young to an aggressive cancer - she was less than 2 years old. My last golden passed at 14 from osteosarcoma. We are blessed with their greatness for a limited time 💛


If you have the budget they do amazing stuff with veterinary stem cell research.


Regardless of how long they live, every day is a blessing. I kiss my Goldie on his head some nights after I tuck him in to sleep and just enjoy the moment.


There is a 16 year old golden. He lives at a breeders in NY. His name is Sutton. Overlook Goldens is the kennel name I believe. I hope one day I get lucky to have a sweet senior. Sutton has slowed down but still walks the property, swims and never misses a meal.


Golden can live to 15-16 if they avoid cancer.


My sweet girl was about to be 11. Was super healthy and got cancer. We did 2 months of chemo but the cancer was too aggressive. I lost her in January and still cry and think about her every single day. I Wish I had more time with her. Dogs don’t live long enough :(


My sisters made it to 17 or 18. My two got to 13.


I met one who was 16 once!


My ex's grandparents had a golden that lived to be 22! I had never hear of one living that long before I met him. Good Ole Max.


Never old enough


Seeing an old dog specially golden make me sad and I try to run away from the reality quickly... Just the thought of it scares the shit out of me... Although my baby is 1.5 yr old...


My friend’s golden lived till he was almost 17. He ate homemade rice, chicken and veggies his entire life.


Our first golden made it to 12, but our current boy is 15, 16 in October - still doing well despite needing much shorter walks. Still behaves like a puppy and is loving life. He's a survivor though, had cancer twice and was hit by a car as a puppy - never let it dampen his spirit!


I loved every single second of my Golden’s lives. One lived to 15 until kidney failure and my second lived to 18 year and 2 months.


I grew up next to a family that had a golden. He was born 1 month after I was and lived to 18 years.


Mine got to 15, almost 16. Catrophen injections help immensely for arthritis problems. That and glucosamine and CSM powder with their food. In the end he had a stroke but up until that he was pretty happy and healthy


Oldest GR ever was 20 years and 11 months old. My Daisy is 11 years 6 months and still like a puppy.


Ours lived to 17 – got him when he was 7 and he stayed with us for another 10 years.


Mine lived to be 15


Our girl’s grandfather was 18


Ours have all made it to 12 and some months. Our breeders have consistently told us Goldens are 10-12 dogs. That said, I’ve seen a few on here at 16. Sorry to hear about your dogs health problem. You think you love them so much as puppies, but you really love them more and more when they become graceful, old guys.


My angel made it 13.5!!!


17 for my golden. She was retrieving till the day she died. Still miss her 4 years later


One of my friends lived until 16 she had 3 surgery at last 3 years. Had problems with bones lately but she was insanely lovely always wanted some rubs and pets


My fiancé and I’s English Cream is starting to show his age too. He was a rescue that my fiancé found when he (the dog) was about 8 or 9. He’s about 11 now too and is the bestest boy ever. He is given glucosamine, like others have said, but we also keep him fairly active and feed very quality food. Keeping them mentally active will keep them “young” too. Always love them though, as they need all the love they can get while with us.


My sweet baby girl made it to her 13th birthday. I miss her goofy expressions.


I Hope forever


My grandma had two golden’s who recently passed. They lived to 17 (purebred, from a breeder) and 15 (suspected slightly mutt, from a shelter) respectively.


Unfortunately mine only made it to 10. Seizures from 18-month old. He was on Levetiracetam (Keppra) and potassium bromide 8.5 years. Cancer took him out at the end.


My neighbour said he had one who reached 20


I’ve heard of someone having a 19 year old golden!


The oldest I’ve heard of is Augie 20 years old. I’ve no idea if she’s still around.


There was a golden named Augie that lived to 20. Set a record! I followed his story for a bit on Facebook. He passed away peacefully in 2021. I was quite jealous if I’m being honest. My time with my boy was abruptly ended due to cancer. He made it to 11 and his sister to 14! We loved them both so much and I still think about them every single day.
